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A closed interval is an ordered pair of real numbers [xy], with x ? y. The interval [xy] represents the set {i ∈ Rx ? i ? y}. Given a set of closed intervals I={[a1,b1],[a2,b2],…,[ak,bk]}, the Interval-Merging Problem is to find a minimum-cardinality set of intervals M(I)={[x1,y1],[x2,y2],…,[xj,yj]}, j ? k, such that the real numbers represented by equal those represented by . In this paper, we show the problem can be solved in O(d log d) sequential time, and in O(log d) parallel time using O(d) processors on an EREW PRAM, where d is the number of the endpoints of I. Moreover, if the input is given as a set of sorted endpoints, then the problem can be solved in O(d) sequential time, and in O(log d) parallel time using O(d/log d) processors on an EREW PRAM.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the problem of the minimum nonzero difference between two sums of square roots of integers. Let r(n,k) be the minimum positive value of where ai and bi are integers not larger than integer n. We prove by an explicit construction that r(n,k)=O(n−2k+3/2) for fixed k and any n. Our result implies that in order to compare two sums of k square roots of integers with at most d digits per integer, one might need precision of as many as digits. We also prove that this bound is optimal for a wide range of integers, i.e., r(n,k)=Θ(n−2k+3/2) for fixed k and for those integers in the form of and , where n is any integer satisfied the form and i is any integer in [0,k−1]. We finally show that for k=2 and any n, this bound is also optimal, i.e., r(n,2)=Θ(n−7/2).  相似文献   

We describe a simple combinatorial approximation algorithm for finding a shortest (simple) cycle in an undirected graph. Given an adjacency-list representation of an undirected graph G with n vertices and unknown girth k, our algorithm returns with high probability a cycle of length at most 2k for even k and 2k+2 for odd k, in time . Thus, in general, it yields a approximation. For a weighted, undirected graph, with non-negative edge weights in the range {1,2,…,M}, we present a simple combinatorial 2-approximation algorithm for a minimum weight (simple) cycle that runs in time O(n2logn(logn+logM)).  相似文献   

At the heart of the Goldreich-Levin theorem is the problem of determining an n-bit string a by making queries to two oracles, referred to as IP (inner product) and EQ (equivalence). The IP oracle, on input x, returns a bit that is biased towards ax (the modulo two inner product of a with x) in the following sense. For a random x, the probability that IP(x)=ax is at least . The EQ oracle, on input x, returns a bit specifying whether or not x=a. It has been shown that a quantum algorithm can solve this problem with O(1/?) IP and EQ queries, whereas any classical algorithm requires Ω(n/?2) such queries. Also, the quantum algorithm requires only O(n/?) auxiliary one- and two-qubit gates in addition to its queries. We show that the above quantum algorithm is optimal in terms of both EQ and IP queries. Specifically, Ω(1/?) EQ queries are necessary, and Ω(1/?) IP queries are necessary if the number of EQ queries is .  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with the problem of computing the digital fundamental group of a closed k-surface by using various properties of both a (simple) closed k-surface and a digital covering map. To be specific, let be a simple closed ki-curve with li elements in Zni, i∈{1,2}. Then, the Cartesian product is not always a closed k-surface with some k-adjacency of Zn1+n2. Thus, we provide a condition for to be a (simple) closed k-surface with some k-adjacency depending on the ki-adjacency, i∈{1,2}. Besides, even if is not a closed k-surface, we show that the k-fundamental group of can be calculated by both a k-homotopic thinning and a strong k-deformation retract.  相似文献   

The δ-matching problem is a special version of approximate pattern-matching, motivated by applications in musical information retrieval, where the alphabet Σ is an interval of integers. We investigate relations between δ-matching and pattern-matching with don't care symbol ∗ (a symbol matching every symbol, including itself). We show that the δ-matching is reducible to k instances of pattern-matching with don't cares. We investigate how the numbers δ and k are related by introducing δ-distinguishing families of morphisms. The size of corresponds to k. We show that for minimal families we have .  相似文献   

A k-bounded pseudo-Boolean function is a real-valued function on n{0,1} that can be expressed as a sum of functions depending on at most k input bits. The k-bounded functions play an important role in a number of areas including molecular biology, biophysics, and evolutionary computation. We consider the problem of finding the Fourier coefficients of k-bounded functions, or equivalently, finding the coefficients of multilinear polynomials on n{−1,1} of degree k or less. Given a k-bounded function f with m non-zero Fourier coefficients for constant k, we present a randomized algorithm to find the Fourier coefficients of f with high probability in function evaluations. The best known upper bound was , where λ(n,m) is between and n depending on m. Our bound improves the previous bound by a factor of . It is almost tight with respect to the lower bound . In the process, we also consider the problem of finding k-bounded hypergraphs with a certain type of queries under an oracle with one-sided error. The problem is of self interest and we give an optimal algorithm for the problem.  相似文献   

We investigate the periodic nature of the positive solutions of the fuzzy difference equation , where k, m are positive integers, A0, A1, are positive fuzzy numbers and the initial values xi, i = −d, −d + 1, … , −1, d = max{km}, are positive fuzzy numbers. In addition, we give conditions so that the solutions of this equation are unbounded.  相似文献   

Tudor Jebelean and Ken Weber introduced an algorithm for finding (a,b)-pairs satisfying au+bv≡0 (mod k), with . It is based on Sorenson's “k-ary reduction”. This algorithm does not preserve the GCD and its related GCD algorithm has an O(n2) time bit complexity in the worst case. We present a modified version which avoids this problem. We show that a slightly modified GCD algorithm has an O(n2/logn) running time in the worst case, where n is the number of bits of the larger input.  相似文献   

For a tree language L and a set S of term rewrite rules over Σ, the descendant of L for S is the set S(L) of trees reachable from a tree in L by rewriting in S. For a recognizable tree language L, we study the set D(L) of descendants of L for all sets of linear monadic term rewrite rules over Σ. We show that D(L) is finite. For each tree automaton A over Σ, we can effectively construct a set {R1,…,Rk} of linear monadic term rewrite systems over Σ such that and for any 1?i<j?k, .  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider two problems which can be posed as spectral radius minimization problems. Firstly, we consider the fastest average agreement problem on multi-agent networks adopting a linear information exchange protocol. Mathematically, this problem can be cast as finding an optimal such that x(k+1)=Wx(k), , and WS(E). Here, is the value possessed by the agents at the kth time step, is an all-one vector and S(E) is the set of real matrices in with zeros at the same positions specified by a network graph G(V,E), where V is the set of agents and E is the set of communication links between agents. The optimal W is such that the spectral radius is minimized. To this end, we consider two numerical solution schemes: one using the qth-order spectral norm (2-norm) minimization (q-SNM) and the other gradient sampling (GS), inspired by the methods proposed in [Burke, J., Lewis, A., & Overton, M. (2002). Two numerical methods for optimizing matrix stability. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 351-352, 117-145; Xiao, L., & Boyd, S. (2004). Fast linear iterations for distributed averaging. Systems & Control Letters, 53(1), 65-78]. In this context, we theoretically show that when E is symmetric, i.e. no information flow from the ith to the jth agent implies no information flow from the jth to the ith agent, the solution from the 1-SNM method can be chosen to be symmetric and is a local minimum of the function . Numerically, we show that the q-SNM method performs much better than the GS method when E is not symmetric. Secondly, we consider the famous static output feedback stabilization problem, which is considered to be a hard problem (some think NP-hard): for a given linear system (A,B,C), find a stabilizing control gain K such that all the real parts of the eigenvalues of A+BKC are strictly negative. In spite of its computational complexity, we show numerically that q-SNM successfully yields stabilizing controllers for several benchmark problems with little effort.  相似文献   

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