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目的了解保健食品中重金属、微生物及农药污染情况。方法样品为2008—2013年由保健食品生产、经营企业送检和监督部门抽检的产品共1 962份,采用GB/T 5009、GB 5009、GB/T 4789、GB 4789规定的方法,对2008—2013年河南省保健食品中的重金属、微生物、农药残留进行检测及分析。结果 6年间铅、砷、汞总超标率分别为6.67%(120/1 800)、6.12%(110/1 798)和1.32%(13/988),铅、砷年度超标率呈下降趋势,汞年度超标率差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。菌落总数、霉菌及酵母菌总超标率分别为5.25%、3.55%和0.32%,其年度超标率均呈下降趋势,大肠菌群年度超标率差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。铅、砷、汞、大肠菌群及霉菌超标主要集中于植物及动物类保健食品;铅、砷、汞、菌落总数、大肠菌群及霉菌超标率均以丸剂最高;植物类、动物类及营养素补充剂类保健食品的铅含量均值分别为0.71、0.74和0.31 mg/kg,砷含量均值分别为0.41、0.39和0.12 mg/kg,汞含量均值分别为0.07、0.04和0.03 mg/kg。致病菌未检出。检测377份样品的六六六、滴滴涕,均未超标。结论重金属污染较重,但超标率趋于下降,微生物存在不同程度污染但有所好转,植物类、动物类及丸剂保健食品风险较大;六六六、滴滴涕污染较低。 相似文献
值得广泛和持续关注的食品安全问题 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文综述了不同食品种类中的主要不安全成分,包装和加工对食品安全的影响,食品安全研究和开发的重点,并以英国为例介绍了食品安全的立法情况。 相似文献
了解瑞安市生食腌制海产品微生物和重金属的的污染状况,为制定有效的监管措施提供依据。方法 在全市范围内的市场上采集定型包装及散装生食腌制海产品按国家标准进行菌落总数、大肠菌群、致病菌(金黄色葡萄球菌、副溶血性弧菌、沙门菌、志贺菌)、铅、砷、汞、镉的检测和评价。结果 共检测样品349份,总合格率为57.31%。定型包装产品和散装产品合格率分别为73.09%和29.37%。菌落总数、大肠菌群、致病菌、铅、砷、汞、镉的合格率分别为60.46%、79.94%、85.67%、95.70%、97.99%、100%、97.99%。结论 瑞安市市售生食腌制海产品微生物污染较严重,副溶血性弧菌为主要食源性致病菌型,相关部门应加强监督和管理,以保障食用安全。 相似文献
目的 了解广东省本地产茶叶中农药残留品种及其污染水平,明确茶叶质量安全状况,以期为生产监管和消费提供依据。方法 采集110份广东省本地产茶叶,采用GC-MS/MS方法对茶叶中10种拟除虫菊酯和5种有机氯类农药残留进行检测,并依据食品安全国家标准GB 2763—2021评价茶叶中多农残的超标状况。结果 广东省本地产茶叶共检出10种农药残留,主要残留品种为联苯菊酯、甲氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯,其中联苯菊酯检出率最高为73.64%,均值为0.346 mg/kg,且在乌龙茶中残留均值最大;仅有4份样本存在氰戊菊酯或甲氰菊酯残留超标现象;存在多组分农药联合污染现象;联苯菊酯、甲氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯残留水平存在地域性差异规律,原产地为粤东地区(潮州和梅州)污染水平较高,而粤北(韶关和清远)和珠三角地区(肇庆)污染水平相对较低。结论 广东本地产茶叶农药残留检出率较高,但超标率较低,整体合格率高。政府监管部门应对主要检出的联苯菊酯、甲氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯进行重点监测。 相似文献
目的调查南宁市市售茉莉花茶、玫瑰花茶、白贡菊花茶以及金银花茶4种花茶中的重金属含量和农药残留情况,为花茶中的重金属和农药残留安全风险评估提供参考依据。方法参照相关国家标准,采用原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光光谱法测定4种花茶中铅、镉、镍、铬、砷、汞的含量;采用液相色谱法和气相色谱法测定多菌灵、毒死蜱、乐果、三唑磷、克百威、啶虫脒、三氯杀螨醇、吡虫啉、氯氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯和联苯菊酯共11种农药的残留量,并依据国家标准中上述重金属和农药残留量的限量标准对检测结果进行分析评价。结果 4种花茶中的重金属含量各异,除了镍没有限量要求外,茉莉花茶、玫瑰花茶和白贡菊花茶中的重金属含量均符合要求,而金银花茶中的镉含量超出限量标准要求;4种花茶中均检出啶虫脒,其含量在0.002~0.147 mg/kg,其中白贡菊花茶中啶虫脒的残留量超标,茉莉花茶、玫瑰花茶和金银花茶中11种农药的残留量均符合限量要求。结论在金银花茶和白贡菊花茶中分别存在重金属和农药残留安全隐患,应加强茶场的卫生质量监测,确保花茶的安全性。 相似文献
目的:了解我国干紫菜加工企业的卫生状况,为制定相应的管理对策提供依据。方法:对江苏、山东地区的285家干紫菜加工企业进行现场调查。结果:干紫菜加工企业已经形成相对统一的生产模式,但大部分为家庭企业,卫生管理水平参差不齐,卫生现状不容乐观。结论:应针对干紫菜加工企业卫生问题,树立全程管理的理念,在紫菜栽培、生产、经营中引入HACCP体系,采取针对性措施予以控制,并据此制定指导性的企业规范。同时,应进一步发挥紫菜行业协会的管理、指导、沟通、协调等作用。 相似文献
目的:了解茶叶中农药残留状况,以便采取相应的预防策略。方法:采集潍坊、济南、烟台样品共计50份,采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪对茶叶中14种农药残留量进行检测。检测结果判定依据《食品安全国家标准食品中农药最大残留限量》(GB 2763—2021)。结果:50份茶叶样品中,检出农药残留29份,检出率为58.0%;超标样品3份,超标率为6.0%。其中6种农药有检出,联苯菊酯检出率最高,检出率为50.0%。多农药联用现象较为突出。结论:茶叶中农药残留总体超标率较低,有多农药联合使用现象,相关部门应继续采取有效的措施加强监督和检测。 相似文献
目的了解市售食品中食源性致病微生物的污染现状,发现高危食品,为预防和控制食源性疾病提供科学依据。方法在农贸市场、超市和餐饮环节采集与嘉兴市消费者生活密切相关的8类即食食品,开展常见致病微生物监测。结果采集的640份食品样品中,检出致病菌56株,检出率为8.75%(56/640),检出菌株以副溶血性弧菌为主,占总检出数的69.64%(39/56);金黄色葡萄球菌居次位,占14.29%;单核细胞增生李斯特菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌和创伤弧菌占比依次为8.93%、5.36%和1.79%。三季度致病微生物检出率(16.92%)最高,农贸市场、散装食品、水产品检出率相对较高,分别为17.60%、13.30%和25.00%。结论嘉兴市即食食品存在食源性致病微生物污染风险,需加强监督管理、规范食品操作和提高人群健康教育水平。 相似文献
Consumer preferences and fungal and mycotoxin contamination of dried cassava products from Ghana 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Peter W. Wareing rew Westby John A. Gibbs Liquenda T. Allotey & Mary Halm 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2001,36(1):1-10
Summary Members of one hundred and twenty five households from 19 villages producing dried cassava products were interviewed in Ghana. Kokonte was the most important cassava product in 19% of the households processing it. Most kokonte was produced between January and March. Mould growth during processing or storage was a problem during June and July, which is part of the rainy season. Most producers and market traders preferred non-mouldy kokonte, although many (59%) would consume a mouldy product. There was a price premium for non-mouldy kokonte. The most commonly isolated fungi were yeasts and Cladosporium spp. (44 out of 49 samples). Other fungi isolated included Aspergillus spp. (20 samples); Penicillium spp. (15 samples) and Fusarium spp. (30 samples). Sterigmatocystin was detected in 10 samples at 0.17–1.67 mg kg–1 ; patulin in 4 samples at 0.55–0.85 mg kg–1 ; cyclopiazonic acid in 4 samples at 0.08–0.72 mg kg–1 ; penicillic acid in 5 samples at 0.06–0.23 mg kg–1 and tenuazonic acid in 3 samples at 0.02–0.34 mg kg–1 . Mycotoxin contamination of mouldy kokonte was a potential problem; there is therefore the need to improve kokonte processing to avoid mould growth. 相似文献
Antioxidant efficacy of extracts produced from pickled and dried mustard in rapeseed and peanut oils
Antioxidant efficacy of 70% ethanol extract (EE), 70% methanol extract (ME), and water extract (WE) produced from pickled and dried mustard (Brassica juncea Coss. var. foliosa Bailey) was evaluated in rapeseed and peanut oils by using the Schaal oven method. The protective effects of aforesaid 3 extracts in stabilizing vegetable oils were tested by measuring their peroxide values, conjugated diene values, and p-anisidine values during storage of 15 d at 60 °C. Results showed that the different solvent extracts produced from pickled and dried mustard, at concentrations of 0.5% and 1.0% (w/w) in vegetable oils, could significantly (P < 0.05) lower the peroxide value, conjugated diene value, and p-anisidine value of oils during storage at 60 °C. However, the extracts at various concentrations showed a less antioxidant effect than butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) at 200 ppm. The ultraviolet spectra of different extracts exhibited a single maximum absorbance at 268 nm. The qualitative analysis of antioxidants present in the extracts was carried out by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a C18 column. Two phenolic compounds, gallic and protocatechuric acids, were identified. The antioxidant activity of the extracts might be attributed to the presence of these phenolics. These results indicated that the pickled and dried mustard could be used as a potential source of natural antioxidants. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The antioxidant activity of extracts produced from pickled and dried mustard toward rapeseed and peanut oils oxidation and the characterization of active phenolic compounds may be useful in developing natural antioxidants for vegetable oils. Moreover, the extracts could safely be used as potential antioxidant to suppress lipid oxidation in lipid-containing food products. 相似文献
Two types of the nonprotein proteinase inhibitors, P and B samples were previously isolated from dried figs by gel permeation and high-performance liquid chromatography. In the present study, we investigated the chemical structure of the B sample using both mass spectrometry (MS) and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. Fast atom bombardment and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight MS experiments showed losses of 16, 44, 176, and 338 Da. By electrospray ionization tandem MS, the product-ion spectra of m/z 712, 731, and 750 in the parent ions indicated that the fragmentation ion at m/z 175 was the repeated structure of the parent ions. We propose here that the 176- and 338-Da compounds might aggregate each other, probably by polymerizations, ether linkages, and hydrogen bonding, which would result in a mass variety of the B sample as observed in the MS analyses. 相似文献
Potentially toxic substances in electrical and electronic equipment are increasingly regulated, yet there is little guidance regarding appropriate sample preparation and analysis for compliance testing. Printed circuit boards are likely to contain regulated substances. Unfortunately, they are very difficult to break into homogeneous components of a mass allowing ready analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry, instrumental neutron activation analysis or dissolution-based techniques such as inductively coupled plasma, yet they must be analyzed despite this heterogeneity. Analysis of unprepared samples of circuit board using microspot, hand-held, benchtop and polarizing XRF spectrometers results in unacceptable analytical precision. Shredding samples to < 0.5 mm improves analytical precision sufficientlyfor RoHS compliance screening. To improve analytical precision further, additional sample preparation by fine shredding or milling is required. Milling for 90 s using a puck and ring mill reduces mean particle size to < 90 microm, which is sufficiently fine for XRF analyses or acid dissolution. Sample loss during milling means that fine shredding is probably an optimal form of sample preparation. 相似文献
C. Bircan S.A. Barringer U. Ulken R. Pehlivan 《Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment》2013,30(11):1400-1408
Dried figs (4917 samples) destined for export from Turkey to the European Union were collected between September and December during the very dry crop year of 2007 and tested for aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 by immunoaffinity column clean-up and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). While 32% of the samples contained detectable levels of total aflatoxins, 9.8% of them exceeded the European Union limits. Aflatoxin levels were in the range of 0.2–259.46 µg kg?1 and 2.04–259.46 µg kg?1 for all samples and samples that exceeded the limits, respectively. A substantial increase in the incidence of aflatoxins was observed in 2007 compared with previous years, most likely due to the drought stress, high temperatures and low relative humidity encountered during the period from January to September of that year. In 2007, the mean temperature was 1–2°C higher, there was 300 mm less total rain, and the mean relative humidity was 10–15% lower than in 2002–06. The average concentration of individual aflatoxins present in the samples was quantified to determine whether the drought conditions promoted certain types of aflatoxins. Among the contaminated samples, aflatoxin B1 occurred in 97% of the contaminated samples, followed by G1 in 47%, B2 in 24%, and G2 in 6% of samples. Concentrations of individual aflatoxins exhibited great variability among the samples but were not significantly different from those reported in previous studies, which were conducted under conditions without drought and high temperatures. 相似文献
食品风险分级是风险评估的形式之一,主要通过综合分析污染物浓度水平、消费者的膳食暴露量以及公众健康危害程度等因素,对风险危害进行量化分级排序,以达到快速识别和筛选高危食品和化学物危害组合的目的。本文综述了国内外常用的风险矩阵、优先指数、半定量食品风险分级模型等食品风险分级方法,阐述了各种方法的原理、指标,旨在为建立食品中化学物危害风险管理的优先次序提供方法学参考,协助监管部门制定有针对性的风险管理措施。 相似文献
山东临沂部分地区2012年产花生真菌污染调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对山东临沂地区5个花生主产区2012年产花生真菌污染情况进行调查。方法 分别采集收获前1个月的花生和土壤样品,及收获期、收获后储存1个月、收获后储存3个月的花生样品,分别以点种法(花生样品)和稀释法(土壤样品)接种于马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA)平板,于(28±1) ℃培养5d后进行菌落计数并鉴定。结果 临沂部分地区花生样品100%受真菌污染。不同地区花生样品污染真菌的菌相不同,同一地区不同采样期花生样品污染的菌相也有差异;但各采样期花生样品中黄曲霉污染水平均较低(平均4.38%)。结论 山东临沂部分地区花生样品虽受黄曲霉污染较轻,但其它真菌污染严重,因此应加强花生种植、采摘、贮藏过程的防霉管理。 相似文献
A total of 284 dried fig samples, collected from fields during drying, and from warehouse and processing units in the Aegean region of Turkey in 1986, were examined for aflatoxin contamination. Aflatoxin B1, B2, and G1 were detected in 4, 2, and 2% of the samples, respectively, which were of the lower grade of figs taken from the drying stage. The average alfatoxin levels in positive samples were estimated to be 112.3 (B1), 50.6 (B2), and 61.4 ng/g (G1). The samples collected from storage (64 samples) and processing units (14 samples) contained no aflatoxins. The results of this survey show that aflatoxin contamination of Turkish dried figs in 1986 was highly correlated with the poorer grade of fig. 相似文献
在现阶段,随着人们对食品安全的持续关注和对健康生活的美好向往,如何快速、准确和高灵敏地分析食品中残留的痕量有毒有害物质成为目前分析方法需要解决的重要问题之一。样品前处理作为食品安全分析中关键的一环,直接影响着检测结果的灵敏度、准确性和可靠性。纳米合成技术的不断发展赋予磁性纳米材料不同的功能特性并在样品前处理方面应用更加广泛。与传统的前处理技术相比,磁固相萃取方法的开发极大地提高了其在农兽药残留、真菌毒素、重金属等食品危害物分析前处理方面的应用。本文对磁性纳米材料的特点、合成及修饰方法进行了总结,并对近年来其在食品危害物检测前处理方面的进展进行了综合评述。 相似文献