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在嵌入式实时软件的开发早期,将构件技术应用于对其进行时间需求的形式化分析中,不但有助于保证软件的正确性和可靠性,还能缩短需求分析周期、提高软件生产率。给出了一种基于构件技术、UML和时间ER网技术的组合时间分析方法,对嵌入式实时软件的时间需求进行分析和检测,实践表明该方法可以检测出需求模型中的时间冲突,有助于保证嵌入式实时软件时间约束的正确性,而且其分析结果具有可复用、可扩展的优点。  相似文献   

嵌入式实时软件在去去计算机软件设计中的应用发展太快,而ARM处理器、嵌入式操作系统、MPEG技术、无线通信协议等硬件或技术的出现更是为其发展提供了有力的支撑。嵌入式实时软件具有不易出现时间错误的特点,这使得在计算机软件设计中具有广泛的应用。应用嵌入式实时软件进行时间环境和技术环境的构建是其最主要的应用方式,时间环境避免软件设计中出现时间错误,技术环境对时间需求进行验证和分析。  相似文献   

嵌入式实时软件具有实时性、多样性的特点,使之广泛应用于各个领域。然而随着人们对软件智能化需求的提高,软件开发的难度和成本逐渐加大,构件化本文在详细分析构件化软件开发技术的基础上,结合嵌入式实时软件的开发特点、开发环境等方面对嵌入式实时软件的框架结构进行了系统的分析研究。  相似文献   

实时嵌入式系统是安全关键设备的计算与控制核心.为了保证系统的时间行为正确,要求其软硬件具有时序确定性和可预测性.而现代计算机系统的各个抽象层次均缺乏时间语义,无法满足硬实时安全性设计要求.针对指令集体系结构层次的基础设施缺乏时间语义的问题,尝试重新定义实时嵌入式系统的指令集和微体系结构.首先,提出一种具有时间语义的实时...  相似文献   

嵌入式实时软件通用框架模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
框架是一种在某个领域获得软件重用的重要途径,描绘的是一个待建应用系统软件的主要结构.从实时嵌入式系统的两大特性着手,提出了一个通用的嵌入式实时软件框架模型,深入分析了该框架下的资源模型、时间模型、任务模型、调度模型和通信模型以及它们之间的相互依赖关系,并且进行了建模.该模型在某航空机载系统研究中得到了应用并切实提高了软件的开发效率和可维护性,具有一定的工程理论和应用价值.  相似文献   

目前,能够对汽车电子领域中复杂嵌入式系统安全关键软件功能模和时间约束分析的方法尚在研究中,而这些系统作为实时控制系统,应该确保其具有准确的、可分析的时间行为。时钟约束规范语言CCSL是实时系统的标准描述语言中描述时钟约束的规范语言。采用CCSL规范表达式描述实时系统时间约束;设计了CCSL基本元素到时间自动机基本元素的转换规则;使用时间自用机验证工具UPPAAL对转换得到的自动机模型进行验证分析,验证实时系统是否满足相应的时间约束。  相似文献   

嵌入式实时软件的主要特征表现在三个方面,依次为时限性、可靠性以及安全性[1].在嵌入式系统中,时限性是极为关键的因素,主要作用表现在确定性方面,若不满足时限需求,则有可能给嵌入式实时软件带来严重的影响;同样地,计算机系统和工作时间均会对嵌入式软件的系统产生影响,在其管理因素中,最重要的便是可靠性,若在规定时间中未完成任务,威胁到可靠性,也会影响到嵌入系统,甚至造成经济损失;除此之外,只要工作的环境足够安全,计算机运行中运用嵌入式系统时,其安全性方可得到保证,且系统也能够高效运行.  相似文献   

嵌入式实时软件涉及到计算机处理器的信息处理与控制,对该软件的应用需要深入的了解才能控制其达到预期的效果.嵌入式实时软件在总体的构思上进行了创新,赋予计算机软件设计新的活力.在当今互联网迅速发展的年代,计算机技术的发展前景也比较理想,相对应的计算机软件设计也在不断地创新.基于计算机嵌入式实时软件在计算机软件设计中起到的重要作用,我们务必需要加强相关嵌入式实时软件应用的研究,进而完善软件的原理性能和作用.本文通过阐述嵌入式实时软件在计算机软件设计中的应用,嵌入式实时软件的特点和原理,以及举例说明相关应用的案例来进行具体的分析.  相似文献   

一种基于UMTS核心网的定时器实现方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对UMTS核心网呼叫连接协议的实现,提出了一种软件定时器的实现方案。该方案以WinCE实时嵌入式系统作为开发环境,采用单链表队列和相对时间项方式的定时器数据结构,基于时间相对算法建立了定时器单一线程和插入、删除程序,以实现协议所规定的多定时器逻辑功能。在嵌入式系统编程过程中,运用互斥量机制完成定时器线程与插入、删除程序的通信同步;运用堆管理机制完成系统内存的动态分配与释放。对该方案的主要技术和实现结构作了论述,并给出了关键代码;还对UMTS协议结构和WinCE相关机制作了分析。实验表明,该设计方案具有编程效率高、实时性能好和系统开销小的特点,适合基于嵌入式系统的通信协议定时器编程。  相似文献   

随着嵌入式实时系统低能耗研究的不断深入,软件能耗已经成为影响系统的主要因素,并朝着定量分析方向发展.针对嵌入式实时系统缺乏有效的软件能耗建模与分析的方法,提出一种基于进程代数的嵌入式实时系统软件能耗建模与分析的方法.通过在时间通信顺序进程上扩展价格信息得到价格时间通信顺序进程,将嵌入式实时系统指令的功耗映射成价格时间通信顺序进程的价格,利用价格时间通信顺序进程对嵌入式实时系统软件能耗建模并进行量化分析,提出的最优路径算法可以对建模结果进行指令功耗可满足性检查,并计算当前最低能耗可达路径.该方法可以从很大程度上提高嵌入式实时系统软件能耗计算和分析的准确性,计算结果有助于嵌入式实时系统软件能耗的量化分析和优化设计.  相似文献   

Automated prototyping tool-kit (APT) is an integrated set of software tools that generate source programs directly from real-time requirements. The APT system uses a fifth-generation prototyping language to model the communication structure, timing constraints, I/O control, and data buffering that comprise the requirements for an embedded software system. The language supports the specification of hard real-time systems with reusable components from domain specific component libraries. APT has been used successfully as a research tool in prototyping large war-fighter control systems (e.g. the command-and-control station, cruise missile flight control system, patriot missile defense systems) and demonstrated its capability to support the development of large complex embedded software.  相似文献   

Nowadays, component-based embedded real- time systems have been used to improve the system development as well as to keep cost down through the reuse of embedded software applications. Besides, the use of semi-formal models has been widely adopted in the embedded real-time system component and system life cycle due to their friendly and intuitive notations. However, the ever more complex systems of today require modeling methods that allow early detection of potential problems in the initial phases of development. This paper presents the mapping process of UML state machine diagram into a time Petri net with energy constraints so as to estimate execution time and energy consumption in early phases of the embedded real-time component development life cycle. The estimates obtained from the model show that the proposed approach is indeed a good approximation to the respective measures obtained from the real hardware platform.  相似文献   

PSDL is a language for describing prototypes of real-time software systems. It is most useful for requirements analysis, feasibility studies, and the design of large embedded systems. PSDL has facilities for recording and enforcing timing constraints, and for modeling the control aspects of real-time systems using nonprocedural control constraints, operator abstractions, and data abstractions. The language has been designed for use with an associated prototyping methodology. PSDL prototypes are executable if supported by a software base containing reusable software components in an underlying programming language (e.g. Ada)  相似文献   

UML顺序图是一种常用的在软件开发早期阶段用来描述系统基于场景的需求规约的一种可视化建模语言。通过在UML顺序图中加入带时间区间标志的时间约束,得到时间顺序图模板TSDT(Timed Sequence Diagram Template),用来建立嵌入式软件基于场景的需求规约模型。对消息传递自动机进行实时扩展,得到时间消息传递自动机TMPA(Timed Message Passing Automata),TMPA以自动机的形式刻画了所建立的需求规约模型,为在需求阶段验证所建立的模型是否满足用户需求奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Advances in digital technologies have contributed for significant reduction in accidents caused by hardware failures. However, the growing complexity of functions performed by embedded software has increased the number of accidents caused by software faults in critical systems. Moreover, due to the highly competitive market, software intensive subsystems are usually developed by different suppliers. Often these subsystems are required to interact with each other in order to provide a collaborative service. Testing approaches for subsystems integration support verification of the quality of service, focusing on the subsystems interfaces. The increasing complexity and tight coupling of real-time subsystems make integration testing unmanageable. The ad-hoc approach for testing is becoming less effective and more expensive. This article presents an integration testing approach denominated InRob, designed to verify the interoperability and robustness related to timing constraints of real-time embedded software. InRob guides the construction of services, based on formal models, aiming at the specifications of interoperability and robustness of test cases related to delays and time-outs of the messages exchanged in the interfaces of interconnected subsystems. The proposed formalism supports automatic test cases generation by verifying the relevant properties in the service behavioral model. As timing constraints are critical properties of aerospace systems, the feasibility of InRob is showed in the integration testing process of a telescope onboard in a satellite. The process is instantiated with existing testing tools and the case study is the software embedded in the telescope.  相似文献   

Concurrent real-time software is increasingly used in safety-critical embedded systems. Assuring the quality of such software requires the rigor of formal methods. In order to analyze a program formally, we must first construct a mathematical model of its behavior. In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing such models for concurrent real-time software. In particular, we provide a method for building mathematical models of real-time Ada tasking programs that are accurate enough to verify interesting timing properties, and yet abstract enough to yield a tractable analysis on nontrivial programs. Our approach differs from schedulability analysis in that we do not assume that the software has a highly restricted structure (e.g. a set of periodic tasks). Also, unlike most abstract models of real-time systems, we account for essential properties of real implementations, such as resource constraints and run-time overhead  相似文献   

Different distributed real-time systems (DRS) must handle aperiodic and periodic events under diverse sets of requirements. While existing middleware such as Real-Time CORBA has shown promise as a platform for distributed systems with time constraints, it lacks flexible configuration mechanisms needed to manage end-to-end timing easily for a wide range of different DRS with both aperiodic and periodic events. The primary contribution of this work is the design, implementation, and performance evaluation of the first configurable component middleware services for admission control and load balancing of aperiodic and periodic event handling in DRS. Empirical results demonstrate the need for, and the effectiveness of, our configurable component middleware approach in supporting different applications with aperiodic and periodic events, and providing a flexible software platform for DRS with end-to-end timing constraints.  相似文献   


System and software engineers use SysML models for the graphical modeling of the embedded systems. The SysML models are inadequate to express the discrete controllers with continuously evolving variables. The real-time constraints such as discrete and continuous dynamics are considered to be an important aspect in embedded systems. The lack of support of real-time aspect in SysML model can lead to inexplicit modeling of the embedded systems. The imprecise modeling could cause catastrophic results when an embedded system gets operational. In this paper, we propose hybrid automata-based semantics that supports the discrete and continuous behavior in upgraded SysML block diagram. The upgraded SysML block diagram is used for the modeling of the embedded system. Furthermore, we use model checker PRISM for the early design verification of upgraded SysML block diagram. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach with the help of two case studies “temperature control system” and “water level control system”.


We introduce the concept of database proxies intended to mitigate the gap between two disjoint productivity-enhancing techniques: component based software engineering (CBSE) and real-time database management systems (RTDBMS). The two techniques promote opposing design goals and their coexistence is neither obvious nor intuitive. CBSE promotes encapsulation and decoupling of component internals from the component environment, whilst an RTDBMS provide mechanisms for efficient and predictable global data sharing. A component with direct access to an RTDBMS is dependent on that specific RTDBMS and may not be useable in an alternative environment. For components to remain encapsulated and reusable, database proxies decouple components from an underlying database residing in the component framework, while providing temporally predictable access to data maintained in a database. Our approach provide access to features such as extensive data modeling tools, predictable access to hard real-time data, dynamic access to soft real-time data using standardized queries and controlled data sharing; thus allowing developers to employ the full potential of both CBSE and an RTDBMS. Our approach primarily targets embedded systems with a subset of functionality with real-time requirements. The implementation results show that the benefits of using proxies do not come at the expense of significant run-time overheads or less accurate timing predictions.  相似文献   

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