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PURPOSE: To examine whether the vitronectin (VN) in serum is responsible for the serum stimulation of phagocytosis in the rod outer segment (ROS) by cultured retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. METHODS: Vitronectin was removed from fetal bovine serum by heparin-agarose affinity chromatography. Concentrations in normal and depleted serum were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using a polyclonal antibody against bovine VN and commercially prepared human VN as a standard. A monoclonal antibody against human alpha v beta 5 was used in localization and in blocking experiments. Rod outer segment phagocytosis was measured using a flow cytometric assay. RESULTS: Affinity chromatography removed 95% of the VN from serum as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Vitronectin-depleted serum did not stimulate ROS phagocytosis by RPE cells. Commercially prepared VN added to serum-free medium stimulated ROS phagocytosis in a dose-dependent manner. Pretreatment of RPE cells with an antibody against alpha v beta 5, an integrin receptor for VN, had no effect on phagocytosis in the absence of serum but completely blocked the serum stimulation of ROS phagocytosis. Antibody against alpha v beta 5 demonstrated a variable labeling pattern on the cultured RPE cell surface with morphologically distinct cell clusters exhibiting less labeling. Those cell clusters exhibiting less receptor labeling also showed less uptake of fluorescent-labeled ROS. CONCLUSIONS: Vitronectin is the component responsible for serum stimulation of ROS uptake, and this uptake appears to be mediated by an alpha v beta 5 integrin. Although clearly important in vitro, a role for VN in ROS uptake by RPE cells in situ remains to be determined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We set out to evaluate the growth potential of human iris pigment epithelial (hIPE) cells in vitro, to establish whether these cells acquire the ability to phagocytose rod outer segments (ROS) and to compare the phagocytic activity of hIPE to that of human retinal pigment epithelial (hRPE) cells. METHODS: hIPE and hRPE cells were isolated and cultured from human donor eyes and surgical specimens and growth characteristics were analyzed. HIPE and hRPE of an eye of a 46-year-old donor were used for the phagocytosis assay. Phagocytosis was evaluated by adding ROS isolated from porcine retina to cultures of hIPE and hRPE, which had been labeled with the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye, carboxy-SNAFL. After 4 h the number of ingested ROS was counted with a light microscope. For each cell type phagosomes in 500 cells were counted. The epithelial characteristics of the cells used in this study were evidenced by their morphology. RESULTS: Morphologically cultured hIPE are indistinguishable from the hRPE cultured from the same donor eye and show a similar pattern of cytokeratin distribution. Cultured hIPE acquire the ability to phagocytose ROS at a level slightly lower than hRPE; hIPE contained 0.76 phagosomes per cell, hRPE 0.99 phagosomes per cell. CONCLUSION: The morphology of hIPE in culture and the acquisition of the phagocytic phenotype indicate that these cells have the ability to differentiate into cells that have characteristics in common with hRPE. The acquisition of phagocytic activity suggests that it is feasible to culture hIPE from surgical iridectomies and that these cultured cells can be transplanted into the subretinal space in individuals with retinal degenerations.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis of shed photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS) by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is essential for retinal function. Here, we demonstrate that this process requires alpha(v)beta5 integrin, rather than alpha(v)beta3 integrin utilized by systemic macrophages. Although adult rat RPE expressed both alpha(v)beta3 and alpha(v)beta5 integrins, only alpha(v)beta3 was expressed at birth, when the retina is immature and phagocytosis is absent. Expression of alpha(v)beta5 was first detected in RPE at PN7 and reached adult levels at PN11, just before onset of phagocytic activity. Interestingly, alpha(v)beta5 localized in vivo to the apical plasma membrane, facing the photoreceptors, and to intracellular vesicles, whereas alpha(v)beta3 was expressed basolaterally. Using quantitative fluorimaging to assess in vitro uptake of fluorescent particles by human (ARPE-19) and rat (RPE-J) cell lines, alpha(v)beta5 function-blocking antibodies were shown to reduce phagocytosis by drastically decreasing (85%) binding of ROS but not of latex beads. In agreement with a role for alpha(v)beta5 in phagocytosis, immunofluorescence experiments demonstrated codistribution of alpha(v)beta5 integrin with internalized ROS. Control experiments showed that blocking alpha(v)beta3 function with antibodies did not inhibit ROS phagocytosis and that alpha(v)beta3 did not colocalize with phagocytosed ROS. Taken together, our results indicate that the RPE requires the integrin receptor alpha(v)beta5 specifically for the binding of ROS and that phagocytosis involves internalization of a ROS-alpha(v)beta5 complex. Alpha(v)beta5 integrin does not participate in phagocytosis by other phagocytic cells and is the first of the RPE receptors involved in ROS phagocytosis that may be specific for this process.  相似文献   

Transplantation of normal retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) into a diseased eye holds promise for treatment of several blinding disorders. Previous studies have involved immunosuppression and implantation of freshly isolated cells. We report here the successful transplantation of cultured human RPE cells into rabbits that were not immunosuppressed. A modified pars plana transvitreal technique was used for RPE transplantation. The cultured RPE cells, loaded with carbon as a marker, were transplanted into the denuded Bruch's membrane of albino rabbits. The animals were followed for from 1 week to 3 months. On histologic examination at 2 months, no infiltrating lymphocytes were found in the vitreous cavity or choroid, even though Bruch's membrane was damaged. At about 3 months there were some macrophages in the subretina of transplanted eyes, indicating that an immunoreaction does occur eventually. Electron microscopy of the transplanted RPE showed apical-basal polarity and gap junctions. Restored function was attested to by the presence of phagosomes and phagocytosed outer segments in the transplanted cells. Our findings suggest that there is a weak, delayed immunoreaction to human RPE cells transplanted beneath the retina of the rabbit; however, functional recovery of the transplanted cells occurs before this immune response develops.  相似文献   

In rats with primary retinal degeneration, lens extraction combined with total retinal detachment provided a model for injection of a tracer of colloidal carbon into the subretinal space. Electron microscopy and acid phosphatase cytochemistry were subsequently used to analyze the ingestion of tracer by the retinal pigment epithelium. It was found that the attachment, ingestion, and digestion phases of the phagocytic process were apparently preserved. From this evidence it is suggested that there is no lack of phagocytic power in the retinal pigment epithelium of affected rat strains.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of carbachol on the phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments (OS) in cultures of normal Long-Evans and dystrophic Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. METHODS: Retinal pigment epithelial cells from normal and RCS rats were grown in tissue culture. On reaching confluence, they were presented with OS suspended in Krebs-Henseleit buffer in the presence or absence of carbachol and LiCl. The number of bound and ingested OS was quantitated using double immunofluorescence staining. RESULTS: LiCl inhibited the ingestion of OS by more than 90% but had no effect on the binding of OS by Long-Evans RPE cells. The addition of carbachol further reduced OS ingestion. Carbachol alone decreased OS ingestion by normal RPE cells by 30% but had no effect on OS binding. The effect of LiCl and carbachol on RCS RPE cells was similar to their effect on normal RPE cells. CONCLUSIONS: Carbachol does not increase OS phagocytosis in normal or RCS rat RPE cells. The phagocytic defect in RCS rat RPE cannot be reversed or overcome by stimulation of the IP3 pathway by carbachol. LiCl strongly inhibits the ingestion of OS by normal and by RCS RPE cells, and this effect is enhanced by carbachol.  相似文献   

The distribution of fucose-containing glycoconjugates in the photoreceptor cell layer of rat and human retinas was examined by lectin histochemistry using Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL), which recognizes L-fucose alpha 1, 6 residue. In the rate retina, AAL diffusely bound to the apical outer segments and to the basal inner segments, whereas it bound to the entire outer segments of other photoreceptors, which were considered to be cones due to their proportion. In the human retina, AAL bound diffusely to the basal inner segments and to the retinal pigment epithelia, but it bound selectively to the outer segments of the cones. The present findings revealed that the glycoconjugates, whose sugar chains contain L-fucose alpha 1, 6 residue on their termini, are present in the cone outer segments.  相似文献   

The presence of specific, saturable receptor sites for excitatory amino acids (EAA) in membranes from cultured human retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) was established through the binding of [3H]L-glutamate (L-Glu). The age of the donors ranged from 6 days to 33 years. The affinity of the binding (KB) sites was between 1.2 and 1.5 microM, and did not change with the age of the donor, whereas the Bmax was slightly increased (8.6 to 13.0 pmol/mg) in membranes from the 33 year-old compared to the 29 day-old donor. The efficacy profile of agonists and antagonists acting at EAA receptors for displacing [3H]L-Glu was L-Glu = L-Aspartate > 2-amino-4-phosphonovalerate (AP5) > N-methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) > 1-aminocyclopentane-1,3 dicarboxylate (trans-ACPD) > 2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate (AP3). These data suggest the presence of either an NMDA-receptor sensitive to the metabotropic agonist trans-ACPD or alternatively, the presence of two different populations of receptors with similar affinity for the agonist: NMDA and metabotropic. Glycine highly stimulated Glu-binding; this effect was inversely related to the age of the donor. Taurine and to a lesser extent GABA, mimicked this effect. Stimulation by glycine was dose-dependent, insensitive to strychnine and 80% inhibited by 7-chlorokynurenate. This effect was also present in human RPE-derived fibroblasts, human scleral fibroblasts and the human lymphoblastoid cell line NB76, all continuously dividing cells. The results further support the possibility of the participation of EAA receptors in the regulation of phagocytosis in RPE.  相似文献   

To investigate the nature of the oxidative event that occurs during phagocytosis of retinal outer segments (ROS) by cultured human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, cells were incubated with isolated bovine ROS labeled with either the fluorescence probe carboxy-SNAFL-2 or the nonfluorescent, oxidizable probe 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (H2DCF). The increase in fluorescence following phagocytosis was measured by a flow cytometer. Other measurements included: oxygen consumption using a Clark-type oxygen electrode, extracellular superoxide release by superoxide dismutase inhibitable lucigenin chemiluminescence, intracellular hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production, and the effect of catalase inhibition on cellular thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) caused by phagocytosis. The activities of the enzymes NADPH oxidase and palmitoyl-CoA oxidase were also measured. H2DCF attached to bovine ROS was oxidized during phagocytosis with a time course suggesting oxidation subsequent to ROS uptake. Measurements of oxygen consumption showed a time-dependent increase of 10%, 4 h after ROS feeding, attributable to a doubling of the cyanide-resistant oxygen consumption. Intracellular H2O2 production also doubled 4 h after ROS phagocytosis. ROS uptake by RPE cells produced no significant extracellular superoxide, while extracellular superoxide production was readily demonstrated in a control macrophage cell line. Enzyme activity measurements showed that incubation of RPE cells with ROS doubled catalase activity without affecting superoxide dismutase or glutathione peroxidase activities. Inhibition of catalase during ROS uptake increased TBARS by 66%. Other enzyme activity measurements showed that human RPE cells possess both NADPH oxidase and palmitoyl-CoA oxidase activities. We conclude that ROS phagocytosis subjects RPE cells to an oxidative event on the same order of magnitude as measured in a macrophage. The event is not an extracellular macrophage-type respiratory burst and may be due to intracellular H2O2 resulting from an NADPH oxidase in the phagosome or from beta-oxidation of ROS lipids in peroxisomes. Irrespective of case, the enzyme catalase appears to be essential in protecting the RPE cell against reactive oxygen species produced during phagocytosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The retina can be damaged by light even when levels of energy are well below the threshold for thermal damage, and the experimental damage of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) may be induced more easily by blue light than by longer wavelengths of visible light. The present study demonstrates the ultrastructural damage produced by exposure to blue light in cultured RPE. METHODS: Long-Evans rats were enucleated 8-10 days after birth for primary culture. One week after seeding, the monolayer culture of RPE cells was exposed to a cool blue light (wavelength = 440 +/- 10 nm) for 36 h (12 h/day, 3 days) at 2.0 mW/cm2. Transmission electron microscopy was used to compare the exposed RPE with the control. The entire experiment was repeated 3 times independently. RESULTS: The cytoplasm of the exposed RPE exhibited degenerative changes, such as large whorls of membrane, lamellar whorls and whorled inclusions. CONCLUSION: The RPE cells can be damaged directly by blue light after excluding the possible influence of phagosomes. This primary culture of RPE can also serve as an in vitro model for the study of light damage to the RPE.  相似文献   

Cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP) is abundantly expressed in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and Muller cells of the retina, where it is thought to function in retinoid metabolism and visual pigment regeneration. Mutations in human CRALBP that destroy retinoid binding have been linked to autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa. To identify the DNA elements that regulate expression of the human CRALBP gene in the RPE, transient transfection studies were carried out with three CRALBP-expressing human RPE cell culture systems. The regions from -2089 to -1539 base pairs and from -243 to +80 base pairs demonstrated positive regulatory activity. Similar activity was not observed with cultured human breast, liver, or skin cells. Since sequence analysis of the -243 to +80 region identified the presence of two photoreceptor consensus element-1 (PCE-1) sites, elements that have been implicated in photoreceptor gene regulation, the role of these sequences in RPE expression was examined. Mutation of either PCE-1 site significantly reduced reporter activity, and mutation or deletion of both sites dramatically reduced activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift analysis with RPE nuclear extracts revealed two complexes that required intact PCE-1 sites. These studies also identified two identical sequences (GCAGGA) flanking PCE-1, termed the binding CRALBP element (BCE), that are also important for complex formation. Southwestern analysis with PCE-1/BCEcontaining probes identified species with apparent masses near 90-100 and 31 kDa. These results begin to identify the regulatory regions required for RPE expression of CRALBP and suggest that PCE-1-binding factor(s) may play a role in regulating RPE as well as photoreceptor gene expression.  相似文献   

Expansion of the retinal pigment epithelium was studied in neonatal chicks after one or two weeks of unilateral form vision deprivation to investigate altered ocular growth mechanisms in this experimental model of myopia. The area of individual retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, measured in tangential sections, was greater in myopic eyes than in contralateral control eyes at both times. The mean RPE cell area in myopic eyes increased to the same extent as the area of the retinal pigment epithelium as a whole. In control eyes between one and two weeks, RPE cell expansion occurred predominantly in the periphery; in myopic eyes, it occurred more generally across the epithelium but was less pronounced in the temporal region. Given the absence of detectable mitotic figures in control and myopic eyes, expansion of the epithelial layer is attributable to passive stretch or growth of existing cells. Whether scleral growth or stretch occurs selectively beneath the areas of more pronounced RPE cell expansion is unknown.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP), an extracellular protein believed to support the exchange of retinoids between the neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in the vertebrate eye, exhibits a modular, i.e., repeat, structure. The present study was undertaken to determine whether an individual module of IRBP has activity in retinoid transfer between the RPE and rod photoreceptors. METHODS: The retinoid transfer activity of a recombinant protein corresponding to the fourth module of Xenopus laevis IRBP (X4IRBP) was examined in two ways. First, X4IRBP was tested for its ability to support the regeneration of porphyropsin in detached/reattached Xenopus retina/RPE-eyecups. Following illumination and removal of native IRBP, Xenopus eyecups supplemented with 42 microM X4IRBP or (as a control) Ringer's solution were incubated in darkness and then analyzed for regenerated porphyropsin. Second, toad (Bufo marinus) RPE-eyecup preparations were used to evaluate X4IRBP's ability to promote the release of 11-cis retinal from the RPE. RESULTS: The regeneration of porphyropsin in X4IRBP-supplemented Xenopus retina/RPE-eyecups (0.45 +/- 0.04 nmol; mean +/- SEM, n = 11) exceeded that in controls (0.13 +/- 0.02 nmol, n = 11). For promoting the release of 11-cis retinal from the toad RPE, 42 microM X4IRBP was more effective than equimolar bovine serum albumin although considerably less than that of 26 microM native bovine IRBP. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate a low but significant activity of IRBP's fourth module in reactions relevant to retinoid exchange.  相似文献   

The overlying retinal blood vessels were abnormal in five cases of congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium. This illustrated the well-recognized association between outer retinal degeneration and obliteration of the overlying retinal vasculature. The proposed pathophysiological mechanisms, however, seem inadequate to explain completely the morphological changes of the retinal blood vessels in the presence of atrophy of the outer retina.  相似文献   

The migration of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells is an important step in various pathologic conditions, including subretinal neovascularization (SRN) and proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). Therefore, elucidation of the mechanism of RPE migration may be useful in devising effective treatment for these disorders. Since protein kinase C (PKC) has been shown to regulate the migration of other cell types, we studied the effects of PKC agonists and antagonists on RPE migration. We used an in vitro wound healing model in which a small area of a confluent monolayer of bovine RPE cells was denuded with a razor blade. The cultures were subsequently incubated with agents known to stimulate [phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)] or inhibit (calphostin C, staurosporine) PKC. After 20 hr, migration was measured as the number of cells that had entered the denuded area. We also measured the translocation of PKC from the cytosol to the membrane in order to determine the activation or inhibition of PKC by PMA and calphostin C in the cells. The phorbol ester PMA stimulated migration by 41%, and calphostin C and staurosporine inhibited migration by 38% and 31%, respectively, in a medium supplemented with 10% serum. To determine the requirement for serum in this modulation, we also measured the effects of PMA and calphostin C on RPE migration in serum-free medium. Under these conditions, basal migration was greatly decreased, but PMA stimulated migration by 177% and calphostin C inhibited migration by 93%. Since PKC modulation is known to induce the proliferation of cells, we also tested the effects of these agents on growth-inhibited migration by pretreating the cells with the antiproliferative drug mitomycin C. We found that modulation of PKC under these conditions equally affected growth-inhibited and growth-dependent migration. Therefore, based on the increase in RPE migration induced by a PKC agonist, and the decrease in migration caused by PKC antagonists, it is suggested that PKC-mediated signal transduction plays a crucial role in RPE cell migration. This knowledge may be useful in devising effective treatments for SRN and PVR.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Validation a self-administered form used by patients to record their food intake and compare the recorded data with the observed intake. DESIGN: Data were obtained from an unselected cross-sectional group of hospitalized patients. SUBJECTS: Forty-five adult men and women volunteered to participate. Five of these dropped out. METHODS: Observed intake at breakfast, lunch and dinner was obtained by recording the servings of food before they were served to the patients and subtracting weighed leftovers. At meal times the patients recorded food items eaten in fractions of amount served to the nearest 25%. SETTING: Inpatients from five different wards at Rikshospitalet, Oslo. RESULTS: There was a significant under-reporting of the number of foods served (P < 0.005) resulting in a significant underestimation of energy 231 kJ (P < 0.02). There was good agreement between the patients and the observers for the portions of most foods (Kappa 0.44-0.92, P < 0.00001). The differences in amount had little influence on the difference in total energy. The difference in number of foods correlated with the difference in energy (r = 0.68, P < 0.001) and with the difference in protein (r = 0.50, P < 0.01). Patients with an underestimation of energy above 20% had forgotten seven or more food items. CONCLUSIONS: For most patients, the self-administered form adapted to the hospital menu appears to have acceptable validity, but for some patients it was unacceptable, mainly owing to food items being omitted and not because of incorrect estimate of amounts of food.  相似文献   

Simple epithelial cells express a morphological and functional polarity along their apical-to-basal axis. During the development of epithelia, a unique reorganization of microtubule arrays is thought to play a fundamental role in the establishment of cell polarity. To begin to understand this process in vivo, we have determined the distribution of gamma-tubulin within developing chicken retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). gamma-Tubulin is a recently discovered centrosomal protein that plays a role in nucleating microtubule growth from the centrosome. Although the RPE monolayer becomes established during embryonic Day 3, cell polarity gradually develops and matures over the next 10-13 days. Our studies reveal that gamma-tubulin is located in a distinct focus subjacent to the apical membrane by embryonic Day 3, the beginning of the polarization process. Using primary cell cultures, we examined the relationship between the establishment of junctional complexes and the reorganization of microtubule arrays. Despite the recovery of junctional complexes and a transepithelial electrical resistance, cultured cells failed to relocate gamma-tubulin foci to a position subjacent to the apical membrane. Rather, these foci remained in the juxtanuclear region. These data indicate that the rearrangement of unique, epithelial microtubule arrays requires more than cell-cell and cell-basement membrane interactions.  相似文献   

Although human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) predominantly infects epithelial cells in vivo, the majority of studies of HCMV gene expression and replication have been conducted using non-epithelial cell lines in part because of the absence of a good experimental system using epithelial cells. To address the nature of epithelial cell infection, we investigated the susceptibility of an epithelial cell line (K-1034) established from the retinal pigment epithelium to HCMV infection. This cell line exhibited high susceptibility to HCMV, as evidenced by detection of one of the immediate early antigens, IE2, in the nuclei of more than 80% of K-1034 cells at 24 h following inoculation at a multiplicity of infection of 3 plaque forming units per cell. However, the yield after one-step growth of HCMV in K-1034 cells was about twenty-fold less than that in human embryonic lung fibroblast cells. Cytopathic effect (CPE) on K-1034 cells was not prominent in medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and viral late antigens were detected in less than 5% of K-1034 cells. Interestingly, infected cells expressing late antigens and exhibiting CPE were markedly increased in serum-free medium, even though the yield of infectious HCMV and viral genome copy numbers were almost the same in the different serum concentrations, due to viral instability in the absence of serum. Thus, the progression of late antigens expression and the induction of CPE in infected epithelial cells is influenced by physiological conditions, and are negatively regulated by some serum factor.  相似文献   

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