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在番茄酱中加入糖、醋、香辛料以及其他调味料等制成番茄沙司,原料中浓缩番茄酱和糖含量、香辛料的选择、配比等都是决定番茄沙司质量的重要因素.通过感官分析和理化分析,结果表明孜然风味的番茄沙司最佳配方和工艺是26%浓缩番茄酱、20%饴糖、6.6%的香辛料、1.05%的孜然.  相似文献   

变性淀粉在番茄沙司中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将食用级蜡质酯化淀粉、蜡质交联酯化淀粉、蜡质原淀粉及 CMC-Na、黄原胶作为增稠剂添加于番茄沙司中,经过感官评定和理化分析结果表明:蜡质交联酯化淀粉、黄原胶和 CMC-Na 复配且用量分别为3%、0.10%、0.20%应用效果最佳。  相似文献   

文章对比了蜡质玉米淀粉、蜡质玉米羟丙基二淀粉磷酸酯、蜡质玉米乙酰化二淀粉磷酸酯添加于番茄沙司后对其加工与储藏稳定性的影响,在加工稳定性方面蜡质玉米羟丙基二淀粉磷酸酯与蜡质玉米乙酰化二淀粉磷酸酯效果相似,均优于蜡质玉米淀粉;储存稳定性方面,蜡质玉米羟丙基二淀粉磷酸酯优于另外2种淀粉,即应用响应面实验筛选出蜡质玉米羟丙基二淀粉磷酸酯为番茄沙司的最佳增稠稳定剂,设计响应面偏差值对比实验,制作出与市售番茄沙司配方接近的实验级番茄沙司,确定了番茄沙司的配方组成。  相似文献   

淀粉和变性淀粉的粘度测定方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
糊粘度大小,性质为淀粉和变性淀粉最重要的性质之一。本文介绍了淀粉行业使用的各种粘度计,粘度测定方法和注意事项。  相似文献   

建立食品中非食用色素罗丹明B的胶束电动毛细管色谱-激光诱导荧光检测方法。以75μm×30 cm(有效长度为20 cm)未涂层熔融石英毛细管为分离柱;以30 mmol/L Na2B4O7+20 mmol/L十二烷基硫酸钠(sodium sodecyl sulfonate,SDS)+20 mmol/L脱氧胆酸钠+0.2 g/L聚乙二醇35000为分离缓冲溶液,10 mmol/L SDS为样品提取液,在10 min内即可实现罗丹明B的测定。分离电压8 kV、进样压力3.448 kPa、时间5 s,激发波长488 nm,发射波长520 nm。检出限和定量限分别为5μg/L和15μg/L。在0.02~1.28 mg/L范围内,罗丹明B的校正峰面积与质量浓度呈良好线性关系,相关系数为0.999 9。方法日内及日间精密度相对标准偏差均不高于2%。低、中和高添加水平(0.04、0.16、0.64 mg/L)的加标回收率在100.9%~105.8%之间。用该方法测定3个番茄酱样品、3个番茄沙司样品和22个辣椒粉样品,胶束电动毛细管色谱-激...  相似文献   

李钐 《食品科学》1998,19(8):65-66
辣椒是人类传统的一种调料,具有增进食欲,促进消化液分泌的功效,并在消化器内具有杀菌作用。长期以来,辣椒多以其原果形式用于菜肴的调料,不仅方式单调,且使用不便。我们在参照西餐调味品基础上,制成了辣沙司。其口味酸、辣、鲜、香,风味独特,质地细腻,既可用于烹饪菜肴,也可直接佐餐,沾蘸或涂抹食用,食用既方便又卫生。1材料与设备1.1材料:辣椒酱、番茄酱、糖、盐、白醋、黄原胶、淀粉1.2设备:胶体磨、灌装机、带搅拌夹层杀菌器2工艺流程及技术要点2.1工艺流程辣椒酱→研磨→调配→搅拌→杀菌→无菌灌装→稳定剂预配制其它辅料预处理封口→成品2.2技术要点2.2.1辣椒酱研磨选用以红辣椒经发酵的辣椒酱。  相似文献   

糊粘度大小、性质为淀粉和变性淀粉最重要的性质之一。本文介绍了淀粉行业使用的各种粘度计、粘度测定方法和注意事项。  相似文献   

采用流变仪对番茄浆料的流变性质进行测定,研究均质压力对番茄浆料粘度的影响。结果表明:番茄浆料为假塑体系,其粘度随剪切速率的增加而迅速下降。番茄浆料的粘度随均质压力的增加而增加。均质处理会影响番茄浆颗粒的大小和分布、纤维物质的性状以及番茄固形物中果胶物质的释放量,影响由番茄浆颗粒(纤维物质)聚集所形成的网状结构。  相似文献   

为开发强度高、透明度好且阻水能力优的可食性淀粉膜,本试验添加黄原胶对紫薯淀粉进行干热变性处理,研究其产物特性的变化。结果表明:黄原胶协同干热变性处理后的紫薯淀粉颗粒略微膨胀,大小不均一且发生粘连现象;糊化起始温度略有降低,峰值黏度与终值黏度均升高,热稳定性提高;淀粉糊的冻融稳定性显著提高,溶解度和膨胀度降低,且透明度有所降低;淀粉糊的流变曲线表现为逆时针环状,屈服应力明显增大,其形成的凝胶呈现固体特征,储能模量G'增加,剪切结构恢复力显著提高;淀粉属C-型晶体,干热处理前后淀粉的X-射线衍射图谱无明显变化,但干热变性处理使淀粉结晶度增大。因此,添加黄原胶对紫薯淀粉进行干热变性,可使产物的特性发生明显改变。  相似文献   

对3%马铃薯淀粉,黄原胶含量为0.2%、0.4%和0.6%的淀粉糊流变特性进行了探讨。静态流变特性测定结果表明,在实验范围内,不同黄原胶含量的淀粉糊的流变模型为幂率模型,均为假塑性流体。在相同流动方式下,随着黄原胶含量的增加,淀粉糊的粘度增加。动态流变特性测定结果表明,随着温度的增加,不同黄原胶含量淀粉糊的弹性模量、粘性模量逐渐下降,到62℃,两模量降低到某恒定最低值,温度继续增加,两模量急剧增加,到72℃后,两模量增加变缓。随着黄原胶含量的增加,两模量增加。   相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The Bostwick consistometer remains an integral part of assessing the consistency of tomato products in the factory. This work addresses the blending of tomato pastes, packed at different Bostwick readings, for use in tomato ketchup production. The objective of this study was to correlate in-line viscosity measurements of 12 °Bx tomato concentrates to final product quality. Five blends of tomato concentrate were prepared by blending 2 pastes and diluting the mixture to a soluble solids level of 12 °Bx. In-line viscometry measurements at process temperature were made using magnetic resonance viscometry. The resulting Herschel–Bulkley parameters were used to evaluate an apparent viscosity at a characteristic shear rate. The apparent viscosity and Bostwick measurement for the blends were correlated based on a gravity current flow analysis, yielding a coefficient of determination of over 0.99. Ketchup was made from the tomato concentrate blends at 3 levels of natural tomato soluble solids (NTSS). The ketchup Bostwick measurement was then correlated to the ratio of (η/ρ)−1/5 of the 12 °Bx tomato concentrate yielding coefficients of determination of 0.97, 0.97, and 0.91 for NTSS levels of 6%, 7%, and 7.8%, respectively. This study demonstrates that final product quality can be predicted from in-line viscosity measurements of an intermediate product.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of commercial modified starches of different origin on rheological properties of ketchup. The following starches were used to produce the ketchup samples: chemically modified potato (acetylated distarch adipate from potato starch), waxy maize (acetylated distarch adipate from waxy maize starch and hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate from waxy maize starch), and cassava (acetylated distarch adipate from cassava starch) starches and physically modified cassava and waxy maize starches (physically modified cassava starch and physically modified waxy maize starch). The SEM microphotographs revealed that swollen or disrupted starch granules were present in the ketchup samples. As was evaluated by particle size distribution analysis, two peaks characteristic for different starch granule sizes were observed, the first peak at about 100 μm for ketchup thickened with potato starch and the second one at about 50 μm for the rest of the samples. Ketchups showed non-Newtonian, shear-thinning flow with tendency to yield stress. Values of the rheological parameters describing the flow curves significantly correlated with Bostwick consistency. Ketchup samples exhibited different susceptibility for temperature changes, while values of flow activation energy were from 4.18 to 9.00 kJ/mol. On the basis of mechanical spectra, it is noted that values of G′ were higher than these of G″ showing that elastic properties dominated over the viscous ones. Ketchup samples exhibited properties of weak gels which were estimated from the values of G′ and G″ moduli and their relation and from values of tangent of phase angle (tan δ = 0.14???0.37). Principal component analysis revealed both similarities and differences in rheological behavior of the examined ketchup samples thickened with different modified starches.  相似文献   

针对现有番茄酱易褐变、营养素丧失、风味降低、微生物侵染等问题,以市售番茄酱为试材,研究生物保鲜剂纳他霉素、乳酸链球菌素复合添加处理在常温贮藏期间番茄酱品质特性的变化规律。结果表明,与未经保鲜剂处理组相比,两种保鲜剂单一或复合使用均有抑菌保鲜效果,其中,Nisin的防腐保鲜效果优于纳他霉素,0.05%纳他霉素+0.05%Nisin复合保鲜剂处理效果最佳,能有效抑制番茄酱的褐变程度,BI抑制率降低36%,延缓Vc、可溶性固形物、番茄红素含量的下降,显著抑制菌落总数的增加,有效维持番茄酱的营养价值。  相似文献   

酵母是一种纯天然、无污染、生物态的健康营养源,内含全价蛋白质、丰富的维生素B群、矿物质、核酸等约50种有效成分,被营养学界誉为最有魅力的营养品。在欧美和日本,酵母是医师和营养师最常推荐的产前产后或病后的补养品.是运动族、白领族、备考族、亚健康者及康复期病人的理想营养强化剂.具有增强免疫力等保健功能。  相似文献   

介绍了延展流动和延展黏度的概念、延展黏度与剪切黏度的关系以及增稠剂对延展黏度的影响。分别阐述了延展黏度对刮刀涂布、MSP涂布和帘式涂布运行过程的影响,同时列举了检测涂料延展黏度的方法,重点介绍了流道收缩法和毛细管拉伸裂断法两种延展黏度的测量方法。  相似文献   

Influence of temperature on the viscosity of honeys was analysed in the present work. The viscosity value decreased with the increase of temperature. The effect caused by temperature in the range studied was more important in the low range of temperature, whereas at high temperature, the viscosity showed less variation. Water activity and glass transition temperature was determined to relate these characteristics. Four experimental viscosity models were checked using the experimental data to correlate the influence of temperature upon honey viscosity.  相似文献   

本文就脱墨线多盘浓缩机的脱水效果与出浆白度的关系做了一定的论述,并分析了多盘浓缩机的出浆白度与其脱水效果的具体关系,为新形势下提高脱墨浆的质量作了一点探索。  相似文献   

文章在实验的基础上 ,研究了氯化钠对阴离子表面活性剂AES形成胶团性质的影响 ,总结出普遍规律 ,为AES的应用提供了实验数据和理论基础  相似文献   

以蛹虫草菌种为材料,高粱、糜子、油莎豆3 种谷物为培养基质,测定谷物蛹虫草菌丝共生体和蛹虫草子实体的主要活性成分,研究不同培养基质对蛹虫草有效成分含量的影响。结果表明,油莎豆培养的蛹虫草菌丝共生体产纤溶酶酶活最高,为312.26 U/g;油莎豆培养的蛹虫草子实体产虫草素含量最高,为7.34 mg/g。高粱培养的蛹虫草子实体麦角甾醇含量最高,为6.10 mg/g;糜子蛹虫草菌丝共生体粗多糖含量最高,为72.5 mg/g。高粱适合作为培养高产麦角甾醇的蛹虫草子实体的培养基质,糜子适合作为培养高产粗多糖的菌丝共生体的培养基质,油莎豆适合作为培养高产虫草素的蛹虫草子实体和高产纤溶酶的菌丝共生体的培养基质。  相似文献   

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