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The colorimetric characteristics of film coatings on glass, including achromatic tints, were determined by instrumental methods. The constituents of the color differences for metameric coatings, luminosity, and tone saturation were established. The effect of the duration of treatment on the tone saturation was investigated.  相似文献   

The possibility of manufacturing a protective corrosion-resistant enamel coatings that are based on slag wastes from heat and electric power plants and intended for oil steel pipes has been considered. A number of compositions of glass-slag-enamel coatings have been developed. The prepared samples have been tested for strength of adhesion to metal, chemical resistance, and corrosion resistance. It has been demonstrated that the synthesized protective corrosion-resistant glass-slag coatings satisfy all the specified requirements.  相似文献   

It has been found that when multicomponent glass containing phosphorus oxide as an additive is subjected to low-temperature treatment (< t g), crystallization accompanied by precipitation of calcium silicophosphate, not previously described in the literature, occurs in the glass powder. The compound obtained possesses cubic symmetry with space group P p 3 and lattice parameter a = 7.98 Å.  相似文献   

对目前比较常见的有机废弃物的热法液化方法:直接液化制取液体燃料,间接液化制取低碳醇、费-托合成等方面进行了总结,在充分考察了每个方向的具体工艺参数的条件下,结合了每个方法的关键技术及存在的问题,对技术路线的选择、各技术的工艺参数及发展方向进行了讨论,并融合了其它化工产业中的相关成熟技术,针对每个方向的存在问题,提出了相应的解决路线和方向,同时提出了有机废弃物的技术路线新设想。最后展望了对有机废弃物炼制液体燃料的技术以及经济前景。  相似文献   

An inadequate replacement of organic matter in agricultural lands progressively leads to soil fertility reduction and therefore, soil application of organic fertilizers and amendments should be promoted. The objectives of this 3-year research project on organic lettuce were to investigate the agronomic performance of experimental organic amendments obtained by using agro-industrial wastes in comparison with a commercial organic fertilizer, and to evaluate their short-term effects on soil mineral-N and soil organic carbon changes. Two types of olive pomace mixtures, with different initial C/N ratios, were composted and either stopped at the active phase (A1 and B1) or processed until maturation (A2 and B2). Also an anaerobic digestate (DA) and the B2 in combination with mineral fertilizer (B2-MIN) were studied. The four composts, DA and B2-MIN were compared with a commercial organic fertilizer (Org), and an unfertilized control (N0). Results suggested that the best compromise for organic lettuce yield and soil fertility could be obtained with the B2 compost, thus highlighting the need for choosing a good stage of maturity of the compost, along with an appropriate C/N ratio of composting mixture, to improve the fertilizing efficiency of agro-food residues in organic farming. Furthermore, the application of immature amendments did not increase (B1) or significantly reduce (A1) marketable lettuce yield, indicating that the choice of organic fertilizer is an important concern in sustainable agriculture, especially in organic vegetable production.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to gain understanding about the sintering behaviour of highly crystallisable industrial waste derived silicate mixtures under direct heating and rapid cooling conditions. The materials used in this study were plasma vitrified air pollution control waste and rejected pharmaceutical borosilicate glass. Powder compacts sintered under direct heating conditions were highly porous; compacts with particle size <?38?μm reached a maximum density of 2.74 g?cm??3 at 850°C, whereas compacts with particles of size <?100?and <?250?μm reached maximum densities of 2.69 and 2.72 g?cm??3 at 875 and 900°C respectively. Further increase in sintering temperature resulted in a rapid decrease in density of the glass ceramics. Image analysis results were used to link the sudden drop in density to the increase in volume of microsized pores formed in the samples during sintering. In particular, compacts made from <?38 μm particles sintered at 950°C resulted in 65 vol.-% porosity with a pore size of ~20?μm. Such materials can be used for sound and thermal insulation purposes.  相似文献   

化石燃料的消耗和有机废弃物的大量排放带来了严重的环境问题,而利用有机废弃物进行厌氧发酵制氢是可持续且环境友好的。为了克服单一底物厌氧发酵制氢存在的因营养元素不均衡、毒性抑制和微生物种类较少等导致氢气产率较低的局限性,不同类型的底物厌氧共发酵制氢技术得以开发,然而现阶段仍然存在过程机理不清楚和关键工艺参数不明确等问题。本文综述了有机废弃物厌氧共发酵制氢的必要性、优点及主要影响因素,归纳了不同有机废弃物混合比、有机负荷、发酵温度、水力停留时间、初始pH以及固液比、搅拌方式和反应器类型等关键工艺参数特征及其范围,分析比较了不同有机废弃物厌氧共发酵体系的氢气浓度及产率、发酵液pH、氨氮和挥发性脂肪酸及其组成等工艺特性,总结了产氢功能菌群及其产氢特性及不稳定系统特征微生物。随后指出了目前研究存在的一些不足,并对其在底物利用范围及其预处理、过程机理、技术完善及其综合评估等方面的研究与应用前景进行了展望,为有机废弃物厌氧共发酵制氢技术的研发与应用提供依据。  相似文献   

A way to create resource- and power-saving technological processes, equipment, and plants that meets modern ecological requirements is suggested. The engineering solutions have been successfully tested and installed in some enterprises.  相似文献   


Borate mineral wastes and phosphate ash resulting from the incineration of meat and bone meal represent two particularly abundant inorganic wastes. This paper is dedicated to the combination of such wastes, together with kaolin clay, focused on the development of highly porous ceramic bodies. Borate waste has a multiple effect, providing liquid phase at the sintering temperature (1050°C), gas release (from the decomposition of its calcite fraction) and a CaO source, which reacts with residues from clay and promotes the formation of anorthite crystals as a newly formed phase. Control of the heating rate, i.e. adoption of fast heating (20°C min?1) and, above all, introduction of recycled soda–lime–silica glass as secondary additive, allowed obtaining lightweight microporous bodies (density below 0·45 g cm?3) with uniform pore structure that could be useful for thermal and acoustic insulations.  相似文献   

Considering the size of the amount of energy consumption in ovens during the production of gas ceramic foam materials in the ceramic industry, it can be stated that natural gas is one of the highest energy resources. Natural gas consumption during the production has been evaluated and financial analyses were made for saving consumption amounts. Raw materials and glass/frit wastes obtained from different regions were investigated and their chemical compositions were determined by X-Rays fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) analysis. Compared to their current alternatives, glass foams with homogenous structure and low density were developed by adding frit/glass wastes in the amount of 80%-90%. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis has been conducted for mineralogical investigation of the samples. Also, to analyze the pore sizes and examine the surface morphology of foams, SEM images were obtained. With the addition of glass/frit wastes, natural gas consumption decreased (ca. 20%-25%) in firing process.  相似文献   

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