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Applying radial basis functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discusses the application of neural networks to general and radial basis functions and in particular to adaptive equalization and interference rejection problems. Neural-network-based algorithms strike a good balance between performance and complexity in adaptive equalization, and show promise in spread spectrum systems  相似文献   

目前,在计算机视觉方面,大多的监督学习方法用于解决其重要分支:行人重识别问题已经取得了不错的成果,但是此类方法需要对训练数据进行手工标注,特别是对于大容量的数据集,手工标注的成本很高,而且完全满足成对标记的数据难以获得,所以无监督学习成为必选项.此外,全局特征注重行人特征空间整体性的判别性,而局部特征有助于凸显不同部位特征的判别性.所以,基于全局与局部特征的无监督学习框架,使用全局损失函数与局部相斥损失函数共同进行判别性特征学习,并联合优化ResNet-50卷积神经网络(CNN)和各个样本之间的关系,最终实现行人重识别.大量实验数据验证了提出的方法在解决行人重识别任务时具有优越性.  相似文献   

针对情报与侦察监视领域中目标轨迹预测问题,提出了一种基于无监督学习的预测方法。首先,根据历史信息分析目标历史活动规律;其次,构建隐马尔科夫模型,通过无监督学习自动实现预测目标在栅格网中的运动方向;最后,根据学习得到的运动方向和目标运动速度信息,计算未来短期内的目标轨迹。数值仿真验证了该方法能够有效地预测目标在未来短时刻内(通常为5 min)的运动轨迹。  相似文献   

Linear precoding is an attractive technique to combat interference in multiple-input multiple-output systems because it reduces cost and power consumption at the receiver. Frequency division duplex systems with linear precoding acquire the channel state information at the receiver side by using supervised algorithms. Such methods make use of pilot symbols periodically provided by the transmitter. Next, this channel state information is sent to the transmitter side through a low-cost feedback channel. Thus, the available channel information allows the transmitter to adapt signals to the channel conditions. Given that pilot symbols do not convey user data, they penalize throughput, spectral efficiency, and transmission energy consumption of the system. In this work, we propose to mitigate the aforementioned limitations by combining both supervised and unsupervised algorithms to acquire the channel state information needed by the transmitter. The key idea consists in introducing a simple criterion to determine whether the channel has suffered a significant variation which requires the transmission of pilot symbols. Otherwise, when small fluctuations happen, an unsupervised method is used to track these channel variations instead. This criterion will be evaluated by considering two types of strategies for the design of the linear precoders: Zero-Forcing and Wiener criteria.  相似文献   

Tracking variations in both the latency and amplitude of evoked potential (EP) is important in quantifying properties of the nervous system. Adaptive filtering is a powerful tool for tracking such variations. In this paper, a data-reusing non-linear adaptive filtering method, based on a radial basis function network (RBFN), is implemented to estimate EP. The RBFN consists of an input layer of source nodes, a single hidden layer of non-linear processing units and an output layer of linear weights. It has built-in nonlinear activation functions that allow learning of function mappings. Moreover, it produces satisfactory estimates of signals against a background noise without a priori knowledge of the signal, provided that the signal and noise are independent. In clinical situations where EP responses change rapidly, the convergence rate of the algorithm becomes a critical factor. A carefully designed data-reusing RBFN can accelerate the convergence rate markedly and, thus, enhance its performance. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results support the improved performance of our new algorithm.  相似文献   

We present an improved analog floating-gate pFET synapse that implements a supervised learning algorithm similar to the least mean square (LMS) learning rule. Weight decay plays a key role in several learning rules; this floating-gate synapse exhibits this behavior. We examine implications of the weight decay appearing in the correlation learning rule realized in the floating-gate synapse and provide experimental data characterizing the synapse and its performance in one-input and two-input LMS networks. Analog floating-gate synapses will enable larger-scale, on-chip learning networks than previously possible.  相似文献   

针对目前低照度图像增强算法存在恢复细节丢失、网络复杂度高和配对数据集获取难度大等问题,提出了一种基于无监督学习的图像增强算法。在YIQ色彩空间中,通过构建的轻量化网络和幂指函数计算亮度通道Y的增强曲线,从而获得曝光较差区域增强和高光区域遏制的图像。该网络使用的无参考损失函数可以隐式地评估图像增强质量并驱动网络学习。实验对比结果表明,该算法在可训练参数和模型权重仅占9.5 k/88 kB的情形下,在视觉效果与图像质量指标上都取得了具有竞争力的结果。  相似文献   

A Bayesian decision theory approach is applied to the solution of the problem of unsupervised parametric pattern recognition. The parametric model for this investigation includes the cases where both constant and time-varying unknown parameters are present, and, most significantly, the unknown hypotheses do not constitute a statistically independent sequence. They are restricted only to be from a source with finite-order Markov dependence. The resulting optimal learning system is found and shown to grow initially in size and memory until theNth observation (whereNis the highest Markov order), and subsequently to remain of fixed size and memory. It can, therefore, operate indefinitely and continue to improve its ability to recognize patterns utilizing only a fixed size memory. In summary, the main contributions of this paper are the following: begin{enumerate} item the extension of previous investigations of the unsupervised parametric pattern recognition problem to include cases where both constant and time-varying unknown parameter vectors are simultaneously present; item that the a priori probabilities of the hypotheses, the time-varying parameters, and their transition laws may, if constant, be expressed as functions of the constant unknown parameter and, thus, also be learned; and item the removal of the assumption of statistical independence between hypotheses for the sequence of observations. end{enumerate}  相似文献   

The current study puts forward a supervised within-class-similar discriminative dictionary learning (SCDDL) algorithm for face recognition. Some popular discriminative dictionary learning schemes for recognition tasks always incorporate the linear classification error term into the objective function or make some discriminative restrictions on representation coefficients. In the presented SCDDL algorithm, we propose to directly restrict the representation coefficients to be similar within the same class and simultaneously include the linear classification error term in the supervised dictionary learning scheme to derive a more discriminative dictionary for face recognition. The experimental results on three large well-known face databases suggest that our approach can enhance the fisher ratio of representation coefficients when compared with several dictionary learning algorithms that incorporate linear classifiers. In addition, the learned discriminative dictionary, the large fisher ratio of representation coefficients and the simultaneously learned classifier can improve the recognition rate compared with some state-of-the-art dictionary learning algorithms.  相似文献   

An approximation result is given concerning Gaussian radial basis functions in a general inner product space. Applications are described concerning the classification of the elements of disjoint sets of signals, and also the approximation of continuous real functions defined on all of n using radial basis function (RBF) networks. More specifically, it is shown that an important large class of classification problems involving signals can be solved using a structure consisting of only a generalized RBF network followed by a quantizer. It is also shown that Gaussian radial basis functions defined on n can uniformly approximate arbitrarily well over all of n any continuous real functionalf on n that meets the condition that |f(x)|0 as x.  相似文献   

针对无监督行人重识别(person re-identification, ReID)中行人特征表达不充分以及聚类过程产生噪声标签的问题,提出一种联合特征细化和耐噪声对比学习的无监督ReID方法。首先,为丰富无标记的行人表征,设计了非局部通道细化模块(non-local channel refinement module, NCRM)对关键特征信息进行加权强化,其融合了非局部通道的重要特征来捕获无标记数据的类间区别表征,形成更具有鉴别度的特征描述符。其次,考虑到特征的充分表达,采用广义均值(generalized mean, GEM)池化自适应调整参数来增强不同细粒度区域信息的提取能力。再次,为了减轻噪声标签对网络的负面影响,设计了耐噪声的动态对比均衡(dynamic contrastive equilibrium, DCE)损失函数进行无监督联合学习。最终,在两个公共数据集上的实验结果验证了所提方法的有效性和先进性,mAP分别达到了83.1%和71.9%,优于其他先进方法。  相似文献   

Unsupervised Bayes sequential learning procedures for classification and estimation are often useless in practice because of the amount of computation required. In this paper, a version of a two-class decision problem is considered, and a quasi-Bayes procedure is motivated and defined. The proposed procedure mimics closely the formal Bayes solution while involving only a minimal amount of computation. Convergence properties are established and some numerical illustrations provided. The approach compares favorably with other non-Bayesian learning procedures that have been proposed and can be extended to more general situations.  相似文献   

Tsoi  A.C. 《Electronics letters》1989,25(19):1296-1297
An algebraic equation for the training of a multilayer perceptron using radial basis functions is derived. Examples using this technique for the training of a network for the exclusive-OR and related problems are presented. Suggestions on the choice of the number of centres are given.<>  相似文献   

A novel framework of an online unsupervised learning algorithm is presented to flexibly adapt the existing speaker-independent hidden Markov models (HMMs) to nonstationary environments induced by varying speakers, transmission channels, ambient noises, etc. The quasi-Bayes (QB) estimate is applied to incrementally obtain word sequence and adaptation parameters for adjusting HMMs when a block of unlabelled data is enrolled. The underlying statistics of a nonstationary environment can be successively traced according to the newest enrolment data. To improve the QB estimate, the adaptive initial hyperparameters are employed in the beginning session of online learning. These hyperparameters are estimated from a cluster of training speakers closest to the test environment. Additionally, a selection process is developed to select reliable parameters from a list of candidates for unsupervised learning. A set of reliability assessment criteria is explored for selection. In a series of speaker adaptation experiments, the effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed and it is found that using the adaptive initial hyperparameters in online learning and the multiple assessments in parameter selection can improve the recognition performance  相似文献   

CLUE: cluster-based retrieval of images by unsupervised learning.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a typical content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system, target images (images in the database) are sorted by feature similarities with respect to the query. Similarities among target images are usually ignored. This paper introduces a new technique, cluster-based retrieval of images by unsupervised learning (CLUE), for improving user interaction with image retrieval systems by fully exploiting the similarity information. CLUE retrieves image clusters by applying a graph-theoretic clustering algorithm to a collection of images in the vicinity of the query. Clustering in CLUE is dynamic. In particular, clusters formed depend on which images are retrieved in response to the query. CLUE can be combined with any real-valued symmetric similarity measure (metric or nonmetric). Thus, it may be embedded in many current CBIR systems, including relevance feedback systems. The performance of an experimental image retrieval system using CLUE is evaluated on a database of around 60,000 images from COREL. Empirical results demonstrate improved performance compared with a CBIR system using the same image similarity measure. In addition, results on images returned by Google's Image Search reveal the potential of applying CLUE to real-world image data and integrating CLUE as a part of the interface for keyword-based image retrieval systems.  相似文献   

恶意欠费用户识别对供电企业有重要意义,有利于供电企业提前介入,避免电费回收风险。由于用户电费数据缺少标签以区分用户是否恶意欠费,因此需要采取非监督学习方式建立识别模型。文中借鉴信息安全风险评估的风险值概念,综合欠费的恶意程度和欠费造成的经济损失程度来评估用户的欠费风险值,建立基于经验阀值的动态更新的恶意欠费用户识别模型。案例分析表明,该模型具备良好的识别能力,符合人们对恶意欠费用户的经验理解。  相似文献   

飞行时间(Time of Flight,ToF)三维成像技术在人工智能领域具有重要的应用价值。间接ToF三维成像是通过向目标发射调制的光强信号,再经过目标反射到相位解调图像传感器获得相位差,通过计算获得目标的深度信息。由于间接ToF成像技术会受到背景界面多次反射产生的多路径干扰,因此在复杂环境中目标物体深度测量数据会受到侧面和背景界面的多次反射的回波信号影响,降低边缘处深度测量的精度水平,因此需要对原始点云数据进行目标提取和多路径去除的预处理。本文针对该问题提出一种多界面场景中基于点云矢量的目标提取方法,能够实现复杂多目标的快速提取和多路径强干扰的去除。首先基于kmeans提出一种FVPkmeans算法,完成目标点云数据的全局全矢量提取处理。再基于K NN提出一种迭代滤波算法,实现局部多路径干扰数据的滤除。通过与其它方法的比较研究,该方法能够有效去除TOF点云目标数据的多路径干扰,目标提取性能提高了40,实验表明本文提出的全局点云数据全矢量目标提取和多路径干扰去除算法能够实现对目标点云数据的无监督学习智能提取与滤波要求。  相似文献   

It is generally recognized that digital channel equalization can be interpreted as a problem of nonlinear classification. Networks capable of approximating nonlinear mappings can be quite useful in such applications. The radial basis function network (RBFN) is one such network. We consider an extension of the RBFN for complex-valued signals (the complex RBFN or CRBFN). We also propose a stochastic-gradient (SG) training algorithm that adapts all free parameters of the network. We then consider the problem of equalization of complex nonlinear channels using the CRBFN as part of an equalizer. Results of simulations we have carried out show that the CRBFN with the SG algorithm can be quite effective in channel equalization  相似文献   

Flood forecasting using radial basis function neural networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A radial basis function (RBF) neural network (NN) is proposed to develop a rainfall-runoff model for three-hour-ahead flood forecasting. For faster training speed, the RBF NN employs a hybrid two-stage learning scheme. During the first stage, unsupervised learning, fuzzy min-max clustering is introduced to determine the characteristics of the nonlinear RBFs. In the second stage, supervised learning, multivariate linear regression is used to determine the weights between the hidden and output layers. The rainfall-runoff relation can be considered as a linear combination of some nonlinear RBFs. Rainfall and runoff events of the Lanyoung River collected during typhoons are used to train, validate,and test the network. The results show that the RBF NN can be considered a suitable technique for predicting flood flow  相似文献   

Computer vision and machine learning tools offer an exciting new way for automatically analyzing and categorizing information from complex computer simulations. Here we design an ensemble machine learning framework that can independently and robustly categorize and dissect simulation data output contents of turbulent flow patterns into distinct structure catalogs. The segmentation is performed using an unsupervised clustering algorithm, which segments physical structures by grouping together similar pixels in simulation images. The accuracy and robustness of the resulting segment region boundaries are enhanced by combining information from multiple simultaneously-evaluated clustering operations. The stacking of object segmentation evaluations is performed using image mask combination operations. This statistically-combined ensemble (SCE) of different cluster masks allows us to construct cluster reliability metrics for each pixel and for the associated segments without any prior user input. By comparing the similarity of different cluster occurrences in the ensemble, we can also assess the optimal number of clusters needed to describe the data. Furthermore, by relying on ensemble-averaged spatial segment region boundaries, the SCE method enables reconstruction of more accurate and robust region of interest (ROI) boundaries for the different image data clusters. We apply the SCE algorithm to 2-dimensional simulation data snapshots of magnetically-dominated fully-kinetic turbulent plasma flows where accurate ROI boundaries are needed for geometrical measurements of intermittent flow structures known as current sheets.  相似文献   

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