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PURPOSE: The goal of this randomized study was to determine whether combined general and epidural anaesthesia with postoperative epidural analgesia, compared with general anaesthesia and postoperative intravenous analgesia, reduced the incidence of perioperative myocardial ischaemia in patients undergoing elective aortic surgery. METHOD: Patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group (EPI, n = 48) received combined general and epidural anaesthesia and postoperative epidural analgesia for 48 hrs. The other group (GA, n = 51) received general anaesthesia followed by postoperative intravenous analgesia. Anaesthetic goals were to maintain haemodynamic stability (+/- 20% of preoperative values), and a stroke volume > 1 ml.kg-1. A Holter monitor was attached to each patient the day before surgery. Leads 11, V2, and V5 were monitored. Myocardial ischaemia was defined as ST segment depression > 1 mm measured at 80 millisec beyond the J point or an elevation of 2 mm 60 millisec beyond the J point which lasted > 60 sec. An event that lasted > 60 sec but returned to the baseline for > 60 sec and then recurred, was counted as two separate events. The Holter tapes were reviewed by a cardiologist blind to the patient's group. RESULTS: There were no demographic differences between the two groups. Myocardial ischaemia was common; it occurred in 55% of patients. In hospital, preoperative ischaemia was uncommon (GA = 3, EPI = 8). Intraoperative ischaemia was common (GA = 18, EPI = 25). Mesenteric traction produced the largest number of ischaemic (GA = 11, EPI = 11) events. Postoperative ischaemia was most common on the day of surgery. Termination of epidural analgesia produced a burst of ischaemia (60 events in 9 patients). CONCLUSION: Combined general and epidural anaesthesia and postoperative epidural analgesia do not reduce the incidence of myocardial ischaemia or morbidity compared with general anaesthesia and postoperative intravenous analgesia.  相似文献   

We reported the case of sudden asystole requiring close chest cardiac massage in a 56-yrs-old health man receiving epidural anaesthesia for elective transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT). The anaesthetic procedure was performed in a regional-block-room. Cardiac arrest developed few minutes after local anaesthetic injection, before the patient has been transferred to the operating room. The importance of patient monitoring during regional anaesthesia must be further on pointed out, especially when the anaesthetic procedure is performed out of the operating room (e.g. in the recovery room or in a "regional-block-room").  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Basic pharmacological research indicates that there are synergistic antinociceptive effects at the spinal cord level between adrenaline, fentanyl and bupivacaine. Our clinical experience with such a mixture in a thoracic epidural infusion after major surgery confirms this. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effects on postoperative pain intensity, pain relief and side effects when removing adrenaline from this triple epidural mixture. METHODS: A prospective, randomised, double-blind, cross-over study was carried out in 24 patients after major thoracic or abdominal surgery. Patients with only mild pain when coughing during a titrated thoracic epidural infusion of about 10 ml.h-1 of bupivacaine 1 mg.ml-1, fentanyl 2 micrograms.ml-1, and adrenaline 2 micrograms.ml-1 were included. On the 1st and 2nd postoperative days each patient was given a double-blind epidural infusion, at the same rate, with or without adrenaline. The effect was observed for 4 h or until pain when coughing became unacceptable in spite of a rescue analgesic procedure. Rescue analgesia consisted of up to two epidural bolus injections per hour and i.v. morphine if necessary. All patients received rectal paracetamol 1 g, every 8 h. Fentanyl serum concentrations were measured with a radioimmunoassay technique at the start and end of each study period. Main outcome measures were extent of sensory blockade and pain intensity at rest and when coughing, evaluated by a visual analogue scale, a verbal categorical rating scale, the Prince Henry Hospital pain score, and an overall quality of pain relief score. RESULTS: The number of hypaesthetic dermatomal segments decreased (P < 0.001) and pain intensity at rest and when coughing increased (P < 0.001) when adrenaline was omitted from the triple epidural mixture. This change started within the first hour after removing adrenaline. After 3 h pain intensity when coughing had increased to unacceptable levels in spite of rescue analgesia (epidural bolus injections and i.v. morphine). Within 15-20 min after restarting the triple epidural mixture with adrenaline, pain intensity was again reduced to mild pain when coughing. Serum concentration of fentanyl doubled from 0.22 to 0.45 ng.ml-1 (P < 0.01), and there was more sedation during the period without adrenaline. CONCLUSIONS: Adrenaline increases sensory block and improves the pain-relieving effect of a mixture of bupivacaine and fentanyl infused epidurally at a thoracic level after major thoracic or abdominal surgery. Serum fentanyl concentrations doubled and sedation increased when adrenaline was removed from the epidural infusion, indicating more rapid vascular absorption and systemic effects of fentanyl.  相似文献   

Maternal and foetal acid-base balance, PaO2, lactate, potassium and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) were studied during the course of 28 induced labours. Every second mother received segmental epidural analgesia during the first stage of labour (epidural group), while the remaining mothers (who were given pethidine for pain relief, if necessary) acted as a control group. In the epidural group the patients had only minimal changes in acid-base balance and lactate concentration during the first stage. During the second stage lactate concentration increased. In the control group, on the other hand, the acid-base balance showed signs of hyperventilation and lactic acid accumulation during the first stage. The potassium changes were quite minimal and were not significantly different between the groups. The CPK level did not change during labour, but 2 and 4 h after delivery it was significantly elevated in both groups. The foetal acid-base balance, potassium, lactate and PaO2 values revealed no differences between the groups at any time. The CPK level in umbilical venous blood was significantly higher in the epidural group.  相似文献   

The study evaluates the analgesic effects of epidural clonidine in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy under combined epidural/general anaesthesia. Forty ASA 1-2 patients were divided into two groups who received epidurally either clonidine 300 micrograms (group 1) or placebo (group 2). Anaesthesia was maintained with oxygen/nitrous oxide, a midazolam infusion, vecuronium, and boluses of fentanyl 100 micrograms administered as needed to maintain cardiovascular stability. The mean (SD) intraoperative fentanyl requirements were 2.05 (0.18) and 3.66 (0.3) micrograms.kg-1.h-1 for groups 1 and 2 respectively (p < 0.001). Patients in Group 1 had a lower heart rate after tracheal intubation and surgical incision (p < 0.02). In the recovery room, pain intensity was lower in group 1 (p < 0.003) and the mean (SD) time until analgesia request was increased from 48.5 (8.4) min in group 2 to 235.7 (33.2) min in group 1 (p < 0.001). Our results demonstrate that epidural clonidine produces decreased fentanyl requirements, improved cardiovascular stability, reduced pain intensity and effective postoperative analgesia in the recovery room.  相似文献   

Number of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments administered and severity of psychopathology confound the interpretation of clinical studies that address the relationship between the rate of administration of ECT and cognitive morbidity occasioned by the treatment. A preclinical study was therefore conducted to address the issue. Three groups (n = 8/group) of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats received six electroconvulsive shocks (ECS) in daily ECS, 3 ECS/week, and 2 ECS/week schedules; a fourth group (control; n = 8) received only sham ECS. From days 2 to 7 after the conclusion of the ECS/sham ECS course, the rats were monitored for learning on the Hebb-Williams complex maze. The control, 2 ECS/week, and 3 ECS/week groups showed significant learning by days 3, 5, and 7, respectively, while the daily ECS group showed no significant learning during the assessment period. This indicates that even when the cumulative effect of ECS on learning is controlled for, more frequent ECS is associated with slower learning. Extrapolating to clinical settings, it is suggested that wider spacing of ECT may lessen ECT-induced cognitive morbidity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clonidine produces analgesia by actions on alpha 2-adrenoceptors and enhances both sensory and motor blockade from epidural injection of local anaesthetics. Low-dose clonidine has been used so far for caudal injection in children. Our aim was to study the perioperative effects of high-dose caudal clonidine when added to low concentration of bupivacaine for combined epidural and general anaesthesia in children. METHODS: After induction of general anaesthesia caudal block was performed either with 1 ml.kg-1 bupivacaine 0.175% with the addition of clonidine 5 micrograms.kg-1 (n = 20), or with 1 ml.kg-1 bupivacaine 0.175% (n = 20). The intraoperative anaesthetic requirements, the perioperative haemodynamic effects, respiratory rate, sedation score, postoperative pain scores and side effects were assessed by a blinded observer. A patient-controlled analgesia system was used for postoperative pain relief. The quality of postoperative pain relief was assessed using Smiley's pain analogue scale. RESULTS: Intraoperative haemodynamic responses did not differ between the groups. However, during emergence from general anaesthesia children in the clonidine group had significantly lower heart rates and blood pressure compared to children in the control group. In addition, heart rates and blood pressures were also lower in the clonidine group in the early postoperative period (P < 0.05). Postoperative analgesia was significantly better in the clonidine group as evidenced by the total number of requests (3 vs 12, P < 0.05) and the total amount of tramadol (20.5 mg vs 72.8 mg, P < 0.05) administered. The duration of the caudal analgesia was significantly longer in the clonidine group (20.9 +/- 7.4 h vs 14.4 +/- 10.9 h, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that caudal clonidine 5 micrograms.kg-1 enhances and prolongs caudal blockade with bupivacaine (1.175% in children. It also blocks sympathoadrenergic responses during emergence from anaesthesia. Sedation and cardiovascular effects are observed up to 3 h into the postoperative period.  相似文献   

Expression of fusion proteins between prepro-alpha-factor and somatostatin (SRIF) in yeast, resulted in the correct processing and secretion of the heterologous 14-amino acid SRIF peptide (1). When the chimeric genes were placed under the control of yeast acid phosphatase (PHO5) promoter, significant amount of an unglycosylated form of the fusion precursor molecule accumulated intracellularly, suggesting disruption of an endoplasmic reticulum-mediated function. We report here that the appearance of the precursor is due to an alteration in the three amino terminal residues of the chimera, i.e., Met-Arg-Phe in native prepro-alpha-factor is changed to Met-Phe-Lys in the hybrids. The unglycosylated precursor represents a population of molecules that are disrupted at an early stage of targeting to or translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Our data demonstrate that the N-terminus plays an important role in topogenesis. Furthermore, these results show that translocation and glycosylation can be uncoupled from protein synthesis in vivo, and therefore can be posttranslational events in yeast.  相似文献   

Centroneuraxis analgesia has a place in the management of critically ill patients. With the safety of the intrathecally placed microcatheter now in question, epidural blockade is more suitable in the intensive care unit setting. The different mechanisms of action and the resultant synergy of local anesthetic agents and opioids, as well as their different side effects, are outlined. The contraindications to neuraxial blockade are discussed, and the role of epidural analgesia in the management of flail chest syndrome is addressed in detail.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The usual methods of scabies diagnosis include microscopic identification of the mites and their eggs and feces in skin scrapings. In many cases, the results of microscopic examination can be negative owing to the low number of parasites present in the cornified layer. Epiluminescence microscopy (ELM) is an in vivo technique that allows a detailed inspection of the skin, from the surface to the superficial papillary dermis. This is where the scabies mite lives. In this study, we evaluate the applicability and the usefulness of ELM for in vivo diagnosis of scabies. OBSERVATIONS: Sixty-five (93%) of 70 cases of scabies showed small, dark, triangular structures at the sites examined with ELM. A subtle linear segment seen below the base of the triangle was made visible by the presence of small air bubbles. Together, both structures resembled a jet with contrail. On traditional microscopic examination of the scrapings, we verified that the triangular structure corresponded to the pigmented anterior section of the mite in all cases. The linear segment observed on ELM was thought to be the burrow of the mite along with its eggs and fecal pellets. The cases in which the results of a first ELM examination were negative demonstrated positive results on a second ELM examination carried out 20 days later. CONCLUSION: Epiluminescence microscopy is a very useful tool for in vivo diagnosis of scabies because it permits Sarcoptes scabiei detection in only a few minutes, with no discomfort to the patient and with a very low number of false-negative results.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gas exchange is impaired during general anaesthesia due to development of shunt and ventilation-perfusion mismatching. Thoracic epidural anaesthesia (TEA) may affect the mechanics of the respiratory system, intrathoracic blood volume and possibly ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) distribution during general anaesthesia. METHODS: VA/Q relationships were analyzed in 24 patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. Intrapulmonary shunt (Qs/QT), perfusion of "low" VA/Q areas, ventilation of "high" VA/Q regions, dead space ventilation and mean distribution of ventilation and perfusion were calculated from the retention/excretion data of six inert gases. Intrathoracic blood volume (ITBV) and pulmonary blood volume (PBV) were determined with a double indicator technique. Recordings were made before and after administration of 8.5 +/- 1.5 ml bupivacaine 0.5% (n = 12) or 8.3 +/- 1.8 ml placebo (n = 12) into a thoracic epidural catheter and after induction of general anaesthesia. RESULTS: Before TEA, Qs/QT was normal in the bupivacaine group (2 +/- 2%) and the placebo group (2 +/- 3%). TEA covering the dermatomal segments T 12 to T 4 had no effect on VA/Q relationships, ITBV and PBV. After induction of general anaesthesia Qs/QT increased to 8 +/- 4% (bupivacaine group, P < 0.05 and to 7 +/- 2% (placebo group, P < 0.05). ITBV and PBV decreased significantly to the same extent in the bupivacaine group and the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS: TEA has no effect on VA/Q distribution, gas exchange and intrathoracic blood volume in the awake state and does not influence development of Qs/QT and VA/Q inequality after induction of general anaesthesia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: A double-blind study was conducted to assess the efficacy and the side effects of a low dose of clonidine added to an epidural injection of bupivacaine and epinephrine, with or without sufentanil. METHODS: One hundred healthy parturients (ASA 1) were randomly allocated into four groups according to the type of epidural analgesia administered. The bupivacaine/epinephrine (BE) group received a 10-mL standard injection of bupivacaine (B) 1.25 mg/mL and epinephrine (E) 1.25 microg/mL. In the bupivacaine/epinephrine/sufentanil (BES) group, 7.5 microg sufentanil (S) was added to the BE mixture. For the bupivacaine/ epinephrine/clonidine (BEC) group, 50 microg clonidine (C) was added to the BE mixture, whereas for the bupivacaine/epinephrine/sufentanil/clonidine (BESC) group, both sufentanil and clonidine were added to BE. Fetal heart rate was monitored by continuous cardiotocography. Duration of analgesia, method of delivery, and neonatal outcome (measured using APGAR score, peripheral oxygen saturation, and neurologic adaptive capacity score) and side effects of clonidine were observed. The parturients were routinely asked for their global appreciation of the epidural analgesia technique by visual analog score, 2 hours postpartum. RESULTS: The overall quality and duration of analgesia were superior in the BESC group compared with the other groups, as was the global appreciation by the parturient. The frequency of side effects in the clonidine groups was comparable, with the exception of hypotension and sedation. Hypotension was easily treated by fluids or ephedrine and caused no fetal distress. The level of sedation was mild, and all parturients aroused immediately after verbal commands. CONCLUSION: The addition of a low dose of clonidine to an epidural injection of bupivacaine with epinephrine and sufentanil provides better analgesia during labor, while keeping the side effects minimal and of minor clinical importance.  相似文献   

The effects of enflurane (efrane) and ether on the cerebral functions were studied by EEG on two similar groups of adult patients. For basic comparison a depth of anaesthesia was chosen which permitted abdominal surgery without the need to administer muscular relaxants. At this level of anaesthesia the typical EEG-changes of paroxysmal type which have been described with enflurane were seen only occasionally. If, however, the depth of anaesthesia was further increased, such EEG-changes indicating increased cerebral excitability were seen more often under enflurane and also appeared under ether anaesthesia. No seizure activity was recorded.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the efficacy and safety of patient-controlled epidural analgesia of morphine or fentanyl in combination with bupivacaine for postoperative pain relief. METHODS: Forty ASA I-II patients scheduled for major abdominal surgery were studied. After insertion of a lumbar epidural catheter, patients were given a non-opioid general anaesthetic. After surgery patients complaining of pain, received a loading dose of 2 mg morphine (Group I) or 50 micrograms fentanyl (Group II). For continuing pain, 1 mg morphine in 4 ml bupivacaine 0.125% (0.25 mg.ml-1 morphine and 1 mg.ml-1 bupivacaine, Group I) or 20 micrograms fentanyl in 4 ml bupivacaine 0.125% (5 micrograms.ml-1 fentanyl and 1 mg.ml-1 bupivacaine Group II) were administered. Blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and SpO2 were monitored. Assessments of pain (VAS), nausea-vomiting, motor block, pruritus and sedation were recorded for 24 hr. RESULTS: No difference in pain or sedation was observed between groups. The 24 hr postoperative opioid consumption was 15.50 +/- 7.53 mg morphine and 555.10 +/- 183.85 micrograms fentanyl. Total bupivacaine 0.125% consumption was 58.00 +/- 30.14 ml in Group I and 101.05 +/- 36.77 ml in Group II. One patient in Group II complained of motor weakness in one leg. The incidence of nausea (Group I 45%, Group II 10% P < 0.05) and pruritus (Group I 30%, Group II 5% P < 0.05) was less in patients receiving fentanyl. CONCLUSION: Both methods were effective in the prevention of pain but, because of fewer side effects, fentanyl may be preferable to morphine.  相似文献   

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