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From 1990 to 1995, 12 patients with cavo-atrial renal cell carcinoma underwent resection of the tumor. Circulatory arrest was employed in 11/12 cases. The neoplasm extended to the inferior vena cava in two patients and to the intrahepatic veins or right atrium in five cases. Two severely cardiac compromised patients died perioperatively. Of five patients who showed preoperative suspicion of isolated metastases, 3 patients died postoperatively because of relapsing disease after a mean period of 10.8 months. Five patients are alive and doing well after a mean follow-up of 14.8 months. In our experience myocardial dysfunction determined poor immediate survival. Mid-term survival was influenced by preoperative metastases and lymph-node involvement, but not by intracaval extension. Circulatory arrest appears to be a relatively safe technique to remove renal carcinoma with cavo-atrial extension and should be indicated whenever there are no metastases.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal proteins associate with specific cell adhesion complexes and membrane proteins and influence the structural and functional organization of polarized epithelial cells in the kidney. Among such proteins that have been studied in cultured cell lines and in animals are the tight junction complex (ZO-1 and occludin), the adherens cell-cell adhesion complex (alpha-, beta-catenin and plakoglobin), and Na+,K+-ATPase, with its associated membrane skeleton proteins ankyrin and fodrin. Although abnormal distribution of these proteins has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various renal diseases, the relevance of these findings to corresponding disease of the human kidney remains to be established. As a first step towards elucidating a role for such proteins in human kidney disease, we undertook a histochemical analysis of the distribution of these proteins in biopsy specimens of human kidney taken from healthy kidney transplant donors. We found each protein to have a characteristic subcellular localization and an intensity of staining that varied among different segments of the nephron in a manner that is consistent with discrete, segmental nephron function.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Under physiological conditions, the effects of kinins in the kidney are mainly mediated by the bradykinin B2-receptor, whereas the kinin B1-receptor is strongly induced under inflammatory conditions in a variety of tissues. Knowledge of the distribution of the B1-receptor along the nephron is of importance since the B1-receptor might replace B2-receptors under these conditions. METHODS: Using a RT-PCR/Southern blot approach allowing relative quantification of mRNA levels, ten different microdissected rat nephron segments were analyzed for the presence of the B1- and B2-receptor before and after endotoxin treatment to induce experimental inflammation. The functionality of the expressed receptors was assessed by kinin-induced intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) mobilization in microdissected nephron segments. RESULTS: While under physiological conditions no B1-receptor mRNA could be detected, after 18 hours of treatment with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) the expression of B1-receptor mRNA was strongly induced in the efferent arteriole, the medullary and inner medullary thin limb, and in the distal tubule. Moderate expression was found in the glomerulus, proximal convoluted and straight tubules, and in the medullary thick ascending limb. Small but detectable expression was observed in the cortical collecting duct. The induction of B1-receptor mRNA expression resulted in functional receptor expression, since increases in [Ca2+]i were observed upon B1-agonist stimulation. LPS treatment also increased the expression of B2-receptor mRNA in all nephron segments except in the glomerulus, the inner medullary thin limb and the outer medullary collecting duct. However, no related changes in B2-agonist induced rises in [Ca2+]i were found. CONCLUSIONS: These studies show a functional induction of the B1-kinin receptor along the rat nephron, which should be taken in account to address the effects of kinins under inflammatory conditions in the kidney.  相似文献   

Renal tubular handling of P, Ca, Mg and Na was studied in the rat both before and during mild hypertonic NaCl loading (ECVE), using micropuncture and clearance techniques and electron microprobe analysis. Micropuncture was performed at the late proximal and early distal tubule sites. ECVE significantly increased the urinary output of all four elements. In the case of Mg, the increase was relatively small and depended on slight but statistically unsignificant inhibition of reabsorption all along the entire length of the nephron. For Ca, it depended on the inhibition of proximal reabsorption, partially compensated by increased reabsorption along the loop. For P, it depended on proximal inhibition, no important net phosphate movement occurring in the loop during both periods. Ca reabsorption was highly correlated to that of sodium along the proximal tubule and Henel's loop, Ca and Mg reabsorption were closely related to the load delivered at the beginning of the structure. These observations are compatible with the view that tubular reabsorption of Ca and Mg is concentration rather than Tm limited, and that reabsorption of Ca, unlike that of Mg, is linked to the movements of sodium. Following ECVE, the difference between early distal and urinary deliveries increased significantly for Ca and P, but not for Mg. For phosphate, this difference accounted for by 45% of the delivery at the early distal tubule site, at variance with microinjection data obtained in the rat under similar salt loading conditions, which indicated that 17% only of the phosphate distal delivery were reabsorbed along the terminal segments. This discrepancy is discussed in terms of nephron functional heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Conflicting theories on the existence of several renal arginase isoenzymes remain in debate. Because the activity of arginase is high in two embryologically different nephron segments of the Meriones shawi kidney, namely the cortical (CPST) and medullary (OSPST) proximal straight tubule and the outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD), we postulate that these nephron segments may contain different isoforms. Isolated nephron segments were dissected from collagenase-treated kidneys. Tubules were permeabilized with Triton X-100 (0.25%) and incubated with increasing Arg concentrations to characterize the arginase activity. The results were as follows: (1) in OMCD, one arginase isoform (E1), characterized by a high Arg affinity (1.160 mM), was present; (2) in CPST, two arginase isoforms were discovered - one, E1, had a similar Km (1.407 mM) to that found in OMCD whereas the other (E2) had a low affinity for Arg (Km =18.8 mM); and (3) in OSPST, two isoenzymes were present - E1 which had a Km of 1.478 mM and the second isoform that we named E2 which had a Km of 9.07 mM. In addition, arginase located in CPST and OMCD was strongly inhibited by Orn and Lys. The Ki value for Lys varied between 1.635 and 2.288 mM. Therefore, this work demonstrates that two arginase isoforms are present in the kidney of Meriones shawi. Isoform E1 is present in the proximal tubule and the collecting duct whereas isoform E2 is restricted to the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) regulates PTH secretion to control the extracellular calcium concentration in adults, but its role in fetal life is unknown. We used CaSR gene knockout mice to investigate the role of the CaSR in regulating fetal calcium metabolism. The normal calcium concentration in fetal blood is raised above the maternal level, an increase that depends upon PTH-related peptide (PTHrP). Heterozygous (+/-) and homozygous (-/-) disruption of the CaSR caused a further increase in the fetal calcium level. This increase was modestly blunted by concomitant disruption of the PTHrP gene and completely reversed by disruption of the PTH/ PTHrP receptor gene. Serum levels of PTH and 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D were substantially increased above the normal low fetal levels by disruption of the CaSR. The free deoxypyridinoline level was increased in the amniotic fluid (urine) of CaSR-/- fetuses; this result suggests that fetal bone resorption is increased. Placental calcium transfer was reduced, and renal calcium excretion was increased, by disruption of the CaSR. These studies indicate that the CaSR normally suppresses PTH secretion in the presence of the normal raised (and PTHrP-dependent) fetal calcium level. Disruption of the CaSR causes fetal hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, with additional effects on placental calcium transfer.  相似文献   

Dopamine is present in the human placenta. The major function of dopamine is the inhibition of human placental lactogen (hPL) release from human trophoblastic cells. This effect is mediated by cAMP through dopamine D2 receptors. However, studies on the effects of cAMP in the control of hPL release have yielded conflicting results. The purpose of this study is to explore the distribution of dopamine receptors in the rat placenta. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptor mRNAs were colocalized in the rat placenta by in situ hybridization histochemistry using radiolabeled cRNA probes. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptor mRNAs were detected in large cells of the endometrium of the uterus on day 10 of gestation. On days 12-16 of gestation, hybridization signals were localized mainly in the spongiotrophoblast and giant cells of the junctional zone of the placenta. With the development of the placenta, signals were moving from the junctional zone to the labyrinth zone. Pit-1 mRNA was detected in the placental lactotrophs and was also colocalized in neighboring placental sections. Our results clearly showed that dopamine D1 and D2 receptor mRNAs were coexpressed in the placental lactotrophs that express Pit-1 mRNA.  相似文献   

A colorimetric method was used on water-soluble mucin extracted from mucosal scrapings and contents of the caecum and the colon of five germ-free (GF) rats and five heteroxenic (HE) rats harbouring a human flora (GF rats associated with a human flora). These rats were fed on a diet containing either 100 g sucrose/kg or 100 g inulin/kg. Histological stains, periodic acid-Schiff, alcian blue pH 2.5 and alcian blue pH 0.5 were used to discriminate between neutral, acidic and acidic sulphated mucins respectively. Spectrocolorimetric assays led to a calculated absorbance value for 1 mg of the initial mucin extract. Each mucin type was compared between treatments. The caecal contents of GF rats contained more acidic mucin than sulphomucin, which was present in the same proportion as neutral mucin. Their colonic contents contained more acidic mucins than sulphomucin, which in turn was more abundant than neutral mucin. Their caecal mucosa mucin distribution differed from that of the contents: very little acidic mucin was present and neutral and sulphomucin proportions were of the same order of magnitude. Inulin increased the amount of neutral mucin in the caecal contents and of sulphated mucins in the colonic contents and increased the amounts of neutral and acidic mucins in the caecal mucosa. Mucin distribution in the HE rats was very different from that in the GF rats: the caecal contents contained a high proportion of acidic mucins and very little sulphomucin. The same distribution of mucins was observed in the colonic contents. The caecal mucosa contained less acidic mucin and more sulphomucin than the caecal contents. Inulin decreased acidic mucins and increased sulphated mucins in the caecal contents and increased neutral and sulphated mucins in the colonic contents. Inulin increased sulphomucin in the caecal mucosa and decreased acidic mucin in the caecal and colonic mucosas. The very low amount of mucin that was recovered in the colonic mucosa suggests that, in the presence of the bacterial flora and associated with inulin in the diet, mucin was extensively released from the mucosa to the colonic lumen. This might be related to the bacterial metabolites produced.  相似文献   

Activating mutations of the extracellular calcium (Ca2+e)-sensing receptor (CaR) gene, mostly in its extracellular domain, can cause both familial and sporadic hypoparathyroidism. We report a Japanese family with severe hypoparathyroidism with pretreatment serum calcium (Ca) levels of 4.9-5.9 mg/dL. The proband presented with a seizure at 6 days of age. Her older brother and mother, who had also experienced seizures and tetany, respectively, likewise had hypoparathyroidism. A heterozygous missense mutation substituting a cysteine for the phenylalanine normally present at codon 788 (F788C) was identified in the CaR's fifth transmembrane domain and was shown to cosegregate with the disease. The mutation was absent in DNA from 50 control subjects. Analysis of the functional properties of the mutant receptor was carried out in transiently transfected HEK293 cells loaded with fura-2 by assessing Ca2+e-evoked increases in the cytosolic calcium concentration (Ca2+i). There was a leftward shift in the concentration-response curve for the mutant receptor [EC50 (effective concentration of Ca2+e producing half of the maximal Ca2+i response, 2.7 +/- 0.1 vs. 4.1 +/- 0.1 mmol/L for the wild-type receptor]. HEK293 cells cotransfected with both the wild-type and mutant CaRs (to mimic the heterozygous state in affected family members) showed an EC50 (3.0 +/- 0.1 mmol/L) similar to that of the mutant CaR alone. Thus, we confirm that 1) a gain of function mutation in the fifth transmembrane domain of the CaR causes severe familial hypoparathyroidism by rendering the receptor more sensitive than normal to activation by Ca2+e; 2) some patients in the family do not experience seizures despite their severe hypocalcemia; and 3) this condition needs to be differentiated from other causes of hypoparathyroidism.  相似文献   

Strongyloides stercoralis (SS) is endemic in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide and in the southeastern United States. The lifecycle of SS is both unique and complex. Human infection begins with the penetration of skin by filariform larvae that migrate hematogenously to the lungs. Larvae then ascend the airway, are swallowed, and mature in the gut. Unlike other nematodes, SS can autoinfect the same host and persist for decades. Categorization of infection includes acute, chronic-uncomplicated, and disseminated forms. Clinical manifestations depend on the particular organs involved. Fifteen to thirty percent of chronically infected people may be asymptomatic. On the other hand, SS may cause the adult respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, and death. The diagnosis of SS infection is suspected in patients from endemic areas who have blood eosinophilia, and gastrointestinal or pulmonary symptoms. A definitive diagnosis is established by demonstration of SS larvae in stool, body fluids, or tissues. A presumptive diagnosis of SS infection can be achieved by serology. Thiabendazole is the mainstay of treatment, but repeat doses may be necessary if the parasite is not initially eradicated. The low incidence of disseminated SS in areas endemic for both SS and AIDS is surprising and unexplained.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, catalyzed by hexokinase, is the first committed step in glucose uptake into skeletal muscle. Two isoforms of hexokinase, HKI and HKII, are expressed in human skeletal muscle, but only HKII expression is regulated by insulin. HKII messenger RNA, protein, and activity are increased after 4 h of insulin infusion; however, glucose uptake is stimulated much more rapidly, occurring within minutes. Studies in rat muscle suggest that changes in the subcellular distribution of HKII may be an important regulatory factor for glucose uptake. The present studies were undertaken to determine if insulin causes an acute redistribution of HKII activity in human skeletal muscle in vivo. Muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis muscle) were performed before and at the end of 30 min insulin infusion, performed using the euglycemic clamp technique. Muscle biopsies were subfractionated into soluble and particulate fractions to determine if insulin acutely changes the subcellular distribution of HKII. Insulin decreased HKII activity in the soluble fraction from 2.20 +/- 0.31 to 1.40 +/- 0.18 pmoles/(min[chempt]micrograms) and increased HKII activity in the particulate fraction from 3.02 +/- 0.46 to 3.45 +/- 0.46 pmoles/(min[chempt]micrograms) (P < 0.01 for both). These changes in HKII activity were correlated with changes in HKII protein, as determined by immunoblot analysis (r = 0.53, P = 0.05). Insulin had no effect on the subcellular distribution of HKII activity, which was primarily restricted to the soluble fraction. These studies are consistent with the conclusion that, in vivo in human skeletal muscle, insulin changes the subcellular distribution of HKII within 30 min.  相似文献   

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