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低能耗节约型钛及钛合金熔炼技术的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钛合金具有密度低、比强度高和耐腐蚀性能好等优点,是一种优异的航空航天材料,其应用领域也正在向民用领域扩展.但是,熔融态的钛和钛合金具有极高的化学活性,几乎能与目前已知的所有耐火材料发生反应,因此,钛及钦合金熔炼技术及相关的耐火材料研究一直是钛合金研究极具挑战性的领域.综述了钛及钛合金的熔炼技术及相应的耐火材料的研究发展现状,并对高效节能钛合金感应熔炼技术所需的耐火材料的研究做了展望.  相似文献   

中国航发北京航空材料研究院是我国较早开展钛合金及其制造精确成型技术研究的单位,是航空航天系统的专业化钛合金材料研究单位,其中铸造钛合金及其精确成型技术专业至今已有50余年的历史。铸造钛合金技术中心(以下简称中心)主要从事航空航天、汽车船舶等行业用常规钛合金、高温钛合金、高强钛合金、钛铝系金属间化合物等轻质高温高强材料研制及其精确成型技术研究和产品研制,是北京市先进钛合金精密成型工程技术研究中心。  相似文献   

600 ℃高温钛合金发展现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘莹莹  陈子勇  金头男  柴丽华 《材料导报》2018,32(11):1863-1869, 1883
钛及钛合金具有比强度高、耐腐蚀性能和低温性能好、热强度高等优点,是航空航天工业中重要的结构材料。同时,相比于铝、镁轻合金,钛合金高温性能优异,因而在航空发动机耐高温部件中也有着相当大的应用潜力。1954年,美国研发出了第一种实用型高温钛合金Ti-6Al-4V,高温长时使用温度为300~350℃,综合性能良好,在之后的很长一段时间内被广泛使用。随着航空航天工业的不断发展,尤其是航空发动机的发展,其他各国也都相继研发出了一些使用温度更高的高温钛合金,直至1984年,英国开发出了世界上第一个使用温度达600℃的高温钛合金IMI834。IMI834的典型特点是在原有的近α型高温钛合金Ti-Al-SnZr-Mo-Si体系中加入了0.06%C,扩大了两相区的加工窗口,优化了组织。在此之后,美国于1988年在原有高温钛合金Ti-6542S的基础上通过调整一些合金元素的含量也获得了一种实用温度为600℃的高温钛合金Ti1100。1992年,俄罗斯在BT18Y的基础上用5%的高熔点W代替1%Nb也开发出了一种达600℃的高温钛合金BT36。而国内高温钛合金起步相对较晚,前期以仿制为主,后逐渐形成了以添加稀土元素为特色的高温钛合金体系,典型的有中科院金属研究所和宝钛集团研发的Ti60和西北有色金属研究院自主研发的Ti600,它们的实际使用温度均为600℃,综合性能优异。总体来说,目前高温钛合金的使用温度很难突破600℃,主要是由于使用温度高于600℃时合金的热强性与热稳定性难以匹配协调,并且合金的抗氧化性急剧下降,表面氧化严重,导致合金热稳定性以及疲劳性能下降,甚至可能使航空发动机高压压气机部位的零部件存在"钛火"的风险。本文综述了国内外600℃及600℃以上的高温钛合金的发展现状。重点介绍了美国的Ti1100、英国的IMI834、俄罗斯的BT36、中国的Ti60、TG6和Ti600(600℃高温钛合金)以及中国的Ti65和Ti750(600℃以上高温钛合金)。总结了各国发展高温钛合金的思路,指出了限制高温钛合金向更高使用温度发展的瓶颈并提出了可能的解决途径。从控制α2相大小、形态、含量以及改善热加工工艺的角度对未来高温钛合金的发展进行了展望,以期为进一步提高高温钛合金的使用温度、优化高温钛合金性能提供指导。  相似文献   

综述了激光-电弧复合焊接技术的原理、特点、分类、应用以及其在钛合金焊接领域的研究进展,介绍了其在船舶制造、交通运输和油气管道工程领域的应用状况,展望了钛合金激光-电弧复合焊接技术的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

综述了大厚度钛合金电子束焊接技术的研究进展,主要介绍了电子束深熔焊的原理特点,接头成形及缺陷控制、组织性能和残余应力分布等方面国内外的研究情况,明确了大厚度钛合金电子束焊接技术研究尚需解决的突出问题并展望了未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

获得高质量精密铸造钛合金铸件的关键是制备出高质量的陶瓷型壳 .本文对Y/Y、ZY/ZY和TJ/ZC等三种面层材料的性能进行了研究 ,主要包括TG/DTA测试、型壳强度测试以及热膨胀性能测试 .实验表明 ,TJ/ZC材料是钛合金精密铸造理想的面层材料 .  相似文献   

选区激光熔化3D打印钛合金及其复合材料研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选区激光熔化(SLM)3D打印技术作为近年来快速兴起的增材制造技术,在航空航天、国防和生物医疗用高性能钛合金及其复合材料关键及复杂结构件方面具有显著优势、发展潜力巨大.SLM 3D钛合金晶粒细小且常含有大量的α′马氏体,而SLM 3D钛基复合材料中则通常可以原位生成纳米尺度的TiBw和TiCp等陶瓷增强相,使得成形构件的力学性能显著优于铸件和粉末冶金制品水平.本文在介绍SLM 3D打印技术的原理与特点基础上,着重评述了其在钛合金及其复合材料的应用基础研究及工程应用进展,并对未来相关关键基础科学与技术问题进行了展望.  相似文献   

为研发W合金新体系及其相应的制备技术,采用真空非自耗电弧熔炼方法制备了W37.5Fe56.9B11.6和W18.4Fe67.7B13.9两种合金,利用光学显微镜、X射线衍射、扫描电镜和能谱仪分析了合金内部的相组成、组织形态及元素含量,并对合金的密度及压缩性能进行了测试和分析.研究表明:真空电弧熔炼W37.5Fe56.9B11.6和W18.4Fe67.7B13.9合金的密度分别为13.3和10.7 g/cm3;两种合金组织中分布着大量脆性相;W37.5Fe56.9B11.6合金的压缩屈服强度和最大压缩强度分别为2 240和2 321 MPa,而W18.4Fe67.7B13.9合金的压缩屈服强度和最大压缩强度分别为2 400和2 457 MPa;压缩后两种合金断口呈脆性断裂,断口局部有熔化现象.  相似文献   

The melting and casting of nickel-based powder metal matrix composites (MMCs) through microwave energy is carried out in the present work. The nickel powder was mixed with 5% and 10% volume fraction of the WC-8Co reinforcement powder and processed in a microwave oven at 2.45?GHz and 900?W. The developed castings revealed complete melting of the nickel powder within 25 minutes of microwave exposure. The processing mechanism of MMC castings through microwave is explained and the developed castings were subjected to the microstructure and mechanical characterizations. The results of XRD analysis revealed the formation of some hard intermetallics such as NiSi and Cr23C6. The back-scattered scanning electron microscopy images of castings microstructures revealed the formation of nearly equiaxed grains of the matrix. It was observed that WC particles within the matrix were in agglomerated patterns, which were randomly dispersed. The presence of hard phases of WC reinforcement and formed intermetallic carbides enhanced the microhardness (788?±?52?HV) of the developed composites.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of investigations of microstructure and mechanical properties of two-phase +β titanium alloys with different volume fraction of the β-phase. Microstructure of the specimens was examined using an optical microscope. Fracture surfaces were observed by SEM technique. The influence of the microstructure and phase composition on the mechanical properties of the alloys was studied. Static tensile tests, hardness tests and fatigue investigations were performed. It was noticed that the volume fraction and chemical composition of the β-phase has a significant effect on mechanical properties and cracking process during fatigue.  相似文献   

Intermetallic TiAl alloys are new generation high-temperature material. However, extensive application of TiAl alloys is hindered by some disadvantages, especially the high processing cost. Currently, precision casting is an effective method to manufacture TiAl components with complex shape. However, the interfacial reaction between the TiAl alloy melt and mould affects the quality of the castings and hinders extensive applications of casting TiAl components. In this paper, the research status of mould materials for the casting of TiAl alloys is reviewed. Performances of present used mould materials are compared in details. Reaction mechanisms between mould materials and the melts of TiAl alloys are also summarised. Finally, the future development tendency and prospect are pointed out.  相似文献   

为改善激光熔化沉积TC31高温钛合金力学性能,本文通过光学显微镜、SEM、TEM和力学性能测试的方法研究了退火温度对合金中组织演化行为的影响,及其与合金室温和650 ℃高温力学性能的关系。结果表明:组织中初生α相含量随着退火温度升高而降低,其溶解主要发生在950 ℃以上,980 ℃退火后含量仅为29%。当退火温度超过930 ℃时,初生α相片层宽度明显增加。随着退火温度升高,α/β界面处析出的(Ti, Zr)6Si3相尺寸增加,且进入α相片层内部。合金在800~1 000 ℃退火时,合金室温拉伸屈服强度随退火温度升高趋于降低。受相界面析出的硅化物聚合长大及α相片层尺寸增加等因素影响,合金高温屈服强度随退火温度升高先降低后增加。合金经过1 000 ℃退火后,呈现良好的高温性能,其650 ℃下抗拉强度达657 MPa、屈服强度约为466 MPa、延伸率27%。  相似文献   

Al-Mg-Li-Zr系合金熔铸工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对Al- Mg- Li- Zr 系合金在工业条件下的熔炼与铸造工艺进行了详细和研究,控制氧化是稳定成分、减少夹杂的关键;采用氩气与真空精炼相结合并辅以合理的铸造保护措施可有效地降低合金中的氢含量,控制N 详细的研究,文章认为控制Na 含量;选用适当的铸造参数和保证方式可减少铸锭开裂,提高铸锭质量.  相似文献   

Powder bed fusion (PBF) techniques for additive layer manufacturing (ALM) are reviewed with a focus on titanium alloys production. Selective laser melting and electron beam melting are discussed in terms of feedstock production and processing-microstructure relationships. To control the PBF processes, an outline is presented on the computational modelling approaches for simulating process parameters and defects such as residual stresses and porosity at different length scales. It is concluded that by improving powder production techniques, designing new alloys and further developing ALM hardware, PBF techniques can reach commercial maturity.

This review was submitted as part of the 2019 Materials Literature Review Prize of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining run by the Editorial Board of MST. Sponsorship of the prize by TWI Ltd is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

In spinal fixation devices, the Young's modulus of the metallic implant rod should be not only sufficiently low to prevent stress shielding for the patient but also sufficiently high to suppress springback for the surgeon. This paper proposes a novel function of biomedical titanium alloys—self-adjustment of Young's modulus. Deformation-induced ω phase transformation was introduced into β-type titanium alloys so that the Young's modulus of only the deformed part would increase during operation, while that of the non-deformed part would remain low. The Young's modulus increase by deformation was investigated for a binary Ti-12Cr alloy. This alloy successfully underwent deformation-induced ω phase transformation and exhibited the increase in the Young's modulus by deformation.  相似文献   

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