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Abstract— Small‐form‐factor liquid‐crystal displays (LCDs) are mainly used in mobile applications (e.g., mobile phones, PDAs, and portable game consoles) but also in digital still cameras, video cameras, automotive applications, etc. Like all active‐matrix LCDs, mobile displays suffer from motion blur caused by the sample‐and‐hold effect. One option for improving the motion portrayal on active‐matrix LCDs is the use of a scanning backlight, which results in an imaging behavior similar to the one present in impulsive displays. In this paper, the realization of a scanning backlight for mobile displays is reported. This employs a backlight with seven individually lit segments for reducing the motion blur. Results of perception experiments performed with two identical displays confirm the benefit of using this technology. Optimal driving conditions result in a major improvement in motion portrayal on mobile LCDs.  相似文献   

Abstract— Compared to the conventional cathode‐ray‐tube TV, the conventional liquid‐crystal TV has the shortcoming of motion blur. Motion blur can be characterized by the motion‐picture response‐time metric (MPRT). The MPRT of a display can be measured directly using a commercial MPRT instrument, but it is expensive in comparison with a photodiode that is used in temporal‐response (temporal luminance transition) measurements. An alternative approach is to determine the motion blur indirectly via the temporal point‐spread function (PSF), which does not need an accurate tracking mechanism as required for the direct “spatial” measurement techniques. In this paper, the measured motion blur is compared by using both the spatial‐tracking‐camera approach and the temporal‐response approach at various backlight flashing widths. In comparison to other motion‐blur studies, this work has two unique advantages: (1) both spatial and temporal information was measured simultaneously and (2) several temporal apertures of the display were used to represent different temporal PSFs. This study shows that the temporal method is an attractive alternative for the MPRT instrument to characterize the LCD's temporal performance.  相似文献   

Abstract— Novel LED backlight driving technology with a fully embedded LED driver IC is presented. This driving system and IC feature a high speed reduced swing differential signaling (RSDS) interface, an independent PWM controller with high‐resolution programming, and embedded scan logic. To attain high efficiency from the boost converter, highly advanced dynamic headroom control technology has been implemented onto the IC. The embedded current boosting function showed almost no brightness reduction when operated in scanning mode. The scanning function of the system improved motion blur values 26–44% compared to that of a non‐scanning LCD panel.  相似文献   

Abstract— A production‐ready scanning LCD backlight system for TV sets of 32 in. and larger has been designed. It improves the representation of moving objects and allows fast and deep dimming for higher contrast. The architectural choices made for these designs will be described.  相似文献   

Abstract— A metric, “dynamic gamma,” to quantitatively evaluate the dynamic temporal response of an LCD device is proposed. Dynamic gamma, associated with 2‐D plots, is more suitable for quantitatively characterizing the dynamic characteristics of an LC panel. The dynamic gamma metric was applied to improve the temporal response of LCDs. From dynamic gamma data, overdrive tables can be derived. Dynamic gamma can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of overdrive. With a second‐order dynamic gamma, the performance of different overdrive algorithms can be quantitatively assessed. The dynamic gamma metric was also applied to backlight flashing and developed a time adaptive overdrive algorithm. The new algorithm reduces the ghosting artifact due to the timing mismatch between LCD driving and backlight flashing. Experimental results from a simulated tracking camera confirms the advantages of the new algorithm designed using dynamic gamma.  相似文献   

Abstract— The primary goal of this study was to find a measurement method for motion blur which is easy to carry out and gives results that can be reproduced from one lab to another. This method should be able to also take into account methods for reduction of motion blur such as backlight flashing. Two methods have been compared. The first method uses a high‐speed camera that permits us to directly picture the blurred‐edge profile. The second one exploits the mathematical analysis of the motion‐blur formation to construct the blurred‐edge profile from the temporal step response. Measurement results and method proposals are given and discussed.  相似文献   

Using an RGB organic light‐emitting diode display to emulate liquid crystal display systems, we examined the efficacy of different global dimming strategies for cinematic content. A global dimming solution with smoothed transitions was preferred over solutions using a static backlight level or the highly aggressive frame‐by‐frame backlight adjustment scheme. We compared two such smoothing approaches, one making use of causal data, and another using future information (which could be available via latency or dynamic metadata) and did observe some opportunities for an improved experience, but found the causal data to be a competitive approach. We also evaluated the importance of native panel contrast and how global dimming compares to local dimming approaches. For most content tested, a global dimming display with a high‐contrast liquid crystal panel was judged as being equivalent or more preferred to a full‐array local dimming display with a low‐contrast panel. These results build on the existing evidence that native panel contrast remains one of the strongest predictors of high‐dynamic‐range image quality even as backlight technologies continue to improve.  相似文献   

Abstract— The pixel brightness of an LCD panel perceived by a user is the product of the backlight brightness and the panel transmittance. In conventional LCD panels, the backlight brightness is constant and always at peak luminance. This design suffers from light leakage and power waste problems at dark scenes. This paper presents a new LCD system, which uses locally pixel‐compensated backlight dimming (PCBD). The proposed method combines backlight control and pixel processing for reducing light leakage and power consumption while keeping the image at the original brightness. Backlight luminance is dimmed locally in the dark‐image region, and pixel values are compensated synchronously according to the luminance profile of dimmed backlight. By reducing the light leakage, a static contrast of over 20,000:1 has been achieved on a large‐sized LCD panel with the proposed PCBD method. No obvious artifacts have been noticed as well. The power consumption of the panel can also be greatly reduced, depending on various video content. The PCBD method could be widely used for developing state‐of‐the‐art LCD panels with LED backlights.  相似文献   

Abstract— A high‐performance high‐efficiency LED‐backlight driving system for liquid‐crystal‐display panels is presented. The proposed LED‐backlight driving system is composed of a high‐efficiency DC‐DC converter capable of operating over a universal AC input voltage (75–265 V) and a high‐performance LED‐backlight sector‐dimming controller. The high efficiency of the system is achieved by using an asymmetrical half‐bridge DC‐DC converter that utilizes a new voltage‐driven synchronous rectifier and an LED‐backlight sector‐dimming controller. This controller regulates current using lossless power semiconductor switches (MOSFETs). The power semiconductor switches of the proposed DC‐DC converter, including the synchronous rectifier switch, operate with zero voltage, achieving high efficiency and low switch voltage stress using the asymmetrical‐PWM and synchronous rectifier techniques. To achieve high performance, the proposed driving system performs the sector dimming and the current regulation using low‐cost microcontrollers and MOSFET switching, resulting in high contrast and brightness. A100‐W laboratory prototype was built and tested. The experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed system.  相似文献   

Abstract— LCD motion blur is a well‐known phenomenon, and several approaches have been developed to address it. This includes very‐high‐performance approaches based on motion‐compensated frame rate conversion (MC‐FRC) and very‐low‐cost approaches based on impulsive driving. Impulsive‐driving schemes are attractive because of their low cost, but suffer from two significant issues — loss of luminance and large‐area flicker. A new impulsive‐driving approach using motion‐adaptive alternate gamma driving (MA‐AGD), which removes motion blur and preserves the original luminance level without causing large‐area flicker, is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a wide gamut LCD using locally dimmable four‐primary‐color (4PC) LED backlight. Although the color gamut of LCDs has been improved in recent years, it is insufficient to reproduce all the colors in the real world. The objective of this paper is to propose a wide gamut LCD that reproduces all the colors in the real world while keeping the cost increases to a minimum. We evaluated the color gamut reproduced by LEDs of multiple primary colors and selected cyan as the optimal color to be added to the three primary colors to reproduce all the colors in the real world. Therefore, we designed an LED backlight consisting of an additional only‐cyan LED with three‐primary‐color LEDs and developed a prototype LCD with 4PC LED backlight. Furthermore, we developed a local dimming algorithm for the 4PC LED backlight. As a result, we confirmed that the prototype LCD with the 4PC LED backlight is able to cover almost all the colors in the real world and also able to display natural images with highly saturated colors by local dimming.  相似文献   

Abstract— The color performance, including color gamut, color shift, and gamma curve, of a multi‐domain vertical‐alignment (MVA) liquid‐crystal display (LCD) using an LED backlight are calculated quantitatively. Simulation results indicate that an LED backlight exhibits better angular color uniformity and smaller color shifts than a CCFL backlight. Color gamut can be further widened and color shift reduced when using a color‐sequential RGB‐LED backlight without color filters, while the angular‐dependent gamma curves are less influenced using different backlights. The obtained quantitative results are useful for optimizing the color performance and color management of high‐end LCD monitors and LCD TVs.  相似文献   

Abstract— Liquid‐crystal displays (LCDs) have become increasingly popular due to their lower price and larger sizes. In particular, backlights having an RGB LED source have recently attracted attention, because they have a wider color gamut, higher luminance, and lower power consumption. However, even when the backlight area is uniformly covered with light modules based on arrays of individual LEDs, this does not ensure a uniform chromaticity and luminance over the backlight panel, thereby stressing the need for lighting simulation of the backlight. Accordingly, this paper proposes an effective lighting simulator to predict the chromaticity and luminance distribution of an LED backlight panel for an LCD. First, the spectrum‐based photons are all initially generated using a random function with a constraint satisfying the spectral power distribution of the actual LED light sources, while their emitting directions are determined based on a pre‐calculated probability using a random variable angle. The optical characteristics of the inner sheets in the LCD backlight structure are then modeled using the wavelength and incident angle to predict the next direction of each photon based on the reflection and transmittance at an intersection. All the photons that reach the unit area of the outward panel are gathered to shape their spectral power distribution, then converted to CIEXYZ values and multiplied with a color‐matching function. Finally, a realistic image visualization of these CIEXYZ values is achieved through standardized device characterization using the sRGB mode. Experiments confirm that the proposed spectrum‐based photon mapping can effectively predict the chromaticity and luminance distribution of an LED backlight panel, providing a good lighting simulation of an LED backlight before manufacturing the LCD.  相似文献   

Abstract— A simulation system incorporating pixel response and eye‐trace integration was developed to evaluate the moving‐image performance of high‐quality LCD TVs. A simple formula was derived for moving‐edge simulation, which can be used to evaluate the visual effects of arbitrary response waveforms. A model of exponential decay with dynamic time constants is proposed for the LC response to perform moving‐image simulation. The model was used to evaluate the visual effects of various motion‐blur‐reduction techniques. Six different motion‐blur‐reduction techniques were evaluated in terms of their visual effects. Among them, three basic techniques show certain defects, which are further analyzed by simulation. The other three advanced techniques show excellent performance, and, therefore, are recommended for use in high‐quality LCD TVs.  相似文献   

A fast transient light‐emitting diode (LED) driver is proposed for large‐sized liquid crystal display TV backlights in attempt to shorten the recovery time and to reduce the voltage fluctuation, while maintaining a high power efficiency. The direct current‐direct current (DC–DC) converter in the proposed LED driver accurately detects the load variation using the dimming data and then adjusts the slew rate and operating frequency according to the detected load variation. Thus, it rapidly controls the turn‐on time of the power switch and then controls the inductor current so that the output of the proposed LED driver can be accurately regulated during the load transient time. To verify the performance of the proposed LED driver, a DC–DC converter and an expandable LED current controller were fabricated using a 0.35‐μm bipolar–complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS)–double‐diffused metal–oxide–semiconductor (DMOS) process technology and assembled with 48 LED channels for measurement. The measurement results show that the proposed LED driver improves the recovery time and voltage fluctuation by 45.1% and 45.6%, respectively. In addition, it achieves a maximum power of 115.2 W and a maximum power efficiency of 89.2%. Therefore, the proposed LED driver is suitable for high‐end applications such as large‐sized LED TV backlight modules.  相似文献   

Abstract— Because TV applications require proper motion portrayal, overdrive and impulse driving are both required. Advanced lamp control enables Scanning Backlight Technology to drive the LCD panel with a pulsed exposure. Adaptive Dual‐Pulse Technology can be applied to eliminate the induced image flicker. Light leaking through LCD panels driven to black can be described as a poor black level, limiting the contrast ratio. Adaptive Dimming Technology can be applied to dim the backlight, while maintaining image quality and saving power. The limited transmittance of LCD panels can be described as weak brightness. The transmission of the LCD panel should be maximized and Adaptive Boosting Technology can be used to boost the backlight (>100%). When combining these technologies, motion portrayal is enhanced, local brightness may double, and the contrast may be increased up to a factor of 20, still saving power.  相似文献   

Abstract— In conventional LCDs, the backlight is set to maximum luminance regardless of the image. For dark scenes, this approach causes light leakage and power waste. Especially, light leakage in dark scenes degrades the contrast ratio of LCDs; to circumvent this problem, local‐dimming systems have been proposed. In these systems, the LED backlight is divided into several local blocks and the backlight luminance of each local block is controlled individually, and pixel values are adjusted simultaneously according to the luminance profile of the dimmed backlight. In this paper, a method of determining the LED backlight luminance of each local block depending on the image is proposed; this method significantly improves the image quality of LCDs. First, we introduce methods of quantifying light‐leakage at dark gray levels and clipping at bright gray levels. Then, the proposed method to determine the dimming duty, which controls the LED backlight luminance by compromising between these two measures, was derived. The proposed algorithm preserves the original image with little clipping distortion and effectively reduces light leakage.  相似文献   

Abstract— In LCD panels, motion portrayal as well as panel‐addressing speed and response time are critical. They need to be balanced carefully, in particular for HDTV. It will be shown which combination of technologies, such as response‐time improvement, black‐frame insertion, double frame rate, and scanning backlight, can achieve CRT‐like motion portrayal without demanding extreme response speeds from the panel.  相似文献   

Abstract— The luminance of a backlight unit for an LCD TV is adaptively and locally dimmed along with the input video signal in order to reduce the power consumption and also to improve the picture quality. By adopting the zero‐dimensional (0D), 1D, and 2D adaptive dimming techniques, a sample movie having 8.0% post‐gamma average picture levels (APL) could be displayed using 83%, 71%, and 50% of the original backlight power, respectively. For an adoption of the 2D dimming, an LED backlight is preferable. The adaptive‐dimming technique also allows the differential aging characteristics between the LED components and temperature dependence of color and luminance to be overcome. From simulations of a reduction in power consumption, it was found that 40 × 40 pixels is a unit of the local dimming, 30 frames for the sampling period, 24 dimming steps, and an equal‐signal‐step method for determining the dimming factor have been found to be appropriate. The gray‐scale capability of low‐luminance images can also be improved by dimming the backlight luminance and expanding the input signal. By using an LCD TV having an 8‐bit capability, an 11‐bit‐equivalent gray‐scale expression was experimentally proven.  相似文献   

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