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Nine cases of accidental injury with Freund's complete adjuvant to man are reported. One case is reported in detail and the other eight have been seen and reviewed retrospectively. Reactions developed in Mantoux positive individuals, who injected Freund's complete adjuvant with another protein. However, not all such injections produced the reaction. Treatment was unsuccessful, although one reaction may have been aborted by early surgical excision of the site of injection.  相似文献   

Probability theory is applied to the analysis of fMRI data. The posterior distribution of the parameters is shown to incorporate all the information available from the data, the hypotheses, and the prior information. Under appropriate simplifying conditions, the theory reduces to the standard statistical test, including the general linear model. The theory is particularly suited to handle the spatial variations in the noise present in fMRI, allowing the comparison of activated voxels that have different, and unknown, noise. The theory also explicitly includes prior information, which is shown to be critical in the attainment of reliable activation maps.  相似文献   

To develop a predictive equation and to test ideas about the mechanisms involved in hypobaric decompression sickness, we performed statistical analyses on published results of 7,023 exercising O2-breathing men subjected to one-step decompressions in altitude chambers. The dependent variable was signs or symptoms so severe that the person's trial was terminated (forced descent). The three independent variables were 1) duration of 100% O2 breathing at ground level (prebreathing), 2) atmospheric pressure after ascent, and 3) exposure duration. The best model, chosen from trial-and-error combinations of premises about bubble behavior, indicates that decompression sickness outcome depends on 1) prebreathing time, but with an unexpectedly long washout half time for N2; 2) time at altitude, as if bubbles grow; and 3) the estimated difference, raised to the fifth power, between the partial pressure of N2 in tissue before and that in bubbles after decompression, perhaps an index of the number of bubbles generated. We expect the model to provide accurate predictions for decompressions matching those of the bulk of the data; the mechanistic cues should be considered hypotheses for further investigation.  相似文献   

空中多次备降极易导致低油量等不安全事件发生。针对区域内多航班集体备降这一问题,选取其中最复杂情况,即航路或终端区存在雷暴天气,首先通过搜集和统计气象数据与历史航迹,得到雷暴天气下飞行限制区的划设标准;然后,将前往备降场方式分为机动飞行与沿航路飞行两类,分别使用A*与改进灰狼?Dijkstra方法开展改航路径规划;先以备降航班飞行总时长最短为单目标,再综合飞行、管制、机场、航空公司等多方期望构建多目标函数,定义动态决策时间间隔,提出一种基于单目标与多目标的区域内多航班备降动态优化方案;最后,使用“8.12”华北运行数据开展仿真验证,在单目标与多目标方案中,面向机动飞行A*算法所得结果分别将飞行总时长减少了100 min和62 min,而面向按照航路飞行的改进灰狼?Dijkstra算法所得总时长分别减少73 min和14 min;并且,在多目标方案中,航班恢复飞往原目的地的时间整体提前了63 min,总成本降低了6.29万元。以上说明,该方案在保证航班备降安全基础上,可兼顾多方需求,提升经济与效率。   相似文献   

武森  王蔷  姜敏  魏青 《工程科学学报》2013,35(8):1093-1098
针对部分聚类算法对数据输入顺序敏感的问题,定义了不干涉序列指数,提出了应用不干涉序列指数对分类数据进行加权排序的方法,并基于该方法对受数据输入顺序影响的CABOSFV_C分类数据高效聚类算法进行改进,提出了考虑加权排序的聚类算法(CABOSFV_CSW),消除了算法对数据输入顺序的敏感性.采用UCI基准数据集进行实验,发现应用加权升序排序的CABOSFV_CSW算法在处理分类数据时,聚类质量较原始CABOSFV_C算法和其他受数据输入顺序影响的算法在准确性上有改善,在稳定性上有显著提高.  相似文献   

In four experiments we showed that rats prefer a flavor associated with a delayed edible consequence if the delayed consequence contains calories; the greater the number of calories, the greater the preference. We obtained conditioned preferences with delayed consequences of dextrose plus quinine, 8% polycose, 8% sucrose, 10 g of high fat mash, and 14 g of lab chow. No conditioned preferences were obtained with delayed consequences of saccharin, 10 g of low fat mash, 1% polycose, or 1% sucrose. Thus, it seems that flavor preferences based on delayed caloric consequences occur only if there are appreciable calories in the consequence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A methodology to construct probabilistic capacity models of structural components is developed. Bayesian updating is used to assess the unknown model parameters based on observational data. The approach properly accounts for both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. The methodology is used to construct univariate and bivariate probabilistic models for deformation and shear capacities of circular reinforced concrete columns subjected to cyclic loads based on a large body of existing experimental observations. The probabilistic capacity models are used to estimate the fragility of structural components. Point and interval estimates of the fragility are formulated that implicitly or explicitly reflect the influence of epistemic uncertainties. As an example, the fragilities of a typical bridge column in terms of maximum deformation and shear demands are estimated.  相似文献   

在当今信息时代,审计工作环境、审计工作对象、审计范围、审计线索等基本的审计要素都发生了巨大的变化,传统的审计工作方法已经不能适应这种变化的要求.提出了基于数据挖掘的审计系统,利用数据挖掘技术提高审计工作的效率和质量,降低审计风险.  相似文献   

一个基于SEMMA的数据挖掘应用实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷峻 《冶金自动化》2003,27(3):5-7,23
简略介绍了SAS数据挖掘方法论SEMMA。SEMMA将数据挖掘分为5个步骤,即数据取样、数据特征探索、数据调整和技术选择、模型的研发与知识发现、综合解释和评价。本文较为详细地论述了一个按该方法论实施的应用实例。  相似文献   

为解决海量数据统计难的问题,提出一种解决海量数据快速统计的塔式算法。算法通过对海量数据划分为多级进行中间累计,再利用这些中间累计结果进行级配统计直到最终结果。以紫金矿业集团黄金冶炼生产累计为例给出了塔式算法实现方式、更新流程。与传统统计方法相比,塔式算法节省了大量查询与计算时间。  相似文献   

Four studies involving 573 female and 272 male college students demonstrated that multiple forms and measures of aggression were associated with high levels of sensation seeking, impulsivity, and a focus on the immediate consequences of behavior. Multiple regression analyses and structural equation models supported a theoretical model based on the general aggression model (C. A. Anderson & B. J. Bushman, 2002), positing that hostile cognition and negative affect mediate the relationships between the aforementioned individual differences and aggression. Sensation seeking also predicted a desire to engage in physical and verbal aggression. The final study demonstrated that relative to those scoring low, individuals scoring high on the consideration of future consequences are only less aggressive when aggression is likely to carry future costs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

原子发射光谱作为多元素同步分析技术具有巨大的在线分析潜力。由于光谱数据量大,干扰信息与有效信息并存,不利于对光谱数据进行定性定量分析。小波分析具有分时分频精细表达和多尺度多分辨率分析的独特优势,本文介绍了小波变换去噪技术原理,通过对一组光谱数据的去噪处理,说明利用小波分析法可以有效的消减光谱中的干扰信息。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a videokeratoscopic-based keratoconus detection scheme that avoids the ambiguity of dioptric power definitions and videokeratoscope design. METHODS: Corneal height data obtained with a commercial videokeratoscope are decomposed into the set of orthogonal Zernike polynomials. Expansion coefficients of a "normal" group and a keratoconus group are compared to find significant differences. Elevated Zernike terms are used to detect the disease in these populations. The performance of this detection scheme is compared to other videokeratoscopic keratoconus Indices. RESULTS: Two low-order Zernike polynomial terms are identified as being elevated in keratoconus patients and combined to form a new detection index. This index performed at least as well as keratoconus detection schemes based on the inferior-superior (I-S) value, the steepest radial axes (SRAX), and the Surface Asymmetry Index (SAI) for the samples studied. CONCLUSION: The proposed Zernike scheme offers a potentially viable algorithm for detecting keratoconus that avoids the ambiguities of dioptric power definitions and is independent of videokeratoscope design.  相似文献   

Objective: Previous work on temporal framing of health communications has focused upon detection behaviors that possess an inherent immediate risk of negative consequences. The present studies evaluate the role of temporal frame for a preventive behavior, using sunscreen. Design: Two experimental field studies manipulated the temporal frame in which positive and negative consequences of using sunscreen were presented. Main Outcome Measures: Cognitive responses, intention, and behavior (experiment 2). Results: Consistent with hypotheses, Experiment 1 showed that individual differences in consideration of future consequences (CFC; A. Strathman, F. Gleicher, D. S. Boninger, & C. S. Edwards, 1994) moderated (a) the processing of long- versus short-term consequences and (b) the persuasive impact of the different temporal frames on behavioral intentions. In Experiment 2, the balance of positive versus negative thoughts generated by reading the persuasive communications was shown to mediate the effects of the Temporal Frame × CFC interaction on a behavioral measure. Conclusion: Findings extend previous work by demonstrating the importance of individual differences in CFC to the processing of health communication about a preventive health behavior and to a behavioral outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

随着经济高速发展,资源需求空间越来越大,我国对水工环地质勘察行业的发展需求也越来越迫切。由于水工环地质勘察工作面对的工作场景通常比较复杂,因此基于数据分析来研究水工环地质勘察具有重要意义。笔者就水工环地质勘察的基本概念和意义以及相关技术关键点、应用方向展开探讨。  相似文献   

 为了更好地监测炉缸工作状态的变化,建立了高炉炉缸状态可视化系统,以展示炉缸热电偶温度、热流强度和炉缸活性的历史趋势和实时监控。收集了某高炉相关参数的数据,使用拉依达准则进行粗大异常值的处理并采用线性插值法进行了空缺值的填补,对热电偶温度和热流强度进行了分区域监测和计算并据此分析了炉缸炉底的侵蚀情况,最后将焦炭质量、渣铁成分和操作参数作为输入变量,提出了融合大数据技术的炉缸活性定量模型。大数据技术为钢铁行业的发展提供了新思路,进一步推动了高炉智能化炼铁。  相似文献   

张伟阳  郝良元  钟文达  邓勇  程相文  吕庆 《钢铁》2020,55(8):160-168
针对高炉炉缸侵蚀的问题,介绍了高炉炉缸智能技术研究进展,分析了实现炉缸内衬可视化的技术。基于炉缸侵蚀模型的比较及大数据预测模型的发展,提出了融合大数据技术的炉缸侵蚀模型技术思想。模型基于决策树和遗传算法优化的BP神经网络,将铁水成分及温度、冷却参数、操作参数作为输入参数,采用融合大数据技术的方法,构建了炉缸侵蚀预测模型。大数据技术为钢铁行业的发展提供了新思路,进一步推动了高炉智能化炼铁。  相似文献   

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