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Florida, which is one of the most storm-prone states in the United States, experienced several major hurricanes such as Andrew, Georges, Earl, and Opal in the last decade. The tremendous population growth in the Florida coastal region has increased the volume of coastal residential construction, enhancing the possibility of storm damage. After a storm is over, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and local government personnel identify the amount of damage sustained by structures and follow the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s “50% substantial damage rule” to determine the repairability of structures on a case-by-case basis. This process requires a substantial amount of personnel time and effort, often delaying the permitting process. Currently, there is no convenient decision-making tool to quickly assess damaged structures after a storm and place them in “repair” or “rebuild” categories. In this study, decision matrices were developed based on the current construction cost data, identified damage levels, factors affecting decision making, and current requirements of Florida Statutes, Chapter 161, the Florida Department of Natural Resources, the Florida Department of Community Affairs, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Decision-making software was developed that can be used in the field to quickly classify structures for rebuildability and to provide approximate repair costs.  相似文献   

Performance assessment in urban water infrastructures is an increasingly important field of knowledge. Performance has traditionally been expressed in a variety of ways relating mostly to local design practice, with hardly any consensus on how it should be measured or compared. The efficient technical management of these systems deserves a specific approach, suited to the methodologies regularly employed while planning, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining the systems. At the engineering level, decisions are based on operational, physical, and resources data and on analyses deploying simulation models, geographic information systems, or other information systems. However, such tools tend to produce vast amounts of insufficiently aggregated or performance-oriented information. This paper presents a performance assessment system that is based on the decisional concept of utility functions and designed as a technical analysis tool with the purpose of shifting the focus of technical management of urban drainage systems to a performance-oriented view.  相似文献   

Many urban concrete pavements in California need to be reconstructed, as they have exceeded their design lives and require frequent maintenance and repair. Information is needed to determine which methodologies for pavement design, materials selection, traffic management, and reconstruction strategies are most suitable to achieve the objectives of California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) long-life pavement rehabilitation strategies (LLPRS) program. To develop construction productivity information for several construction windows, a case study was performed on a Caltrans concrete rehabilitation demonstration project near Los Angeles on Interstate-10, where 20 lane-km was successfully rebuilt using fast setting hydraulic cement concrete (FSHCC) with one weekend closure for 2.8 lane-km and repeated 7- and 10-h nighttime closures for the remaining distance. The concrete delivery and discharge controlled the overall progress. In terms of the number of slabs replaced per hour, the 55-h weekend closure was 54% faster than the average nighttime closure. An excellent traffic management strategy helped to reduce the volume of traffic during the weekend closure and minimize the traffic delay through the construction zone.  相似文献   

The management process of any construction operation usually can be defined as a chain of decisions. A decision-maker can bid, plan, and organize the bored pile projects based on an accurate estimate of productivity. To estimate productivity efficiently, piling process qualitative and quantitative factors have to be considered. This paper focuses on assessing the effect of subjective factors on bored pile construction productivity. A productivity index (PI) model is developed to represent this subjective effect in refining productivity assessment using simulation and deterministic techniques. The analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy logic are used to develop the proposed PI model that relies on the actual performance of 10 main piling process subjective factors. Subjective data were collected from bored pile (drilled shaft) contractors considering these subjective factors. The developed PI model implementation to piling process resulted in PI=0.7. This value has been validated using simulation model outputs.  相似文献   

Community involvement is an important factor for sustainable highway construction. Information and communication technologies provide a new and more effective approach to facilitate community involvement. However, there are too many parameters with conflicting and subjective definitions related to sustainability and too many stakeholders with varying degrees of interest and sophistication. There is a need for an effective tool to communicate project impacts on sustainability to local communities. This paper presents an ontology for stakeholder management and sustainability in highway construction. An ontology is a conceptual semantic model that attempts to capture human knowledge (both explicit and tacit) in a consistent manner. Ontologies include three main elements: a taxonomy (common vocabulary presented in concept trees), set of relationships (linking concepts across trees), and axioms (limitation/constraints on the behavior of concepts). The ontology was used to develop a portal for broadcasting highway design features to local communities. By browsing through the portal, a user can learn about project elements, the impacts of each element on sustainability issues, who is sponsoring such element, and what efforts have been made to reduce any impacts of such elements on local communities.  相似文献   

The use of low-impact development (LID) storm-water management facilities will grow with gains in understanding of their performance based on field tests. An innovative flow measurement system was designed and tested for monitoring of an interconnected system of underdrained LID components forming a site management strategy. Pressure transducers housed in stilling wells provided in-line flow measurements in pipes connecting the LID components. A combination of laboratory experiments, field measurements, and computer simulations was used to calibrate the flow measurement system to translate depth measurements to estimates of flow. The monitoring system is well suited for high-resolution temporal monitoring and provides important information for evaluating LID component performance. The measurement system is limited to open-channel flow, but calculations indicate that surcharge conditions are expected to occur at the case study site only under conditions more extreme than the 100-year storm event.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a framework for incorporating sustainable design/thinking as a new civil engineering course and experiences from the pilot offering. Important areas are outlined to aid all engineers in understanding sustainability in context with traditional engineering principles. Green-building rating systems were used to introduce the concepts of sustainability in buildings and infrastructure, highlighted by presentations from green-building professionals. By providing a better understanding of sustainability through education, civil engineers can provide proactive solutions to a growing global infrastructure.  相似文献   

Construction professionals have knowledge and competencies that can help improve the design and delivery of sustainable buildings. The introduction of construction knowledge during design using constructability practices has been shown to improve design and project performance. From a process perspective, this paper examines specific constructability techniques that can help manage sustainable building knowledge throughout the design process. Through scientific research, four constructability practices employed at the Pentagon renovation are assessed for their capability at managing sustainability input from contractors. The four practices are: (1) the use of an integrated organizational team to champion the effort; (2) physical and computer building models (mock-ups); (3) on-board reviews; and (4) lessons learned workshops. Twenty-one specific principles are then identified to provide further guidance to industry practitioners. These practices and principles pinpoint methods to help manage sustainable building knowledge, especially that made available by construction professionals during design and construction.  相似文献   

Review of Life-Cycle Assessment Applications in Building Construction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Life-cycle assessment (LCA) has been used to assess product development processes “from cradle to grave” for many years. With the current push toward sustainable construction, LCA has gained importance as an objective method to evaluate the environmental impact of construction practices. A substantial amount of construction-related LCA work has been published recently; however, most of this work has been fragmented and a systematic compilation of this literature has not been undertaken. This article presents a structured review of building construction-related LCA literature, classified under four categories: LCA applications for construction products selection; LCA applications for construction systems/process evaluation; LCA tools and databases related to the construction industry; and LCA methodological developments related to the construction industry. Current challenges for using LCA in construction are discussed and potential areas for future research are highlighted. This review and similar efforts may provide the construction industry and associated researchers the necessary background to make better-informed construction decisions and assist the development of an agenda for further research.  相似文献   

Wastewater Management in the 21st Century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A dialogue concerning potential future directions for the wastewater profession is initiated by identifying four principal challenges. The first is the perception by many (at least in the United States) that water pollution and water quality problems have largely been solved. Dramatic improvements during the 20th century (by the founders of our profession, not by us!) have eliminated many of the obvious public health and environmental issues associated with wastewater management. The second is population growth and the associated added stress on water resources. The third is the potential (at least perceived) conflict between providing improved water and wastewater service to the poor (especially in developing countries) and reducing the environmental impacts of our systems. The fourth is to determine whether we are wastewater managers, or more broadly water managers. These challenges can be addressed by adopting a broader, more holistic view of urban water management incorporating water supply, wastewater management, and storm water. A toolkit of existing and evolving technologies could be assembled and grouped into example systems. Improved methods for evaluating alternate urban water management systems based on sustainable development principles need to be developed. Achieving the vision of more sustainable urban water management systems requires that our professional organizations speak with one voice. Our profession must also reach out and engage a wide range of interests in defining and implementing dramatically improved solutions.  相似文献   

Facility owners and project teams often struggle to engage “green” or “sustainable” requirements on building projects and can incur additional project costs as a result. Although “investments” in high performance building features can be paid back through operational savings, the project delivery methods currently adopted by most teams are laden with process waste. Lean production principles have been proven to reduce waste and improve process performance in highly complex development and production environments. Adopting these lean principles, this paper reports a study that identified the presence of value and waste in a sustainable building project. Through an empirical investigation of the Real Estate and Facilities Division of Toyota Motor Sales, Toyota’s capital facility delivery process was mapped to identify both the steps in project delivery critical for success (value) and those that are waste. The investigation focused on the South Campus Facility, which received U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold certification at a project cost equivalent to a conventional facility. Through post hoc process-based analysis, insight about what added value and waste in sustainable project delivery at Toyota was obtained. The results also identify further improvement opportunities to Toyota’s delivery process. For corporate facility owners and the Architecture Engineering Construction industry, the results unearth insights about how to successfully and economically deliver sustainable facilities.  相似文献   

A practical method for developing rainfall-intensity equations for short durations (approximately one hour or less) for locations in the United States covered by NOAA Atlas 14 Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 is presented. For the semiarid western United States covered by Volume 1, for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands covered by Volume 3, and for Hawaii covered by Volume 4, single formulas apply to rainfall of all average recurrence intervals (ARIs). For the central and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States covered by Volume 2, formula coefficients are provided for several ARIs ranging from 1.58 to 1,000 years. All equations are based on a single-term exponential expression plus a constant that provides excellent fits to the available data. Mathematical expressions for the central and mid-Atlantic region coefficients as functions of the ARI are provided to simplify application of the approach. Mathematical relations representing design storm hyetographs are developed using the intensity-duration expression by distributing rainfall about the time of peak intensity proportioned by a factor r = tp/td, where tp = time to peak rainfall intensity, and td = storm duration.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Cantabrian portable infiltrometer (CP infiltrometer), a specially designed device based on rainfall simulation for the assessment of the infiltration capacity of all types of urban pavements. Several pervious and impervious surfaces were tested with the LCS permeameter, an existing infiltration test based on the use of a column of water, and the CP Infiltrometer, simulating rain intensities with return periods of 10, 50, and 500 years and 5?min duration. The discussion of the results indicates that the CP infiltrometer could be used successfully to identify different levels of infiltration capacity and to assess the correct performance of pervious surfaces on which design, construction, and maintenance decisions are based.  相似文献   

The ABET criteria for engineering programs no longer has a requirement for humanities and social sciences but instead requires a general education component that complements the technical component of the curriculum. Achievement of the outcomes called for in the ABET criteria and the ability to apply the constraints listed in ABET Criterion 3 can be facilitated by a well-designed general education component. The old humanities and social science components that many programs still have would probably allow most programs to meet the current criteria but the requirement for general education offers an opportunity to improve the overall educational experience for all civil engineers. One approach to general education for civil engineers would be to incorporate a theme and a case is made that sustainability and sustainable development is a good theme for a civil engineering program.  相似文献   

Sustainable design should be applied in all phases of the life cycle of a building, including programming, design, building construction, building operation, and finally demolition. This paper compares and contrasts sustainable design programs based on the life cycle of a building in North America, Europe, and Asia. Tables comparing programs from these three regions are provided for each phase in the life cycle of a building. These tables can be used by building design professionals as a reference guide to sustainable design around the world. The tables also highlight specific requirements or concerns that are applicable in a particular region. The similarities between different programs and regions can be taken into consideration during the planning of sustainable design work, regardless of the region of construction. Finally, references to more detailed program documents are provided so that interested readers can determine specific requirements that apply in a region of interest.  相似文献   

Environmentally sustainable building construction has experienced significant growth during the past 10 years. The public is becoming more aware of the benefits of green construction as prominent politicians, celebrities, documentarians, and journalists highlight the built environment’s impact on greenhouse gas emissions and natural resource consumption. Other factors, including higher energy prices, increased costs of building materials, and regulatory incentives, are also pushing the green building market to grow and expand. However, barriers to green building continue to exist, including the ability to deliver a green project within acceptable cost constraints. In order for project managers to deliver sustainable construction according to clients’ cost expectations, modifications must be made to traditional project management processes and practices. The objective of this paper is to suggest specific modifications to conventional building practices to optimize the delivery of cost-efficient green building projects. This paper presents an overview of research related to the costs and trends of green building and uses these research findings to make recommendations for greening project management practices for the construction industry. Our research results show that greening project management practices can add significant value to a sustainable construction project while delivering it within acceptable cost constraints. A detailed analysis using matrix present specific adjustments to traditional project management practices, with a premise that a green project improves its chances for financial success if a cross-discipline team is involved at the earliest stages and throughout the project.  相似文献   

Low impact development (LID) strategies are being encouraged in many communities as an approach to reduce potential adverse impacts of development on receiving streams. Many questions exist regarding how well various LID strategies perform in different settings, just as similar questions have been raised regarding performance of traditional stormwater best management practices (BMPs). Whereas historical focus on BMP performance has been water quality concentrations or loads, characterization of volume reduction benefits for both conventional and LID practices is increasingly an objective of researchers and stormwater managers. More than a decade ago, Urban Water Resources Research Council (UWRRC) members worked to develop a set of standardized monitoring and reporting protocols for traditional BMPs and to establish a master database for the purpose of evaluating BMP performance and the factors affecting performance. This effort culminated in the International Stormwater BMP Database (www.bmpdatabase.org), which contains data for more than 360 BMPs and continues to operate as a clearinghouse for stormwater BMP data and performance analyses. During 2008–2009, the International Stormwater BMP Database project expanded to better integrate LID into the database and develop a set of metrics that can be used to characterize BMP performance with regard to surface runoff volume reduction. This paper provides a condensed overview and progress report on the LID-focused effort, including the following topics: (1)?monitoring guidance for LID at the overall site development level, (2)?an overview of recent changes to the International Stormwater BMP Database to better accommodate LID studies, (3)?a summary of LID studies currently included in the database, and (4)?a proposed approach for evaluating performance of LID studies with regard to reducing surface runoff volumes.  相似文献   

The California Department of Transportation is rehabilitating or reconstructing deteriorated urban freeways using long-life (30+ years) strategies. These pavements were constructed between 1955 and 1970 with design lives of 20 years. This paper summarizes preconstruction analysis of the fast-track pavement reconstruction on Interstate-15 (I-15) at Devore which used two one-roadbed continuous (about 210 h) closures with round-the-clock (24/7) operations. The integrated analysis concluded that the one-roadbed continuous closures are the most economical scenario when compared to traditional nighttime or weekend closures from the perspective of schedule, delay, and costs. The preconstruction was validated with as-built construction and traffic performances monitored during construction. The construction management plan—including contingency, incentives, and critical path method schedule—was developed utilizing the Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies (CA4PRS) computer model. The results of this planning study are useful for transportation agencies in developing highway rehabilitation strategies that balance the maximization of construction productivity with a minimization of traffic delay.  相似文献   

Psychological capital (PsyCap) has gained prominence as an important construct in leadership research. Comprising four factors (self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resiliency), PsyCap is considered to be a vital factor for authentic leadership development and influence. The current study reports the results of a questionnaire survey that was conducted in the construction industry of Singapore. The survey explored the correlations of PsyCap with authenticity, leadership, and leadership outcomes. The results show that PsyCap significantly correlates with authenticity and transformational leadership. It was also found that transformational leadership plays a mediating role for PsyCap to predict leadership outcomes (effectiveness, extra effort, and satisfaction). The discussion in the paper also considers the implications of PsyCap for leadership development and effectiveness in general and in the context of the construction industry.  相似文献   

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