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Glycerol preserved, frozen tick-borne disease vaccine strains developed in Australia were imported into Paraguay to test their safety in pregnant Holando heifers and their efficacy against challenge from inoculated local field strains of Babesia bigemina, B. bovis and Anaplasma marginale in Hereford X Criolla heifers. The two Babesia strains proved to be safe and the B. bovis K strain was very effective in providing immunity to a local field strain of B. bovis. The B. bigemina efficacy trial was inconclusive, possibly due to the avirulent nature of the local field strain used in challenge. The A. centrale strain did not prove to be as safe as would be desirable in safety trials, neither did it provide as good protection as the Babesia strains in the efficacy trial. It was concluded that the Babesia strains provided good protection against field challenge in Paraguay and were safe to use in highly susceptible cattle, however an alternative to A. centrale should be sought to provide protection against local strains of A. marginale.  相似文献   

We report a male neonate with craniofacial dysmorphic features, multiple congenital anomalies and an unusual form of chondrodysplasia punctata. Radiographic examination revealed punctate epiphyses and coronal clefting of the thoracic spine. The hand radiographs showed some similarities to the brachytelephalangic type of chondrodysplasia punctata. However, the disorder did not fit well with any known entity of chondrodysplasia punctata or other condition characterized by punctate epiphyses.  相似文献   

Chondrodysplasia punctata-23 cases of a mild and relatively common variety   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A common form of chondrodysplasia punctata has been defined by characteristic clinical and radiologic features in 23 patients seen in Melbourne. The patients presented during infancy because of failure to thrive, apparent mental retardation, and/or unusual appearance. The typical facies is almost diagnostic, and the diagnosis is completed by finding punctate calcification in the calcaneum in lateral radiographs of the feet, and sometimes in other sites. Growth and developmental progress improved during childhood and the final outcome seems likely to comprise low normal height and intelligence with persistence of typical facies. Mild cases probably pass unrecognized at present. Seventeen patients were male. Paternal age was significantly increased; however, family data did not support a genetic cause. Illnesses during pregnancy were unusually frequent, and anticonvulsants taken during pregnancy may have had an etiologic role in some patients.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injection of two doses of vinblastine (10 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg) induced a prominent formation of autophagic vacuoles in mouse liver parenchymal cells in 4 h. Clearly recognizable organelles were seen inside these vacuoles. The amount of autophagy was dependent on doses in that autophagosomes almost disappeared within 12 h with the low dose, whereas with the high dose the -ells were filled with residual bodies. Defecation of lysosomal material was ovserved into the sinusoidal lumen 12 h after injection with high dose. The total activities of lysosomal enzymes acid phosphatase, beta-galactosidase, and beta-acetylglucosaminidase did not change in the liver after vinblastine administration. The soluble activities of beta-galactosidase and beta-glucosaminidase were elevated with the high dose 12 h after injection, indicating labilization of the lysosomal membranes. Simultaneously the activities of the three lysosomal enzymes were elevated in the serum. The injurious effect of VBL appeared in light-and electron microscopic levels indicating diffuse necrosis of the liver lobules with the high gose within 12 h, fat accumulation in the cells, accumulation of secretory vesicles containing very low density lipoprotein particles, partial dilatation, vesiculation of endoplasmic reticulum and dilatation of Golgi cisternae. The serum GOT and CPK levels were also elevated  相似文献   

We present an easily constructed devise, which allows the testing and comparison of microsurgical apparatus, providing a numerical result for statistical analysis. It also enables the trainee microsurgeon to practise basic microsurgical skills in a safe environment. Construction and uses are discussed.  相似文献   

Lameness of the hindlimbs originating from the stifle joint may be difficult to diagnose and treat. This article describes anatomic considerations and the diagnostic procedures necessary to accurately evaluate the bovine stifle joint. The emphasis is toward obtaining a diagnosis based on physical examination and simple diagnostic procedures in field situation. Specific treatments and/or management alternatives for cattle with various ligament injuries (cranial cruciate rupture, collateral ligament injuries), or with luxated patella, upward fixation of the patella, septic arthritis, and subchondral bone cysts are described. Current knowledge of the prognosis after various treatments is presented.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the physiological, endocrinological and pharmaceutical literature pertaining to the design, development and optimisation of subcutaneous and intravaginal progestogen-containing drug delivery systems used in the control of synchrony and ovulation in cattle.  相似文献   

Formulation difficulties prevented the otherwise promising clinical development of the anti-tumour agent trimelamol (TM; tris-[hydroxymethyl]trimethylmelamine]). A synthetic analogue programme resulted in the identification of CB 7646 (bis N-[hydroxymethyl]trimethylmelamine) as a compound with improved stability and favourable formulation characteristics. The in vitro and in vivo activity of CB 7646 was shown to be very similar to that of TM. In addition, curative activities were shown in the PXN/65 human ovarian cancer xenograft and the MX-1 and T-61 human breast cancer xenograft models. The effectiveness of the N-(hydroxymethyl)melamines against platinum-refractory disease was noted in the phase I clinical trial of TM. In line with this finding, the present study confirmed the effective activity of both TM and CB 7646 against various forms of platinum resistance in in vitro models. Curative activity for TM and CB 7646 was seen in the HX110P human ovarian cancer xenograft with acquired carboplatin resistance. Animal studies indicated less neurotoxicity for CB 7646 than for TM. The pharmacokinetic profile of CB 7646 indicated a decreased plasma elimination, indicative of slower in vivo degradation than for TM. CB 7646, therefore, represents a promising candidate for clinical development, designed to supersede TM.  相似文献   

Thoughout all of 1974, we surveyed, for illnesses and deaths, about 407,000 yearling feedlot cattle. From the 3,943 dead cattle, 1,988 necropsies were made; of the cattle necropsied, 32 (1.6%) had bronchiectasis. In this disease, the permanently dilated small bronchi and bronchioles, located in ventral parts of the lungs, were filled with accumulations of exudate and microorganisms, including Pasteurella hemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, Corynebacterium pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Salmonella anatum, Staphylococcus spp, and Mycoplasma arginini.  相似文献   

Twenty-four of 175 heifers died after ingesting water from a stock pond containing blue-green algae (genus Microcystis) in southern Colorado. Affected cattle were found dead or had signs of nervousness, and were recumbent, weak, anorectic, and hypersensitive to noise when first examined. All cattle died within 3 days after the onset of signs. At necropsy, the rumen contained blue-green algae, and the liver was larger than normal, friable, and dark red. The most important histologic lesion was hepatocyte degeneration and necrosis. Intraperitoneal administration of lyophilized cell material from the bloom caused hepatic necrosis and death in mice, and water from the pond had clumps of cells surrounded by a clear calyx, consistent with the appearance of organisms of the genus Microcystis. Samples of pond water were examined by means of high-pressure liquid chromatography; microcystin-LR, one of the hepatotoxins produced by Microcystis spp, was found. Chromatography may be useful in the diagnosis of blue-green algae toxicosis.  相似文献   

Acute Halogeton glomeratus poisoning occurred in 16 of 680 range cattle during and following a trail drive. Signs of toxicosis included posterior ataxia, recumbency, coma, and death. Histopathologically, abundant, refractile calcium oxalate crystals were seen in renal tubules. Inasmuch as the plant is generally unpalatable for cattle, poisoning in this case was enhanced by a preceding period of food deprivation.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of clinical cases of campylobacter in temperate climates shows a striking seasonality. In the search for a seasonal environmental reservoir changes in the carriage rate and population size of campylobacters in bovine hosts with time have been measured. Most probable number (MPN) methodology was used to enumerate thermophilic campylobacters in samples taken from the small intestines of beef cattle at slaughter and the fresh faeces of four dairy herds and new-born calves. Statistical analyses revealed significant evidence for seasonal periodicity in the data from dairy herds (P = 0.044). Not only was there a departure from constancy within a 12-month interval but these data revealed a true seasonality, that is, the same periodicity in numbers from one year to the next. Each herd had two peaks per year, in approximately spring and autumn. Peaks coincided in herds on neighbouring farms but those on farms in the north preceded those on farms in the south by 2 and 1 months, respectively (P = 0.0057). Intestinal carriage by beef cattle at slaughter was 89.4% (n = 360) with an average MPN campylobacters per gram fresh weight (MPN gfw-1) of 6.1 x 10(2). Average MPN gfw-1 in faeces from the dairy herds and calves were 69.9 (S.D. 3) and 3.3 x 10(4) (S.D. 1.7 x 10(2)). There was no evidence of seasonal periodicity in the size of the campylobacter population in beef cattle at slaughter. Calves were campylobacter free at birth but became colonized with a few days.  相似文献   

Parasitological, histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations were carried out on three slaughtered cattle with many nodules in all the striated muscles. At necropsy, many yellowish green rice-grain sized nodules including cheesy contents were observed in all the striated muscles. Histopathologically the nodules were granuloma principally consisting of eosinophiles. No Sarcocystis cysts nor bradyzoites were found in the nodules, but intact sarcocysts were found in the normal tissues surrounding the nodules. The central necrotic focus of nodules showed intense positive responses against anti-Sarcocystis cruzi rabbit serum by immunohistochemical examination. From the above findings the slaughtered cattle were diagnosed as chronic sarcocystiasis.  相似文献   

Brisket disease in yearling feedlot cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During all of 1974, we surveyed, for illnesses and deaths, about 407,000 yearling feedlot cattle maintained at 1,600 m altitude. Of 1,988 cattle necropsied, 116 (5.8%) had brisket disease. The malady occurred during all seasons but was most common throughout fall and winter. The gross changes were hypertrophy and dilatation of the right ventricle and generalizaed passive congestion. The postulated causative factors were high genetic susceptibility, rapid growth rate, previous mountain grazing, and hypoventilation with airway hypoxia.  相似文献   

Sudden deaths in yearling feedlot cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey of the causes for fatal diseases of yearling feedlot cattle was conducted on more than 407,000 cattle during a 14-month period. Of the 4,260 (1%) cattle that died during this period, 1,358 (32%) were categorized as cases of "sudden death syndrome." Of the 11 most frequent causes of the syndrome, as determined at necropsy, only 4--bloat, pulmonary aneurysms, riding injury, and hemopericardium--were considered as short-course problems and true causes of sudden death. The largest number of cases of sudden death were attributed to pneumonia (113 animals). Consequently, the sudden death syndrome is a misnomer for many long-course diseases and, in some instances, a mask for neglect because, as clinically used, the name frequently includes cattle that have been sick, often with pneumonia, for several days.  相似文献   

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