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A hydrodynamic model is used to investigate the characteristics of positive ions in the sheath region of a low-pressure magnetized electronegative discharge. Positive ions are modeled as a cold fluid, while the electron and negative ion density distributions obey the Boltzmann distribution with two different temperatures. By taking into account the ion-neutral collision effect in the sheath region and assuming that the momentum transfer cross section has a power law dependence on the velocity of positive ions, the sheath formation criterion (modified Bohm's criterion) is derived and it is shown that there are specified maximum and minimum limits for the ion Mach number M. Considering these two limits of M, the behaviors of electrostatic potential, charged particle density distributions and positive ion velocities in the sheath region are studied for different values of ion-neutral collision frequency.  相似文献   

A fully kinetic particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo model is employed to self-consistently study the effects of fast-ion injection on sheath potential and electric field profile in collisional magnetized plasma with a floating absorbing wall. The influences of the fast-ion injection velocity and density, the magnetic field and angle θ0 formed by the magnetic field and the x-axis on the sheath potential and electric field are discussed in detail. Numerical results show that increasing fast-ion injection density or decreasing injection velocity can enhance the potential drop and electric field in the sheath. Also, increasing the magnetic field strength can weaken the loss of charged particles to the wall and thus decrease the potential and electric field in the sheath. The time evolution of ion flux and velocity distribution on the wall is found to be significantly affected by the magnetic field.  相似文献   

In this paper, derived from Maxwell and fluid equations of plasmas, unified nonlinear wave equations are used to describe the parametric decay instability (PDI) in magnetized plasmas, and in view of mode-coupling, we can obtain all the possible PDI channels. By solving the nonlinear equations with a mode-coupling method, we obtain the growth rate of the PDI, of which all of the three waves are ordinary mode (O-mode) or extraordinary mode (X-mode) wave. Under the dipole approximation, an explicit formula of the growth rate of the X-mode and the condition of the equilibrium density scale are obtained. According to the existence conditions of three X-mode waves, this kind of instability might exist in ECRH with the second harmonic X-mode wave.  相似文献   

Steady-state plasma generated by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) wave in the KT5D magnetized torus was studied using a fast high-resolution camera and Langmuir probes. It was found that both the discharge patterns taken by the camera and the plasma parameters measured by the probes were very sensitive to the working gas pressure and the magnetic configuration of the torus both without and with vertical fields. There existed fast vertical motion of the plasma. Tentative discussion is presented about the observed phenomena such as the bright resonance layer at a high gas pressure and the wave absorption mechanism at a low pressure. Further explanations should be found.  相似文献   

The sheaths of a plasma containing two species of positive ion generated in a low pressure discharge (- mTorr) are studied using a fluid model. It is shown anal...  相似文献   

The systematic Langmuir probe measurements for a weakly magnetized plasma have been carried out in the Linear Magnetized Plasma Device for different magnetic fields. By comparing the ion current density of probes with different sizes, the sheath thickness can be evaluated. It is found that while the ratio of cylindrical probe‘s dimension to ion Larmor radius is not more than 2, the model of probe for non-magnetized plasma is still applicable.  相似文献   

In order to investigate electron dynamics near the electron diffusion region in magnetic reconnection process, an upgrade in the Linear Magnetized Plasma (LMP) device is accomplished at the University of Science and Technology of China. Radio frequency (RF) helicon discharge is used to generate a quasi-stationary plasma, and a time-dependent magnetic field is applied to the plasma, which exhibits an X-type neutral point in vacuum. A two-dimensional sophisticated mobile platform is built up, providing a high spatial resolution, below 0.5mm, for the diagnostics.  相似文献   

A spacecraft loses all forms of communication, including global positioning system signals, data telemetry, voice communication and so on, when it enters the communication blackout phase. This becomes more and more critical with the development of reentry vehicle missions since radio blackout brings about many serious issues related to vehicle safety. This paper studies the influence of magnetic field on antenna performance in plasma. The results indicate that the effect of plasma on the antenna performance can be negligible when the magnetic field reaches a certain strength. This provides another way to solve the reentry blackout problem.  相似文献   

In magnetized collisional plasmas, owing to the differences between attenuations of left- and right-handed polarized waves, the Faraday rotation angle differs from that in collisionaless plasmas. In this paper, the attenuation rates of left- and right-handed polarized waves are analyzed, and the Faraday angle is expressed by the real and imaginary parts of refractive index of the magnetized plasma, with clear physics meaning. Furthermore, the dependence of Faraday angle on collision frequency is calculated and discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the low frequency instability is performed in a linear magnetized steady state plasma device. Identification and modification of the instability are presented.  相似文献   

we theoretically investigated the transverse instability of three-dimensional(3D)dust-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized dusty plasma.First,a 3D nonlinear ZakharovKuznetsov(ZK)equation,which can be used to describe the time-evolution of dust-acoustic solitary waves in magnetized dusty plasmas,is derived by using the reductive perturbation method.Second,we established a numerical scheme to study the transverse instability of the solitary waves described by the ZK equation.It was found that both stable and unstable solitary waves exist.  相似文献   

The rod pinch diode is perfect as a source of accelerators for flash X-ray radiography by virtue of a small and stable spot.But it is not suitable for intensive current drivers because of high diode impendence of 40~60Ω.However,by employing pre-filled plasma into diode prior to the driving current,the diode impendence can be efectively reduced.Plasma density plays an important role in this process,especially for sheath formation and space charge current in the diode.Analysis and simulation results show that a proper range of plasma density could be 1015~1016cm-3.  相似文献   

Tomato seeds (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill. cv. zhongshu No. 6) were treated by magnetized plasma before being sown to investigate its effect on the growth and yield of tomatoes. Biochemical analysis showed that dehydrogenase activity increased with the increase of the current but decreased when the current was higher than 1.5 A. The activities of peroxidase (POD) isoenzyme changed in the same pattern. There was no difference in germination percentage between treatments and control, which were carried out in laboratory conditions. However, significant (c~ = 0.01) difference was observed in germination percentage in the pot experiment. In the pot experiment, the sprouting rate for the treatment with a 1.5 A current was 32.75%, whereas the untreated was only 4.75% on the eleventh day. Germination time is more than one day earlier than the control. The 1.5 A treatment increased the tomato yield by 20.7%.  相似文献   

We estimate numerically the rate of radiation by aluminum impurities for parameters relevant to magnetized target fusion (MTF) plasmas. We demonstrate that the coronal equilibrium is appropriate for expected MTF plasma parameters. Using the coronal equilibrium, we estimate the power radiated per impurity ion is 0.25–0.5 × 10−16 MW for temperatures and densities relevant to present plasma parameters taken from the FRX-L experiment at Los Alamos National Laboratory and is approximately 75.0 × 10−16 MW for temperatures and densities relevant to anticipated MTF plasmas. We calculate the sputtering rate of aluminum by thermal deuterium and tritium plasma ions is a few percent assuming an impact angle of 45°. Finally, we estimate that with aluminum impurity levels of a few percent, the impurity radiation power density would be approximately 25 kW/cm3 for FRX-L conditions and 2.5 GW/cm3 for anticipated conditions in a MTF plasma. While we have assumed a sputtering model of impurity generation, the results for the power density apply for impurity levels of a few percent, regardless of the generation mechanism.  相似文献   

Modification of exposure conditions downstream in the diffusion chamber has been performed in helicon antenna-excited helium plasma by adjusting the magnetic field(intensity and geometry).In the inductively coupled mode(H mode), a reduction in ion and heat fluxes is found with increasing magnetic field intensity, which is further explained by the more highly magnetized ions off-axis around the last magnetic field lines(LMFL). However, in helicon wave mode(W mode), the increase in magnetic field intensity can dramatically increase the ion and heat fluxes.Moreover, the effect of LMFL geometry on exposure conditions is investigated. In H mode with contracting LMFL, off-axis peaks of both plasma density and electron temperature profiles shift radially inwards, bringing about a beam with better radial uniformity and higher ion and heat fluxes. In W mode, although higher ion and heat fluxes can be achieved with suppressed plasma cross-field diffusion under converging LMFL, the poor radial uniformity and a small beam diameter will limit the size of samples suitable for plasma irradiation experiments.  相似文献   

The current sheath velocity in 0.25 Torr gas pressure of Filippov type plasma focus is studied experimentally.By using two tridimensional magnetic probes on top of the anode surface,the current sheath velocity is measured for argon,oxygen and nitrogen.Additionally,the effect of charging voltage on the current sheath velocity is studied in both axial and radial phases.We found that,the maximum current sheath velocities at both radial and axial phases are respectively 4.33 ± 0.28(cm/μs) and 3.92 ± 0.75(cm/μs) with argon as the working gas at 17 kV.Also,the minimum values of current sheath velocity are 1.48 ± 0.15(cm/μs) at the radial phase and 1.14 ± 0.09(cm/μs) at the axial phase with oxygen at 12 kV.The current sheath velocity at the radial phase is higher than that at the axial phase for all gases and voltages.In this study,variation of the full width half maximum(FWHM) of magnetic probe signals with voltage is investigated for different gases at radial and axial phases.  相似文献   

The secondary electron emission (SEE) and inclined magnetic field are typical features at the channel wall of the Hall thruster acceleration region (AR), and the characteristics of the magnetized sheath have a significant effect on the radial potential distribution, ion radial acceleration and wall erosion. In this work, the magnetohydrodynamics model is used to study the characteristics of the magnetized sheath with SEE in the AR of Hall thruster. The electrons are assumed to obey non-extensive distribution, the ions and secondary electrons are magnetized. Based on the Sagdeev potential, the modified Bohm criterion is derived, and the influences of the non-extensive parameter and magnetic field on the AR sheath structure and parameters are discussed. Results show that, with the decrease of the parameter q, the high-energy electron leads to an increase of the potential drop in the sheath, and the sheath thickness expands accordingly, the kinetic energy rises when ions reach the wall, which can aggravate the wall erosion. Increasing the magnetic field inclination angle in the AR of the Hall thruster, the Lorenz force along the $x$ direction acting as a resistance decelerating ions becomes larger which can reduce the wall erosion, while the strength of magnetic field in the AR has little effect on Bohm criterion and wall potential. The propellant type also has a certain effect on the values of wall potential, secondary electron number density and sheath thickness.  相似文献   

The plasma sheath covering hypersonic vehicles has a significant effect on the propagation of electromagnetic waves. Based on the calculation of the flow field of a conical cylindrical, this work studies the propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasma sheath at L-band and Ku-band, and discusses the propagation characteristics in the head, side and tail of the sheath. The dielectric properties of plasma sheath are related to flight speed and altitude. A flight condition corresponds to a unique distribution of dielectric properties. For the conical cylindrical, the results show that flight speed is generally negatively correlated with the transmissivity of the plasma sheath. The reflection characteristics of electromagnetic waves at the L-band and Ku-band when obliquely incident to the plasma sheath show a downward trend. When the frequency is increased to Ku-band, the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves in the plasma sheath are related to the position of the sheath.  相似文献   

A new contact glow discharge electrode employed in this study. Because of the strong field the electrode and the water surface, glow discharge on the surface of water was designed and strength in the small air gap formed by plasmas were generated and used to treat waste water. The electric field distribution of the designed electrode model was simulated by MAXWELL 3D~ simulation software, and the discharge parameters were measured. Through a series of experiments, we investigated the impact of optimal designs, such as the dielectric of the electrode, immersion depths, and curvature radii of the electrode on the generation characteristics of plasmas. In addition, we designed an equipotential multi-electrode configuration to treat a Methyl Violet solution and observe the discoloration effect. The experimental and simulation results indicate that the designed electrodes can realize glow discharge with a relative low voltage, and the generated plasmas covered a large area and were in stable state. The efficiency of water treatment is improved and optimized with the designed electrodes.  相似文献   

A physical model of transport in an azimuthator channel with the sheath effect resulting from the interaction between the plasma and insulation wall is established in this paper.Particle in cell simulation is carded out by the model and results show that,besides the transport due to classical and Bohm diffusions,the sheath effect can significantly influences the transport in the channel.As a result,the ion density is larger than the electron density at the exit of azimuthator,and the non-neutral plasma jet is divergent,which is unfavorable for mass separation.Then,in order to improve performance of the azimuthator,a cathode is designed to emit electrons.Experiment results have demonstrated that the auxiliary cathode can obviously compensate the space charge in the plasma.  相似文献   

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