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A study has been made of the physiological effects of three non-penetrating polymeric cryoprotective agents on sixteen different plant and animal cells and tissues. The cryoprotectants, when used at concentrations at which they are effective in preventing ice-crystal formation, generally have a lower toxicity to cells and tissue than similar concentrations of glycerol. The relatively low toxicity of these substances suggests that they would be more suitable as cryoprotectants for morphological and analytical studies than the commonly used low molecular weight compounds.  相似文献   

The solid states formed by vitrified and frozen aqueous solutions of some hydrophilic polymers, able to act as biological cryoprotectants, have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry and freeze fracture electron microscopy. Glass transitions, devitrification, recrystallization and melting behaviour of aqueous solutions of polyvinylpyrrolidone, hydroxyethyl starch and dextran have been established. The vitrified polymer solutions exhibit a characteristic microspheral morphology which is not induced by the quench cooling process but is an inherent feature of the solutions themselves.  相似文献   

Most of our current knowledge of cellular ultrastructure is derived from studies of chemically fixed and chemically cryoprotected preparations. In the first part of this review, we document the many artifacts associated with chemical techniques that render them unsuitable for further refinement of our understanding of cellular ultrastructure. The best method currently available for the preservation of cellular ultrastructure is ultrarapid freezing. The second part of this review is a consideration of the physics of ice crystal formation in biological systems, which suggests that ice crystals will be present in any frozen, uncryoprotected specimen. We define an ultrarapidly frozen preparation as one in which the ice crystals are so small as to be invisible at the electron microscopic level. Improvements in the ease of application and reliability of ultrarapid freezing techniques have reached the point that these techniques can be used by anyone requiring the best achievable preservation of cellular ultrastructure. In the third part of this review, we describe and critique the five methods of ultrarapid freezing in current use.  相似文献   

In Digelasinus diversipes, spermatozoa are maintained in bundles, with 74 spermatozoa on average, in the seminal vesicle. These spermatozoa are very short (20 μm) and consist of a head and flagellum. The head includes an acrosome (perforatorium covered by the acrosomal vesicle) and a nucleus. A regular electron-lucent region separates the acrosomal vesicle from the perforatorium, which is inserted parallel to the anterior ending of the nucleus. The small flagellum is composed of two symmetrical mitochondrial derivatives, a centriolar adjunct, an axoneme (9 + 9 + 2), and two accessory bodies. The centriolar adjunct begins above the posterior end of the nucleus and ends covering the anterior tip of two mitochondrial derivatives. In the terminal region of the axoneme, the central microtubules terminate first. The presence of a subacrosomal space, a short mitochondrial derivative diameter, and a short spermatodesm is the ultrastructure characteristics of spermatozoa shared by all "symphyta" species. Differences in the insertion of the perforatorium into the nucleus and the position of the centriolar adjunct distinguish Dielocerinae and the Arginae studied previously. The number of spermatozoa per cyst is variable. Furthermore, additional characteristics that had not been described for "symphyta" were also found, such as the number of follicles per testis.  相似文献   

The cooling procedures used to prepare samples for ultrastructural examination at low temperatures often differ markedly from those used to recover optimal function of cells on thawing. The implications of these differences are reviewed. Damage and alteration to the structure and function of the cells may be caused by the high concentrations of cryoprotective agents such as glycerol or dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) often added to reduce ice crystal artefacts. Under the rapid cooling conditions commonly employed for structural studies, these additives are not cryoprotective; low rates of cooling are necessary for them to be effective. Rapidly cooled cells that contain intracellular ice are only injured during rewarming so their structure may be as yet unaltered by any damaging effects at low temperatures. Most cells able to recover on thawing are grossly shrunken at low temperatures but since they are potentially functional they are of interest structurally. These cryobiological principles are illustrated with freeze-fracture, freeze substitution and functional assays. The cell types chosen were Chlorella sp. and mammalian tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

Transport of plasma soluble constituents across the capillary wall is of primordial importance in cardiovascular physiology. While physiological experiments have concluded with the existence of two sets of pores, a large one responsible for the transport of proteins and a small one designed for the diffusion of small solutes, the morphological counterparts have yet to get general agreement. In this review, we present the different proposed paths within and between the endothelial cells that do allow passage of plasma constituents and may respond to the definitions established by physiological means. The vesicular system existing in endothelial cells has been the first transendothelial path to be proposed. Several data have demonstrated the involvement of this system in transport, although others have systematically brought controversy. One alternative to the vesicles has been the demonstration of membrane-bound tubules creating, in certain cases, transendothelial channels that would allow diffusion of plasma proteins and other constituents across the capillary wall. Access to this tubulo-vesicular system could be restrained by the stomatal diaphragm and facilitated by specific membrane receptors. Further, we have demonstrated for the first time with morpho-cytochemical tools, that the intercellular clefts are the site of diffusion for small molecules such as peptides having a molecular weight inferior to 3,000. For the fenestrated capillary bed, we have shown that fenestrae are the site through which plasma constituents cross the capillary wall. However, and in spite of the existence of these large open pores, the endothelial cells still display the tubulo-vesicular system involved in transport of large molecules and their intercellular clefts are also the site of diffusion of small molecules. Making consensus on the existence of an intracellular tubulo-vesicular system in non-fenestrated capillaries, responsible for the transport of large molecules by the endothelial cells, and understanding the rational for the fenestrated capillary to have three paths for transport--the fenestrae, the tubulo-vesicular system, and the inter-endothelial clefts--require further investigation.  相似文献   

Alcian blue (AB) and ruthenium red (RR) effects on ultrastructural preservation of the bacterial cell envelope of methanotrophs are compared. A previous successful method with RR that enhanced preservation of outer envelope layers in two representative methanotroph species is applied to other genera and species of methanotropic bacteria. Alcian blue is substituted for RR in this en bloc protocol. The effect of AB on preservation of these layers is assessed at the ultrastructural level and compared to RR for all species examined. Further, comparison with freeze etch and a fixation in the absence of either RR or AB is made. Both RR and AB are found to aid preservation and help visualize additional components of the cell envelope which are lost or minimized in a standard fixation not employing these cationic reagents. For some species, images obtained are similar between RR and AB procedures and agree with images seen by freeze etch. For other species, AB preserves extended filamentous material that is partially condensed even with the use of RR. Thus, use of AB improves the preservation of outer envelope structure in these organisms equally or more effectively than use of RR.  相似文献   

Morphological aspects of particle uptake by lung phagocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macrophages residing on the inner epithelial surfaces of airways and alveoli are the only lung phagocytes exposed directly to the environment. Their phagocytic and microbicidal activities are essential for maintaining this organ in a clean and sterile state. The morphology of these phagocytes can be investigated in situ only after implementing special techniques, which involve intravascular triple-perfusion of aqueous fixatives or instillation of nonpolar ones. Such studies have revealed the engulfment of particles by these cells to be rapid, the process being essentially complete within a day. Particles are entrapped within phagosomes and the host cells eventually transported out of the lungs by mucociliary action, macrophages with higher loads being more rapidly eliminated than those with lower ones. Very small particles or those persisting on the epithelial surfaces may be taken up by the eponymous cells. Translocation of particles into the underlying connective tissue and their subsequent phagocytosis by interstitial macrophages prolongs their retention time in the lungs. The still poorly studied pleural macrophages might be involved in cell-mediated immune responses within the pleural space. Intravascular pulmonary macrophages figure largely in the phagocytosis of circulating particles. The role played by dendritic cells in particle uptake by the lungs is not well understood. Airway and alveolar macrophages are the primary phagocytes of the lung. In nonoverload situations and for particles >1 microm, a small proportion of those recruited suffices to remove material from the epithelial surface before other phagocytes, with an apparently greater immunological potential, gain access to it.  相似文献   

The increase in viscosity resulting from mixing concentrated solutions of albumin with dilute glutaraldehyde has been investigated. The viscosity changes are slow at first, very sensitive to small changes in glutaraldehyde concentration, and non-linear with time. The cross-linking of the albumin by glutaraldehyde seems to be retarded by the weak mechanical shear forces produced by the viscometer. The significance of these findings to the events in tissue fixation is discussed.  相似文献   

The two main advantages of cryofixation over chemical fixation methods are the simultaneous stabilization of all cellular components and the much faster rate of fixation. The main drawback pertains to the limited depth (<20 μm surface layer) to which samples can be well frozen when freezing is carried out under atmospheric conditions. High-pressure freezing increases the depth close to 0.6 mm to which samples can be frozen without the formation of structurally distorting ice crystals. This review discusses the theory of high-pressure freezing, the design of the first commercial high-pressure freezing apparatus (the Balzers HPM 010), the operation of this instrument, the quality of freezing, and novel structural observations made on high-pressure-frozen cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Very large doses of ionizing radiation were delivered quickly to concentrated albumin solutions by pulses of 500 keV in air. The electrons penetrated the aluminium foil bottom of the test cell and into the solution. A dose of 4.6 Mrad (4.6 × 104 Gy) produced a gel in the albumin solution comparable to the long-term effect of 0.36% glutaraldehyde in the same albumin solution. The cross-links created by the radiation leading to gel formation are probably irreversible and quite different from those leading to gelation in the glutaraldehyde-albumin reaction. Single large pulses of ionizing radiation may be useful for fast fixation of cells and tissues for microscopy.  相似文献   

Cryofixation, cryoultramicrotomy, and proper transfer of the cryosections into the electron microscope are important for the preservation of good ultrastructure and the measurement of subcellular elemental distributions. These techniques are applicable to tissue systems which can be rapidly frozen so that minimal to no ice damage occurs during the cryofixation step. For the transfer step we have compared the cryotransfer of hydrated sections and subsequent freeze-drying in the electron microscope with the transfer of sections into an external freeze-dryer, followed by exposure to room temperature and humidity before introduction into the electron microscope. The use of a cryotransfer stage for section transfer from the cryoultramicrotome to the electron microscope and low temperature observation of the thin sections avoids the potential problem of rehydration damage to freeze-dried sections as well as provides protection from the possibility of melting of the lipids in the sections. Both of these problems may lead to loss of in situ elemental distribution and morphology. In this report, observations are presented which show the damaging effects of temperatures above 273 K on ultrastructure due to lipid melting in tissues with high lipid content and the redistribution of elements which can be encountered when thin sections become inadvertantly rehydrated.  相似文献   

Correlations between the structural features of dyes and staining performance for elastic fibres were investigated. Dyes studied included the traditional stains (such as Gomori's Aldehyde-Fuchsin and Weigert's Resorcin-Fuchsin), acid dyes used from alkaline aqueous-organic solvent mixtures (the Horobin-James system), and basic dyes used from acidic aqueous-ethanolic mixtures (the Taenzer-Unna system). In all three classes effective elastic fibre stains had large conjugated bond numbers, and were often hydrophobic (i.e. had high Hansch pi values). By choosing dyes with conjugated bond numbers at or over a critical value (25 for the TU system, 35 for the HJ) it is possible to select new and effective dyes for use in the HJ and TU staining systems. Mechanistically these results support the view that for typical commercial dyes and also for the traditional stains van der Waals attractions provide the important contributions to dye-elastic fibre affinities, with hydrophobic bonding playing a subsidiary role. However, supporting the views of Lillie, it was also noted that even hydrophilic dyes of low conjugated bond number could stain elastic fibres, if the dye carried a sufficiently reactive primary amino group as a substituent. The additional substituent groupings needed to generate such reactivity have been specified, for both acidic and alkaline reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Ultrathin sections of rapidly frozen, briefly pre-treated muscle tissue are cut and thereafter are thawed and contrasted using a negative staining technique. The method has provided micrographs in which the in-vivo order in the muscle fibres has been preserved well enough to enable both a more complete interpretation of X-ray diffraction evidence from muscle, and also a gain of new ultrastructural information on aspects of myofibril and myofilament architecture in different types of fibre. Examples here are taken from chicken, rabbit and fish muscles and show both the M-band and the bridge region of the A-band in great detail. To enhance the detail in the original images, one-dimensional (1-D) and 2-D averaging techniques (lateral smearing and step averaging, respectively) are used. Although there is major shrinkage in section thickness to about one-third of its original value, demonstrated here for the first time is the fact that the characteristic A-band lattice planes are preserved in these sections in 3-D. This confirms the usefulness of cryosections not just for 1-D and 2-D image processing, but also for 3-D reconstruction. Thus, in combination with techniques of image processing, cryoultramicrotomy can give the muscle morphologist the detailed data that are needed to match the molecular biologists, biochemists and immunologists in the interpretation of their data about physiological and pathophysiological events in muscle fibres at the macromolecular level.  相似文献   

This paper aims at describing the neuroendocrine cell growths of the gastric mucosa and their pathogenesis. In the corpus-fundus mucosa, gastric neuroendocrine nontumor growths are mostly represented by hyperplastic and, more rarely, dysplastic enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cell changes, while hyperplasia of gastrin-producing (G) cells and, rarely, of somatostatin-producing (D) cells are reported in the antral mucosa. The large majority of gastric neuroendocrine tumors is made by benign, gastrin-dependent, well-differentiated ECL cell growths arising in a background of chronic atrophic gastritis (type I) or, more rarely, associated with type I multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN I) and Zollinger-Ellison (ZE) syndromes (type II). Rare, aggressive, frequently metastatic, well-differentiated gastric neuroendocrine tumors are gastrin-independent and arise as sporadic lesions in the absence of specific gastric pathology (type III). Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (PDEC) are rare, highly aggressive carcinomas. A central role for gastrin is postulated in the pathogenesis of well-differentiated type I and II ECL cell tumors with different possible genetic mechanisms. A more complex genetic background, independent of gastrin and possibly implicating altered function or mutation of p53 and other genes is highly suspected for the development of aggressive type III ECL cell carcinomas and PDECs.  相似文献   

Recent ultrastructural studies of neuronal-pinealocytic interconnections in the monkey pineal are reviewed. The pinealocytes in the adult monkey show almost all of the cytological specializations known in subprimate mammals. Adjacent pinealocytes are functionally coupled through ribbon synapses on cell bodies and gap junctions on cell bodies and cell processes. The pinealocytes receive direct synpatic contacts of nerve fibers with cholinergic terminal morphology. Nerve cells restricted to the central portion of the pineal receive synaptic contacts with more than three different morphologically defined types of nerve terminals. In addition to nerve terminals containing small clear vesicles or vesicles of pleomorphic morphology, a pinealocyte's terminal process containing the synaptic ribbon forms a true synaptic contact on the nerve cell body. The diversity of synapses on these nerve cells strongly suggests multiple origins of these neurons rather than a single peripheral parasympathetic origin. The possible involvement of pineal neurons in an intrinsic circuit that regulates the function of pinealocytes and integrates the neural input from the central as well as the peripheral nervous systems is discussed.  相似文献   

A microbiopsy system for fast excision and transfer of biological specimens from donor to high‐pressure freezer was developed. With a modified, commercially available, Promag 1.2 biopsy gun, tissue samples can be excised with a size small enough (0.6 mm × 1.2 mm × 0.3 mm) to be easily transferred into a newly designed specimen platelet. A self‐made transfer unit allows fast transfer of the specimen from the needle into the specimen platelet. The platelet is then fixed in a commercially available specimen holder of a high‐pressure freezing machine (EM PACT, Leica Microsystems, Vienna, Austria) and frozen therein. The time required by a well‐instructed (but not experienced) person to execute all steps is in the range of half a minute. This period is considered short enough to maintain the excised tissue pieces close to their native state. We show that a range of animal tissues (liver, brain, kidney and muscle) are well preserved. To prove the quality of freezing achieved with the system, we show vitrified ivy leaves high‐pressure frozen in the new specimen platelet.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical techniques are confronted with the problem of obtaining adequate tissue preservation together with retention of protein antigenicity. Various methods, including freeze-drying and freeze-substitution, have been devised to circumvent this problem. In the present study, we report that microwave energy used in combination with low concentrations of glutaraldehyde (0.1%) and paraformaldehyde (2%) preserves the structural integrity of plant tissue and antigenicity of proteins. Tobacco leaf samples fixed in a time as brief as 15–20 s exhibited excellent preservation of fine structures. By contrast, specimens irradiated for shorter (5–10 s) or longer (30–40 s) periods showed poor morphological preservation. Microwave irradiation for 15–20 s was found useful for immobilizing large amounts of soluble antigens. The fast microwave fixation method was successfully used to preserve pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, which were subsequently localized by a postembedding immunogold procedure. In addition to soluble antigens, cellulose subunits and pectic substances, two major plant cell wall components, were found to be highly preserved in microwave-irradiated tobacco plant tissue. The present study demonstrates that microwave fixation of plant tissue is a simple and inexpensive method that is easy to perform with commercially available microwave ovens. The incubation time for fixation is reduced from 2 h to 15–20 s without loss of fine structural details. This method will undoubtedly acquire increasing applicability and relevance in plant biology.  相似文献   

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