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我国农村自建房建设没有严格的监管,质量问题和因此带来的纠纷时有发生。为给农村自建房质量司法鉴定提供依据,在分析农村自建房司法鉴定中的具体问题后,本文从农村自建房结构安全和抗震性能基本要求、检测方法和质量评价原则等方面提出了标准化的具体思路,给下一步制订相关的技术标准提供了技术路线。  相似文献   

从地震对农民自建房造成的危害出发,归纳了农民自建房的现状以及形成原因,通过仔细的调查研究和实地考察,提出提高农民自建房质量的有效措施,以期提高农民自建房的安全性能,从而有效降低各种自然灾害造成的损失.  相似文献   

<正>全国自建房安全专项整治工作开展以来,各地认真贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示精神和党中央、国务院决策部署,组织开展“百日行动”,对危及公共安全的经营性自建房快查快改、立查立改,及时消除安全风险,取得积极成效。但经营性自建房量大面广、情况复杂,安全管理基础薄弱,仍存在规划建设管控不到位、审批与监管脱节、经营准入监管缺失、管理机制不健全、监管力量不足等问题。为全面加强经营性自建房安全管理,推动建立经营性自建房安全管理长效机制,切实维护人民群众生命安全,经国务院同意,现将有关事项通知如下。  相似文献   

由四川省住房和城乡建设厅组织完成的《"4·20"芦山强烈地震房屋应急评估情况的分析报告》日前出炉。报告指出,此次"4·20"芦山强烈地震中,"5·12"汶川特大地震灾后重建公共建筑经受住了地震考验,重灾区城镇居民自建房和部分公共建筑受破坏较大,重灾区农村居民自建房  相似文献   

<正>按照《中华人民共和国建筑法》和湖南省及长沙市有关文件要求,新建3层或300平方米以上的居民自建房应纳入基本建设程序。为推动相关工作要求在基层落地落实,望城区严格依法依规,明确限额以上的自建房纳入基本建设程序管理基本流程,并结合基层实际,直面程序复杂群众难操作、手续繁琐效率难保障、成本太高房主难接受三大客观难题,创新推出帮办代办、优化审批、减费降负、效能监管等举措,确保限额以上自建房纳入基本建设程序能够行得通、  相似文献   

对成都市某城中村农民自建房屋结构进行了调查,从结构安全性及抗震性能方面,分析了农民自建砌体结构房屋存在的问题及安全隐患,提出了提高房屋承载力和整体性的加固方法,可增强农民自建房的抗震能力,减少地震带来的损失。  相似文献   

近年来我国经济快速发展,国家综合实力不断提升,人们生活水平也逐步提高。随着国家加快对城乡建设及实施乡村振兴策略,对当前现有的农村自建房进行了全面的安全隐患排查。我国改革开放以来农村自建房数量规模逐渐庞大,而随着时间推移,早期建造的农村砌体类型自建房已经达到使用寿命,存在着较大的安全隐患。加上存在其他抢建违建,将民用自建房违规改造成营业用房等,导致农村自建房的安全隐患不断升级。本文阐述了当前农村自建房的现状,并对农村自建房结构安全类型及形成原因进行分析,在此基础上提出保证农村自建房结构安全的策略和提升农村自建房管理的有效措施,以期为相关部门对农村自建房安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

目前,农村很多居民为了满足日常生产生活需要,建造了很多自建房。从整体上来看,农村自建房数量和规模正在不断增加,但也存在诸多消防隐患,严重威胁着村民的生命财产安全。全面加强农村自建房的消防隐患整治,可以从源头上遏制农村自建房消防安全事故,降低火灾事故发生概率,最大限度保障村民的生命财产安全。基于此,简要分析了当前农村自建房普遍存在的消防隐患,并提出了几点消防隐患整治策略,以期为相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>今年4月29日,湖南省长沙市望城区一居民自建房发生倒塌事故,造成多人被困、失联,最终造成54人死亡。这起事故发生后,习近平总书记作出重要指示,强调“近年来多次发生自建房倒塌事故,造成重大人员伤亡,务必引起高度重视。要对全国自建房安全开展专项整治,彻查隐患,及时解决”。通过梳理可以发现,近些年自建房安全事故在多地均有发生,  相似文献   

为加强村镇农房建设管理,吸取淮北市“4·30”非法在建房屋坍塌事故教训,安徽省明确提出,将把农民自建房纳入政府监管中,并对农民自建房提供免费的设计、技术指导,确保农房质量安全。  相似文献   

The disappearance of vernacular buildings is a common phenomenon worldwide and in Indonesia. The Banjarese house, a type of Indonesian vernacular architecture, is a typical riverside dwelling that shows the strong relationship between the river and the inhabitants. In view of the number of Banjarese houses facing degradation as a riverside type of vernacular rchitecture, a study is necessary. The characteristics of the inhabitants must be considered when observing the condition of the remaining houses.Therefore, this study aims to investigate the influence of inhabitant background on the physical changes of Banjarese houses for future revitalization. A research was conducted in the embryo of Banjarmasin along the Kuin riverside settlement in Kuin Utara sub-district through a door-to-door survey with a questionnaire. The exploration indicates the following:(1) the original form of all remaining houses has been altered,(2) most of the inhabitants are classified as alow-income society,(3) the different characteristics of the present inhabitants change the physical condition of houses,(4) the relationship of the current house condition to thesocio-culture and economy of the inhabitants plays a prominent role in revitalizing Banjarese houses as a valuable asset.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2004,39(7):847-850
Environmental gamma radiation measured in buildings in Dhaka shows a cosinusoidal variation of indoor dose rate with time mainly due to seasonally varied ventilation and air exchange rates of the houses. In connection, the nature and characteristics of the buildings were also discussed. As expected, a maximum dose rate was found in winter and a minimum in summer. The variations of indoor dose rates between buildings were observed. This study indicates that the higher air exchange rates of the houses may play an important role in providing a healthy and safe indoor environment for their inhabitants by reducing indoor exposure.  相似文献   

吴晓春  张纯 《山西建筑》2006,32(16):196-197
根据实际生活实例,论证了保证建筑质量的重要性,探讨了合格的建筑材料以及房地产交易对保证质量的关键性,介绍了民用建筑质量监督管理的几项措施,以满足人们对住房的需求。  相似文献   

万婧  张友威  李波 《重庆建筑》2011,10(12):43-45
在羌文化底蕴比较深厚的茂县、理县地区,至今仍以使用石头和泥土修建的房屋为多,而居住在北川羌族自治县青片河流域的羌人的房屋则多以木料为主.本文从抗震性、防御性、节能性等几个方面对羌族建筑的特性进行了分析,以指导我们项目既能争取在保护和发展羌族建筑的同时,又能体现其实用价值.  相似文献   

Demolition of buildings is one fundamental, but little studied, factor in the dynamics of building stocks. This research study examines the characteristics and location of demolished buildings in Finland as well as motives behind the demolition decisions. A statistical and geographical analysis was performed on a dataset of all 50 818 buildings demolished in Finland between 2000 and 2012. In the Finnish context, the study shows that the amount of demolition, the size of the community, demographic development and construction activity are all interconnected. In general, the larger the community, the more it gains inhabitants and the more is built as well as demolished. The data confirm that removals from the building stock are a result of conscious deliberation. Non-residential buildings dominate the amount of demolished floor area. In addition, they are much larger and younger at the time of demolition than residential buildings, which consist primarily of detached houses. Demolitions are geographically concentrated: cities account for 76% of demolished floor area; and city cores for as much as 44%. Public policy needs to include demolition to reduce environmental impacts and improve resource efficiency.  相似文献   

The aim was to develop a multiple logistic regression model to identify multi-family houses with an increase of sick building syndrome (SBS). In Stockholm, 609 multi-family buildings with 14,235 dwellings were selected by stratified random sampling. The response rate was 77%. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied, adjusting for ownership of the building, building age and size, age, gender, and atopy. Females, subjects with allergy, those above 65 yr, and those in new buildings reported significantly more SBS. Subjects owning their own building reported less SBS, but the relationship between ownership and building age was strong. A regression model, including factors with a high explanatory value was developed. According to the model, 5% of all buildings built before 1961, 13% of those built 1976-1984, and 15% of those built 1985-1990 would have significantly more SBS than expected. In conclusion, SBS is related to personal factors, building age, and ownership of the building. To identify multi-family buildings with more SBS than expected, it is necessary to adjust for ownership and population characteristics.  相似文献   

If energy demand in the building sector should be decreased, low-energy buildings, which are built with the aim of decreasing the use of energy, but still provide a good environment for the occupants, ought to be built on a larger scale. Investigations into how experimental houses function provides the opportunity of improving next-generation houses. This paper presents the results of an interdisciplinary investigation of the thermal environment and the space heating in 20 low-energy terraced houses. Qualitative interviews with the occupants as well as measurements of physical parameters have been conducted for this purpose. When the houses are inhabited and household appliances and candles are being used, the temperature can be managed within acceptable limits, even on cold days. However, those living in middle houses are generally more satisfied with their indoor temperature than the households of the gable houses. Results from both interviews and measurements show that there is a temperature difference between the floor levels, which is more pronounced in the gable houses. One outcome of the investigation is that information about the functionality of the heating system given to the households should be improved. Another outcome is that the accuracy of the temperature regulation system could be better.  相似文献   

李滨 《山西建筑》2014,(18):281-282
介绍了高层建筑消防监督工作的重要性和理念原则,并结合高层建筑与城市发展的客观需求,深入分析了高层建筑消防监督的制度、实施等问题,从技术、监督管理等层面强化高层建筑消防整体管理的效能应用模式,以减少消防安全事故的发生,保证高层建筑的安全性。  相似文献   

Diyarbak?r is located in the southestern part of Turkey. Traditional Diyarbak?r houses are successful examples of buildings adapted to a hot dry climate. This is achieved by conforming to an old style of living and by the requirements and the use of local materials. In this study, the general architectural properties of the traditional houses of Diyarbak?r, their layouts, plan types, building envelope and facade elements are evaluated in terms of building physics criteria. Today, in spite of new technological advances, techniques and materials, identical buildings are still being built, and climatic design is not considered important in Diyarbak?r. As a result these buildings do not provide shade and cool spaces, and thus cause thermal discomfort, or increase in the use of energy. The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of the features of traditional buildings in terms of designing energy efficient, to provide appropriate buildings for the environment.  相似文献   

农村建筑抗震调查的综合分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合我国各地区地震灾后的建筑物破坏情况,依照抗震鉴定标准和抗震设计规范的基本思想,对农村建筑从综合抗震能力作了综合抗震鉴定,并以此为基础提出了结合村镇建设改善农村建筑综合抗震能力的设想。  相似文献   

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