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We study the power of nonadaptive quantum query algorithms, which are algorithms whose queries to the input do not depend on the result of previous queries. First, we show that any bounded-error nonadaptive quantum query algorithm that computes a total boolean function depending on n variables must make Ω(n) queries to the input in total. Second, we show that, if there exists a quantum algorithm that uses k nonadaptive oracle queries to learn which one of a set of m boolean functions it has been given, there exists a nonadaptive classical algorithm using queries to solve the same problem. Thus, in the nonadaptive setting, quantum algorithms for these tasks can achieve at most a very limited speed-up over classical query algorithms.  相似文献   

We consider the conjectured O(N2+?) time complexity of multiplying any two N×N matrices A and B. Our main result is a deterministic Compressed Sensing (CS) algorithm that both rapidly and accurately computes AB provided that the resulting matrix product is sparse/compressible. As a consequence of our main result we increase the class of matrices A, for any given N×N matrix B, which allows the exact computation of AB to be carried out using the conjectured O(N2+?) operations. Additionally, in the process of developing our matrix multiplication procedure, we present a modified version of Indyk's recently proposed extractor-based CS algorithm [P. Indyk, Explicit constructions for compressed sensing of sparse signals, in: SODA, 2008] which is resilient to noise.  相似文献   

In a FOCS 1990 paper, S. Irani proved that the First-Fit online algorithm for coloring a graph uses at most O(klogn) colors for k-inductive graphs. In this note we provide a very short proof of this fact.  相似文献   

We present a quantum algorithm which identifies with certainty a hidden subgroup of an arbitrary finite group G in only a polynomial (in log|G|) number of calls to the oracle. This is exponentially better than the best classical algorithm. However our quantum algorithm requires exponential time, as in the classical case. Our algorithm utilizes a new technique for constructing error-free algorithms for non-decision problems on quantum computers.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Chekuri and Khanna improved the analysis of the greedy algorithm for the edge disjoint paths problem and proved the same bounds also for the related uniform capacity unsplittable flow problem. Here we show that their ideas can be used to get the same approximation ratio even for the more general Unsplittable Flow Problem with nonuniform edge capacities.  相似文献   

Let be a fixed collection of digraphs. Given a digraph H, a -packing of H is a collection of vertex disjoint subgraphs of H, each isomorphic to a member of . For undirected graphs, Loebl and Poljak have completely characterized the complexity of deciding the existence of a perfect -packing, in the case that consists of two graphs one of which is a single edge on two vertices. We characterize -packing where consists of two digraphs one of which is a single arc on two vertices.  相似文献   

Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) are a data structure for Boolean functions which supports many useful operations. Among others it finds applications in CAD, model checking, and symbolic graph algorithms. Nevertheless, many simple functions are known to have exponential OBDD size with respect to their number of variables. In order to investigate the limits of symbolic graph algorithms which work on OBDD-represented graph instances, it is useful to have simply-structured graphs whose OBDD representation has exponential size. Therefore, we consider two fundamental functions with exponential lower bounds on their OBDD size and transfer these results to their corresponding graphs. Concretely, we consider the Indirect Storage Access function and the Hidden Weighted Bit function.  相似文献   

We introduce and solve a problem motivated by integrity verification in third-party data distribution: Given an undirected tree, find a minimum-cardinality set of simple paths that cover all the tree edges and, secondarily, have smallest total path lengths. We give a linear time algorithm for this problem.  相似文献   

Matrix domination is the NP-complete problem of determining whether a given {0,1} matrix contains a set of k non-zero entries that are in the same row or same column as all other non-zero entries. Using a kernelization and search tree approach, we show the problem to be fixed-parameter tractable with running time .  相似文献   

Combinatorial property testing, initiated formally by Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Ron (1998) and inspired by Rubinfeld and Sudan (1996), deals with the relaxation of decision problems. Given a property P the aim is to decide whether a given input satisfies the property P or is far from having the property. For a family of boolean functions f=(fn) the associated property is the set of 1-inputs of f. Here, the known lower bounds on the query complexity of properties identified by boolean functions representable by (very) restricted branching programs of small size is improved up to Ω(n1/2), where n is the input length.  相似文献   

It is well known that the average case deterministic communication complexity is bounded below by an entropic quantity, which one would now call deterministic information complexity. In this paper we show a corresponding upper bound. We also improve known lower bounds for the public coin Las Vegas communication complexity by a constant factor.  相似文献   

We present a linear time approximation algorithm with a performance ratio of 1/2 for finding a maximum weight matching in an arbitrary graph. Such a result is already known and is due to Preis [STACS'99, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., Vol. 1563, 1999, pp. 259-269]. Our algorithm uses a new approach which is much simpler than the one given by Preis and needs no amortized analysis for its running time.  相似文献   

We introduce a game-theoretic model of diffusion of technologies, advertisements, or influence through a social network. The novelty in our model is that the players are interested parties outside the network. We study the relation between the diameter of the network and the existence of pure Nash equilibria in the game. In particular, we show that if the diameter is at most two then an equilibrium exists and can be found in polynomial time, whereas if the diameter is greater than two then an equilibrium is not guaranteed to exist.  相似文献   

A Right Angle Crossing drawing (RAC drawing for short) of a graph is such that edges can only cross at an angle of . In this paper we provide a characterization of the complete bipartite graphs that admit a straight-line RAC drawing.  相似文献   

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