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The greenhouse effect, and other transnational and global environment, health and safety issues, require energy system planning on an international scale. Consideration of equity between nations and regions, particularly between the industrialized and developing countries, is an essential ingredient. For the immediate future, the next several decades at least, fossil fuels will remain the predominant energy sources. More efficient use of energy seems to be the only feasible strategy for the near to mid-term to provide growing energy services for the world economy while moderating the increasing demand for fossil fuels. In the longer term, nonfossil sources are essential for a sustainable world energy system, and nuclear power can play an important, if not dominant, role. The challenge is to design and implement a safe and economic nuclear power world enterprise which is socially acceptable and is complimentary to other nonfossil sources. The elements of such an enterprise seem clear and include: much safer reactors, preferably passively safe, which can be deployed at various scales; development of economic resource extension technologies; effective and permanent waste management strategies; and strengthened safeguards against diversion of nuclear materials to weapons. All of these elements can best be developed as cooperative international efforts. In the process, institutional improvements are equally as important as technological improvements; the two must proceed hand-in-hand.  相似文献   

Global environmental issue including climate change is one of the important factors to outlook the 21st century energy mix. Future greenhouse gases emissions trajectory, such as CO2 emissions, has close relationship with nuclear power scenario. Therefore, nuclear power options consideration including phase out and continuous operation should be assessed under international CO2 emissions constraint. Simulations concerning energy sector behavior were conducted and the relationship among nuclear power generation scenarios, carbon certificate trade and potential economy effects was obtained.  相似文献   

In China, annual coal consumption accounts for the first place all over the world in order to meet the high speed development of economy and improvement of the people's living quality. CO2 emission from coal fire is a main contributor to the climate change. We must abate CO2 emission besides developing economy for mitigating the global climate change. In the feasible countermeasure to reduce CO2 emission, which includes improving energy efficiency and developing alternative energy, developing nuclear energy is an important one.  相似文献   

The composition of oxides formed on steel surfaces within power reactors may influence heat transfer efficiency. Previous studies have indicated that carbon is deposited on spinal-type oxides containing manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel and chromium. In this investigation, characterised manganese oxides have been subjected to γ-irradiation under conditions similar to those experienced in reactors in an effort to understand the catalytic processes involved in deposit initiation and growth. Mn3O4 and Mn2O3, under the conditions present in the γ-cell, were reduced to MnO during the time of exposure. Relative carbon deposition rates were observed to follow the trend MnO>Mn3O4≈Mn2O3.  相似文献   

为改良现有硫酸钡比浊法测定含铀浸出液中SO2-4不能长时间稳定均匀地形成硫酸钡悬浊液的缺点,采用吸光比浊法研究不同波长、酸度、稳定剂、无水乙醇用量对硫酸钡分散体系稳定性的影响以提高测量准确度。实验结果表明,改良比浊法测定SO2-4浓度体系中的最佳实验条件为1.0 mL HCl(3 mol/L)、5.0 mL聚乙烯醇溶液(含w=10%BaCl2•2H2O)、3.0 mL 无水乙醇。在最佳波长440 nm处,SO2-4质量浓度在0.2~1.5 g/L范围内符合比尔定律。该方法的检出限为 0.003 6 mg/L,定量限为 0.012 0 mg/L(n=20)。该方法样品测量回收率为99.0%~99.8%,加标相对标准偏差为 0.63%~2.44%(n=2)。与 GB/T 5750.5-2006 国标法比较,该方法操作简便、快捷,结果准确度高,在CO2和O2地浸采铀浸出原液SO2-4浓度的测定中有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

建立了一种快速降低萃取系统压力的静态络合萃取实验装置。在此装置上研究了含TBP-HNO3超临界CO2静态络合U3O8的快速气化测量方法,探索了含TBP-HNO3超临界CO2静态络合萃取U3O8的行为规律。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of nuclear power in the sustainable energy supply future of Korea. For this purpose, an energy-economy interaction model of the computational general equilibrium (CGE) approach, the Korean Energy and Environmental Policy model(KEEP) was adapted. The model is a non-linear optimization model that maximizes the discounted value of Korean economic utility. The model operates over the time horizon of 1995–2040 in annual steps.

Some scenarios are established in accordance with three possible nuclear growth rate and the strength of the carbon tax imposed. At first, business as usual(BAU) nuclear growth scenario was set up and maintaining the current installed capacity and phasing out the nuclear power options are considered. After that, the investigation has been done on each scenario in the case that a tax for CO2 emission regulation was imposed.

Results show that limiting CO2 emissions with a nuclear phase out scenario will have the most serious impact on the economic welfare compared with the other scenarios. If the CO2 emission target will be imposed in Korea in the foreseeable future, nuclear power will play an important role in mitigating the economic impacts.

This analysis gives us a chance to consider the trade-offs between the most important energy issues of today-concerns with the risk of nuclear power, those involving future climate change, and energy security.  相似文献   

The universality of non-dimensional parameters that govern the stability boundary of supercritical flow in natural-convection loops is examined through 146 numerical experiments. Part I reported studies of supercritical H2O. This part extends that study to CO2 and H2. The finding is that the derived non-dimensional parameters appear to be valid regardless of the fluid, the geometric dimensions or the flow conditions.  相似文献   

The CO2 arc welding was carried out under a longitudinal magnetic field,and the arc shape has been studied by using a high-speed camera.From the camera images,we know that under the action of the longitudinal magnetic field,the upper end of the arc will constrict and the lower end of the arc will expand.It would become a bell-type shape and rotate at a highspeed in the optimum range of magnetic field parameters.The arc shape was simulated using a mathematical model,which was established based on experiment data and theoretical knowledge,and mechanism analysis has been carried out regarding the effect of longitudinal magnetic field on CO2 welding arcs.  相似文献   

介绍了CO2+O2地浸采铀和酸法地浸采铀的水冶回收工艺,依据新疆某地浸铀矿山的铀矿水冶工艺现状,提出将CO2+O2地浸采铀工艺下饱和树脂纳入酸法地浸水冶回收系统进行处理的酸化工艺。分析了CO2+O2浸出工艺下碳酸铀酰型饱和树脂的酸化转化机理,开展了以酸法水冶系统中淋洗剂、转型剂、洗涤合格液为酸化剂的搅拌浸泡试验。结果表明,酸法水冶系统中的洗涤合格液是符合工艺要求的酸化剂,可充分利用洗涤合格液中的剩余酸度对碳酸铀酰型饱和树脂进行转化,并将转化后树脂对铀的吸附容量由74.71 g/L提高至76.73 g/L,实现了与酸法水冶系统再饱和树脂的共同淋洗和转型。  相似文献   

A simple theory is developed which describes the motion of lenticular pores in a temperature gradient and takes into account evaporation and condensation rates in the pore surfaces. This mechanism, rather than diffusion within the pore, is likely to govern the pore motion if the pores are filled with helium, and it also gives the experimentally favoured T?52 temperature-dependent factor in the pore velocity. Experimental velocities for UO2 are reproduced quite well by the theory provided that the O/U ratios were slightly greater than 2 in the hot pore region. At temperatures around 2000 K the latter ratio is critical in giving the equilibrium vapour pressure in the pore and hence the pore velocity.  相似文献   

It has been pointed out in recent years that the potential impacts of global warming has been becoming more and more serious because of the rapid increase of anthropogenic CO2 emission.

Japan's annual CO2 emissions (fiscal 1994) amounted to 343 million tons of carbon. Although CO2 emissions caused by fossil-fuel power generation accounted for 29.4% of total, on a sector basis, those directly from the energy conversion sector accounted for only 7.7%. Most CO2 emissions (21.7% of total) resulted from electric power use in the industrial, commercial and domestic sectors. Thus, the reduction of CO2 emissions caused by the use of electricity is a nationwide subject.

Understanding that both supply side and demand side approaches are necessary, Kansai Electric has been deploying “New ERA Strategy” as a comprehensive strategy to seek a potential for CO2 reduction more broadly and deeply. Among a number of action items are the promotion of nuclear power generation, and improvement of overall energy efficiency, besides such demand side measures as leveling off the peak load.

The effectiveness of action items of the New ERA Strategy was evaluated in terms of CO2 reduction. As a result, estimated CO2 reduction related to nuclear power amounted to 88% of the total for fiscal 1995 in comparison with 1990, and that expected in 2000 is 84%. These results reconfirm that nuclear power is always the key to practical CO2 reduction at present and in the future.

Comparison with candidate technology alternatives revealed that photovoltaic power generation needed 7 times greater rated capacity and 280 times larger area than nuclear power, so it is not realistic as a central power station alternative. The comparison also clarified that if wind power stations were constructed at all feasible sites in the Kansai region, they would not be a viable alternative to a single nuclear unit from CO2 reduction viewpoint.  相似文献   

The vapor pressures of CdI2 and Cs2CdI4 were measured below and above their melting points, employing the transpiration technique. The standard Gibbs energy of formation ΔfG° of Cs2CdI4, derived from the partial pressure of CdI2 in the vapor phase above and below the melting point of the compound could be represented by the equations ΔfG°Cs2CdI4 (±6.7) kJ mol−1=−1026.9+0.270 T (643 K≤T≤693 K) and ΔfG°{Cs2CdI4} (±6.6) kJ mol−1=−1001.8+0.233 T (713 K≤T≤749 K) respectively. The enthalpy of fusion of the title compound derived from these equations was found to be 25.1±10.0 kJ mol−1 compared to 36.7 kJ mol−1 reported in the literature from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The standard enthalpy of formation ΔfH°298.15 for Cs2CdI4 evaluated from these measurements was found to be −918.0±11.7 kJ mol−1, in good agreement with the values −920.3±1.4 and −917.7±1.5 kJ mol−1 reported in the literature from two independent calorimetric studies.  相似文献   

石油和天然气可维持人类对能源需要的时间是暂短的,煤储量虽较为丰富,但对环境的污染严重.核能是相对干净的能源,但现有的裂变核能源主要是消耗占天然铀中0.72%的235U,受到铀资源不足的严重制约.聚变能作为能源的利用,还有相当的距离.利用平衡燃料成分反应堆的概念,设计一种可充分利用铀、钍资源,处理高放废物,又可防核扩散的新型快堆的可能途径.介绍了国外类似研究工作的进展和动态.  相似文献   

A solid-solution study of the US-UC-UC2 system at 1760 and 2170 K has revealed the range of compositions yielding the mandatory single-phase solid solutions for consideration as potential nuclear fuels. Two such compositions containing 20 and 40 mol%, respectively, of dissolved carbides have been selected, and convenient methods are described for their preparation from stoichiometric UC, ZnS and U3O8. Many of the physical and chemical properties of these compositions either as powders or as sintered pellets are reported. Compatibility with stainless steels under the test conditions is extremely good. However, sodium bonding is precluded through chemical reactions leading to the formation of Na2S, and ultimately free uranium. Creep strengths are greater than for hyperstoichiometric UC. It is concluded that the 80 mol% US composition with less than 10 mol% UC2is promising as a potential nuclear fuel, the 60 mol% US material being less so.  相似文献   

Detailed measurements of the cross-section for non-dissociative ionization of CO2 are presented and compared with available experimental and theoretical results. An excellent agreement is found with the energy dependence of another experimental determination; however, uncertainties exist over the magnitude. Also presented are the preliminary results for the combined cross-section for direct dissociative ionization of CO2 into O+ or C+.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation method for the potential tube rupture and the consequential CO2 ingress accident possibly occurring inside the Na–CO2 heat exchanger of a SFR employing a supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle has been developed. Based on the thermo-chemical considerations and a reasonable hypothesis, the computer code, STASCOR was formulated by reflecting suitable chemical reaction processes and various system models. The physical models implemented in the numerical method were tentatively verified by using a scale-down mock-up test, and it was confirmed that the analysis model and its assumptions feasibly replicate the overall system transients with a physically reasonable understanding. By using the numerical simulation method, the potential pressure boundary failure accident for the shell-and-tube type Na/CO2 heat exchanger was analyzed and the system dynamic responses were systematically evaluated. Based on the analysis results, it was demonstrated that the STASCOR code has the capabilities to simulate a system transient regarding the various design conditions associated with a pressure relief system. The applicability of the numerical simulation method to a micro-channel type heat exchanger, e.g. PCHE, was assessed qualitatively, and the possibility of a self-plugging or self-mitigation against the CO2 ingress accident was discussed as well.  相似文献   

The sticking and erosion of C2Hx molecules (where x=0-6), at 300 and 2100 K onto hydrogenated diamond (1 1 1) surfaces was investigated by means of molecular dynamics simulations. We employed both quantum-mechanical and empirical force models. Generally, the sticking probability is observed to somewhat increase when the radical temperature increases and strongly decrease with increasing number of H atoms in the molecule.  相似文献   

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