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用自适应光学系统来校正由大气湍流等产生的波前畸变,能够得到很好的效果.通过对自适应光学系统的工作原理进行研究,提出了一种基于MEMS技术的微小型自适应光学系统校正波前畸变的方法,将MEMS技术应用于变形反射镜,并构建了具体的实验平台,用来校正一种人为产生的波前畸变,且阐述了具体的实验过程.实验结果表明,基于MEMS技术的自适应光学系统能够很好地闭环校正波前畸变,且其体积小、质量轻、校正性能稳定,为自适应光学技术在星载相机上的应用提供了依据.  相似文献   

基于MEMS技术的微型模具制作工艺研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对微型模具的结构和精度要求,在研究硅模具和背板生长两种工艺路线的基础上,提出了无背板生长工艺路线,并介绍了工艺路线中所涉及的三种MEMS加工方法,即UV-LIGA技术中的光刻、微电铸以及硅MEMS加工技术中的湿法刻蚀.实验结果表明,硅模具和背板生长模具呈54.74°的斜面,且硅模具容易损坏,背板生长模具受应力影响易产生变形;而无背板生长工艺能够获得侧壁垂直、表面细致、使用寿命长的模具,满足结构和精度要求.  相似文献   

基于实现主动微流体芯片的目的,提出了一种非闭合磁路型电磁驱动无阀微泵.微型电磁驱动器采用硅深刻蚀和微电铸工艺制作在硅基体上,微泵泵体的收缩/扩张单元采用微机械工艺制作,采用两步注塑工艺加工磁性PDMS(polymethylsiloxane)振动膜.电磁微泵样机的实验结果显示:该微泵的工作性能稳定,整机具有较高的体积功能比,样机尺寸32mm×28mm×10mm,在0.6A电流输入,工作频率为13Hz时,流量可达180μl/min,零流量下的最大背压达2.75mbar.  相似文献   

一种新型基于MEMS的同位素微电池的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了同位素微电池的工作原理及结构组成.阐明了其从工作原理上区别于原有的核电池,采用和太阳能电池光生伏特相似的辐生伏特效应.对同位素微电池的工艺作了详尽的介绍.提出了使用垂直侧壁方孔阵列的能量转换结构,相比传统的同尺寸开口且等深的倒三角直槽型或倒金字塔型的能量转换结构表面积增大了120%以上;引入了电镀区这一新结构,增强了同位素微电池的工作稳定性.  相似文献   

基于LIGA(准LIGA)工艺的微机械零件公差问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
复杂微机械系统由多个微机械零件装配而成,与传统金属切削加工技术相同,微机械加工也存在公差,特别是在微机械零件之间存在装配关系时,合理给出零件之间的公差尤其重要.由于微机械加工技术不同于传统金属切削加工技术,其加工公差的确定与标注也不同于传统工艺.本文对基于LIGA(准LIGA)工艺的微机械零件公差问题进行研究.文中分析了采用LIGA(准LIGA)工艺进行加工的过程中,零件存在加工误差的环节和原因、加工误差产生的规律,以及在特定加工条件下的误差范围,在此基础上,给出了微机械零件尺寸的确定方法.  相似文献   

用MEMS技术在硅茯片上制作了微波集成滤波器,并提出一种三维电容,该电容用MEMS的深槽刻蚀技术实现三维结构。该电容面积只有平面电容的1/3。电感采用MEMS的背面腐蚀技术,去掉硅衬底,减少了衬底损耗,解决硅衬底电阻率不高的缺点。导体采用MEMS准LIGA厚胶光刻和电铸工艺,使金属膜的厚度大大增加,减少导体损耗,从而提高电感的Q值。  相似文献   

The transition of MEMS technology to nano fabrication is a solution to the growing demand for smaller and high-density feature sizes in the nanometer scale. Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) techniques for fabricating micro- and nano-features are discussed including hot embossing lithography (HEL), UV Molding (UVM) and micro contact printing (microCP). Recent results in micro and nano-pattern transfer are presented where features ranged from < 100 nm to several centimeters. We also present a comparative study between standard glass microfluidic chips and their HEL counterparts by metrology. Hot-embossed microfluidic chips are shown to be faithful replicates of their parent stamps. NIL is presented as a promising avenue for low-cost, high throughput micro and nano-device fabrication.  相似文献   

基于MEMS技术体硅工艺,提出一种新型大有效面积的连续变形反射镜的设计制造方法。依工艺流程中的实际情况与结果,分析了在制造过程中遇到的大面积腔体深腐蚀中凸角腐蚀和键合中小空隙粘合等关键问题,设计实施了T形补偿角、延长驱动线等解决方案。用此方法制造出有效反射面积30mm×30mm,最大变形量1.2μm,49驱动电极的新型变形反射镜。10-200V电压范围内得到的该变形反射镜镜面变形数据与模拟结果具有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

本文阐述了基于MEMS的微型无线姿态监测系统平台,可对微型载体的姿态进行测量和远距离传输,并进行后续的姿态控制分析和误差噪声分析.系统由自行研制的MEMS方位水平仪和微型无线数据传输系统组成,MEMS方位水平仪实现微型载体的全姿态测量,俯仰角测量范围-90°~90°,滚转角测量范围-180°~180°,航向角测量范围0°~360°,测量角度误差小于0.5°,灵敏度为0.1°;数据传输单元,有效质量为35g、功耗低,体积为40x60x30mm3,误码率达到106,传输有效半径达1.5km;平台通过微型飞行器三维模拟转台,进行了对系统监控的可靠性仿真测试,数据表明MEMS微型无线监测系统可应用于对微型载体的姿态实时监测.  相似文献   

MEMS technology for timing and frequency control   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An overview on the use of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technologies for timing and frequency control is presented. In particular, micromechanical RF filters and reference oscillators based on recently demonstrated vibrating on-chip micromechanical resonators with Q's > 10,000 at 1.5 GHz are described as an attractive solution to the increasing count of RF components (e.g., filters) expected to be needed by future multiband, multimode wireless devices. With Q's this high in on-chip abundance, such devices might also enable a paradigm shift in the design of timing and frequency control functions, where the advantages of high-Q are emphasized, rather than suppressed (e.g., due to size and cost reasons), resulting in enhanced robustness and power savings. Indeed, as vibrating RF MEMS devices are perceived more as circuit building blocks than as stand-alone devices, and as the frequency processing circuits they enable become larger and more complex, the makings of an integrated micromechanical circuit technology begin to take shape, perhaps with a functional breadth not unlike that of integrated transistor circuits. With even more aggressive three-dimensional MEMS technologies, even higher on-chip Q's are possible, such as already achieved via chip-scale atomic physics packages, which so far have achieved Q's > 10(7) using atomic cells measuring only 10 mm3 in volume and consuming just 5 mW of power, all while still allowing atomic clock Allan deviations down to 10(-11) at one hour.  相似文献   

纳米加工中的光驻波场研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了纳米中工中的光驻波场,分析对单反射面和双反射面形成的驻波进行了分析,并对不同区域的光强分布进行了理论推导。最后对如何形成高质量的光驻波场进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于MEMS的静电微泵建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对MEMS中应用广泛的静电微泵进行有限元建模分析.对于涉及多能量域下多场耦合的静电微泵建模,在仿真过程中进行了合理简化.其中在静态分析中,利用圆型薄板的小挠度变形理论和微机电系统中的静电力驱动理论来模拟静电-结构耦合过程;在泵膜的模态分析、谐响应分析以及非线性瞬态分析中,把腔内的流体当作附加质量作用在泵膜上,近似代替流场对泵膜的影响,从而减小计算量,提高了仿真效率.  相似文献   

太阳敏感器是卫星等航天器上的重要姿态测量部件,其原理是测量太阳光线和敏感器本体主轴的夹角,近而确定卫星的指向.随着MEMS技术和高精度图像传感器技术的发展,将MEMS光线引入器阵列和APS(Active Pixel Sensor)图像传感器技术进行组合,在不增加系统的质量和功耗的情况下通过多个成像阵列来降低系统的随机误差,提高成像中心位置的准确性,从而将太阳敏感器的测量精度提高一个量级.同时采用图像预测提取相关算法(Future Extraction and Image Corre-lation-FEIC),提高了系统的鲁棒性,在部分小孔受到堵塞等干扰情况下,依然保证系统正常工作,精度上基本上不受影响.传统的太阳敏感器一般采用单孔式光线引入器和CCD等方案来实现的,精度比较低.这种新设计思路和实现方法为太阳敏感器系统的可靠性提供了重要保障.  相似文献   

针对结构振动监测现场传感器布线困难的问题,提出了一种基于MEMS微加速度计的可编程无线振动传感器集成设计方法,并进行了模拟试验。  相似文献   

This study describes nanofabrication of helical peptide-shelled dendrimers using a Langmuir monolayer technique. Poly(amido amine) dendrimers (G3) modified with poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate) [number averaged degree of polymerization, n = 12, 17, and 34 (G3-PBLGs hereafter)] were newly prepared by graft polymerization of gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate-N-carboxy anhydride initiated with amino groups of the dendrimer surface. The hydrodynamic diameters of G3-PBLGs were determined to be 6.9 +/- 0.7, 8.2 +/- 1.0, and 11.9 +/- 1.7 nm for n = 12, 17, and 34, respectively, by means of dynamic light scattering. These values were consistent with the theoretical diameters of G3-PBLGs, which were calculated by considering the alpha-helical PBLG segment length. G3-PBLGs were found to form stable monomolecular films with high collapse pressures above 40 mN m-1 at the air-water interface. In addition, these monolayers could be successfully transferred onto various solid substrates. Circular dichroism and Fourier transfer infrared spectroscopies of the deposited G3-PBLGs monolayers showed that PBLG segments took an alpha-helical conformation over a wide range of surface pressure even on solid substrates as well as in bulk solutions. Monolayer thicknesses of these Langmuir-Blodgett films, estimated by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy, were compatible with the hydrodynamic diameters of G3-PBLGs.  相似文献   

Single electron tunneling devices were made by combiningstandard electron beam lithography and the self-assembly ofchemically synthesized gold clusters. These clusters, withdiameters from 2 to 5 nm, were captured in a 5–10 nm gapbetween two gold electrodes. The gold particles as well as theelectrodes were covered with self-assembled monolayers (SAM)of organic molecules which served as tunnel barriers.Operating devices show a suppressed current due to the Coulombblockade of tunneling at room temperature. When cooled to4.2 K, a Coulomb staircase was observed. By applying a voltageto an oxidized aluminum gate beneath the electrodes and thetrapped gold cluster the current voltage characteristics weremodulated. Anomalous effects are observed such as constantcurrent plateaus whose positions are gate-voltage dependent.An electrodeposition method for gold has been used tofabricate gaps between electrodes smaller than 2 nm. A self-assembled monolayer was used successfully on the electrodes inorder to prevent the gold atoms from migrating on the surfacebetween the electrodes and thereby short-circuiting thejunction. The conductance of such a tunnel junction has beenmeasured and compared to the theory with good agreement. Fromthis comparison the capacitance of the junction was estimated,and we could use that value to calculate a rough estimation ofthe distance between the electrodes.  相似文献   

中国部分地区输电线路舞动事故频繁发生,为提供舞动预警及理论分析数据,提出一种基于MEMS六轴惯性传感器的输电线路舞动轨迹监测算法.算法给出舞动轨迹监测一般解算流程,以MEMS六轴惯性传感器敏感输电线路舞动的角速度、加速度信息可有效解决仅用三轴加速度计所存在的线路空间扭转问题,为有效抑制MEMS传感器中陀螺仪误差随时间累...  相似文献   

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