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针对认知无线电网络中传统路由可靠性较低的问题,提出了一种改进的可靠信道路由算法(Improved reliable channel routing,IRCR)。算法根据认知无线电网络频谱的动态性,利用相邻节点间信道利用率,选择可靠邻节点,并根据可靠邻节点建立可靠路由。仿真结果表明,与传统频谱感知按需路由协议(spectrumaware on-demand routing protocol,SORP)相比,IRCR具有较高的数据包投递率和较低平均时延。  相似文献   

动态信道分配技术是TD-SCDMA系统的关键技术之一,通过实施动态信道分配方案可以提高频谱利用率、系统容量和提升通信质量。结合现有的可移动边界分配策略,提出了一种基于认知无线电的动态信道分配算法。系统实时感知周围频谱环境,分析并利用空闲频道资源,实现信道的动态分配;最后进行了系统仿真,仿真结果表明改进后系统性能得到一定的提升。  相似文献   

认知无线电频谱切换目标信道访问机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对认知无线电先应式决策频谱切换,该文提出按照信道平均空闲时间递减的顺序对目标信道进行访问的机制,证明了该机制在主用户信道空闲时间服从均匀分布、Rayleigh分布以及Weibull分布下均能够保证频谱切换失败概率最小。仿真结果表明所提机制得到的频谱切换失败概率要远远小于随机访问机制的切换失败概率。另外,当能够获得数十次信道空闲时间观测样本情况下,虽然存在估计误差,但所得频谱切换失败概率与理想最优频谱切换失败概率非常接近。  相似文献   

基于信道统计特征的认知无线电协作频谱检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对认知无线电到融合中心间的控制信道为Nakagami-m衰落信道的情况,研究了认知无线电协作频谱检测问题,推导出融合中心利用衰落信道统计特征的似然比协作频谱检测公式.该方法不需要瞬时信道状态信息,简化了协作频谱检测过程,便于实际应用.通过仿真对融合中心的协作频谱检测性能进行了分析,结果表明:利用衰落信道统计特征的似然比协作频谱检测的性能较利用瞬时信道状态信息的似然比频谱检测性能略有下降,但是在高信噪比或衰落不严重的情况下,二者的性能非常接近,认知无线电节点个数对两种频谱检测方法间的性能差距几乎没有影响.  相似文献   

在异构认知网络中,认知用户相对于主用户空间位置的不同可能提供空间复用的频谱接入机会,且空间复用的机会受限于干扰容限。首先引入用户空间位置干扰图,度量干扰和评估空间复用机会,在此基础上讨论了基于空间复用的系统吞吐量优化问题,并借助博弈论求解一组最优信道选择集合,主要工作是证明了该博弈问题是至少具有一个纯策略纳什均衡的精确势能博弈,且纳什均衡点是上述优化问题的最优解。最后,数值仿真验证了理论分析的正确性,同时证明考虑认知用户位置带来的空间复用后,系统吞吐量显著增加,有效提高了频谱利用率。  相似文献   

认知无线电系统不仅要具有自适应性,更应具备一定的智能性。该文将强化学习理论引入到认知无线电系统中,用于解决次用户在频谱感知过程中的信道选择问题,提出了一种基于强化学习的信道选择算法。该算法在未知主用户占用规律和动态特性的前提下,仅通过不断与环境进行交互学习,便能够引导次用户选择“较好”信道优先进行感知,使次用户吞吐量得到提高。仿真结果表明,相对于现有信道选择算法,所提算法可有效提高次用户的吞吐量,并且在主用户使用规律发生变化时,能够自动实现二次收敛,可作为认知无线电系统迈向智能化的一种尝试。   相似文献   

提出了一种基于改进群搜索优化的认知无线电协作频谱感知方法。用改进的群搜索优化算法求解线性协作感知模型中的权重向量,并将本文方法与基于单节点感知、选择合并、等增益合并和MDC的频谱感知方法进行了比较,仿真结果表明基于改进群搜索优化算法的协作频谱感知较传统的群搜索优化算法具有更好的收敛性,可获得更高的检测概率,且检测性能随感知用户数的增加而提高、随噪声环境的恶化而降低。仿真结果验证了本文方法的优越性。  相似文献   

认知无线电系统中频谱感知方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邓韦  朱琦 《通信技术》2007,40(11):76-77,80
由于无线通信技术的飞速发展,因此无线资源频谱日趋紧张.而另一方面现有无线通信网络采用的固定频谱分配策略导致许多已分配的频段在大多数情况下未能被充分利用。认知无线电技术的出现为提高频谱利用率提供了一条新的思路.认知无线电的一个重要要求就是能够动态的感知并接入频段,这就需要人们能够感知出空闲频段。论文主要介绍了认知无线电系统中的频谱感知方法,并运用能量检测法对对OFDM信号进行了仿真分析.  相似文献   

研究了认知无线电系统中最大化认知用户吞吐量的多信道检测-传输方案,分别设计了信道状态信息不可获取和信道状态信息可获取情况下的最优检测-传输方案设计,并综合分析了各信道频谱检测的虚警,漏检以及检测时长对认知用户吞吐量的影响。在信道状态信息不可获取时,认知用户需要在每一时隙开始时,就决定需要检测的信道集合以及相应的检测时长。而在信道状态信息可获取情况下,提出了自适应检测-传输方案。该方案在每个信道检测完成之后,认知用户可以根据已知的检测结果以及信道状态信息来不断调整检测-传输策略。仿真结果显示,该自适应检测-传输方案能有效的提高认知用户的吞吐量。  相似文献   

文章针对无线电中的能量频谱检测算法等进行了深入的研究和实验调查,并且将实验数据和结果进行对比和检验,利用编程仿真方法做了综合研究,最终,基于此基础,得到了合作检测方式的优势。  相似文献   

徐勇军  赵晓晖 《通信学报》2014,35(4):14-129
摘 要:针对多用户下垫式认知无线电网络中参数不确定性问题,提出了一种顽健分布式功率控制算法。在干扰温度门限和次用户信干噪比(SINR)的约束下,考虑信道不确定性,实现认知系统功率消耗最小化。基于欧几里得球形不确定性描述,利用拉格朗日对偶分解理论给出了顽健功率控制问题的解。仿真结果表明,该顽健功率分配算法能同时满足主用户和次用户的QoS需求,与非顽健算法和传统SOCP算法对比可提升系统性能。  相似文献   

In this paper,we consider the downlink channel of multi-user multi-input single-output(MU-MISO)system in cognitive radio network,where the cognitive base station(CBS)resort to beamforming scheme to relief co-channel interference.The design criterion is to minimize the transmit power at CBS,subject to the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio(SINR)constraints of cognitive users(CUs)and the interference constraints at primary users(PUs).Standard conic optimization packages can handle the problem,however,the...  相似文献   

In Cognitive Radio (CR) networks, CR user has to detect the spectrum channel periodically to make sure that the channel is idle during data transmission frame in order to avoid the collisions to the primary users. Hence recent research has been focused on the interference avoidance problem. Quality of Service (QoS) requirement of CR user will affect the time of data transmission in each frame. In this paper, in order to solve the interference avoidance and spectrum utilization problems without cooperation among CR users, a new scheme to obtain the optimal duration of data transmission frame is proposed to maximize the spectrum utilization and guarantee the protection to the primary users. The main advantages of our proposed scheme include the followings: (1) QoS requirement of CR user is concerned; (2) p-persistent Media Access Control (MAC) random access is used to avoid the collisions among CR users; (3) CR network system capacity is considered. We develop a Markov chain of the primary spectrum channel states and an exponential distribution of the CR user??s traffic model to analyze the performance of our proposed scheme. Computer simulation shows that there is an optimal data transmission time to maximize the spectrum utilization. However, the regulatory constraint of the collision rate to the primary users has to be satisfied at the expense of spectrum utilization. And also the tradeoff between the spectrum utilization and the capacity of the CR system is taken into account.  相似文献   

To decrease the interference to the primary user (PU) and improve the detected performance of cognitive radio (CR), a single‐band sensing scheme wherein the CR periodically senses the PU by cooperative spectrum sensing is proposed in this paper. In this scheme, CR first senses and then transmits during each period, and after the presence of the PU is detected, CR has to vacate to search another idle channel. The joint optimization algorithm based on the double optimization is proposed to optimize the periodical cooperative spectrum sensing scheme. The maximal throughput and minimal search time can be respectively obtained through the joint optimization of the local sensing time and the number of the cooperative CRs. We also extend this scheme to the periodical wideband cooperative spectrum sensing, and the joint optimization algorithm of the numbers of the sensing time slots and cooperative CRs is also proposed to obtain the maximal throughput of CR. The simulation shows that the proposed algorithm has lower computational quantity, and compared with the previous algorithms, when SNR = 5 dB, the throughput and search time of the proposed algorithm can respectively improve 0.3 kB and decrease 0.4 s. The simulation also indicates that the wideband cooperative spectrum sensing can achieve higher throughput than the single‐band cooperative spectrum sensing. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In adaptive channel allocation for secondary user(SU) of cognitive radio(CR) system,it is necessary to consider allocation process from the temporal perspective.In this article,a chain store game is modeled to achieve SU's equilibrium state.Due to the computational complexity of solving equilibrium states,the authors explore the correlated equilibrium(CE) by importing signal mechanisms based on time and sequence number.Also,correlated equilibrium based game algorithms are presented.Simulations show that the...  相似文献   

在认知无线网络(CRN)中,合理优化的资源分配可以提高网络的吞吐量。匈牙利算法因其在解决目标分配问题上不但避免程序陷入无限循环而且能够求得全局最优解而成为主流算法之一,但其存在时间复杂度较高且保持不变的问题。因此,文中提出一种改进的匈牙利信道分配算法。这种算法基于成本的方式进行子信道分配,根据带宽足迹(F)的差值来更新迭代中的子信道数量,从第二次迭代起利用本地成本信息降低算法的复杂度。最后仿真表明所提出的算法有效性。  相似文献   

In adaptive channel allocation for secondary user (SU) of cognitive radio (CR) system, it is necessary to consider allocation process from the temporal perspective. In this article, a chain store game is modeled to achieve SU's equilibrium state. Due to the computational complexity of solving equilibrium states, the authors explore the correlated equilibrium (CE) by importing signal mechanisms based on time and sequence number. Also, correlated equilibrium based game algorithms are presented. Simulations show that these algorithms are superior to other allocation algorithms both in channel utilization and communication time.  相似文献   

刘婧  任品毅  薛少丽  张超 《通信学报》2011,32(11):183-190
针对认知无线网络中主用户行为将导致频谱瞬时变化而影响路由稳定性的问题,提出了一种基于主用户行为的路由和信道联合分配算法。该算法通过采用呼叫模型对主用户行为建模,并根据动态源路由协议的路由寻找机制,在目的节点等待多个路由请求分组后选择受主用户行为影响最小的路由,然后沿着所选定路径的反方向传送路由回复分组并完成信道分配。理论分析证明了算法中的链路平均持续时间期望与主用户活动概率成反比且具有与网络节点数成正比的计算复杂度。仿真结果表明,该算法具有比Gymkhana路由方案更高的分组投递率和更低的平均分组时延。  相似文献   

The interdependency, in a cognitive radio (CR) network, of spectrum sensing, occupancy modelling, channel switching and secondary user (SU) performance, is investigated. Achievable SU data throughput and primary user (PU) disruption rate have been examined for both theoretical test data as well as data obtained from real-world spectrum measurements done in Pretoria, South Africa. A channel switching simulator was developed to investigate SU performance, where a hidden Markov model (HMM) was employed to model and predict PU behaviour, from which proactive channel allocations could be made. Results show that CR performance may be improved if PU behaviour is accurately modelled, since accurate prediction allows the SU to make proactive channel switching decisions. It is further shown that a trade-off may exist between achievable SU throughput and average PU disruption rate. When using the prediction model, significant performance improvements, particularly under heavy traffic density conditions, of up to double the SU throughput and half the PU disruption rate were observed. Results obtained from a measurement campaign were comparable with those obtained from theoretical occupancy data, with an average similarity score of 95% for prediction accuracy, 90% for SU throughput and 70% for PU disruption rate.  相似文献   

Slimeni  Feten  Chtourou  Zied  Scheers  Bart  Nir  Vincent Le  Attia  Rabah 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(7):4161-4171
Wireless Networks - This paper deals with the jamming attack which may hinder the cognitive radio from efficiently exploiting the spectrum. We model the problem of channel selection as a Markov...  相似文献   

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