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Sequence variability of the outer surface protein (Osp) A among Borrelia burgdorferi sl species suggests that a monovalent OspA vaccine may not protect against the various Borrelia present in Eurasia. Here, we confirmed that a monovalent recombinant OspA (rOspA) vaccine does not protect mice against Ixodes ricinus mediated infection with B. burgdorferi ss, Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii. However, when mice were vaccinated with a cocktail of various rOspA from these three species, they were protected, and all challenge ticks that fed on them were cleared of their spirochetes. These results showed that a multiple OspA antigens vaccine, compatible with human use, was very efficient at protecting mice against B. burgdorferi ss, B. garinii, and B. afzelii.  相似文献   

DbpA is a target for antibodies that protect mice against infection by cultured Borrelia burgdorferi. Infected mice exhibit early and sustained humoral responses to DbpA and DbpB, suggesting that these proteins are expressed in vivo. Many antigens expressed in mammals by B. burgdorferi are repressed in vitro at lower growth temperatures, and we have now extended these observations to include DbpA and DbpB. To confirm that the protective antigen DbpA is expressed in vivo and to address the question of its accessibility to antibodies during infection, we examined B. burgdorferi in blood samples from mice following cutaneous inoculation. B. burgdorferi was visualized by dark-field microscopy in plasma samples from spirochetemic mice, and an indirect immunofluorescence assay showed that these spirochetes were DbpA positive and OspA negative. We developed an ex vivo borreliacidal assay to show that hyperimmune antiserum against DbpA, but not OspA, killed these plasma-derived spirochetes, demonstrating that DbpA is accessible to antibodies during this phase of infection. Blood transferred from spirochetemic donor mice readily established B. burgdorferi infection in naive recipient mice or mice hyperimmunized with OspA, while mice hyperimmunized with DbpA showed significant protection against challenge with host-adapted spirochetes. Antiserum from persistently infected mice had borreliacidal activity against both cultured and plasma-derived spirochetes, and adsorption of this serum with DbpA substantially depleted this killing activity. Our observations show that immunization with DbpA blocks B. burgdorferi dissemination from the site of cutaneous inoculation and suggest that DbpA antibodies may contribute to control of persistent infection.  相似文献   

An opportunist infection (OI) is understood to be an infection produced by microorganisms that invade a host with impaired immune capacity, such as children with HIV infection. The adequate treatment and chemoprophylaxis of these infections has improved the prognosis of their evolution, although they still present a high morbidity and mortality when they occur. In this sense, the introduction of triple therapy (new antiretroviral inhibitors and protease inhibitors) is likely to produce a prompt decrease in the incidence of OI because of the regression in the degree of immunosuppression that it induces. The degree of immunosuppression is determined by the number of CD4 lymphocytes, the most reliable marker for assessment. Normal CD4 lymphocytes values are different for each age group and have important connotations for the prophylactic measures to be used at each moment depending on the CD4 lymphocyte count. Opportunist infections influence the quality of life of patients. More than 100 microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa, cause OI. This paper describes primary and secondary prophylaxis as well as the treatment of the most frequent opportunist infections (Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, bacterial infections, Cryptococcus neoformans, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simple, Varicella-zoster virus. Toxoplasmosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. avium-intracellulare, M. kansasii).  相似文献   

The authors, in a forest in Brittany previously studied for several years, caught by flagging, each month from April 1992 to May 1993, nymphs of I. ricinus tick, and looked by indirect immunofluorescence, for B. burgdorferi infestation. An amount of 1,506 ticks was thus studied. Infestation frequency was varying from 0 per cent in January and February to 14.4 per cent in August. Standarding of tick collecting method allowed to establish, for each month, a tick, "availability" index, and, according to the spirochete infestation frequency, to do estimation of the risk level, for human visiting the concerned forest, of being infected by B. burgdorferi. Obtained results show that this risk is the highest in August, and quite non-existent in January and February.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochetal agent of Lyme disease, promotes inflammation by stimulating endothelial cells to upregulate adhesion molecules for leukocytes and to produce a soluble agent that is chemotactic for neutrophils. We determined that interleukin-8 (IL-8) was the chemotactic agent for neutrophils present in conditioned media from cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells stimulated with B. burgdorferi. As few as one spirochete per endothelial cell stimulated production of IL-8 within 8 h of coincubation. When 10 spirochetes per endothelial cell were added, IL-8 was detected after 4 h of coculture. Production of IL-8 continued in a linear fashion for at least 24 h. Neutralizing antibodies against IL-8 reduced migration of neutrophils across spirochete-stimulated endothelial monolayers by 93%. In contrast, pretreatment of neutrophils with antagonists of platelet-activating factor did not inhibit migration. Increases in production of IL-8 and expression of the adhesion molecule E-selectin by endothelial cells in response to B. burgdorferi were not inhibited by IL-1 receptor antagonist or a neutralizing monoclonal antibody directed against tumor necrosis factor alpha, used either alone or in combination. These results suggest that activation of endothelium by B. burgdorferi is not mediated through the autocrine action of secreted IL-1 or tumor necrosis factor alpha. Rather, it appears that B. burgdorferi must stimulate endothelium either by a direct signaling mechanism or by induction of a novel host-derived proinflammatory cytokine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of a curfew is to decrease the amount of crime inflicted on minors during the late hours of the night. On June 1, 1994, a city curfew was instituted in New Orleans, requiring all persons 17 years of age or younger to be off the streets from 9 PM to 6 AM Sunday through Thursday, and from 11 PM to 6 AM on Friday and Saturday. This study evaluated the effect of the curfew on emergency medical services (EMS) transports for patients who were 17 years old or younger (pediatric). METHODS: Data from all pediatric transports were included from the months before (5/94) and after (6/94) the institution of the curfew, and from the same two months one year earlier (5/93 and 6/93). A chi-square test was used to evaluate comparisons. RESULTS: The city EMS transports 48,000 patients per year in a one-tiered system (paramedic only) that acts as the sole provider of emergency EMS transport in the city. Approximately 10% of all transports are pediatric, and 40% of the pediatric transports are for trauma. A total of 1,642 transports were found that fit the inclusion criteria. In May 1993, there were 415 total pediatric transports; 234 were pediatric trauma. In June 1993, there were 406 total pediatric transports; 250 were pediatric trauma. In May 1994, there were 447 total pediatric runs; 243 were pediatric trauma. During the postcurfew month, June 1994, there were a significant decrease in pediatric transports to 370 (p < 0.01) and a significant decrease in pediatric trauma transport to 189 (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The institution of a curfew may lead to a drop in pediatric EMS runs during curfew hours. Another value of the curfew may be in the secondary effects of the curfew in preventing childhood injury during noncurfew hours.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of nitric oxide (NO) on prostanoid production, cyclooxygenase (COX-2) expression and [3H]arachidonic acid (AA) release in RAW 264.7 macrophagic cells and rat microglial primary cultures. Inhibition of NO synthesis enhanced microglial prostanoid production without affecting that of RAW 264.7 cells. Both 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1), (which, by releasing NO and superoxide, leads to the formation of peroxynitrite), and S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), (which releases only NO), inhibited microglial prostanoid production, by preventing COX-2 expression. In contrast, in RAW 264.7 cells, SIN-1 enhanced both basal and LPS-stimulated prostanoid production by upregulating COX-2, while SNAP stimulated basal production and slightly inhibited the LPS-induced production, as a cumulative result of enhanced AA release and depressed COX-2 expression. Thus, reactive nitrogen intermediates can influence prostanoid production at distinct levels and in different way in the two cell types, and results obtained with RAW 264.7 cells can not be extrapolated to microglia.  相似文献   

Incubation of plasma of the locust Locusta migratoria, with laminarin induced the precipitation of two major proteins with molecular masses of about 260,000 (P260) and 85,000 Da (P85). This precipitation was not observed when other polysaccharides, such as curdlan, dextran, chitin, cellulose or mannan were used. P260 and P85 were purified to homogeneity by a single step on heparin-sepharose chromatography. Since all attempts to separate P260 from P85, other than the use of sodium dodecyl sulfate, were unsuccessful, it is likely that these two molecules form a complex non-covalently associated. Treatment of P260-P85 complex with N-glycosidase F showed that P260 did not appear to be glycosylated whereas 6% of P85 molecular mass was due to N-linked carbohydrates. On the other hand, no change in molecular masses of P260 or P85 was observed once the complex had been treated with lipase. SDS-PAGE and Western blots of plasma and serum stained with blue Coomassie for proteins or with highly specific polysera to P260 or P85, respectively, showed that P260 was only present in plasma and P85 remained in both samples. This indicates that P260 is likely to be one of the most abundant plasma proteins directly involved in the coagulation process in Locusta migratoria. The addition of plasma or P260-P85 complex to a hemocyte lysate supernatant prior to its activation by laminarin induced a lower protease as well as phenoloxidase activity compared with the control. This reduction of activities was not observed in the presence of serum or when P260-P85 complex was added to a fully activated proPO system.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the synthesis of ribosomal proteins (r proteins) in E. coli cells is under stringent control (Dennis and Nomura, 1974). Since guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) has been implicated in stringent control, we examined the effects of ppGpp on the in vitro synthesis of r proteins directed by DNA from transducing phage lambdafus3 and lambdarifd18. lambdafus3 carries genes for protein elongation factors EF-Tu and EF-G, and RNA polymerase subunit alpha, in addition to genes for approximately 27 r proteins. lambdarifd18 carries genes for EF-Tu, RNA polymerase subunits beta and beta1, and a set of rRNAs, in addition to genes for approximately five r proteins. We have shown that low concentrations of ppGpp (0.2-0.3 mM) specifically inhibit DNA-dependent r protein synthesis in this system, and that this inhibition takes place directly, rather than as a consequence of the inhibition of rRNA synthesis by ppGpp. In addition, we have also shown that ppGpp inhibits the synthesis of EF-G, EF-Tu, and RNA polymerase subunit alpha, as well as rRNAs.  相似文献   

BsoFI , ItaI and Fsp4HI are isoshizomers of Fnu4HI (5'-GC NGC-3'). Both Fnu4HI and BsoFI have previously been shown to be inhibited by cytosine-specific methylation within the recognition sequence. Fnu4HI is inhibited if either the internal cytosine at position 2 or the external cytosine at position 5 of the restriction sequence is methylated, but the precise nature of the methylation sensitivity of BsoFI is unclear from the literature. The methylation sensitivities of ItaI and Fsp4HI have not previously been reported. By methylating the plasmid pUC18 with M.SssI (a DNA cytosine-5'-methyltransferase with a specificity for CpG), we have determined that ItaI is sensitive only to methylation of internal CpG sites within the restriction sequence. The methylation sensitivity of Fsp4HI is identical to that of Fnu4HI, being inhibited by methylation of either internal CpG sites or overlapping CpG sites. BsoFI , like the other isoschizomers tested, is sensitive to a combination of internal and overlapping CpG methylation. BsoFI is also sensitive to overlapping CpG methylation (in the absence of internal CpG methylation) if CpG overlap with both sides of the recognition sequence. Sites containing one overlapping CpG (in the absence of internal CpG) are cut when methylated but show marked individual variation in their rates of cleavage. Considerable variation in the rate of cleavage by BsoFI is also observed at sites containing only internal methylated CpG. Some sites are cut slowly, whilst others fail to cut even after prolonged incubation with excess of enzyme.  相似文献   

Research on regressive group processes such as Janis' (1982) "groupthink" phenomenon has rarely focused on work groups in authentic settings. In this study, teams from six different organisations (n = 308) were studied by using a groupthink questionnaire constructed in accordance with the symptoms of groupthink described by Janis. It was hypothesised that groupthink could be described as a bipolar construct identifying either an omnipotent or a depressive variant of a group's delusions about its own and other groups' features. The questionnaire showed reasonably good reliability as a whole and a factor analysis identified three factors in line with the proposed theoretical model in which the two different types of groupthink can be distinguished. We propose that any group might have a tendency or predisposition to react in either of the two directions during provocative circumstances. The six different organisations exhibited different types of groupthink to a varying degree. A religious sect was the one most characterised by omnipotent groupthink, while a technological company and a psychiatric team seemed to be the ones with most features of depressive groupthink.  相似文献   

Effects of extracellular matrices (ECM) and the plasminogen activator (PA) system on outgrowth of sheep inner cell masses (ICM) and trophectoderm in vitro were investigated. Experiment 1 evaluated the effects of plasminogen and ECM type on ICM and trophectodermal outgrowth, on glass Lab-Tek chamber slides coated with collagen IV, fibronectin, or laminin. ICM outgrowth areas were reduced (p < 0.05) by plasminogen and were greatest (p < 0.05) on fibronectin. Trophectodermal outgrowth was not supported in this system. Experiment 2 evaluated the effects of PA inhibitor-2 (PAI-2) or antiserum to urokinase-type PA (anti-uPA) on ICM outgrowth on fibronectin. Numbers of cells in the outgrowths were increased (p < 0.05) with PAI-2, and anti-uPA had no effect (p > 0.10). Experiment 3 evaluated the relationship between PA production and ECM type on ICM and trophectodermal outgrowth in microdrop cultures. PA production by ICM was greatest (p < 0.05) on fibronectin, but no differences (p > 0.10) were observed for trophectoderm. PA production was not correlated with ICM outgrowth areas (r = -0.12; p = 0.72) or numbers of cells in the ICM outgrowths (r = 0.09; p = 0.74) but was correlated with ICM areas (r = 0.75; p < 0.01) and numbers of cells in trophectodermal outgrowths (r = 0.57; p = 0.01). These results suggest that type of ECM, culture system, and alterations in the PA system influence cellular outgrowths by ICM and trophectoderm.  相似文献   

Evidence regarding the nature of the regulatory factors which directly act upon liver cells and extra-hepatic tissues to alter CBG synthesis is scarce. The present study used cultured rat fetal hepatocytes to investigate the involvement and possible interplay in this process of several members of the nuclear receptors superfamily: vitamin D (VDR), retinoic acids (RAR/RXR) and thyroid hormones (TR). Treatment of cells with 1alpha,25-(OH)2D3 (1,25-D) elicited a dose-dependent inhibition of basal CBG concentration in culture medium. Maximum inhibition to about 15% of control level was achieved with 0.1-1.0 nM, with an IC50 of 3.8 x 10(-12) M and with no significant change in binding affinity. Differential activation of RAR and RXR with either 9-cis-retinoic acid (9-cis-RA) or the RAR-selective synthetic retinoid TTNPB revealed that high doses of both drugs diminished CBG expression, though the former proved about 10-times more potent than the latter in this regard. Amplification by triiodothyronine (T3) of CBG synthesis failed to block the inhibitory effects of either 1,25-D or retinoids, as revealed by both binding capacity and mRNA measurements. Relative to CBG, 1,25-D similarly depressed the synthesis of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), while on the contrary, retinoids and T3 were shown to cause opposite effects, as 9-cis-RA and TTNPB elevated and T3 decreased AFP expression. The present findings identify for the first time ligands of VDR and RAR/RXR as powerful negative regulators of both basal and T3-stimulated CBG biosynthesis in fetal hepatocytes and suggest lack of a functional interplay between TR and VR or RAR/RXR in these processes.  相似文献   

Microsurgery experiments demonstrate that the animal side of the unfertilized sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus egg coincides with the side of the egg pronucleus location. It is demonstrated by means of in situ hybridization and immunostaining of whole mounts of animal or vegetal halves that the previously identified bep 1 and bep4 RNAs and their proteins are located in the animal part of the unfertilized egg and much less in the vegetal part. The addition of Fabs against BEP1 and BEP4 causes exogastrulation.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been proposed as the basis for the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. Rebamipide is a novel antiulcer drug that has, in addition, oxygen radical scavenging activity. Our study examines whether rebamipide could ameliorate the pathophysiology associated with experimental diabetes in vivo, such as microalbuminuria, and to reverse the increased production of transforming growth factor-beta1 and fibronectin in SV-40 transformed murine mesangial cells in culture that were stimulated with high glucose. Chronic administration of rebamipide (100 mg/kg/day, p.o., for 3 wk) to rats, in which diabetes was previously induced by the i.v. injection of streptozotocin 50 mg/kg, reversed hyperglycemia, which would contribute to prevent the increases in urinary excretion rates of albumin and lipid peroxides observed in this experimental model. Rebamipide, at this dose level, did not cause any discernible effect on age-matched control rats. Rebamipide 2 mM was as effective as 20 mM of dimethylthiourea, a known hydroxyl radical scavenger, in inhibiting the increase in lipid peroxides, transforming growth factor-beta1, fibronectin mRNAs and proteins induced by incubation of cultured mesangial cells with high glucose. Our data suggest that rebamipide attenuates high glucose-induced nephropathy, which is attributable, in part, to its antioxidative property and, in part, to its effect on reversing hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

Several studies were performed in female rats to determine dose and time course changes in mRNA levels for matrix proteins in bone after a single administration of ethanol. As expected, dose-dependent transient increases in blood ethanol were measured. Additionally, there was mild hypocalcemia with no change in immunoreactive parathyroid hormone. Coordinated dose-dependent increases in mRNA for type 1 collagen, osteonectin, and osteocalcin were noted in the proximal tibial metaphysis 6 hr after ethanol was given, with the peak values occurring at a dose of 1.2 g/kg (0.4 ml). Similar increases in mRNA levels for matrix proteins were noted in lumbar vertebrae after ethanol treatment. The changes were specific for bone; ethanol had no effect on mRNA levels for matrix proteins in the uterus or liver, although the mRNA concentrations tended to be reduced in uterus. Message levels for several cytokines implicated in the regulation of bone turnover were also assayed; mRNA levels for transforming growth factor-beta1, transforming growth factor-beta2, interferon-gamma, and interleukin-6 were unchanged at doses ranging from 0.14 to 1.7 g/kg. At the highest dose of ethanol, the mRNA level for tumor necrosis factor-alpha was elevated while the level for insulin-like growth factor-1 was reduced. The time course effects of ethanol (0.4 ml dose) were determined in a separate experiment. Ethanol resulted in a transient increase in mRNA levels for the three bone matrix proteins assayed. However, matrix protein synthesis, as determined by incorporation of 3H-proline into the proximal tibial metaphysis, was not changed after 6 hr. The changes in mRNA levels for the matrix proteins were preceded by brief, transient decreases in mRNA levels for interleukin-1beta, interferon-gamma, and migration inhibitory factor, and followed by a more prolonged decrease in the mRNA level for insulin-like growth factor-1. A subsequent study was performed to determine the effects of repetitive daily treatment with ethanol on rat bone. After 7 days, there were highly significant decreases in the mRNA level for type 1 collagen, as well as decreased bone formation. These results suggest that ethanol may alter bone metabolism by disturbing signal transduction pathways that regulate the expression of genes for bone matrix proteins, skeletal growth factors, and cytokines.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) is a major, locally expressed regulator of growth cartilage chondrocyte proliferation, differentiation, synthetic function, and mineralization. Because mechanisms that limit cartilage chondrocytes from maturing and mineralizing are diminished in osteoarthritis (OA), we studied PTHrP expression by articular chondrocytes. METHODS: PTHrP was studied in normal knee cartilage samples and cultured articular chondrocytes, and in cartilage specimens from knees with advanced OA, obtained at the time of joint replacement. RESULTS: PTHrP was more abundant in OA than in normal human knee articular cartilage. Both demonstrated PTH/PTHrP receptor expression. PTHrP 1-173, one of three alternatively spliced PTHrP isoforms, was exclusively expressed and induced by transforming growth factor beta in cultured chondrocytes. Chondrocytes mainly used the GC-rich P2 alternative promoter to express PTHrP messenger RNA. Inhibition by PTHrP 1-173, but not by PTHrP 1-146 or PTHrP 1-87, of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) elaboration suggested selective functional properties of the 1-173 isoform. Exposure to a neutralizing antibody to PTHrP increased PPi elaboration by articular chondrocytes. CONCLUSION: Increased expression of PTHrP, including the 1-173 isoform, has the potential to contribute to the pathologic differentiated functions of chondrocytes, including mineralization, in OA.  相似文献   

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