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针对频谱共享环境,研究了采用OFDM调制方式的多用户认知无线电系统中,综合考虑自身发射功率约束与主用户干扰功率约束的资源分配问题.基于最大化认知用户和速率的优化目标,给出了连续比特条件下最优的多水位注水功率分配表达式;针对更实际的整数比特要求情况,通过基于相对增益因子RG的子信道选择机制与每个认知用户内多约束的贪婪比特与功率分配策略,来最大限度地提高频谱利用率.仿真结果表明:联合的子信道、功率与比特分配算法在不同的参数设置下均达到了良好的性能,在不影响主用户通信的前提下有效地提高了认知系统的频谱利用率.  相似文献   

本文针对多用户的OFDM认知无线电系统,提出了基于背包模型的资源分配新算法。该算法以最大化系统容量为目标,同时考虑各认知用户的QoS需求,将资源分配问题建模为多维0-1背包模型,并通过贪婪算法对其进行求解。仿真对比结果表明,该算法在性能上不仅逼近优化算法,而且具有较低的复杂度。  相似文献   

针对多用户的OFDM认知无线电系统,提出了一种适合于混合业务的分布式资源分配新算法.该算法以最大化系统容量为目标,将资源分配问题建模为非凸优化问题,并通过拉格朗日对偶理论将原问题分解为若干个独立的子问题,通过对子问题的求解可以获得最优的子载波分配和功率分配.同时,根据认知用户业务分组中不同的业务类型授予其不同的权重因子,确保资源分配结果能够满足各认知用户的QoS.仿真结果表明,该算法不仅提高了系统容量,而且还保证了资源分配的公平性和用户的QoS,且算法复杂度不高.  相似文献   

基于认知无线电(CR)和OFDM的传输特性,提出了一种WiMAX系统多用户资源分配算法.感知用户根据认知到的频谱资源信息,在不对授权用户造成干扰的前提下使用空闲频谱资源.利用注水算法对多个用户请求使用同一子载波进行裁决,在满足传输速率以及QoS要求下,完成子载波、比特和功率分配,使整个系统传输功率最小.仿真结果表明,基于认知无线电的WiMAX系统多用户资源分配算法的传输功率和性能明显优于使用静态算法方案的系统.  相似文献   

本文针对多用户的OFDM认知无线电系统,提出了一种适合于混合业务的分布式资源分配新算法。该算法以最大化系统容量为目标,将资源分配问题建模为非凸优化问题,并通过拉格朗日对偶理论将原问题分解为若干个独立的子问题,通过对子问题的求解可以获得最优的子载波分配和功率分配。同时,根据认知用户业务分组中不同的业务类型授予其不同的权重因子,确保资源分配结果能够满足各认知用户的QoS。仿真结果表明,该算法不仅提高了系统容量,而且还保证了资源分配的公平性和用户的QoS,且算法复杂度不高  相似文献   

为了更有效地求解Underlay频谱共享模式下的OFDM系统多用户资源分配问题,提出了一种公平、复杂度低的资源分配方法,首先利用公平性的子载波分配方法为认知用户分配子载波,然后利用子载波分配结果,将复杂的多用户资源分配问题转化为简单的单用户功率分配问题,并利用一种复杂度较低的线性封顶注水算法对子载波功率的分配进行求解.通过一种TV频段OFDM系统对算法性能进行了仿真对比分析,仿真结果验证了本文所提资源分配方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

康桂华  李慧  荣慰 《移动通信》2011,35(5):53-56
文章在已知主用户干扰门限的基础上,对认知用户的子载波和功率进行合理分配;阐述了使认知用户系统容量达到最大的最优功率分配算法,给出了易于实现的次优算法,并与传统功率分配算法进行比较。仿真结果表明,在给出不同干扰门限的条件下,认知用户采用最优算法比传统算法获得的发射功率要高,并且次优算法的性能接近最优算法。  相似文献   

张思超  罗新民 《通信技术》2010,43(11):18-20
提出了一种正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的多服务多用户资源分配算法。与传统多用户OFDM系统资源分配算法只考虑一种类型的服务不同,提出的算法同时考虑了数据业务和语音业务,分析了两种业务不同的资源分配需求,对语音业务采用了时分多址(TDMA)的方式,并且加入了对每种数据业务最低传输速率的要求。仿真结果表明,新算法能够在满足语音用户固定传输容量的基础上,提升数据用户总的传输容量,同时保证每一个数据用户的最低传输容量的要求。  相似文献   

针对多用户的OFDM认知无线电系统上行链路,提出一种基于Message Passing的分布式快速资源分配算法。该算法以认知系统总发射功率最小化为优化目标,综合考虑了认知用户对授权用户的干扰、总发射功率预算以及认知用户之间的比例公平性等约束条件,将资源分配分为子信道分配与功率分配相继2个步骤,构建资源分配的因子图,通过在节点间迭代地传递信息直至最终完成分布式的资源分配。分析和仿真结果表明,该算法在保证系统通信性能及资源分配公平性的前提下降低了系统总发射功率,并且运算效率得到了明显提升。  相似文献   

认知无线电下行链路中的OFDMA资源分配算法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
摘 要: 本文提出一种适用于下行认知无线电系统的正交频分多址接入资源分配算法,在总发射功率、误比特率和对授权用户的干扰受限的条件下最大化系统信息传输速率.本算法分两步实现:首先通过比较各认知用户在各子载波上单位信号发送条件下接收信号的信干噪比实现子载波分配;然后利用凸优化理论求解非负实数域内的比特数和功率值的最优解,并将其调整为符合实际系统需要的比特数和功率值,实现比特和功率分配.仿真结果表明,相比传统的基于频谱空洞的资源分配算法,本算法可以提供显著的系统信息传输速率增益.  相似文献   

This paper has proposed a proportional-fairness resource allocation algorithm, including both subcarrier assignment algorithm and power allocation algorithm, for uplink orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based cognitive radio (CR) systems. First, to get a better performance in the proposed system model, the influence factor (a,b,c) was introduced to realize the assignment of the subcarriers. Second, the transmit power of the secondary users (SUs) was allocated to the corresponding subcarriers in order to maximize the uplink capacity of the SUs subject to both power and interference constraints. With the appropriate influence factor in the subcarrier assignment, the loss of transmitted data rate arising from the fairness was minimized. Simulation results showed that the proposed algorithm can achieve a perfect fairness among the SUs while maximizing the system capacity simultaneously, and is of a low computation complexity.  相似文献   

In a cognitive radio system, the goal is to make better use of the radio electric spectrum, allowing non-licensed users access to those currently unused electromagnetic bands assigned to licensed users (LUs). This can be achieved using OFDM, where the non-licensed users must select the temporarily available subcarriers and turn off those subcarriers used by LUs in order to avoid interference. Hence, only a subset of the subcarriers can be used for data or pilot tone transmission. To this end, some pilot allocation algorithms have been proposed for this dynamic scenario, but they are designed in such away that an equispaced pilot placement is respected (as much as possible) while minimizing the mean squared error of the channel estimate. Nevertheless, this equispaced placement can lead to the use of an increased number of pilots in order to achieve a good channel estimation. In this work, a new pilot allocation algorithm based on wavelet transform is presented. The proposed algorithm uses the discrete wavelet transform to analyze the previous channel state information, taking the knowledge of the available subcarriers into account to provide a suboptimal solution for the pilot positions. This solution leads to a non-equispaced pilot placement, which improves the channel estimation and consequently, the system performance. Likewise, the introduced algorithm allows a reduction of the number of necessary pilots, which aids in increasing the data rate. Finally, simulation results corroborate the effectiveness of the algorithm in dynamic channel scenarios.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the resource allocation problem in multiuser Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)-based cognitive radio networks. The interference introduced to Primary Users (PUs) is fully considered, as well as a set of proportional rate constraints to ensure fairness among Secondary Users (SUs). Since it is extremely computationally complex to obtain the optimal solution because of integer constraints, we adopt a two-step method to address the formulated problem. Firstly, a heuristic subchannel assignment is developed based on the normalized capacity of each OFDM subchannel by jointly considering channel gain and the interference to PUs, which approaches a rough proportional fairness and removes the intractable integer constraints. Secondly, for a given subchannel assignment, we derive a fast optimal power distribution algorithm that has a complexity of O(L 2 N) by exploiting the problem’s structure, which is much lower than standard convex optimization techniques that generally have a complexity of O((N + K)3), where NL and K are the number of subchannels, PUs and SUs, respectively. We also develop a simple power distribution algorithm with complexity of only O(L + N), while achieving above 90 % sum capacity of the upper bound. Experiments show that our proposed algorithms work quite well in practical wireless scenarios. A significant capacity gain is obtained and the proportional fairness is satisfied perfectly.  相似文献   

We study the resource allocation (RA) problem in a multiuser OFDM-based cognitive radio (CR) system for non-realtime (NRT) applications in which average user data rates are to be maintained proportionally. In contrast to existing algorithms designed for multiuser OFDM systems, which are unable to guarantee users proportional rates when applied in a CR system, the proposed optimal RA algorithm ensures that CR user rates are maintained in proportion to predefined target rates while at the same time providing an improved system throughput.  相似文献   

徐勇军  赵晓晖 《通信学报》2014,35(4):14-129
摘 要:针对多用户下垫式认知无线电网络中参数不确定性问题,提出了一种顽健分布式功率控制算法。在干扰温度门限和次用户信干噪比(SINR)的约束下,考虑信道不确定性,实现认知系统功率消耗最小化。基于欧几里得球形不确定性描述,利用拉格朗日对偶分解理论给出了顽健功率控制问题的解。仿真结果表明,该顽健功率分配算法能同时满足主用户和次用户的QoS需求,与非顽健算法和传统SOCP算法对比可提升系统性能。  相似文献   

徐雷  徐大专  张小飞 《通信学报》2010,31(7):96-103
针对基于MIMO-OFDM技术的认知无线电系统,在考虑TCM编码的情况下提出了一种限速率反馈资源分配算法.该算法首先定义系统中各用户的有效发射模式集合;其次,根据链路质量指示函数,以最大化感知协作组吞吐量为目标进行初始的资源分配;然后,以确保认识用户公平享用频谱资源为目标,在认知用户间重新分配子载波和功率;最后,运用统计近似工具更新拉格朗日乘子并通过在线递归方法得到渐进收敛的资源分配解.仿真结果表明,该算法在保证授权用户权益的情况下不仅能有效提高感知协作组吞吐量,而且能保证认识用户公平享用频谱资源,并且具有反馈开销低的特点.  相似文献   

一种MIMO系统中的新型资源分配算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种MIMO(Multi-Input and Multi-Output)系统中的新型自适应调制和功率分配算法,在奇异值分解的基础上通过注水算法进行功率分配,此后根据所分配的功率与信道状态信息来确定自适应调制的门限及相应的调制阶数,并在自适应调制后通过功率修正因子来弥补常见算法中功率不能得到有效利用的问题,仿真结果表明该算法可以得到较高的频谱效率.  相似文献   

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