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Multilayer traffic engineering for GMPLS-enabled networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In recent years, significant work has been completed on traffic engineering enhancements to the generalized multiprotocol label switching protocol suite (E. Mannie Oct 2004) (D. Katz et al., Sept. 2003) (K. Kompella et al., Oct 2003). As a next step, reproducing the current trend of switching layers' integration happening in the data plane, network control is foreseen to go beyond the traditional per layer approach and tend toward an integrated model (K. Shimoto et al., Oct 2004) (E. Dotaro et al., Dec. 2004). In these multilayer environments, a single GMPLS control plane drives various distinct switching layers at the same time and as a coherent whole, taking benefit from the "common" property of GMPLS. Beyond this application of supporting network control across different technologies, in this article we catalog the unified traffic engineering paradigms, discuss their applicability, and present their enforcement techniques. Furthermore, we show that the common GMPLS concept has the advantage of low operational complexity, and enables unified TE capabilities such as efficient network resource usage and rapid service provisioning.  相似文献   

In this paper, an approach to efficient traffic engineering in the DiffServ-aware network environment is proposed. We focus to distance vector-based routing protocols, considering both modifications of routing protocols needed to support path differentiation and traffic engineering methods relied on adjusting multiple per-link costs to particular network conditions. Further, a method for determining link cost of particular traffic class, as a unique generic function of the single generalized performance metric has been proposed. In order to achieve efficient traffic engineering, possible approximations of generic cost function and mappings of generalized to particular metrics have been proposed. Finally, prerequisites for implementing proposed approach have been discussed in the context of different administrative policies and time scales of their application.  相似文献   

Virtual private networks (VPNs) provide customers with a secure and manageable communication environment. The allocation of bandwidth for VPNs to meet the requirements specified by customers is now one of the most important research issues in the field of traffic engineering. A VPN resource-provisioning model called hose-model was developed to provide customers with a flexible and convenient way to specify the bandwidth requirements of a VPN. Several hose-model VPN provisioning algorithms have already been proposed. They focus on the bandwidth efficiency issue in the case of establishing a single hose-mode VPN. However, these algorithms cannot achieve a satisfactory rejection ratio when: (1) the residual bandwidths on links of the network backbone are finite and (2) multiple VPN setup requests are handled on-line. In this paper, we propose a new hose-model VPN provisioning algorithm called MTRA to address the issue. MTRA can process multiple VPN setup requests rapidly and reduce the rejection ratio effectively. Theoretical upper bounds of rejection ratios achieved by several VPN provisioning algorithms are also derived. The experiments verify that MTRA performs better in regards to the rejection ratio than other provisioning algorithms.  相似文献   

Modern telecommunication networks are characterized by a heterogeneous mix of traffic classes, ranging from traditional telephone calls to video and data services. Therefore, there is a need to solve the traffic allocation problem with different quality-of-service (QoS) requirements, wherein each traffic demand is fulfilled. This paper investigates the possibility of allocating loaded traffic in a low earth orbital (LEO) satellite network by considering multiservice traffic. Both Poisson and Markov models are used for the incoming traffic, which includes multiservice requirements. By introducing a privilege parameter, a quantum of bandwidth can be reserved for high priority traffic and a better QoS can be given for this traffic. The algorithm performs well for both traffic patterns tested. Simulation results are presented.  相似文献   

多层前馈神经网络快速学习算法的实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜利民  侯自强 《电子学报》1992,20(10):61-68
本文评述优化学习率BP(Back Propagation)算法,给出应用研究中几种常用网络结构的优化学习率的计算公式,讨论与算法实现相关的一些问题.模拟实验结果进一步揭示算法的快速性质.  相似文献   

In optical wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) networks, traffic can be unevenly distributed across the network causing inefficient utilization of resources. To solve this problem, an improved soft preemptive (SP) scheme is proposed by considering dynamic resource distribution to deal with the uneven network utilization. A novel unevenly distributed traffic model in cross-time-zone networks is also presented to evaluate the efficiency of the new scheme. Compared with other schemes such as normal shortest path first (SPF) routing and wavelength conversion (WC), the new proposed scheme results demonstrate significantly better performance with respect to the network utilization and overall network blocking probability.
Nan HuaEmail:

This paper investigates the virtual topology reconfiguration (VTR) problem of optical WDM networks by taking the traffic grooming factor into consideration. Firstly, by applying a common “divide and conquer” approach, the problem is categorized and handled as two independent sub-problems, triggering policy and the proper algorithm. Secondly, the VTR problem considering traffic grooming is formulated with new variables and constraints by a mixed-integer linear program (MILP). In order to handle the tradeoff between the advantages and disadvantages of VTR, both network resource utilization and network disruption are examined and quantified in terms of measurable parameters. A new multi-objective VTR algorithm called integrated reconfiguration (IR) algorithm is proposed to provide better overall VTR performance. Different from previous studies this newly proposed VTR algorithm combines three main factors (traffic load, traffic grooming ratio and route length of lightpaths) into one single objective and considers them all when reconfiguring. The results of simulations indicate that proposed VTR policy, periodic VTR triggering policy with IR algorithm, achieves performance improvements for overall VTR performance.  相似文献   

IP traffic has been growing every year, bringing the need for deploying an IP backbone interconnected by links provided by the transport network. Thus, network operators have had traditionally divided their core network in two, the IP network and the transport network. Network planning and engineering tasks have been performed independently in both domains. Traditionally, the transport network has been quite inflexible, and changes have often required a long time to occur. However, recent developments in the control plane allow flexibility in the transport network, making it possible to set up and tear down circuits on demand. In this light, multilayer traffic engineering has been proposed to jointly manage both IP and transport layers, with the aim of optimizing the use of resources. This paper aims to describe the rationale behind multilayer traffic engineering, demonstrate its feasibility and quantify its advantages in terms of cost effectiveness. Also, this work takes a look at the different choices in performing the multilayer operation, in terms of control plane implementation and equipment integration. Finally, the paper presents a report on multilayer traffic engineer experimentation which proves its feasibility and show a preliminary techno-economic case study of the multilayer operation.  相似文献   

面向卫星网络的流量工程路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对卫星网络链路长时延、拓扑时变等特征,将链路传输时延引入并基于MPLS网络中源-目的节点对已知这一先验知识,提出了一种面向卫星网络的MPLS流量工程路由算法。该算法基于卫星网络时变拓扑模型的卫星拓扑快照,定义链路初始权重为链路剩余带宽、传输时延的综合函数,在为当前节点对建路时考虑其余节点对将来建路的可能需求计算链路的关键度,在此基础上通过链路权重的动态调整及延期选用实现流量工程,从而优化卫星网络的链路利用。实验表明,此算法在请求拒绝数、吞吐量、平均跳数及平均时延等方面性能都有较理想的提升。  相似文献   

Multidimensional packet reservation multiple access is proposed as a medium-access control (MAC) strategy for the uplink channel of the UTRA (UMTS terrestrial radio access) time-division/code-division multiple-access (TD/CDMA) mode to benefit from efficient statistical multiplexing on the large common pool of available resources (i.e., slots defined both in time and code domain). A prioritized Bayesian broadcast algorithm is derived to stabilize multidimensional packet reservation multiple access (MD PRMA) and to allow for access delay discrimination of four different access classes. Access delay spread can be selected, and trading voice-dropping ratio against data-access delay is possible. To control multiple-access interference, Bayesian broadcast can be combined with load-based access control. The performance of both frequency-division duplex (FDD) and time-division duplex (TDD) mode is evaluated, the latter particularly relevant for TD/CDMA. For mixed voice, Worldwide Web (WWW) browsing, and e-mail traffic, the UMTS WWW model is used, while the e-mail traffic model is derived here  相似文献   

研究埋入电容多层板的制作工艺。通过试验验证电容容值与电容设计方法的关系,多层板生产流程中层压、热风整平工序对电容容值的影响;通过热冲击试验、老化试验等试验验证了埋入电容的容值在环境试验中的稳定性。通过一系列试验验证了埋入电容具有高温稳定性,可以在多层板内实现多个埋置电容层。可靠性试验证明埋置电容具有很好的稳定性和很高的可靠性。  相似文献   

征容 《信息技术》2003,27(11):52-55,58
主要讨论互联网主干上的流量工程。由于现在路由协议使网络的低效率和新的应用的出现,迫切要求发展新的技术、引进流量工程的观点来处理这些问题。介绍了MPLS等的新的IP交换技术及其相关的路由算法;讨论了在IP主干上电话传输技术。  相似文献   

本文就AIN-W多层共烧基板,论述了提高AIN陶瓷的热导、降低W的电阻、增加W/AIN间接合强度的机制和措施。  相似文献   

多层印制板的制作是一个生产工序复杂且周期很长的过程,那么造成金属化孔镀层空洞的原因也就很复杂.这里本人通过试验,分析了针对我们的生产工艺路线及设备配置运行情况出现的金属化孔镀层空洞的主要产生原因,从产生原因的工序出发,提出了如何优化工艺参数,进行严格的工艺及质量控制,以保证孔金属化的质量.  相似文献   

论述了 MPLS 网络的架构及其对流量工程的支持,研究了基于 MPLS 流量工程要解决的几个主要问题:如何把数据包映射为转发等价类等,并对其中最重要的一个——通过 LSP 把流量中继映射到实际网络拓扑,提出了一种约束最短路径优先算法的实现方法。  相似文献   

改进的非线性最小二乘算法训练多层前馈神经网络   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙圣和  黄远灿 《电子学报》1997,25(1):124-127
本文通过在普通非线性最小二乘算法的准则函数中加一个正则项,推导出一种改进的非线性最小二乘算法,包括地的批处理形式和递推形式,使用该算法的递推形式训练多层前馈神经网络能克服病态,减少计算量和内存占用量,文中给出的仿真结果说明该算法具有比常的BP算法更好的收敛性能。  相似文献   

MPLS advantages for traffic engineering   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This article discusses the architectural aspects of MPLS which enable it to address IP traffic management. Specific MPLS architectural features discussed are separation of control and forwarding, the label stack, multiple control planes, and integrated IP and constraint-based routing. The article then discusses how these features address network scalability, simplify network service integration, offer integrated recovery, and simplify network management. Scalability is addressed through integrated routing enabling a natural assignment of traffic to the appropriate traffic engineering tunnels without requiring special mechanisms for loop prevention. Change is greatly reduced. The label stack enables an effective means for local tunnel repair providing fast restoration. Feedback through the routing system permits fast and intelligent reaction to topology changes. Service integration is simplified through a unified QoS paradigm which makes it simple for services to request QoS and have it mapped through to traffic engineering  相似文献   

A simple connection control system for multiservice cellular wireless networks is presented. Mobile stations are classified depending on the traffic they generate (e.g., voice, data). Within each class, two subclasses are also identified: stations which have originated inside the cell and stations which come from adjacent cells. The connection control mechanism is carried out by considering a number of priorities among the various classes and their subclasses. It works on two levels: static and dynamic. The static level looks at packet-level quality of service (QoS), such as cell loss and delay, while the dynamic level takes care of connection dynamics and allows the load of the system to be driven with respect to the various subclasses. Results that illustrate the performance of this control mechanism are presented.  相似文献   

Weighted fair queuing emerges as an elegant and effective solution to the problem of integrating real time services with strict delay constraints and high-speed data services for which significant delays cannot always be avoided. Virtual spacing is a weighted fair queuing scheduling algorithm intended to be applied in the context of the ATM based BISDN. After discussing how virtual spacing allows flexible traffic control for a variety of service types, we discuss the issue of its implementation in switching nodes. The aim of the paper is to highlight the advantages of weighted fair queuing in enabling a truly integrated services network and to propose a technologically feasible implementation.  相似文献   

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