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Among cyanobacteria, the heterocystous, N2-fixing Anabaena variabilis and the unicellular Anacystis nidulans have recently been shown to possess an NAD+-dependent, bidirectional hydrogenase. A 5.0 kb DNA segment of the A. nidulans genome is now identified to harbor the structural genes hoxUYH coding for three subunits of the bidirectional hydrogenase. The gene arrangement in A. nidulans and in A. variabilis is remarkably dissimilar. In A. nidulans, but not in A. variabilis, the four accessory genes hoxW, hypA, hypB and hypF could be identified downstream of hoxH. An insertional homozygous mutant in hoxH from A. nidulans was completely inactive in performing Na2S204-dependent H2 evolution but could utilize the gas with almost 50% of the activity of the wild type. These findings with the first defined hydrogenase mutant in any photosynthetic, 02-evolving microorganism indicate that the unicellular cyanobacterium A. nidulans possesses both an uptake and a bidirectional hydrogenase. The physiological role(s) of the two hydrogenases in unicellular non-N2-fixing cyanobacteria is not yet understood.  相似文献   

An important cause of anoxia-induced nerve injury involves the disruption of the ionic balance that exists across the neuronal membrane. This loss of ionic homeostasis results in an increase in intracellular calcium, sodium, and hydrogen and is correlated with cell injury and death. Using time-lapse confocal microscopy, we have previously reported that nerve cell injury is mediated largely by sodium and that removing extracellular sodium prevents the anoxia-induced morphological changes. In this study, we hypothesized that sodium enters neurons via specific mechanisms and that the pharmacologic blockade of sodium entry would prevent nerve damage. In cultured neocortical neurons we demonstrate that replacing extracellular sodium with NMDG+ prevents anoxia-induced morphological changes. With sodium in the extracellular fluid, various routes of sodium entry were examined, including voltage-sensitive sodium channels, glutamate receptor channels, and sodium-dependent chloride-bicarbonate exchange. Blockade of these routes had no effect. Amiloride, however, prevented the morphological changes induced by anoxia lasting 10, 15, or 20 min. At doses of 10 microM-1 mM, amiloride protected neurons in a dose-dependent fashion. We argue that amiloride acts on a Na+-dependent exchanger (e.g., Na+-Ca2+) and present a model to explain these findings in the context of the neuronal response to anoxia.  相似文献   

The urinary bladder of Amphiuma exhibits stable transport properties and an electrical potential difference in vitro. The lumen is significantly negative to the serosa and under short-circuited conditions flux rations for Na and Cl of 5.92 +/- 0.42 and 1.81 +/- 0.20, respectively, were observed. The close agreement between the short-circuit current and net Na flux suggests that most, if not all, of the current is carried by Na. Both ouabain and amiloride decreased the short-circuit current and the mucosal-to-serosal (M leads to S) flux of Na. Furosemide caused a transient increase in the M leads to S flux of Na and Cl but ADH was without effect. In bladders that had high transmural resistance, a net movement of K in the M leads to S direction under short-circuited conditions with flux ratios of up to 2 could be observed. The epithelium of the Amphiuma bladder consists of three cell types: granular cells, basal cells, and mitochondria-rich cells. No goblet cells are present. The mitochondria-rich cells comprise less than 5% of the population of the surface epithelium in Amphiuma in contrast to other amphibian bladders, where it accounts for up to 25% of the population.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which cotransport proteins couple their substrates across cell membranes is not known. A commonly proposed model is that cotransport results from ligand-induced conformational transitions that change the accessibility of ligand-binding sites from one side of the membrane to the other. To test this model, we have measured the accessibility of covalent probes to a cysteine residue (Q457C) placed in the putative sugar-translocation domain of the Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1). The mutant protein Q457C was able to transport sugar, but transport was abolished after alkylation by methanethiosulfonate reagents. Alkylation blocked sugar translocation but not sugar binding. Accessibility of Q457C to alkylating reagents required external Na+ and was blocked by external sugar and phlorizin. The voltage dependence of accessibility was directly correlated with the presteady-state charge movement of SGLT1. Voltage-jump experiments with rhodamine-6-maleimide-labeled Q457C showed that the time course and level of changes in fluorescence closely followed the presteady-state charge movement. We conclude that conformational changes are responsible for the coupling of Na+ and sugar transport and that Q457 plays a critical role in sugar translocation by SGLT1.  相似文献   

In order to gain further information about the effect of stretch on the urinary bladder of the toad, transepithelial movement of radioactive sucrose, chloride, and urea was measured across bladder sacs during acute changes in the internal volume. Short-circuit current (SCC) and total tissue conductance (Kt) were also measured in each experiment. It was found that sudden large increases or smaller graded increases in volume resulted in a consistent fall in the tracer permeability (P*) of all three isotopes. However, this fall was due entirely to the larger area term in the calculation of P* rather than any real change in isotope movement. When total diffusion (TD) of each isotope was calculated by a method that eliminated the changes in surface area, it was apparent that stretch produced no significant effects on the transepithelial movement of any of these three molecules. Large stretch also resulted in parallel increases in SCC and Kt in most bladders. We conclude from these observations that the intercellular pathway for sucrose and chloride and the transcellular pathway for urea are unaltered by degrees of stretch that enhance SCC and sodium transport. By inference, the observed increases in Kt appear to represent changes in specific active pathway conductance (Ka), and may relate importantly to the changes in sodium transport.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize Na(+)-coupled L-arginine (L-Arg) transport in the pigmented rabbit conjunctiva. The excised pigmented rabbit conjunctiva was mounted in the modified Ussing chamber for measurement of short-circuit current (Isc), 3H-L-arginine (3H-L-Arg) flux, and 22Na flux. L-Arg when added to the mucosal side led to 0.32-2.65 microA cm-2 increases in the Isc at 37 degrees C, but not at 4 degrees C or in a Na(+)-free solution. L-Arg at 1 mM stimulated net Na+ absorption by 0.12 microEq cm-2 h-1. The evidence for carrier-mediated transport of L-Arg includes: (1) temperature dependence and saturability over 0.01-10 mM, (2) Na+ dependence and ouabain sensitivity, (3) 84 +/- 2% reduction in the apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) of 3H-L-Arg in the presence of excess unlabeled L-Arg (1 mM), and (4) 16-fold difference in L-Arg transport (at 0.1 mM) between the mucosal-to-serosal and the serosal-to-mucosal direction. Moreover, L-Arg transport was inhibited by basic amino acids, large neutral amino acids, and nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, but not by acidic and small neutral amino acids. Kinetic analysis revealed the possible existence of both high and low affinity processes for L-Arg transport. A half maximal concentration (Km) and maximal L-Arg flux (Jmax) values of the low and high affinity processes were 5.90 and 0.07 mM, and 1,248 and 111 pmol cm-2 min-1, respectively. Hill analysis of L-Arg transport at 0.1 mM in the presence of varying Na+ concentrations in the mucosal bathing fluid yielded a Hill coefficient of 0.93, suggesting a 1:1 coupling between Na+ and L-Arg. In conclusion, Na(+)-coupled transport process(es) for L-Arg in accordance with a 1:1 stoichiometry appear to be present on the mucosal side of the pigmented rabbit conjunctiva. The pattern of inhibition by basic and large neutral amino acids and Na+ dependency are suggestive of system B0,(+)-mediated L-Arg transport.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of functional diversity through gene duplication and subsequent divergent evolution can give rise to proteins that have little or no sequence similarity, but retain similar topologies. RESULTS: The crystal structures of nerve growth factor, transforming growth factor-beta 2 and platelet-derived growth factor-BB show that all three are based on a cystine-knot plus beta-strands topology. There is very little sequence identity between the three proteins and the relationship between the structures had not been deduced from sequence comparisons. Each growth factor is usually active as a dimer; each exists as a dimer in the crystal, but the relative orientations of the protomers are different in each case. CONCLUSION: The structural motif of disulphide bonds and hydrogen-bonded beta-strands unexpectedly found in these three growth factors acts as a stable framework for elaboration of loops of low sequence similarity that contain the specificity for receptor interaction.  相似文献   

Ion transport and electrical properties of rabbit and guinea pig gallbladders were investigated to gain further information about the active transport mechanism that mediates fluid absorption. The intracellular and transepithelial electrical potentials were measured simultaneously using the microelectrode technique. Exposure of the mucosal surface to Amphotericin B resulted in the prompt development of a serosa-positive electrical potential difference (PD) which could not be attributed to an alteration in ion diffusion potentials across either the cell membrane or across the tight junction. Because the Amphotericin B-induced PD was immediately dependent on warm temperatures and O2, and was independent of NA and K concentration gradients across the cell membrane, it is suggested that active ion transport is directly responsible for the PD. Since the PD was abolished in the absence of Na in the bathing solutions, a rheogenic Na pump is postulated; this pump also appears to be operative in tissues not exposed to Amphotericin B. The specific tissue properties altered by Amphotericin B to produce a serosa-positive PD remain incompletely defined. The results of the present study indicate that ion transport by rabbit gallbladder in vitro is a consequence of a rheogenic active Na transport mechanism at the basolateral membranes which, in conjunction with a coupled NaC1 influx process at the mucosal border, ultimately results in absorption of NaC1 and water.  相似文献   

1 Adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) produced an initial rapid, phasic contraction and a later, slowly developing tonic contraction in the isolated detrusor of the rabbit but mainly a rapid, phasic response in the guinea-pig bladder. 2 Electrical field stimulation elicited only a rapid, phasic contraction in both rabbit and guinea-pig bladders. 3 Prostaglandin synthesis inhibition by means of indomethacin and suprofen abolished the tonic response to ATP in the rabbit detrusor, leaving the phasic part of the contraction almost unaffected. The ATP-induced contraction in guinea-pig bladder was not influenced by indomethacin. 4 The contractile response of rabbit urinary bladder to prostaglandins F2 alpha and E2 and to carbachol were not significantly influenced by indomethacin. The contractions induced by the prostaglandins were similar to the tonic response to ATP. 5 Tetrodotoxin, atropine, phentolamine, and theophylline did not alter the ATP-induced contraction. However, the calcium antagonists, nifedipine and nimodipine, abolished the phasic ATP response and greatly reduced the tonic part of the contraction. 6 Tachyphylaxis occurred on repeated addition of ATP; the response to field stimulation was progressively reduced only after indomethacin pretreatment. 7 ATP and prostaglandins may contribute to the non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic component of the excitation of rabbit and guinea-pig bladder.  相似文献   

Suspended material of Brown-Pearce carcinoma is qualified for producing bladder tumors in rabbits after injection into the wall of the exposed, but not opened bladder. The advantages are the rapid growing and the possibility of controlling by endoscopy and radiography. At present we use this tumor-pattern for examination of the effect of different laser beams in experimental bladder tumors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fibrosis of serosa, along with smooth muscle (SM) cell hypertrophy, has been shown to occur in the rabbit bladder after partial outflow obstruction. Identification of cells involved in the serosal thickening can be of primary interest to elucidate the functional changes that this organ undergoes. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Cytoskeletal protein composition of cells present in the thickened serosa at different times from the onset of obstruction (7, 15, 30 and 60 days) was evaluated. This was accomplished by means of a panel of monoclonal antibodies specific for a number of differentiation markers of mesenchymal cells (vimentin, desmin, alpha-actin of SM type, nonmuscle (NM) and SM myosins), and by immunocytochemical and immunochemical techniques. RESULTS: The immunocytochemical study revealed that cells in serosal thickening follow a two-step maturation process from pre-existing vimentin-positive cells. In the first time period (7 to 15 days of obstruction), these cells predominantly achieved an immunophenotype corresponding to that of a specific myofibroblast subtype (i.e., containing vimentin, NM myosin, and SM alpha-actin). After 30 days from the onset of obstruction, the cytoskeletal protein content of serosal cells, as also revealed by Western blotting experiments, shifted towards that of fetal-type SM cells (i.e., presence of vimentin, NM myosin, SM alpha-actin, and SM myosin isoforms). Distribution of vimentin, desmin, SM alpha-actin, and SM myosin in tissue culture as well as the ultrastructure in vivo very closely resembled that of SM cells. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation studies indicated that cells accumulated in the serosa of obstructed bladders did not derive, at least initially, from SM cells of the detrusor muscle. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are consistent with the existence of a differentiation process in which resident mesenchymal cells of bladder serosa may transform to myofibroblasts and, subsequently, in fetal-type SM cells during experimental outflow obstruction.  相似文献   

There are differing views regarding the roles of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3-kinases) and p70 S6 kinase (p70s6k) in growth factor-induced cellular responses. One approach that is widely employed to investigate these roles is to use the inhibitors, wortmannin and rapamycin, respectively. This approach is used here to study the responses in macrophages to colony stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1). Wortmannin (> or = 30 nM) and rapamycin (> or = 3 nM) both weakly inhibited CSF-1-stimulated DNA synthesis in murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM), suggesting that there are PI3-kinase- and p70s6k-independent pathways required for the onset of S phase; interestingly the combination of the drugs gave dramatic suppression. Inhibition of DNA synthesis by rapamycin on the BMM was much less than that observed with the CSF-1-dependent cell line, BAC1.2F5. In BMM, wortmannin suppressed CSF-1-stimulated increase in p70s6k activity indicating that PI3-kinase activity may lie upstream. In contrast to some other growth factor/cell systems, no evidence was obtained using the inhibitors for the involvement of PI3-kinase or p70s6k in CSF-1-mediated induction of c-fos mRNA expression or Erk-1 activity; in addition, no evidence was found for an involvement in the CSF-1-mediated increase in cyclin D1 expression or STAT activation. The findings reinforce the need to study the signal transduction cascades relevant to each individual growth factor and preferably not in cell lines.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We previously demonstrated that vasopressin (AVP) produces a sustained increase in Na+ reabsorption by the isolated perfused cortical collecting duct (CCD) from rats on a normal diet, and that this effect is synergistic with that of pharmacological doses of deoxycorticosterone (DOC) or physiological levels of aldosterone. The present experiments examined the effect of AVP under the more physiological circumstances when plasma aldosterone was elevated by prior volume depletion. METHODS: Rats were volume depleted by a single dose of furosemide followed by a low-salt diet (0.3% NaCl) for four to nine days. Some of these rats were also implanted with a pellet containing 2.5 mg DOC. Rats in a third group were not injected with furosemide but were implanted with the DOC pellet and maintained on a standard (approximately 1% NaCl) diet. CCD were perfused and the lumen-to-bath Na+ flux (JNA), transepithelial voltage (VT), and osmotic water permeability (Pf) were measured in the presence and absence of 200 pm AVP. RESULTS: Although Na+ depletion by a single injection of furosemide and the low salt diet elevated plasma aldosterone and Vt, JNA remained low and there was a decreased response to AVP in comparison with DOC-treated rats on a standard diet. In CCD from rats on the low salt-diet with DOC, JNa was less than observed in CCD from DOC-treated rats on a standard diet. AVP-dependent Pf in CCD from rats on the low salt-diet, with or without DOC treatment, was also markedly lower. CONCLUSIONS: We interpret the results to demonstrate that maximal rates of Na+ reabsorption in the CCD depend not only on the synergistic stimulatory effects of aldosterone and AVP, but also require normal to high rates of salt delivery in vivo for the effects of the hormones on Na+ transport to be maximized in vitro.  相似文献   

Canine tracheal mucus was dissolved by a number of mucolytic agents, including disulfide bond reducing agents, hydrogen bond breaking agents, and chaotropic ions, and their effect on rheological properties was assessed. Sodium thiocyanate led to 85-100% dissolution with the maximum retention of elasticity. Thiocyanate exposure did not result in demonstrable alterations in the size or shape of the mucus glycoproteins. Sodium thiocyanate is therefore recommended as a suitable dispersing agent for physiochemical studies of glycoprotein secretions.  相似文献   

The present study used radioligand binding and in vitro contractility experiments to identify and characterize a peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor PBR in rabbit urinary bladder. [3H]PK11195 bound to bladder membranes with high-affinity and density (Kd = 5.2 nM., Bmax = 268 fmol./mg. protein), indicating the presence of a PBR. [3H]flunitrazepam bound with high-affinity and density (Kd = 1.2 nM., Bmax = 48 fmol./mg. protein). The rank order potency of various benzodiazepines and isoquinoline carboxamides in displacing the binding of [3H]PK11195 was Ro5-4864 > diazepam = flunitrazepam > Ro15-1788 = clonazepam. Ro5-4864 and PK11195 inhibited nerve-evoked contractions in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 = 42 microM. and 56 microM., respectively). Carbachol- and KCl-induced contractions were also inhibited by Ro5-4864 and PK11195. KCl-induced contractions were inhibited to a greater extent than carbachol-induced or field-stimulated contractions with all the drugs tested. Both Ro5-4864 and PK11195 significantly increased the ED50 for calcium-induced contractions following a cholinergic stimulus compared with control. These data demonstrate the presence of a PBR in urinary bladder capable of altering contractility in vitro through modulation of calcium activity.  相似文献   

Nonrecurrence and variations in the ascending course of the recurrent laryngeal nerves make it essential to identify the nerve to avoid injury to it during thyroidectomy. We believe that visual identification of the nerve without undue handling is all that is necessary. The recurrent nerve is no more delicate than other similar nerves. Unilateral injury to the recurrent nerve may result in temporary hoarseness which will improve with time. Some restriction of the airway during exertion may be present. Bilateral injury to the recurrent nerves may produce initially a loss of voice without airway constriction. Later the voice may return, accompanied by serious respiratory embarrassment on exertion.  相似文献   

(1) The urachal artery has a primary origin from the umbilical artery itself, and is at first bilateral. (2) The arterial pattern in newborn infants is not identical to that of adults. Obliteration of the umbilical artery in older infants carries with it obliteration of some of its branches, especially at their origin from its distal part, with a resulting change in arterial pattern. (3) The middle vesicle artery is a fairly constant branch of the umbilical artery, supplying the bladder neck and the front of the bladder above the neck. (4) The urachal and middle vesicle arteries, when unilateral, occur with equal frequency on both sides. (5) The anastomosis between superior vesical and inferior episgastric arteries was confirmed in the subperitoneal tissues, but was very rare in the wall of the bladder, occurring only when an abnormal obturator artery was the source of a superior vesical branch. (6) The constancy of the vesiculo-deferential artery is confirmed.  相似文献   

Ankyrins are a multigene family of proteins that function as adapters between the cytoskeleton and trans-membrane proteins, such as ion channels. Previous studies have shown the linkage between ankyrin and ionic transport proteins such as Na+-K+ ATPase, voltage-dependent Na+ channels and Ca2+ channels. In the present study, we have investigated the subcellular distribution of ankyrin and its relationship to the Na+-Ca2+ exchange protein in immature and adult rabbit ventricular myocytes. Isolated single cardiomyocytes from neonatal, juvenile and adult rabbit hearts were examined by immunofluorescence labeling techniques, using antibodies against ankyrin and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger. We found that in neonatal rabbit cardiac myocytes, ankyrin labeling was mainly present at the Z disk, whereas the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger was only present on the peripheral sarcolemma. At 2 weeks of age, ankyrin labeling was still predominantly observed at the level of the Z disks as well as in the partially developed T-tubules. In the adult cells, however, ankyrin and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger seem to be co-localized within T-tubules and at the costamere region of the peripheral sarcolemma. Immunogold labeling studies at the higher resolution electron microscopic level using cyrosection tissues of rabbit heart at different ages confirm these findings. These results indicate that the distribution pattern of ankyrin and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger changes with development in rabbit ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

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