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Congenital absence of the vas deferens (CAVD) is a frequent cause for obstructive azoospermia and accounts for 1%-2% of male infertility. A high incidence of mutations of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene has recently been reported in males with CAVD. We have investigated a cohort of 106 German patients with congenital bilateral or unilateral absence of the vas deferens for mutations in the coding region, flanking intron regions and promotor sequences of the CFTR gene. Of the CAVD patients, 75% carried CFTR mutations or disease-associated CFTR variants, such as the "5T" allele, on both chromosomes. The distribution of mutation genotypes clearly differed from that observed in cystic fibrosis. None of the CAVD patients was homozygous for delta F508 and none was compound heterozygous for delta F508 and a nonsense or frameshift mutation. Instead, homozygosity was found for a few mild missense or splicing mutations, and the majority of CAVD mutations were missense substitutions. Twenty-one German CAVD patients were compound heterozygous for delta F508 and R117H, which was the most frequent CAVD genotype in our study group. Haplotype analysis indicated a common origin for R117H in our population, whereas another frequent CAVD mutation, viz. the "5T allele" was a recurrent mutation on different intragenic haplotypes and multiple ethnic backgrounds. We identified a total of 46 different mutations and variants, of which 15 mutations have not previously been reported. Thirteen novel missense mutations and one unique amino-acid insertion may be confined to the CAVD phenotype. A few splice or missense variants, such as F508C or 1716 G-->A, are proposed here as possible candidate CAVD mutations with an apparently reduced penetrance. Clinical examination of patients with CFTR mutations on both chromosomes revealed elevated sweat chloride concentrations and discrete symptoms of respiratory disease in a subset of patients. Thus, our collaborative study shows that CAVD without renal malformation is a primary genital form of cystic fibrosis in the vast majority of German patients and links the particular expression of clinical symptoms in CAVD with a distinct subset of CFTR mutation genotypes.  相似文献   

Biotin-labelled DNA probes and restriction-endonuclease digestion (RED) with HindIII were used to study the diversity of resistance plasmids (R-plasmids) from 414 Escherichia coli isolates: 168 from children living in close contact with antibiotic-fed poultry and 246 from the chickens. Full sensitivity to all 10 antimicrobials tested was more common in the isolates from poultry than in those from the children (36.2% v. 9.5%; P < 0.001). Multi-drug resistance, to at least two of the antimicrobials, was relatively common in the isolates from the children (85.5% v. 26.00%; P < 0.001). Overall, 31% of the poultry isolates were resistant to tetracycline alone. Resistance to amoxycillin was due to production of TEM-1 (89%) and TEM-2 (11%). In > 71% of the isolates from children and 79% of those from poultry, resistance was encoded on a 100-110-kb transferable plasmid belonging to incompatibility group FII. However, RED patterns of R-plasmids from the two groups of isolates were highly diverse and not indicative of any close relatedness. This difference in patterns and in the levels of multi-drug resistance indicate that the isolates from the children and those from the poultry represent two distinct pools of resistance plasmids.  相似文献   

Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens causes male excretory infertility and represents 1 to 2% of male infertility. Because of a genotypic similarity with cystic fibrosis, the possible in vitro fertilization with epididymal sperm requires careful genetic counselling. We studied genotype, sweat chloride concentration, respiratory function tests, sinus abnormalities, pancreatic and hepatic functions in 22 subjects with congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens. Among them, four were compound heterozygotus, all of them with the R117H mutation. Ten had a positive sweat test, one of them also being compound heterozygotus. Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens and double mutation or positive sweat test led to high probable cystic fibrosis diagnosis in 13 subjects. Six subjects were heterozygotus for one cystic fibrosis mutation, criterium which is not sufficient for cystic fibrosis diagnosis; five of them had sinus abnormalities, present in 11 of the 22 subjects. Only three patients had no mutation nor sweat chloride abnormalities. This work confirms the high frequency of cystic fibrosis mutations in males with congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens, with a higher frequency of positive sweat test than in other publications, and a high frequency of sinus abnormalities. This monosymptomatic phenotype of cystic fibrosis suggests new hypotheses for a relationship between genotype and phenotype.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the diagnosis of the most frequent cystic fibrosis mutations in the Reunion Island is described based on a coamplification polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by a single digestion using MseI. We have used this strategy to detect the two most frequent mutations in this area: delta F508 (in exon 10) and Y122X (in exon 4). These two mutations account for 70% of the CF chromosomes. This diagnosis method, which is rapid, easy, direct, and inexpensive, allows adult and neonatal carrier screening in this population.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the mechanism of sperm transport along the genital ducts, intraluminal pressure of isolated segments of the vas deferens was recorded in vivo. Responses to filling and mechanical as well as pharmacologic and electric stimulation of the autonomic nervous system were monitored. Contraction waves were initated in response to the stretch of filling and from mechanical stimulation. Pharmacologic response was variable. Low doses of alpha-adrenergic stimulant produced an increase in frequency of the contraction wave. Large doses of the same drug induced stroking contraction of the entire vas. alpha-Blocking drugs did not alter the rhythmic activity of the vas. beta-Adrenergic stimulation blocked peristaltic activity while administration of parasympathomimetic drugs increased the force of contraction. Electric stimulation of the hypogastric nerve produced strong sustained contractions. These data suggest that, whenever stretched, the vas deferens responds by regular peristaltic waves of low amplitude. These peristaltic waves can be enhanced by sympathomimetics or electric stimulation of the sympathetic system. The contents of the vas are propulsed into the urethra through strong rhythmic contractions of the entire vas.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF)--an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and characterized by abnormal chloride conduction across epithelial membranes, leading to chronic lung and exocrine pancreatic disease--is less common in African-Americans than in Caucasians. No large-scale studies of mutation identification and screening in African-American CF patients have been reported, to date. In this study, the entire coding and flanking intronic sequence of the CFTR gene was analyzed by denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis and sequencing in an index group of 82 African-American CF chromosomes to identify mutations. One novel mutation, 3120+1G-->A, occurred with a frequency of 12.3% and was also detected in a native African patient. To establish frequencies, an additional group of 66 African-American CF chromosomes were screened for mutations identified in two or more African-American patients. Screening for 16 "common Caucasian" mutations identified 52% of CF alleles in African-Americans, while screening for 8 "common African" mutations accounted for an additional 23%. The combined detection rate of 75% was comparable to the sensitivity of mutation analysis in Caucasian CF patients. These results indicate that African-Americans have their own set of "common" CF mutations that originate from the native African population. Inclusion of these "common" mutations substantially improves CF mutation detection rates in African-Americans.  相似文献   

The abdominal and pelvic sympathetic nervous system controlling the vas deferens has elaborate mechanisms to preserve its function against various injuries. The main sympathetic signals to the vas deferens proceed the common pathway in mammalians, which consists of the lumbar splanchnic nerve, caudal mesenteric plexus, hypogastric nerve, pelvic plexus and its branches. On the way of this common pathway, some signals cross to the other side of the body at the level of the caudal mesenteric plexus and/or the pelvic plexus. The preganglionic axons passing through the hypogastric nerve very likely provide a bilateral innervation to postganglionic neurons in the pelvic plexuses, which also exhibit crossing to the bilateral vasa deferentia. The sympathetic nerves originating from the thoracic spinal cord are of minor importance in contraction of the vas deferens but possibly influence it by the hormonal system consisting of the major splanchnic nerve and the adrenal medulla. When the common pathway is interrupted, various compensatory mechanisms are generated: enhancement of the remaining sympathetic pathways or reorganization of synaptic connection in the pelvic plexus. Surgical reconstruction of the transected hypogastric nerve is possible and cross-innervation mechanism via the hypogastric nerve can also be preserved. Elevation of intraluminal pressure at the cauda epididymis/proximal vas deferens induced by nerve impulse pushes the spermatozoa out to the ampulla and distention of the wall of the ampulla triggers its contraction to emit the content into the urethra. After seminal emission, a portion of the seminal fluid remaining in the vas deferens moves in a retrograde direction to the cauda epididymis for the next emission. It remains to be seen whether similar mechanisms in animals are at work in humans.  相似文献   

We have identified all known sufferers of cystic fibrosis (CF) alive in the Grampian region, north east Scotland, on 1 January 1989. DNA samples were obtained for a prevalence study of the common mutations with near to complete ascertainment. A relatively high prevalence of the delta F508 mutation was found (82%), with one of four mutations being present on 92% of CF chromosomes. The high prevalence of these four easily detectable mutations in Grampian has local implications for genetic counselling, the efficacy of population carrier screening, and the usefulness of mutation analysis in cases where the diagnosis of CF is in doubt.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) contains multiple membrane spanning sequences that form a Cl- channel pore and cytosolic domains that control the opening and closing of the channel. The fourth intracellular loop (ICL4), which connects the tenth and eleventh transmembrane spans, has a primary sequence that is highly conserved across species, is the site of a preserved sequence motif in the ABC transporter family, and contains a relatively large number of missense mutations associated with cystic fibrosis (CF). To investigate the role of ICL4 in CFTR function and to learn how CF mutations in this region disrupt function, we studied several CF-associated ICL4 mutants. We found that most ICL4 mutants disrupted the biosynthetic processing of CFTR, although not as severely as the most common DeltaF508 mutation. The mutations had no discernible effect on the channel's pore properties; but some altered gating behavior, the response to increasing concentrations of ATP, and stimulation in response to pyrophosphate. These effects on activity were similar to those observed with mutations in the nucleotide-binding domains, suggesting that ICL4 might help couple activity of the nucleotide-binding domains to gating of the Cl- channel pore. The data also explain how these mutations cause a loss of CFTR function and suggest that some patients with mutations in ICL4 may have a milder clinical phenotype because they retain partial activity of CFTR at the cell membrane.  相似文献   

A replication-defective vector based on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was evaluated for gene transfer directed to the lung. The tropism of this vector has been expanded through the incorporation of the vesticular stomatitis virus G protein into its envelope. The HIV vector effectively transduced nondividing airway epithelial cells in vitro whereas a murine-based retroviral vector did not. Experiments in a human bronchial xenograft model demonstrated high-level gene transduction with a cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) HIV vector into undifferentiated, cystic fibrosis (CF)-derived cells of the xenograft. CFTR expression was stable and capable of functional correction of the CF defect after the graft matured. The HIV vector did not effectively transduce cells of the xenograft when instilled after the epithelium had differentiated. This block to transduction appears to be at the level of entry, although post entry restrictions cannot be ruled out. Further development of this vector system for CF gene therapy should focus on a better understanding of potential entry and post entry blocks.  相似文献   

Three patients presenting with infertility were found to have low volume azoospermia. All 3 were taking sympatholytic medications; 2 were taking antipsychotics and 1 was taking an alpha-blocker. Low volume azoospermia may result from the use of sympatholytic medications, which cause aperistalsis of the adrenergically innervated vas deferens and seminal vesicles. Two patients had normal spermatogenesis on biopsy and were unobstructed on vasography. In 1 patient, biopsy and vasography were avoided. Pseudoephedrine, a sympathomimetic agent, was given to all 3 patients, resulting in marked improvement in semen analysis parameters. A trial of pseudoephedrine can obviate the need for biopsy and vasography in such patients.  相似文献   

As the health care system is oriented to provide service with finite dollars, nursing educators are being asked to demonstrate how continuing education for staff improves patient outcomes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of an orthopedic-geriatric continuing education program for nurses on the elderly patient who had sustained a hip fracture. A significant difference was found between the control and experimental unit patients with respect to time to first ambulation and length of stay on the orthopedic unit.  相似文献   

Gene therapy provides the best prospect of a fundamental new treatment for cystic fibrosis. The lungs are the most important target, because this organ is the most severely affected by the disease and is also accessible for topical treatment. Advances in this field have been very rapid, and the prospects remain good although a number of problems need to be overcome. The two main approaches to gene transfer, namely adenoviruses and liposomes, are efficient in vitro, but early clinical trials have shown that they work less well in vivo. A number of proof of concept studies have shown that gene transfer is possible, but full functional correction of the cystic fibrosis defect has not yet been achieved. Adenoviruses have provoked an inflammatory response, and new viral vectors are being developed to overcome this. Existing lipids are relatively inefficient, but new liposomes are being developed to enhance gene transfer. Much work needs to be done to improve safety and efficacy of gene transfer before materials are ready for large scale clinical trials. However, progress is very rapid, and there is a real prospect of developing an effective gene therapy for cystic fibrosis within the next decade.  相似文献   

We have evaluated a two-tier neonatal cystic fibrosis (CF) screening of immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) followed by CFTR gene mutation analysis using a systematic scanning of exons 7, 10, and 11, and, if necessary, by direct DNA sequencing. Over an 18-month period we screened 32,300 neonates born in the western part of Britanny. The first tier, involving IRT screening at 3 days of age, utilizes a low elevation of the trypsinogen level (600 ng/ml), which is highly sensitive. The second tier, which corresponds to the exhaustive screening for mutations in three exons of the gene, is highly specific for this population (Britanny). The false positive rate is very low, and no false negatives have been reported to date. This strategy has allowed the identification of five novel alleles (V322A, V317A, 1806 del A, R553G, G544S).  相似文献   

Phentolamine antagonized competitively the effects of noradrenaline (pA2 = 7.1), dopamine (pA2 = 8.0) and tyramine (pA2 = 8.2). Haloperidol had a pA2 value of 7.3 against dopamine and 6.5 against noradrenaline. Apomorphine antagonized competitively dopamine (pA 2 = 4.8) and tyramine (pA2 = 5.1) and noncompetitively antagonized noradrenaline (pD'2 = 3.6). From these data it is concluded that these antagonists interact with dopamine receptors and alpha-adrenergic receptors. Apomorphine (10-4 M) attenuated the maximal response to dopamine and field stimulation, whereas the same concentration of apomorphine potentiated the maximal response to noradrenaline. Assuming that tyramine and field stimulation release the naturally occurring neurohumoral transmitter from adrenergic nerve endings, it is concluded that dopamine is the physiologically functional neurohumoral transmitter in the rat vas deferens which, when released, stimulates specific dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

Defective epithelial Cl- secretion is the hallmark of the lethal genetic disease cystic fibrosis (CF). This abnormality is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a regulated Cl- channel. Since the identification of the single gene encoding CFTR, several hundred disease-causing mutations, associated with a wide variety of clinical phenotypes, have been reported. To understand the relationship between genotype and clinical phenotype, researchers have investigated how mutations in CFTR disrupt its function. Here, we review the recent progress in understanding how CF-associated mutations in CFTR produce defective Cl- channels, and discuss the implications of this knowledge for the development of therapy for CF.  相似文献   

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