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Retroviral nucleocapsid proteins (NCPs) are CCHC-type zinc finger proteins that mediate virion RNA binding activities associated with retrovirus assembly and genomic RNA encapsidation. Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV), a type D retrovirus, encodes a 96-amino acid nucleocapsid protein, which contains two Cys-X2-Cys-X4-His-X4-Cys (CCHC) zinc fingers connected by an unusually long 15-amino acid linker. Homonuclear, two-dimensional sensitivity-enhanced 15N-1H, three-dimensional 15N-1H, and triple resonance NMR spectroscopy have been used to determine the solution structure and residue-specific backbone dynamics of the structured core domain of MPMV NCP containing residues 21-80. Structure calculations and spectral density mapping of N-H bond vector mobility reveal that MPMV NCP 21-80 is best described as two independently folded, rotationally uncorrelated globular domains connected by a seven-residue flexible linker consisting of residues 42-48. The N-terminal CCHC zinc finger domain (residues 24-37) appears to adopt a fold like that described previously for HIV-1 NCP; however, residues within this domain and the immediately adjacent linker region (residues 38-41) are characterized by extensive conformational averaging on the micros-ms time scale at 25 degrees C. In contrast to other NCPs, residues 49-77, which includes the C-terminal CCHC zinc-finger (residues 53-66), comprise a well-folded globular domain with the Val49-Pro-Gly-Leu52 sequence and C-terminal tail residues 67-77 characterized by amide proton exchange properties and 15N R1, R2, and (1H-15N) NOE values indistinguishable to residues in the core C-terminal finger. Twelve refined structural models of MPMV NCP residues 49-80 (pairwise backbone RMSD of 0.77 A) reveal that the side chains of the conserved Pro50 and Trp62 are in van der Waals contact with one another. Residues 70-73 in the C-terminal tail adopt a reverse turn-like structure. Ile77 is involved in extensive van der Waals contact with the core finger domain, while the side chains of Ser68 and Asn75 appear to form hydrogen bonds that stabilize the overall fold of this domain. These residues outside of the core finger structure are conserved in D-type and related retroviral NCPs, e.g., MMTV NCP, suggesting that the structure of MPMV NCP may be representative of this subclass of retroviral NCPs.  相似文献   

The solution structure, backbone dynamics and rotational diffusion of the Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome c2 have been determined using heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. In all, 1204 NOE-derived distances were used in the structure calculation to give a final ensemble with 0.59(+/-0.08) A rms deviation for the backbone atoms (C, Calpha and N) with respect to the mean coordinates. There is no major difference between the solution structure and the previously solved X-ray crystal structure (1.07(+/-0.07) A rms difference for the backbone atoms), although certain significant local structural differences have been identified. This protein contains five helical regions and a histidine-heme binding domain, connected by a series of structured loops. The orientation of the helices provides an excellent sampling of angular space and thus allows a precise characterization of the anisotropic diffusion tensor. Analysis of the hydrodynamics of the protein has been performed by interpretation of the 15N relaxation data using isotropic, axially asymmetric and fully anisotropic diffusion tensors. The protein can be shown to exhibit significant anisotropic reorientation with a diffusion tensor with principal axes values of 1.405(+/-0.031)x10(7) s-1, 1.566(+/-0.051)x10(7) s-1 and 1.829(+/-0.054)x10(7) s-1. Hydrodynamic calculations performed on the solution structure predict values of 1.399x10(7) s-1, 1.500x10(7) s-1 and 1.863x10(7) s-1 when a solvent shell of 3.5 A is included in the calculation. The optimal orientation of the diffusion tensor has been incorporated into a hybrid Lipari-Szabo type local motion-anisotropic rotational diffusion model to characterize the local mobility in the molecule. The mobility parameters thus extracted show a quantitative improvement with respect to the model-free analysis assuming isotropic reorientation; helical regions exhibit similar dynamic properties and fewer residues require more complex models of internal motion. While the molecule is essentially rigid, a tripeptide loop region (residues 101 to 103) exhibits flexibility in the range of 20 to 30 ps, which appears to be correlated with the order in the NMR solution structure.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids promote the development of many organs including intestine. At the cellular level, the activity of glucocorticoids is regulated by 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11 beta HSD) which converts active glucocorticoids to inactive metabolites. As 11 beta HSD is also expressed in the intestine, this enzyme may be an important regulator of intestinal maturation. To investigate this, we have performed the systematic study of the development of intestinal 11 beta HSD activity and its cofactor preference as well as of the effect of 11 beta HSD inhibition by carbenoxolone on postnatal development of sucrase, alkaline phosphatase and Na,K-ATPase in the intestine. The activity of 11 beta HSD was low in ileum of suckling rats and significantly increased during the weaning period. In colon, the activity was already high in suckling rats and gradually rose during the postnatal development. 11 beta HSD activity was undetectable in jejunum both in young and adult rats. At 14.5 nM corticosterone, colonic 11 beta HSD utilized predominantly NAD as a cofactor, but displayed significant sensitivity also to NADP. Ileal 11 beta HSD had similar sensitivity to both cofactors. With NAD as a cofactor, ileal 11 beta HSD had a Km (59 +/- 10 nM) compatible with the colonic enzyme (81 +/- 14 nM). Carbenoxolone administration to suckling and weanling rats in vivo did not result in any changes of sucrase activity in jejunum and ileum, alkaline phosphatase activity in ileum and distal colon or Na,K-ATPase activity in ileum. However, carbenoxolone significantly increased Na,K-ATPase activity in distal colon. Our results indicate that the high-affinity type of 11 beta HSD is expressed not only in colon but also in ileum and that 11 beta HSD is an important factor in the regulation of tissue levels of active glucocorticoids in developing colon but not in the small intestine.  相似文献   

The major cold-shock protein (CspA) from Escherichia coli is a single-stranded nucleic acid-binding protein that is produced in response to cold stress. We have previously reported its overall chain fold as determined by NMR spectroscopy [Newkirk, K., Feng, W., Jiang, W., Tejero, R., Emerson, S. D., Inouye, M., and Montelione, G. T. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91, 5114-5118]. Here we describe the complete analysis of 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments for CspA, together with a refined solution NMR structure based on 699 conformational constraints and an analysis of backbone dynamics based on 15N relaxation rate measurements. An extensive set of triple-resonance NMR experiments for obtaining the backbone and side chain resonance assignments were carried out on uniformly 13C- and 15N-enriched CspA. Using a subset of these triple-resonance experiments, the computer program AUTOASSIGN provided automatic analysis of sequence-specific backbone N, Calpha, C', HN, Halpha, and side chain Cbeta resonance assignments. The remaining 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments for CspA were then obtained by manual analysis of additional NMR spectra. Dihedral angle constraints and stereospecific methylene Hbeta resonance assignments were determined using a new conformational grid search program, HYPER, and used together with longer-range constraints as input for three-dimensional structure calculations. The resulting solution NMR structure of CspA is a well-defined five-stranded beta-barrel with surface-exposed aromatic groups that form a single-stranded nucleic acid-binding site. Backbone dynamics of CspA have also been characterized by 15N T1, T2, and heteronuclear 15N-1H NOE measurements and analyzed using the extended Lipari-Szabo formalism. These dynamic measurements indicate a molecular rotational correlation time taum of 4.88 +/- 0.04 ns and provide evidence for fast time scale (taue < 500 ps) dynamics in surface loops and motions on the microsecond to millisecond time scale within the proposed nucleic acid-binding epitope.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) is a renal disease of unknown pathogenesis. Recent evidence suggests that the fibrogenic cytokine transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) might be involved. We hypothesized that overproduction of TGF-beta in the kidney might be involved in the pathogenesis of HIVAN. METHODS: The mRNA and protein expression of TGF-beta isoforms, TGF-beta 1, TGF-beta 2, and TGF beta 3, deposition of matrix proteins induced by TGF-beta, and levels of HIV Tat protein were studied in HIVAN. Controls included normal and diseased kidneys from HIV-positive and -negative patients. The ability of Tat to induce production of TGF-beta and matrix proteins was also studied in human mesangial cells. RESULTS: Normal kidneys, thin basement membrane nephropathy, and minimal change disease were negative for the three TGF-beta isoforms and Tat. In HIVAN, levels of TGF-beta isoforms and Tat were significantly increased, along with the expression of TGF-beta mRNA and deposition of matrix proteins stimulated by TGF-beta. Increased levels of TGF-beta isoforms, but not Tat, were also found in other glomerular diseases characterized by matrix accumulation. HIV infection, in the absence of HIVAN, was not associated with an increase in TGF-beta or Tat expression. Tat stimulated the expression and production of TGF-beta 1 and matrix proteins by human mesangial cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that overproduction of TGF-beta is involved in the pathogenesis of HIVAN.  相似文献   

The chaperonin GroEL is a large complex composed of 14 identical 57-kDa subunits that requires ATP and GroES for some of its activities. We find that a monomeric polypeptide corresponding to residues 191 to 345 has the activity of the tetradecamer both in facilitating the refolding of rhodanese and cyclophilin A in the absence of ATP and in catalyzing the unfolding of native barnase. Its crystal structure, solved at 2.5 A resolution, shows a well-ordered domain with the same fold as in intact GroEL. We have thus isolated the active site of the complex allosteric molecular chaperone, which functions as a "minichaperone." This has mechanistic implications: the presence of a central cavity in the GroEL complex is not essential for those representative activities in vitro, and neither are the allosteric properties. The function of the allosteric behavior on the binding of GroES and ATP must be to regulate the affinity of the protein for its various substrates in vivo, where the cavity may also be required for special functions.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the DNA decamer d(CATTTGCATC)-d(GATGCAAATG), comprising the octamer motif of immunoglobulin genes, is determined by restrained molecular dynamics (rMD) simulations. The restraint data set includes interproton distances and torsion angles for the deoxyribose sugar ring which were previously obtained by a complete relaxation matrix analysis of the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (2D NOE) intensities and by the quantitative simulation of cross-peaks in double-quantum-filtered correlated (2QF-COSY) spectra. The influence of torsion angles and the number of experimental distance restraints on the structural refinement has been systematically examined. Omitting part of the experimental NOE-derived distances results in reduced restraint violations and lower R factors but impairs structural convergence in the rMD refinement. Eight separate restrained molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for 20 ps each, starting from either energy-minimized A- or B-DNA. Mutual atomic root-mean-square (rms) differences among the refined structures are well below 1 A and comparable to the rms fluctuations of the atoms about their average position, indicating convergence to essentially identical structures. The average refined structure was subjected to an additional 100 ps of rMD simulations and analyzed in terms of average torsion angles and helical parameters. The B-type duplex exhibits clear sequence-dependent variations in its geometry with a narrow minor groove at the T3.A3 tract and a large positive roll at the subsequent TG.CA step. This is accompanied by a noticeable bend of the global helix axis into the major groove. There is also evidence of significant flexibility of the sugar-phosphate backbone with rapid interconversion among different conformers.  相似文献   

To better understand the structural basis for the observed patterns in substrate specificity, the backbone dynamics of alpha-lytic protease have been investigated using 15N relaxation measurements. The enzyme was inhibited with the peptide boronic acid N-tert-butyloxycarbonyl-Ala-Pro-boroVal [Kettner, C. A., et al. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 7682], which mimics interactions occurring in the tetrahedral transition state or nearby intermediates, and the dynamics of the unbound and inhibited enzyme were compared. Arrayed 2-D NMR spectra were acquired to measure T1, T2, and steady-state ?1H?-15N NOE of >95% of the backbone amides in both protein samples. The overall rotational correlation time tauc was found to be 8.1 ns. Values of the spectral density function J(omega) at omega = 0, omegaN, and approximately omegaH were derived from the relaxation results using reduced spectral density mapping [Ishima, R., & Nagayama, K. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 3162]. The resultant spectral densities were interpreted to indicate regions of fast motion (nanosecond to picosecond) and of intermediate chemical exchange (millisecond to microsecond). The protein has 13 regions with increased motion on the fast time scale; these generally fall on exterior turns and loops and most correlate with regions of higher crystallographic B-factors. Several stretches of backbone undergo intermediate chemical exchange, indicating motion or other processes that cause temporal chemical shift changes. A comparison of spectral densities for both the free and inhibited enzymes revealed that inhibitor binding preferentially stabilizes regions undergoing chemical exchange (which predominate around the active site) and only minimally affect regions of rapid motion. Slow motions, suggestive of backbone plasticity, are observed in most of the binding pocket residues. This may point to a mechanism for the observed broad specificity of the enzyme. The significance of the observed dynamics for substrate binding and specificity is discussed.  相似文献   

Solution 1H-NMR studies of the heme cavity were performed for the cyanomet complexes of monomeric hemoglobins III and IV from the insect Chironomus thummi thummi, each of which exhibit marked Bohr effects. The low pH 5, paramagnetic (S = 1/2) derivatives were selected for study because the large dipolar shifts provide improved resolution over diamagnetic forms and allow distinction between the two isomeric heme orientations [Peyton, D. H., La Mar, G. N. & Gersonde, K. (1988) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 954, 82-94]. The crystal structure for the low-pH form of the hemoglobin III derivative, moreover, has been reported and showed that the functionally implicated distal His58 side chain adopts alternative orientation, either in or out of the pocket [Steigemann, W. & Weber, E. (1979) J. Mol. Biol. 127, 309-338]. All heme pocket residues for the low-pH forms of the two hemoglobins were located, at least in part, and positioned in the heme cavity on the basis of nuclear Overhauser effects to the heme and each other, dipolar shifts, and paramagnetic-induced relaxation. The resulting structure yielded the orientation of the major axis of the paramagnetic susceptibility tensor. The heme pocket structure of the cyanomet hemoglobins III and IV were found to be indistinguishable, with both exhibiting a distal His58 oriented solely into the heme cavity and in contact with the ligand, and with two residues, Phe100 and Phe38, exhibiting small but significant displacements in solution relative to hemoglobin III in the crystal.  相似文献   

The establishment of differential gene expression in sporulating Bacillus subtilis involves four protein components, one of which, SpoIIAA, undergoes phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. We have used NMR spectroscopy to determine the solution structure of the nonphosphorylated form of SpoIIAA. The structure shows a fold consisting of a four-stranded beta-sheet and four alpha-helices. Knowledge of the structure helps to account for the phenotype of several strains of B. subtilis that carry known spoIIAA mutations and should facilitate investigations of the conformational consequences of phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Decreased dynamic motion in the peptide backbone of proteins may accompany ligand binding and influence the thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the resulting complexes. We have investigated the diffusional behavior and backbone dynamics of the free and phosphopeptide (EPQpYEEIPIYL) complexed Hck SH2 domain using NMR spectroscopy. Both the free domain and its phosphopeptide complex self-associate at higher protein concentrations. Diffusional measurements and surface analysis indicate that charged side-chain groups are probably responsible for self-association. Higher order aggregation, such as trimer and tetramer, also occurs at elevated protein concentrations. Dynamic motion in the peptide backbone of Hck SH2 was determined from 15N relaxation data fit using extended model-free parameters. The rotational correlation time (taum) for uncomplexed Hck SH2 was 6.8 ns while taum for peptide-bound Hck SH2 was 7.6 ns. Generalized order parameters (S2) increased for most residues upon binding of the phosphopeptide, consistent with peptide binding restricting motion of the NH bond vectors on the picosecond time scale. These studies suggest that complexation increases internal order in Hck SH2 and that internal dynamic motions contribute to the activation of Src-family kinases in vivo.  相似文献   

1. Angiotensin II (Ang II), the main effector of the renin-angiotensin system, exerts its vasoconstrictory and trophic actions on smooth muscle cells via AT1 receptors. However, Ang II does not act only on smooth muscle cells, as Ang II receptors are also present in endothelial cells. 2. The receptor type on these cells differs depending on the origin of the endothelium and the species. The rat endothelial receptors are mostly of the AT1 type, but AT2 receptors have also been found. The pharmacological characteristics of the AT1 receptors on endothelial cells are similar to those of other cell types. 3. Ang II stimulates phospholipase C and phospholipase A2 activation via the AT1 receptor in endothelial cells. Ang II also stimulates the tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins in these cells. 4. Some studies suggest that the AT1 receptor mediates the release of vasodilator molecules by endothelial cells and could modulate Ang II effect on smooth muscle cells. Ang II may also inhibit endothelial cell growth via the AT2 receptor. Finally, endothelial Ang II receptors may be implicated in the regulation of fibrinolysis.  相似文献   

Copper, zinc superoxide dismutase is a dimeric enzyme, and it has been shown that no cooperativity between the two subunits of the dimer is operative. The substitution of two hydrophobic residues, Phe 50 and Gly 51, with two Glu's at the interface region has disrupted the quaternary structure of the protein, thus producing a soluble monomeric form. However, this monomeric form was found to have an activity lower than that of the native dimeric species (10%). To answer the fundamental question of the role of the quaternary structure in the catalytic process of superoxide dismutase, we have determined the solution structure of the reduced monomeric mutant through NMR spectroscopy. Another fundamental issue with respect to the enzymatic mechanism is the coordination of reduced copper, which is the active center. The three-dimensional solution structure of this 153-residue monomeric form of SOD (16 kDa) has been determined using distance and dihedral angle constraints obtained from 13C, 15N triple-resonance NMR experiments. The solution structure is represented by a family of 36 structures, with a backbone rmsd of 0.81 +/- 0.13 A over residues 3-150 and of 0.56 +/- 0.08 A over residues 3-49 and 70-150. This structure has been compared with the available X-ray structures of reduced SODs as well as with the oxidized form of human and bovine isoenzymes. The structure contains the classical eight-stranded Greek key beta-barrel. In general, the backbone and the metal sites are not affected much by the monomerization, except in the region involved in the subunit-subunit interface in the dimeric protein, where a large disorder is present. Significative changes are observed in the conformation of the electrostatic loop, which forms one side of the active site channel and which is fundamental in determining the optimal electrostatic potential for driving the superoxide anions to the copper site which is the rate-limiting step of the enymatic reaction under nonsaturating conditions. In the present monomer, its conformation is less favorable for the diffusion of the substrate to the reaction site. The structure of the copper center is well-defined; copper(I) is coordinated to three histidines, at variance with copper(II) which is bound to four histidines. The hydrogen atom which binds the histidine nitrogen detached from copper(I) is structurally identified.  相似文献   

In the accompanying paper, we report that zinc is unlikely to be the co-factor supporting peptide deformylase activity in vivo. In contrast, nickel binding promotes full enzyme activity. The three-dimensional structure of the resulting nickel-containing peptide deformylase (catalytic domain, residues 1 to 147) was solved by NMR using a 13C-15N-doubly labelled protein sample. A set of 2261 restraints could be collected, with an average of 15.4 per amino acid. The resolution, which shows a good definition for the position of most side-chains, is greatly improved compared to that previously reported for the zinc-containing, inactive form. A comparison of the two stuctures indicates however that both share the same 3D organization. This shows that the nature of the bound metal is the primary determinant of the hydrolytic activity of this enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis enabled us to determine the conserved residues of PDF involved in the structure of the active site. In particular, a buried arginine appears to be critical for the positioning of Cys90, one of the metal ligands. Furthermore, the 3D structure of peptide deformylase was compared to thermolysin and metzincins. Although the structural folds are very different, they all display a common structural motif involving an alpha-helix and a three-stranded beta-sheet. These conserved structural elements build a common scaffold which includes the active site, suggesting a common hydrolytic mechanism for these proteases. Finally, an invariant glycine shared by both PDF and metzincins enables us to extend the conserved motif from HEXXH to HEXXHXXG.  相似文献   

The conformation of alpha-conotoxin MI, a potent antagonist of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, has been investigated in aqueous solution. Two-dimensional NMR experiments and simulated annealing calculations provide the overall topology of alpha-conotoxin MI; then molecular dynamics simulation with the explicit solvent water was followed in order to obtain a more reliable solution structure. The resulting conformation indicates the presence of a 3(10) helix and a type I beta-turn for residues Pro6-Cys8 and Gly9-Try12, respectively, and shows a significant structural similarity to that of alpha-conotoxin GI, which has biological activity similar to that of MI. The present study provides a molecular basis for the alpha-conotoxin-receptor interaction.  相似文献   

Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a hematopoietic cytokine which elicits its effects on diverse cell types via both gp130 and a more specific LIF receptor. Recombinant murine LIF was studied by multidimensional homonuclear and 1H-15N heteronuclear NMR and 95% of backbone amide resonances assigned. Definition of the secondary structure by chemical shift data and NOE connectivities shows a four-alpha-helix bundle fold (helices A-D) in solution, with an additional flexible turn of helix in the AB loop. Subtle differences are seen in the conformations of helices A and D from those defined in the crystal structure [Robinson, R. C., Grey, L. M., Staunton, D., Vankelcom, H., Vernallis, A. B., Moreau, J.-F., Stuart, D. I., Heath, J. K., & Jones, E. Y. (1994) Cell77, 1101-1116]. The dynamics of the polypeptide backbone of LIF were assessed from 15N T1 and T2 relaxation times and 15N-1H heteronuclear NOEs of the amide groups. Using model-free formalism, the overall rotational correlation time of LIF in solution is calculated to be 9.7 ps. The four alpha-helices are relatively rigid, and high mobility is observed for N-terminal residues (Ser 1-Asn 21) and the AB loop. In contrast to several closely related cytokines, the long CD loop is relatively rigid. This may have implications for interactions with the specific LIF receptor, which binds in this region.  相似文献   

We report the three-dimensional solution structure of the mouse fibronectin cell attachment domain consisting of the linked ninth and tenth type III modules, mFnFn3(9,10). Because the tenth module contains the RGD cell attachment sequence while the ninth contains the synergy region, mFnFn3(9,10) has the cell attachment activity of intact fibronectin. Essentially complete signal assignments and approximately 1800 distance and angle restraints were derived from multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectra. These restraints were used with a hybrid distance geometry/simulated annealing protocol to generate an ensemble of 20 NMR structures having no distance or angle violations greater than 0.3 A or 3 degrees. Although the beta-sheet core domains of the individual modules are well-ordered structures, having backbone atom rmsd values from the mean structure of 0.51(+/-0.12) and 0.40(+/-0.07) A, respectively, the rmsd of the core atom coordinates increases to 3.63(+/-1.41) A when the core domains of both modules are used to align the coordinates. The latter result is a consequence of the fact that the relative orientation of the two modules is not highly constrained by the NMR restraints. Hence, while structures of the beta-sheet core domains of the NMR structures are very similar to the core domains of the crystal structure of hFnFn3(9,10), the ensemble of NMR structures suggests that the two modules form a less extended and more flexible structure than the fully extended rod-like crystal structure. The radius of gyration, Rg, of mFnFn3(9,10) derived from small-angle neutron scattering measurements, 20.5(+/-0.5) A, agrees with the average Rg calculated for the NMR structures, 20.4 A, and is ca 1 A less than the value of Rg calculated for the X-ray structure. The values of the rotational anisotropy, D ||/D perpendicular, derived from an analysis of 15N relaxation data, range from 1.7 to 2.1, and are significantly less than the anisotropy of 2.67 predicted by hydrodynamic modeling of the crystal coordinates. In contrast, hydrodynamic modeling of the NMR coordinates yields anisotropies in the range of 1.9 to 2.7 (average 2.4(+/-0.2)), with NMR structures bent by more than 20 degrees relative the crystal structure having calculated anisotropies in best agreement with experiment. In addition, the relaxation parameters indicate that several loops in mFnFn3(9,10), including the RGD loop, are flexible on the nanosecond to picosecond time-scale. Taken together, our results suggest that, in solution, the limited set of interactions between the mFnFn3(9,10) modules position the RGD and synergy regions to interact specifically with cell surface integrins, and at the same time permit sufficient flexibility that allows mFnFn3(9,10) to adjust for some variation in integrin structure or environment.  相似文献   

The dynamics of learning a new coordinated behavior was examined by requiring participants to perform a visually specified phase relationship between the hands. Results showed that learning may involve qualitative or quantitative alterations in the layout of the coordination dynamics depending on whether such dynamics are bistable or multistable before exposure to the learning task. In both cases, the process stabilized the to-be-learned behavior and its symmetry partner, even though the latter had not actually been practiced. Kinematic analyses of hand motion showed that previously existing coordination tendencies were exploited during learning in order to match visual requirements. These findings and the concepts presented here provide a framework for understanding how learning occurs in the context of previous experience and allow individual differences in learning to be tackled explicitly. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of synthetic human neuropeptide Y in aqueous solution at pH 3.2 and 37 degrees C was determined from two-dimensional 1H NMR data recorded at 600 MHz. A restraint set consisting of 440 interproton distance restraints inferred from NOEs and 11 backbone and 4 side-chain dihedral angle restraints derived from spin-spin coupling constants was used as input for distance geometry calculations on DIANA and simulated annealing and restrained energy minimization in X-PLOR. The final set of 26 structures is well defined in the region of residues 11-36, with a mean pairwise rmsd of 0.51 A for the backbone heavy atoms (N, C alpha and C) and 1.34 A for all heavy atoms. Residues 13-36 form an amphipathic alpha-helix. The N-terminal 10 residues are poorly defined relative to the helical region, although some elements of local structure are apparent. At least one of the three prolines in the N-terminal region co-exists in both cis and trans conformations. An additional set of 24 distances was interpreted as intermolecular distances within a dimer. A combination of distance geometry and restrained simulated annealing yielded a model of the dimer having antiparallel packing of two helical units, whose hydrophobic faces form a well-defined core. Sedimentation equilibrium experiments confirm the observation that neuropeptide Y associates to form dimers and higher aggregates under the conditions of the NMR experiments. Our results therefore support the structural features reported for porcine neuropeptide Y [Cowley, D.J. et al. (1992) Eur. J. Biochem., 205, 1099-1106] rather than the 'aPP' fold described previously for human neuropeptide Y [Darbon, H. et al. (1992) Eur. J. Biochem., 209, 765-771].  相似文献   

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