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In this work, a study of the wear transition regimes was carried out for a pin-on-disk sliding couple, involving two steels of different hardness and Cr contents. Dry sliding wear behaviour of the more highly alloyed stainless steel was dominated by adhesive wear and tribo-oxidation at relatively low sliding speeds and by mixed and adhesive wear at high speeds and loads. In contrast, oxidative wear was more predominant for the lower alloyed steel. The individual wear maps generated for the individual components i.e. material and counterface are discussed in the context of the wear mechanisms observed in the tribological contact.  相似文献   

Ceramic wear maps   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
S. M. Hsu  M. C. Shen 《Wear》1996,200(1-2):154-175
Ceramic wear maps have been developed to elucidate the complex interactions of the operating parameters, environments, and wear mechanisms. This paper summarizes these interactions for four ceramics, alumina, yttria-doped zirconia, silicon carbide and silicon nitride. Wear maps of these ceramics are systematically constructed using measured data under dry sliding, water, and paraffin lubricated conditions. For each material, different wear level regions acid wear transition zones are identified as a function of operating conditions and lubrication conditions. Wear mechanism studies performed within each wear region give rise to the wear mechanism maps. These maps facilitate material comparison and selection. The knowledge of wear, wear transitions, and wear mechanisms for a material pair enables realistic wear model development. One outcome of this approach is the recognition that a single wear model for a material pair cannot cover all operating conditions and environments.

As wear maps are constructed today, they are material pair specific. Within a material pair, there are microstructural dependence and surface properties influence. These parameters can change substantially for a given chemical composition of the material. How to incorporate these factors into the wear map research remains an issue. The search for a universal parameter such as the “asperity temperature” in Ashby's wear map continues in spite of mounting evidence that this may not be practical or feasible. But the hope remains that some parameters can be identified to normalize a large number of materials, operating conditions, and environments for tribological applications. Systematic wear maps are the first steps in this direction.  相似文献   

A tools lifetime absolutely depends on the material properties and lubrication. By a lubricant absence, the direct contact between the materials might cause an increase of friction and wear, which might lead to a tool's failure. That is why wear prediction and control are important requirements in industry.The wear prediction experiments in this study were performed for an unlubricated (dry) bushing/shaft system of relatively high load and low sliding speed. Two different commercially available tool steels were used for tribological investigations. Normal load and temperature were considered as independent variable in the wear testing. The results showed that the extensive oxidation of metals have a positive factor on wear. When the temperature raises formation of the protective oxide layers consequently change the wear transition to the mild oxidative wear.Based on the classical wear equations and on the chemical oxidation kinetics concepts a wear prediction model was developed and statistically evaluated in the case when metallic contact wear as the predominant wear mechanism was combined with the oxidation of metals.  相似文献   

The transition of mild to severe wear of ceramics depends on the operating conditions (normal load, velocity and temperature) and material properties (like grain size, mechanical and thermal material properties). Adachi et al. [Wear 203-204 (1997) 291] introduced the transition of mild to severe wear of ceramics by defining a mechanical severity parameter based on the work of Hamilton [Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. 197C (1983)] and a thermal severity parameter based on the work of Ashby et al. [Tribol. Trans. (34) (1991) 577]. Metselaar et al. [Wear 249 (2001) 962] improved the thermal severity parameter using the temperature model introduced by Bos [Frictional heating of tribological contacts, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Twente, 1995]. Better prediction of wear transition in the region where the transition is dominated by thermally induced wear was achieved. The combination of the mechanical severity parameter and the thermal severity parameter for Peclet number (Pe) higher than 2 is presented in this paper. This model is verified experimentally and gives an improved prediction of the mild to severe wear transition of ceramics.  相似文献   

M. Heitkemper  A. Fischer  Ch. Bohne  A. Pyzalla 《Wear》2001,250(1-12):477-484
High-nitrogen tool steels (Fe, 15% Cr, 1% Mo, 0.3% C, 0.3% N) are applied, e.g. in bearings and gears in aeronautics and space technology. Their advantage compared to conventional, nitrogen-free tool steels is a superior corrosion resistance, which can be attributed to Cr, Mo, and N dissolved within the solid solution. In order to gain a sufficient toughness for application, these steels are tempered above 600°C bringing about precipitated carbides and nitrides, which bind Cr and N and, therefore, deteriorate the chemical properties. Within a DFG (German Research Council)-funded research project the authors show, that by means of laser hardening it is possible to dissolve a part of these precipitates — mainly nitrides resulting in improved properties under fatigue, wear and corrosion. This is brought about by a newly generated martensite with compressive residual stresses (fatigue, sliding wear), dissolution of Cr and N (corrosion) and a higher mechanical stability of the surfaces (sliding wear). This contribution focuses on the acting wear mechanisms under dry sliding wear. The investigations are carried out with pin-on-disk tests, with the disk as the actual specimen and a pin made of conventionally hardened 52100 bearing steel (100Cr6). It can be shown, that the wear properties of the high-nitrogen-steel are better than those of comparable conventional tool steels and that a laser treatment leads to a further improvement. Due to the fact that there is a tempered zone between overlapping laser-hardened areas, there is a change of acting mechanisms and, thus a distinct difference in wear rates. For the conventional corrosion resistant martensitic tool steel the difference between the tempered and the hardened zone is not as marked. Neither the wear mechanisms nor the wear rates differ distinctly. These effects and their influence on the wear behaviour is correlated with the microstructure of both steels before and after laser-hardening.  相似文献   

Y.L. Huang 《Wear》2005,258(9):1357-1363
Tests were conducted at 25 and 85 °C to evaluate the corrosion wear resistance of selected stainless steels in potash brine using a reciprocating motion wear apparatus. Four materials were tested: Ferralium 255 (UNS S32550), AL6XN (UNS N08367), 254SMO (UNS S31254) and AISI 1018 (UNS G10180) for comparative purposes. The evaluation methods employed included weight loss analysis, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that Ferralium 255 has superior corrosion wear resistance in potash brine environment compared to AISI 1018 plain-carbon steel and the other stainless steels tested. Wear surface analysis using SEM shows evidence of brittle fracture damage, which is attributed to the presence of Cl.  相似文献   

A wear test is described in which the edge of a hard wedge is loaded against the periphery of a rotating disc of softer specimen material. The applied normal load is kept approximately constant during a test. As the test progresses and the disc diameter is reduced by the wear taking place the wedge moves radially inward. By measuring this inward movement during a test it is shown how the wear can be continually monitored. Results are given and it is shown how these might be applied in practice, taking into account the influence of both surface roughness and lubrication.  相似文献   

J. R. Gomes  A. S. Miranda  J. M. Vieira  R. F. Silva   《Wear》2001,250(1-12):293-298
The superior high temperature resistance of silicon nitride (Si3N4) based ceramics makes them suitable for tribological applications above room temperature or in high speed unlubricated sliding. There are some published works on the wear behaviour of Si3N4/metal alloys. However, experimental data are shown in a form that is not of direct use for engineers involved in materials selection. In the present work, Si3N4 pins were tested against tool steel and grey cast iron on a pin-on-disc tribometer. Ceramics were produced by hot-pressing and tested without lubrication at variable temperature and sliding speed. SEM/EDS and XRD analysis were used for chemical and microstructural characterisation of worn surfaces and wear debris. At low speeds (0.05–0.5 m s−1) and room temperature, Si3N4 surfaces are polished-like due to a combination of humidity-assisted tribo-oxidation and abrasive action of very fine wear debris. At high sliding speeds (2–3.5 m s−1), as well as for temperatures in the range 400–600°C, an extensive coherent tribolayer mainly composed by iron oxides spreads over the ceramic surfaces. Polishing and protection by adherent tribolayers are the mechanisms responsible for observed severe and mild wear regimes, respectively. Wear maps are constructed showing the transition of wear regimes in Si3N4/iron alloys contacts determined by constant flash temperature curves. Equations for calculation of bulk and flash contact temperatures in tribocontacts between dissimilar materials are deduced.  相似文献   

R. Veinthal  R. Tarbe  P. Kulu  H. Kerdi 《Wear》2009,267(11):1838-2190
Composite materials produced by powder metallurgy provide solutions to many engineering applications that require materials with high abrasive wear resistance. The actual wear behaviour of a material is associated with many external factors (abrasive particle size, velocity and angularity) and intrinsic material properties of wear (hardness, toughness, Young modulus, etc.). Hardness and toughness properties of wear resistant materials are highly dependent on the content of the reinforcing phase, its size and on the mechanical properties of the constituent phase. This study is focused on the analysis of the (AEW) abrasive erosive wear (solid particle erosion) using different wear devices and abrasives. Powder materials (steels, cermets and hardmetals) were studied. Wear resistance of materials and wear mechanisms were studied and compared with those of commercial steels. Based on the results of wear studies, surface degradation mechanisms are proposed. The following parameters characterizing the materials were found necessary in materials creation and selection: hardness (preferably in scale comparable with impact), type of structure (preferably hardmetal type) and wear parameters characterizing material removal at plastic deformation.  相似文献   

The effects of work material on tool wear   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C. Y. H. Lim  P. P. T. Lau  S. C. Lim 《Wear》2001,250(1-12):344-348
Wear maps showing the wear behaviour of titanium carbide (TiC)-coated cemented carbide tools during dry turning of various types of steel have been presented in earlier studies. The maps have demonstrated that tool wear rates vary with cutting speeds and feed rates used. They have also shown that there is a range of cutting conditions, called the safety zone, within which tool wear rates are the lowest. This paper further examines, using the wear mapping methodology, the effects of different grades of steel workpieces on the wear of TiC-coated carbide tools. Wear maps constructed for the machining of AISI 1045 and 4340 steels show that flank wear is generally more severe when machining the AISI 4340 grade, especially at high cutting speeds and feed rates. Nevertheless, the contour and location of the safety zone on the wear maps for both grades of steels correspond to that revealed in previous work on general steel grades.  相似文献   

Wear behaviour of 52100 low alloy steel has been studied on a pin on disc wear machine at disc temperatures ranging from room temperature to 500°C. Transitions occur in the wear rate versus load curves at certain critical loads, the magnitude of which increase with temperature. These transitions were found to be associated with change in surface oxide, lower wear rates being recorded when the predominant oxide was the spinel Fe3O4 for all temperatures. At disc temperatures above 300°C out of contact oxidation appears to be the most important wear limiting factor. A surface model was developed enabling contact temperature, numbers and size of contacts and critical oxide film thickness to be deduced. Remarkable agreement was found between oxide thicknesses estimated from this model and measured values using a scanning electron microscope  相似文献   

Jiaren Jiang  M.M. Stack 《Wear》2006,261(9):954-965
Corrosive species in various forms exist widely in the environment and can significantly affect wear behaviour of materials, usually accelerating wear. Under conditions where the environments are seemingly non-deleterious in terms of corrosivity, some species from the environment can still affect the tribological behaviour of materials. It is thus extremely important to recognise the roles of reactive species in affecting the tribological processes and to understand the processes of tribo-corrosion interactions. In this paper, the mechanisms of wear debris generation and the roles of reactive species in the generation of wear debris during sliding wear in gaseous or aqueous environments are discussed. The effect of environment on the development of wear-protective layers is described. Based on the proposed mechanisms, mathematical models for sliding wear in both dry and aqueous environments are outlined, and the validity of the models is assessed against experimental data in sliding conditions.  相似文献   

The friction and wear properties of TiC–NiMo/steel rubbing pairs were investigated under dry condition. The sliding wear tests were carried out on the testing device at a velocity of 2.2 m/s and a load of 40 N. The volume wear increases with increase of the sliding distance as predicted by Archard’s equation. The wear coefficient of the cermets reduces with the increase of TiC and Mo content in the composite. The study has shown that the coefficient of friction was approximately the same for all the samples. The main wear mechanism in the TiC–NiMo cermets was micro-abrasion (polishing) and adhesive wear. At the initial stages of wear, adhesive wear characteristics featured by mild scratching and plastic smearing were observed on the worn surface, but at the later stages, contact fatigue failure of a relatively thick surface layer takes place.  相似文献   

A diagnostic technique that can estimate quantitatively wear amounts under lubricated condition was developed using our developed on-line particle counter. Wear tests were carried out by rubbing a bearing metal against a carbon steel in paraffin oil. The size and number of wear debris in the circulating oil could be measured in real time. The volume of each debris was calculated and, additionally, the total wear amount during a given duration was calculated by accumulating all debris volume. The wear amounts obtained by the quantitative estimation were fairly similar to the measured values of mass loss of the specimen.  相似文献   

I. Samerski  J. Vdovak  J. Schfer  A. Fischer 《Wear》2009,267(9-10):1446-1451
The wear phenomena and wear characteristics of reciprocating sliding wear with superimposed lateral vibrations were investigated using a ball-on-disc tribometer. The tribometer enabled two orthogonal oscillations, whereas one oscillation had a constant amplitude of 1 mm (primary oscillation) and the other one had a variable amplitude from 0 to 20.2 μm (secondary oscillation). Ball and disc were made of AISI 52100 steel. The ball surface was polished and the disc surface was unidirectionally grinded parallel to the direction of primary oscillation. Two regimes with different wear rates were found, being separated by a characteristic transition amplitude of 2.7 ± 0.4 μm in the secondary oscillation. This transition correlated with a change of wear mechanisms from tribochemically to mechanically dominated wear. A wear model based on surface topography and particle motion was developed. The wear model is able to predict the value of the transition amplitude by means of characteristic topographical data and the size of wear particles.  相似文献   

W.M. da Silva  J.D.B. de Mello   《Wear》2009,267(11):1987-986
Abrasive wear is currently classified according to different particle dynamics: (a) the sliding of active particles on the sample surface and (b) the rolling of abrasive particles between the surfaces. In this paper, instrumented laboratory tests are used to present a new methodology for the simulation of abrasive wear. The rolling of the abrasives is represented by a sequence of indentations, and the sliding of the active particle by a sequence of scratches. A new piece of equipment was especially developed to reproduce the action of an abrasive particle. Two high resolution sliders drive the sample horizontally while the indenter is moved vertically by another slider. Besides this, a high resolution piezoelectric translator is used to control the indenter movement while a 3D load cell controls the intensity of the process. A worn surface produced in a rubber wheel abrasive wear test was used as the reference for the simulation. Its topography was assessed by using laser interferometry and scanning electron microscopy and showed that the prevailing wear mechanism was parallel scratches. The results showed that the superimposition of scratches is the basis which makes it possible to correlate topographical parameters of the reference to the controlling variables used in the simulation. A special method to describe the average depth of the scratches in function of the distance between them (superimposition) was developed. Wear occurs when superimposition is greater than 80%. The average depth of the scratches increased according to an elevation in the degree of superimposition and to the augmentation of normal load. This simulation methodology produced a surface topographically and morphologically similar to that of the reference.  相似文献   

Abrasive wear of WC-FeAl composites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A.Y. Mosbah  A. Calka 《Wear》2005,258(9):1337-1341
The abrasive wear behavior of tungsten-carbide iron-aluminide composite materials was investigated using a pin-on-drum wear-testing machine. Samples were prepared by uniaxially hot pressing blended powders. The wear rates of specimens containing 40 vol.% matrix of atomic composition, Fe60Al40, were measured and results compared with those of conventional WC-10 vol.% Co hardmetal. They were found to be comparable to those of WC-10% Co hardmetal, when abraded by 120 μm SiC papers under identical conditions. The wear resistance of WC-Fe60Al40 composites increased with reduction in WC-grain size and associated with increase in composite hardness. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the wear surfaces of WC-40% Fe60Al40 composites and WC-Co hardmetal were similar in appearance. The higher hardness and work hardening ability of Fe60Al40 binder, as compared to Co metal, are believed to be responsible for the excellent abrasive wear resistance of WC composites containing iron aluminide binder.  相似文献   

Surface roughness evolutions in sliding wear process   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C.Q. Yuan  Z. Peng  X.P. Yan  X.C. Zhou 《Wear》2008,265(3-4):341-348
Wear debris analysis is a technique for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis. One key issue that affects the application of wear debris analysis for machine condition monitoring is whether the morphology of the wear particles accurately depicts their original states and the surface morphology of the components from which the particles separate. This study aimed to investigate the evolution of the surface morphology of wear debris in relation to change in the surface morphology of wear components in sliding wear process. Sliding wear tests were conducted using a ball-on-disc tester under proper lubrication and improper lubrication conditions. The study of the particle size distribution and the surfaces of both the wear debris and the tested samples in relation to the wear condition and the wear rates of the wear components were carried out in this study. The evolutions of the surface topographies of both the wear debris and the wear components as wear progressed were investigated. This study has provided insight to the progress of material degradation through the study of wear debris. The results of this research have clearly demonstrated that: (a) there is a good correlation of the surface morphology of wear debris and that of the wear components, and (b) the surface morphology of wear debris contains valuable information for machine condition monitoring.  相似文献   

A novel approach is proposed to estimate and model the wear of metal-on-metal hip implants. The approach is based on two distinct wear coefficients for the head and cup, derived from separate measurements on the two components. This is in contrast to the usual assumption that a single wear coefficient (k) is valid for both bodies. Actually, the head and cup do not wear equally; thus, assuming equal wear leads to predictive errors. Additionally, in most papers, k is chosen considering only implant materials while neglecting geometry and testing conditions. It is suggested that experimental procedures designed for hip implants should measure the head and cup volume losses separately and that wear maps should be provided to validate numerical models.  相似文献   

Jong-Ning Aoh  Jian-Cheng Chen 《Wear》2001,250(1-12):611-620
High temperature wear characteristics of Stellite 6 alloy containing Cr3C2 after thermal fatigue and oxidation treatment at 700°C were investigated. The hardfacing layer was deposited by plasma transferred arc (PTA) process. After thermal fatigue treatment, cracks propagated along boundaries of incoherent chromium carbide particles. Significant oxidation occurred mainly on the clad layer containing Cr3C2. The wear test results revealed a slightly higher wear volume on Stellite 6 with Cr3C2 due to the existence of cracks. The formation of oxide on the surface could effectively reduce the wear volume by reducing the real contact area between mating surfaces. Lower sliding speed resulted in higher wear volume. The mechanism was interpreted by the friction coefficient change during sliding wear. Wear test results were further interpreted by investigating the wear trace via SEM. Possible wear mechanisms were postulated. Analysis of wear debris showed severe oxidation on the Stellite 6 with Cr3C2. It could be concluded that oxidation on the clad layer was beneficial to the wear resistance at elevated temperature. Thermal fatigue cracking on the surface might be detrimental to the wear resistance, however, this could be partly compensated by the existence of oxide.  相似文献   

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