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基于符号判决反馈均衡的联合检测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的联合检测算法使用的块线性均衡和块判决反馈均衡,它们是以整个数据块为单位进行均衡和检测的,导致系统矩阵比较庞大,计算复杂度较高.本文将系统矩阵分成可检测的最小单位--数据符号,来进行逐个符号的联合检测,产生基于符号线性均衡的联合检测.并且将块判决反馈均衡原理应用其中,得到基于符号判决反馈均衡的联合检测算法.此算法系统矩阵尺寸小得多,因此复杂度也小得多.符号判决反馈均衡既能减小噪声项,又能减小前一符号判决误差项,因此总体的性能接近于块判决反馈均衡.仿真实验表明了这一点.本文还讨论了不同用户不同扩频因子情形下该算法的改造,并提出按用户扩频因子大小排列用户数据符号的改进,仿真实验验证了这个改进的好处.  相似文献   

基于PR—QMF理论的判决反馈均衡器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石庆华  程时昕 《通信学报》2001,22(1):116-121
根据完全重构正交镜像滤波器(PR-QMF)的理论,我们构造了一类正交变换并且用于交换域判决反馈均衡器(OFE)的设计。在此基础上我们进一步讨论了该类DFE的优化设计。通过与卡胡南一洛也夫变换(KLT)和离散余弦变换(DCT)比较得出这样的结论:经过最优化设计,本文提出的算法具有更快的收敛速度,同时,它还具有复杂程度低和设计灵活的优点。  相似文献   

一种T/4分数间隔预测判决反馈盲均衡算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了消除由深衰落信道引起的严重码间干扰,本文给出一种基于改进双模式多模算法的 T/4 分数间隔预测判决反馈均衡器.该均衡器采用改进的双模式多模算法独立优化前向、反馈滤波器,前向滤波器采用 T/4 分数间隔,反馈滤波器采用预测结构,仍为符号速率.在两种深衰落信道条件下仿真实验表明,本文给出的均衡器能够避免传统判决反馈均衡器的误收敛情况;同时其稳态均方误差小于基于常模算法的 T/4 分数间隔均衡器、基于常模算法的 T/4 分数间隔判决反馈均衡器,以及基于双模式多模算法的 T/4 分数间隔预测判决反馈均衡器,更适合处理 QAM 信号.  相似文献   

在正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中,高速移动造成的多普勒效应破坏了子载波间的正交性并产生载波间干扰(ICI).为了消除ICI,确保快时变信道下的可靠通信,该文提出了一种低复杂度加窗LSQR(least square QR)判决反馈均衡器(Decision Feedback Equalization,DFE).借助加窗技术和时域LSQR迭代计算,该算法减少了残存的ICI,有效克服了"地板效应";此外,该算法还利用带状矩阵分解降低了计算复杂度.理论分析和仿真结果表明,在快时变信道下与已有的块状线性均衡(Block Linear Equalization,BLE)算法比较,该算法在复杂度相当的情况下可以进一步改善系统的误码率性能.  相似文献   

We consider turbo equalization for intersymbol interference (ISI) channels, wherein soft symbol decisions generated by the channel detector are iteratively exchanged with the outer error-correction decoder based on the turbo principle. Our work is based on low-complexity suboptimal soft-output channel detection using a constrained-delay (CD) a posteriori probability (APP) algorithm. Central to the proposed idea is the incorporation of effective decision-feedback schemes, which significantly reduce complexity while providing immunity against error propagation that typically plagues decision-feedback schemes. We observe that the effect of decision feedback is quite different on turbo equalization versus traditional, hard-decision-generating and noniterative equalization. In particular, we demonstrate that when the feedback scheme applied is inadequate for the given equalizer parameters and ISI condition, the extrinsic information generated by the equalizer becomes distinctly non-Gaussian, and the quality of soft information, as monitored by the trajectory of mutual information, fails to improve in the iterative process. We identify parameters of feedback-based CD-APP schemes that offer favorable complexity/performance tradeoffs, compared with existing turbo-equalization techniques.  相似文献   

水声信道环境恶劣,尤其是多径效应常会造成水声通信系统同步位置发生偏移,对均衡算法造成严重影响。从提高均衡算法稳健性的角度出发。在稳定性较高的归一化常数模算法基础上,借助早迟积分比相原理完成对采样位置的跟踪,并结合判决正方形方法提出一种归一化修正常模盲均衡算法。仿真结果表明.这种基于判决正方形的归一化修正常模盲均衡算法具有更好的收敛能力与稳定性,具有较强的抗干扰能力,能保证水声通信高效运行。  相似文献   

In December 1996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted the Grand Alliance (GA) system as the digital television broadcasting standard for the United States ending a seven-year-long search for a fully digital television standard. MPEG-2 was chosen as the video compression standard, and trellis-coded 8-vestigial sideband (VSB) with a training sequence was chosen as the transmission standard. The laboratory tests that were performed on the final two competing systems, 8-VSB with training sequence and 32-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) with blind equalization, showed a need for blind equalization in dynamic channels that could not be adequately handled by an equalizer training on the training sequence alone. Hence, the final GA system recommended the use of blind equalization in the receiver. In this paper, we describe the U.S. digital television transmission standard as it pertains to the equalization problem, typical transmission channel characteristics and the need for blind equalization in terrestrial television receivers  相似文献   

In an attempt to reduce the computational complexity of vertical Bell Labs layered space time (V-BLAST) processing with time-varying channels, an efficient adaptive receiver is developed based on the generalized decision feedback equalizer (GDFE) architecture. The proposed receiver updates the filter weight vectors and detection order using a recursive least squares (RLS)-based time- and order-update algorithm. The convergence of the algorithm is examined by analysis and simulation, and it is shown that the proposed adaptive technique is considerably simpler to implement than a V-BLAST processor with channel tracking, yet the performances are almost comparable.  相似文献   

In coaxial cable modems and terrestrial broadcasting, the appearance and disappearance of microreflections cause a temporary drop in SNR at the equalizer output. We describe mathematically the effect of the appearance/disappearance of a microreflection on the performance of a previously trained fractionally spaced equalizer  相似文献   

A low complexity soft-input soft-output (SISO) block decision feedback equalizer (BDFE) is presented for turbo equalization. The proposed method employs a sub-optimum sequence-based detection, where the soft-output of the equalizer is calculated by evaluating an approximation of the sequence-based a posteriori probability (APP) of the data symbol. The sequence-based APP approximation is enabled by the adoption of both soft a priori information and soft decision feedback, and it leads to better performance and faster convergence compared to symbol-based detection methods as used by most other low complexity equalizers. The performance and convergence property of the proposed algorithm is analyzed by using extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart. Both analytical and simulation results show that the new equalizer can achieve a performance similar to that of trellis-based equalization algorithms, with a complexity similar to linear SISO minimum mean square error equalizers.  相似文献   

Decision feedback equalizers (DFEs) are widely used in modern local network digital transmission systems to remove the intersymbol interference caused by slowly decaying pulse tails. A gradient descent algorithm for adapting a coefficient to model the slowly decaying portion of the tail is described. An equalization strategy is described that exploits prior knowledge of the nature of the subscriber loop channel, together with the new adaptation algorithm, to give reduced complexity DFE structures. The use of this algorithm in FIR and IIR equalizer structures is described. The use of this algorithm in FIR and IIR equalizers is quantitatively compared to a conventional DFE in terms of performance and implementation complexity. An analysis is presented describing the operation of the adaptation algorithm in the presence of noise. Simulation results illustrate the training of the algorithm and its stability in the presence of near-end crosstalk noise  相似文献   

A new efficient decision feedback equalizer (DFE) appropriate for channels with long and sparse impulse response (IR) is proposed. Such channels are encountered in many high-speed wireless communications applications. It is shown that, in cases of sparse channels, the feedforward and feedback (FB) filters of the DFE have a particular structure, which can be exploited to derive efficient implementations of the DFE, provided that the time delays of the channel IR multipath components are known. This latter task is accomplished by a novel technique, which estimates the time delays based on the form of the channel input-output cross-correlation sequence in the frequency domain. A distinct feature of the resulting DFE is that the involved FB filter consists of a reduced number of active taps. As a result, it exhibits considerable computational savings, faster convergence, and improved tracking capabilities as compared with the conventional DFE. Note that faster convergence implies that a shorter training sequence is required. Moreover, the new algorithm has a simple form and its steady-state performance is almost identical to that of the conventional DFE.  相似文献   

Two modified decision feedback equalization (DFE) structures are presented for the efficient equalization of long sparse channels with strong precursor, such as those encountered in high-speed communications over multipath channels with large delay spread. Unlike the conventional DFE, these structures allow the channel's sparseness to be exploited by simple tap allocation, before the sparseness is degraded by feedforward filtering. Both structures yield large reductions in complexity while maintaining performance comparable to the conventional DPE, hence overcoming a key computational bottleneck when equalizers are implemented in hardware for speed. Fast channel estimate-based algorithms for computing the modified DFE coefficients are derived. Simulation results are presented for data rates and channel profiles of the type considered for the proposed North American high definition television (HDTV) terrestrial broadcast mode  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new approach for joint convolutional coding and decision feedback equalization (DPE). To minimize error propagation, the DFE uses a combination of soft decisions and delayed tentative decisions to cancel intersymbol interference (ISI). Soft decisions are obtained by passing the DFE output through a (soft) nonlinear device. This simple method is shown to perform almost as well as an optimum soft feedback approach on wireless channels with diversity. Tentative decisions from the Viterbi decoder are used to cancel ISI due to multipath with large delays, thus remedying the increasing effect of error propagation in channels with large delay spreads. We consider the use of this soft/delayed feedback DFE (S/D-DFE) technique in broadband wireless channels (with delay spreads up to several tens of the symbol period) typical in high-bitrate mobile data applications. Simulation results indicate that the proposed joint coding and S/D-DFE technique performs to within 1-2 dB [in required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)] of an ideal coded DFE without error propagation. When combined with antenna diversity and a reduced-complexity DFE concept with adaptive feedforward tap assignment, it provides high packet throughput against Rayleigh fading, severe delay spreads, and high Doppler rates  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to the blind equalization of a class of linear time-varying mobile channels for differentially encoded channel input signals. Through reparameterization, the equivalent discrete system can be modeled as a single-input multiple-output system. Unlike some existing methods, this new algorithm does not require prior knowledge on the cyclic frequency of the channel response. The algorithm is simple and relies only on a decision feedback structure and the differential encoding nature of the channel input signals. The convergence analysis of the decision feedback system is presented along with simulation examples  相似文献   

联合均衡块迭代软判决反馈干扰抵消接收机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾嵘  赵春明 《通信学报》2003,24(11):153-161
CDMA扩频通信系统在低扩频比时,路径间干扰(IPI, inter-path interference)变得非常严重。本文将块迭代干扰抵消同MMSE均衡器相结合,提出了一种适用于CDMA扩频通信系统低扩频比情况下的联合均衡块迭代软判决反馈干扰抵消(MMSE-BIIC)接收机结构。理论分析与计算机仿真表明,本文提出的MMSE-BIIC接收机同传统的Rake接收机、线性MMSE均衡器以及多级干扰抵消接收机相比在性能上有较大改善。  相似文献   

We consider joint transceiver design for point-to-point Multiple-Input Multiple-Output communication systems that implement interference (pre-)subtraction; i.e., Decision Feedback Equalization (DFE) or Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP). We develop a unified framework for joint transceiver design of these two dual systems by considering design criteria that are expressed as functions of the (logarithm of the) Mean Square Error (MSE) of the individual data streams. By deriving two inequalities that involve the logarithms of the individual MSEs, we obtain optimal designs for two broad classes of communication objectives, namely those that are Schur-convex and Schur-concave functions of these logarithms. These two classes embrace several design criteria for which the optimal transceiver design has remained an open problem. For Schur-convex objectives, the optimal design results in data streams with equal MSEs. In addition to other desirable properties, this design simultaneously minimizes the total MSE and the average bit error rate, and maximizes the Gaussian mutual information; a property that is not achieved by a linear transceiver. Moreover, we show that the optimal design yields objective values that are superior to the corresponding optimal objective value for a linear transceiver. For Schur-concave objectives, the optimal DFE design results in linear equalization and the optimal THP design results in linear precoding. The proposed design framework can be regarded as a counterpart of the existing framework for linear transceiver design.  相似文献   

An efficient algorithm for a least-squares gradient lattice decision feedback equaliser is described. Simulation results for telephone channel and HF radio channel models are presented. Performance is compared with other decision feedback algorithms.  相似文献   

A model-based approach for the decision feedback equalization of Volterra type nonlinear communication channels is proposed such that the linear model-based decision feedback equalization can be considered as a special case of the proposed approach. In designing the decision feedback equalizer, the nonlinear decision feedback equalization problem is visualized as a linear, multichannel equalization problem. A complete modified Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization of the input vector is achieved by using modified sequential processing multichannel lattice stages. The elements of the multichannel desired signal vector are then estimated from the new orthogonal set by using only scalar operations. The probability of error performance of the proposed equalizer is improved by the estimation of the elements of the desired signal vector through a sigmoid activation function so that a polynomial perceptron equalizer is realized. The comparative computational complexity calculations and performance results of the proposed decision feedback equalizer are also provided.  相似文献   

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