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The prevalence of eating disorders is higher in university nutrition faculties than in other faculties. We examined beliefs about and approaches to eating disorders in nutrition education faculties around the world. We developed a questionnaire specifically for this project and distributed 664 copies electronically, using contact information obtained in collaboration with Dietitians of Canada and the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations. Using the 101 questionnaires returned from 14 countries, we found that 77% of respondents felt eating disorders are a concern among nutrition students; however, only 15% of programs had policies/procedures to help address these disorders. Forty-eight percent of respondents thought screening for eating disorders would be a good idea; however, 78% of them believed screening would involve ethical issues. In conclusion, eating disorders are a concern in nutrition faculties around the world, and while most feel something should be done, ethical dilemmas contribute to confusion over the best approach. More work is needed in this area.  相似文献   

The application of qualitative analytical techniques is usually associated with the analysis of data sets targeting issues related with the presence or absence of a particular class or type of sample, pattern recognition and cluster analysis. In food sciences, these techniques are generally used to deal with the authenticity, classification, discrimination, fraud and origin of foods. In recent years, qualitative analysis became more relevant in both food research and industry applications, addressing fraud and traceability concerns in the food value chain. In this overview, some of the most common classification methods and techniques used in food sciences will be briefly described, with emphasis on the validation, interpretation and reporting of the results obtained.  相似文献   

国际贸易中食品安全问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全问题一直是人们关注的难题。随着经济多维度纵深全球化发展, 食品安全问题不再是一个国家的问题, 已经逐步变成了全球难以解决的问题。本文主要从国际贸易与食品安全的关系出发, 介绍了国际贸易中食品安全问题的法律规定。通过分析国际贸易中存在的主要食品安全问题, 从促进产业升级应对绿色贸易壁垒、加强食品安全标准建设和构建完善食品安全监管体系方面, 得出了我国国际贸易中应对食品安全问题的对策。本研究可以丰富国际贸易中食品安全问题的相关理论, 并为解决食品安全问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The article sheds light upon the concept of imagination that has come into sharp focus in the recent literature having to do with globalisation, equity and race. It adopts one definition of the construct (imagination) and demonstrates how it may be contrived to the detriment of the 'Other'. The context is British colonialism and the curriculum, and how it was dispensed in the late colonial period in Trinidad and Tobago embody the framework from which data are drawn. A mix of sources is used to enhance the data set. Several findings have been revealed. Just as the current global world works through and depends upon a global imagination, so did Empire-building engage and depend upon a colonial imagination developed for, and internalised by, the local through curriculum and pedagogical practices. Dated ideologies were used in the process, but even when current frames informed practice, selection in the interest of the coloniser was the main feature that guided the enterprise. On a more general note the Trinidad and Tobago scenario returns the reader to the colonial scene, demonstrates how education and schooling were deliberately twisted to minister to subversive ends, and supports the critique that the interactions that produced colonial education systems were anchored in racism and violence.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world, rural livelihoods are characterized by a high degree of vulnerability to climate change, market volatility, and political unrest. Increasingly, the concept of resilience is being used to inform development initiatives aimed at building the capacity of rural households and communities to cope, adapt, and transform in the face of diverse shocks and stressors. There remain, however, significant challenges to mainstreaming resilience thinking into food and nutrition security policy and programming, primarily because the concept is best understood as being embedded within dynamic and highly contextual processes that can be interpreted differently by various parties. This Special Section of Food Security presents international case studies exploring the vulnerability of rural livelihoods and the initiatives proposed to build resilience, providing valuable insights into the practical challenges to assessing resilience in different contexts. Through different applications of the resilience concept, these case studies highlight the key roles played by broader social, institutional, and governance contexts in affecting food and nutrition security. The need to better supplement the development of reliable metrics for assessing resilience with richer and more context-specific narratives is also highlighted.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of an international survey of nanomaterials firms and laboratories regarding their environmental health and safety (EHS) programs, engineering controls, personal protective equipment (PPE), exposure monitoring, waste disposal, product stewardship, and risk beliefs. While many participants reported not believing that nanomaterials pose special risks, nanospecific EHS programs were still widely reported. Most nanospecific EHS programs appeared to build from general EHS programs but included nanospecific workplace engineering controls and recommendations for clothing, gloves, eye protection, and respirators. Organizations with nanospecific EHS programs also reported providing product (safe use) guidance to consumers. However, workplace monitoring and nanospecific waste disposal were uneven and were only associated with the subset of organizations believing in special risks. A majority of organizations expressed a need for more toxicological information and EHS guidance. Overall, this study suggests that nanomaterials firms and laboratories are already attentive to nanospecific EHS and product stewardship issues. However, improved risk communication is needed to further the implementation of related programs. Organizations that are wholly inattentive to EHS would likely engage in nanospecific EHS upon implementing a staffed, general EHS program.  相似文献   

Recent spikes in world food and energy prices have fostered renewed momentum for agricultural investment in lower and middle-income countries. Governments in some food-importing countries are promoting the acquisition of land overseas as a means to ensure long-term national food security. Businesses are recognizing new opportunities for strong returns from international investments in agriculture for food, fuel and other agricultural commodities. Dubbed ‘land grabs’ in the media, land-based investments have kindled much international debate, in which strong positions are taken on the impacts of such investments on environment, rights, sovereignty, livelihoods, development and conflict at local, national and international levels. Depending on how they are structured, agricultural investments may deliver local benefits and include small-scale producers in value chains, or carry environmental and social risks that fall disproportionately on local people. Vigorous public debate in recipient countries, effective screening of proposed investments, including robust environmental and social impact assessments, secure local land and resource rights, local voice in decision-making, skillfully negotiated and regulated contracts and effective policy incentives for business models that favor working with local farmers over large plantations can help make the renewed momentum in agricultural investment work for development.  相似文献   

The paper compares the British curriculum reforms of the 1960s with contemporary government-initiated reforms, and argues that the central problem of pedagogical change persists because the latter adopted one of the two solutions to the problem which emerged from the former; namely, the objectives model of socially engineering change. The other solution, proposed by Lawrence Stenhouse, which views curriculum change as a social experiment in which teachers play a central role, has been neglected. The paper attempts to demonstrate the validity of Stenhouse's contention that there can be no curriculum development without the professional development of teachers as researchers of their own practices In schools and classrooms.  相似文献   

建立氨水-碱水解法测定DHA固体饮料中的脂肪,解决DHA固体饮料脂肪测定的难题。经验证该方法准确度符合国家相关标准的要求,具有较高的精密度和较好的重复性。设备要求简单、操作简便可行,可以在企业和基层检验机构中推广应用。  相似文献   

去年以来,面对复杂多变的国内外经济环境、来自国内外和自然界的严峻挑战,中国人民在中国共产党和中国政府的正确领导下,坚持以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,牢牢把握经济工作主动权,加快转变经济发展方式,加强和改善宏观调控,发挥市场机制作用,巩固了经济社会发展的良好势头.  相似文献   

This paper traces historical events in the development of primary science in Botswana. It identifies changes that have taken place from 1969 to 1989. Prior to 1969, the word science in primary schools was non-existent. Primary pupils were taught nature study which emphasised hygiene and plants. The revised 1982 primary science curriculum coincided with the period of rapid industrial developments in Botswana. The purpose of including physical science concepts in the primary science curriculum was to prepare the nation for industrialisation. The purpose of including environmental concepts in the primary science curriculum was to raise the environmental awareness of the nation.  相似文献   

European Union (EU) trade liberalisation policies will continue to push EU milk price downwards and necessitate increased efficiency and scale at farm and processing level to maintain profitability. In Ireland pasture-based dairying, based on the efficient conversion of grazed grass into milk can be competitive within the EU. Continued technical innovation increasing animal performance from grazed grass, increasing herd genetic potential and developing labour efficient lower fixed cost systems will be essential. At processing level, increased efficiency in commodity processing, higher margin product development and the evolution of milk payment systems to reflect the true product value of supplies received will be required.  相似文献   

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