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The role of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a major lipid peroxidation product, in oxidative damage to mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COX) was examined. Oxidative stress was induced in mitochondria isolated from livers of male Sprague-Dawley rats by tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-BHP). COX activity was inhibited, with a concomitant increase in endogenous HNE level in mitochondria. COX activity was also inhibited following incubation of mitochondria with 50-450 microM HNE. Blocking HNE degradation intensified COX inhibition by HNE and by t-BHP-induced oxidative stress, the latter accompanied by a simultaneous increase in endogenous HNE production. On the other hand, COX inhibition by HNE was markedly reduced by potentiating HNE degradation via enhancing conjugation of HNE with reduced glutathione (GSH). Incubation of purified COX with 10-400 microM HNE resulted in HNE adduct formation with specific subunits of COX, correlated with inhibition of the enzyme activity. These data suggest that HNE may inhibit mitochondrial COX by forming adducts with the enzyme, and that this could be one mechanism underlying mitochondrial damage caused by oxidative stress. The findings also illustrate a role for GSH in protecting mitochondria from the deleterious effects of HNE.  相似文献   

The SbcCD protein is a member of a group of nucleases found in bacteriophage T4 and T5, eubacteria, archaebacteria, yeast, Drosophila, mouse and man. Evidence from electron microscopy has revealed a distinctive structure consisting of two globular domains linked by a long region of coiled coil, similar to that predicted for the members of the SMC family. That a nuclease should have such an unusual structure suggests that its mode of action may be complex. Here we show that the protein degrades duplex DNA in a 3'-->5' direction. This degradation releases products half the length of the original duplex suggesting simultaneous degradation from two duplex ends. This may provide a link to the unusual structure of the protein since our data are consistent with recognition and cleavage of DNA ends followed by 3'-->5' nicking by two nucleolytic centres within a single nuclease molecule that releases a half length limit product. We also show that cleavage is not simply at the point of a single-strand/double-stand transition and that despite the dominant 3'-->5' polarity of degradation, a 5' single-strand can be cleaved when attached to duplex DNA. The implications of this mechanism for the processing of hairpins formed during DNA replication are discussed.  相似文献   

A cDNA for procathepsin E was generated from human gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cells, amplified by PCR and inserted into the T7 dependent vector pET 22b for expression in E. coli. Purification of the resultant product was accomplished simply, without the need to resort to column chromatography. The recombinant protein displayed comparable properties to those of its naturally occurring counterpart. The yield of homogeneous active enzyme obtained was approximately 3 mg per 40 g of cells. This is sufficient to permit crystallisation and structural analysis to begin and a mutagenesis programme to examine structure/activity relationships now to be undertaken.  相似文献   

The influence of extracytoplasmic proteases on the resistance of Escherichia coli to the antimicrobial peptide protamine was investigated by testing strains with deletions in the protease genes degP, ptr, and ompT. Only DeltaompT strains were hypersusceptible to protamine. This effect was abolished by plasmids carrying ompT. Both at low and at high Mg2+ concentrations, ompT+ strains cleared protamine from the medium within a few minutes. By contrast, at high Mg2+ concentrations, protamine remained present for at least 1 h in the medium of an ompT strain. These data indicate that OmpT is the protease that degrades protamine and that it exerts this function at the external face of the outer membrane.  相似文献   

A 42 yr old male presented with left facial weakness. MRI showed lesions affecting the distal seventh nerve and third division of the trigeminal nerve. The seventh nerve was biopsied and showed a malignant epithelioid schwannoma. The patient underwent extensive resection followed by irradiation. This is one of very few examples of intracranial malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and the first reported example of an intracranial malignant epithelioid schwannoma. The literature is reviewed and completeness of resection appears to be the most pertinent prognostic factor.  相似文献   

Time-resolved laser UV irradiation and controlled proteolysis have been used to study the sequential recognition of the lac UV5 promoter by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. Local rearrangements in the DNA, the appearance of intimate protein-DNA contacts, and structural changes within the sigma subunit together provide specific signatures that define major species populated during this process. At 22 degreesC, a first closed complex is characterised by a transient conformational change in the sigma subunit and by a distortion in the -35 region. Subsequently, direct contacts at -34 and at positions -8, -5 and -3 on the non-template strand appear prior to DNA strand separation. The contact in the -35 consensus region involves only the sigma subunit. This intermediate possesses different structural parameters from that formed by quenching open complexes from 37 degreesC to 14 degreesC. Sigma thus appears as the principal partner acting during promoter recognition, a strongly coupled process involving two major intermediates only.  相似文献   

Shunting systems widely used for the treatment of hydrocephalus have been connected with certain risks and potential complications which stem from implanting a non-biological material into the human body. Several complications have been reported to arise from the insertion of ventriculo-peritoneal shunts. This short report highlights the observation that when anaerobic meningitis together with gram negative E. Coli in the CSF of a V-P shunted patient is found, bowel perforation should be assumed. Four cases developed such a complication among 643 hydrocephalic patients of various etiology over a period of ten years.  相似文献   

We evaluated the usefulness of bacterial agglutination antibodies for serodiagnosis of verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (enterohemorrhagic E. coli) O157 infections. We examined 50 serum samples from 50 control children (whiout diarrhea 31, with diarrhea 19), 24 samples from 8 diarrhea cases due to O157:H7, 37 samples from 14 cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) for antibodies to heat-killed E. coli E32511 (O157:H.-) strain using the bacterial agglutination technique. Of the control sera all but one (x80) showed 20 > or = in the antibody. All the diarrhea patients due to O157:H7 showed a significant rise (x160-x5120) of the titers in the sera at 5-7 days on illness, after that the titers fell rapidly. Significant antibody rise (x160-x5120) was detected in twelve out of 14 HUS patients at the early stage of the illness which fell in the convalescent phase. The assay appeared to be a useful serodiagnostic technique because of its easiness and simplicity as well as because of its high sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

The endoribonuclease RNase E is believed to initiate the degradation of many mRNAs in Escherichia coli, yet the mechanism by which it recognizes cleavage sites is poorly understood. We have prepared derivatives of the mRNA encoding ribosomal protein S20 which contain a single major RNase E cleavage site at residues 300/301 preceded by variable 5' extensions. Three of these RNAs are cleaved in vitro with significantly reduced efficiencies relative to the intact S20 mRNA by both crude RNase E and pure Rne protein (endonuclease component of RNase E). In all three substrates as well as in the full-length mRNA the major cleavage site itself remains single-stranded. One such substrate (t84D) contains a 5' stem-loop structure characterized by three noncanonical A-G pairs. Removal or denaturation of the stem restores efficient cleavage at the major RNase E site. The other two contain single-stranded 5'-termini but apparently lack cleavage sites near the termini. Our data show that sensitivity to RNase E can be influenced by distant structural motifs in the RNA and also suggest a model in which the initial recognition and cleavage of a substrate near its 5' end facilitates sequential cleavages at more distal sites. The model implies that RNase E contains at least a dimer of the Rne subunit and that the products of the first cleavage are retained by Rne prior to the second cleavage.  相似文献   

Synthetic DNA substrates containing an acetylaminofluorene (AAF) adduct at each of the three guanine in the G1G2CG3CC sequence were constructed and tested as substrates for reconstituted E.coli (A)BC excinuclease and human excinuclease in HeLa cell-free extract (CFE). The (A)BC excinulcease repaired the three substrates with relative efficiencies of G1:G2:G3 of 100:18:66 in agreement with an earlier report [Seeberg, E., and Fuchs, R.P.P. (1990) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 87, 191-194]. The same lesions were repaired by the human excinuclease with the strikingly different efficiencies of G1:G2:G3 as 38:100:68. These results reveal that the human excinuclease is affected by the sequence context of the lesion in a different manner than its prokaryotic counterpart.  相似文献   

The UmuD-like proteins are best characterized for their role in damage-induced SOS mutagenesis. An essential step in this process is the enzymatic self-processing of the UmuD-like proteins. This reaction is thought to occur either via an intramolecular or intermolecular self-cleavage mechanism. Here, we demonstrate that it can also occur via an heterologous intermolecular cleavage reaction. The Escherichia coli UmuD enzyme demonstrated the broadest substrate specificity, cleaving both E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium UmuD substrates in vivo. In comparison, the wild-type S. typhimurium UmuD (UmuDSt) and MucA enzymes catalyzed intermolecular self-cleavage, but did not facilitate heterologous cleavage. Heterologous cleavage by the UmuDSt enzyme was, however, observed with chimeric UmuD substrates that possess residues 30-55 of UmuDSt. We have further localized the residue predominantly responsible for UmuDSt-catalyzed heterologous cleavage to Ser50 in the substrate molecule. We hypothesize that changes at this residue affect the positioning of the cleavage site of a substrate molecule within the catalytic cleft of the UmuDSt enzyme by affecting the formation of a so-called UmuD "filament-dimer". This hypothesis is further supported by the observation that mutations known to disrupt an E. coli UmuD' filament dimer also block intermolecular UmuDEc cleavage.  相似文献   

Expression of S cerevisiae RNase H1 in E coli leads to the formation of a proteolytic product with a molecular mass of 30 kDa that is derived from the 39-kDa full length protein. The 30-kDa form retains RNase H1 activity, as determined by renaturation gel assay. The amount of proteolysis observed depends on the procedure used in preparing the cell extracts for protein analysis. The cleavage site on the amino acid sequence of the 39-kDa RNase H1 was determined by N-terminal sequence analysis of the 30-kDa proteolytic form. The cut occurs between two arginines located at the amino terminus region of the protein. The pattern of proteolysis was examined for both the wild-type RNase H1 and a mutant RNase H1 that was constructed in this work. In the mutant the second arginine of the cleavage site was changed to a lysine. Comparisons of the expression of the wild-type and altered protein in two different E coli strains demonstrate that the protease responsible for the degradation has a specificity very similar to that of the OmpT protease. However, the proteolysis observed in an OmpT background in extracts, prepared by boiling the cells in SDS containing buffer, indicates that the protease may, unlike OH108.  相似文献   

Analysis of E.coli promoter structures using neural networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Backpropagation neural network is trained to identify E.coli promoters of all spacing classes (15 to 21). A three module approach is employed wherein the first neural net module predicts the consensus boxes, the second module aligns the promoters to a length of 65 bases and the third neural net module predicts the entire sequence of 65 bases taking care of the possible interdependencies between the bases in the promoters. The networks were trained with 106 promoters and random sequences which were 60% AT rich and tested on 126 promoters (Bacterial, Mutant and Phage promoters). The network was 98% successful in promoter recognition and 90.2% successful in non-promoter recognition when tested on 5000 randomly generated sequences. The network was further trained with 11 mutated non-promoters and 8 mutated promoters of the p22ant promoter. The testing set with 7 mutated promoters and 13 mutated non-promoters of p22ant were identified. The network was upgraded using total 1665 data of promoters and non-promoters to identify any promoter sequences in the gene sequences. The network identified the locations of P1, P2 and P3 promoters in the pBR322 plasmid. A search for the start codon, Ribosomal Binding Site and the stop codon by a string search procedure has also been added to find the possible promoters that can yield protein products. The network was also successfully tested on a synthetic plasmid pWM528.  相似文献   

Guanabenz (Wytensin) was shown to inactivate nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in vitro and in vivo. In in vitro studies with the use of a cytosolic fraction from penile tissue, the inactivation was found to depend on NADPH, time, and the concentration of guanabenz. The L-, but not the D-, isomer of arginine could protect from the inactivation, suggesting an active site-directed event. The kinetics of inactivation could be described by an apparent dissociation constant for the initial reversible complex (Ki) and a pseudo first-order inactivation constant (kinact) of 38.5 microM and 0.179 min-1, respectively. In in vivo studies, guanabenz was shown to inhibit penile cytosolic NOS activity in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Treatment of rats with guanabenz (5 mg/kg/day) for 4 days caused a decrease of approximately one-half in the NOS activity of the penile cytosolic fraction with a concomitant loss in the amount of immunodetectable NOS protein. Treatment for 4 days at a dose of 0. 5 mg/kg/day showed a similar decrease in activity, whereas a dose of 0.05 mg/kg/day showed no effects. Due to the multitude of processes that are regulated by NO, the inactivation of NOS is a potential mechanism to be considered in a variety of biological effects associated with drugs.  相似文献   

Three photoreactive tRNA probes have been utilized in order to identify ribosomal components that are in contact with the aminoacyl acceptor end and the anticodon loop of tRNA bound to the E site of Escherichia coli ribosomes. Two of the probes were derivatives of E. coli tRNA(Phe) in which adenosines at positions 73 and 76 were replaced by 2-azidoadenosine. The third probe was derived from yeast tRNA(Phe) by substituting wyosine at position 37 with 2-azidoadenosine. Despite the modifications, all of the photoreactive tRNA species were able to bind to the E site of E. coli ribosomes programmed with poly(A) and, upon irradiation, formed covalent adducts with the ribosomal subunits. The tRNA(Phe) probes modified at or near the 3' terminus exclusively labeled protein L33 in the 50S subunit. The tRNA(Phe) derivative containing 2-azidoadenosine within the anticodon loop became cross-linked to protein S11 as well as to a segment of the 16S rRNA encompassing the 3'-terminal 30 nucleotides. We have located the two extremities of the E site-bound tRNA on the ribosomal subunits according to the positions of L33, S11 and the 3' end of 16S rRNA defined by immune electron microscopy. Our results demonstrate conclusively that the E site is topographically distinct from either the P site or the A site, and that it is located alongside the P site as expected for the tRNA exit site.  相似文献   

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