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耿亮  李爽 《产业用纺织品》2011,29(6):37-39,49
对比分析了等离子体处理前后织物化学镀铜的变化,发现经过等离子体处理的涤纶织物化学镀层光洁度好,镀层均匀,耐磨性有所提高,且平均电磁波屏蔽效能优于未经等离子体处理的织物.  相似文献   

镀银纤维多功能屏蔽织物的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了镀银纤维的性能,含镀银纤维织物的设计方法、制作工艺及其用途,其对微波的屏蔽效果可达99.99%,且具有抗静电、调温和抗菌作用,但纤维外镀的银粉易脱落.  相似文献   

采用还原剂为葡萄糖和肼对涤纶织物化学镀银,借助SEM和XRD对镀层的表面形貌进行分析,并测试化学镀银织物的电磁波屏蔽、耐磨性、刚柔性和透气性.结果表明,葡萄糖作还原剂时镀层表面光滑、晶粒较小,电磁波屏蔽及耐磨性能均优于肼镀银织物;两种不同还原剂化学镀银织物的刚柔性基本不变,透气性有所下降.  相似文献   

涤纶织物化学镀镍的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用化学镀镍技术对涤纶织物进行了酸性、碱性镀镍以及着色处理。借助SEM、X射线能谱仪对化学镀镍织物表面结构进行了表征和分析。测试了涤纶织物化学镀镍前后服用性能的变化,并对导电性和电磁波屏蔽性能进行了测试。结果表明,镀层均匀程度对电磁波屏蔽性能影响较大。随着镀镍层厚度的增加,电磁波屏蔽效能增速先增大后减小。酸性镀镍织物的电磁波屏蔽性能优于碱性镀镍织物。镀层织物经着铜色处理后,电磁波屏蔽性能有明显提高。当质量增加70%时,化学镀涤纶织物电磁屏蔽性能较好,同时服用性能变化不明显。  相似文献   

研究硫代硫酸钠对化学镀银镀液稳定性、镀层表面形貌、镀层成分、结晶情况、镀银速率、表面电阻以及电磁屏蔽效能的影响.结果表明:添加硫代硫酸钠能使镀液的稳定性得到明显提高,但若浓度过高,会出现镀层结构疏松的现象;镀层中银的结晶形态是立方面心(fcc)结构,晶粒尺寸随硫代硫酸钠浓度的增加而减小;硫代硫酸钠的加入使镀银速率下降,...  相似文献   

本文研究了通过低温等离子体处理强化亚麻织物印花过程的可能性。利用半漂白和漂白纯亚麻织物进行处理。在不同时间和参数条件下,用辉光放电等离子体对织物进行处理。处理后的织物试样与初始织物在外观上毫无区别,但毛细效应和润湿性很高。由图1可见,处理后半漂白织物的毛细效应高一倍,而漂白织物的毛细效应则高1.5倍。因而,可以认为,通过处理使纤维表面层受到局部破坏并产生表面形态变化。  相似文献   

金属纤维混纺电磁波屏蔽织物抑菌性能的检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对金属纤维混纺电磁波屏蔽织物的抑菌性能作了检测与探讨,发现金属纤维电磁波屏蔽织物具有屏蔽与抑菌的双重保健性能,能杀灭部分白色念珠菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌,可广泛用于人们生活和生产的保健领域。  相似文献   

基于织物化学镀技术,对涤纶织物分别进行了化学镀镍、镀铜、镀铜镍合金以及对化学镀镍织物着铜色处理,对处理后织物的电磁波屏蔽性能进行了比较,在镀层增重率相同情况下,屏蔽性能的大小依次为镀铜织物>镀铜镍织物>镀镍织物,后者着铜色后的屏蔽性能有明显提高.  相似文献   

叙述了多离子腈纶织物的功能及其净化电磁污染的作用原理,回顾了这类织物的发展历史,并详细介绍了国产多离子腈纶织物的制备过程、工艺条件及影响其性能的工艺因素,给出了多离子腈纶织物的红外光谱图。  相似文献   

涤纶织物镍-铜双层化学镀研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用化学镀技术进行涤纶织物表面镍-铜双层镀,并借助SEM、EDX和TG对镀层表面形貌、成分以及热性能进行了分析,还对化学镀织物的电磁波屏蔽、吸音和拉伸性能进行了测试。结果表明,涤纶织物化学镀镍—铜后热分解温度有所下降;当增重率小于一定值时,电磁波屏蔽性能主要受镀层均匀性影响;当增重率大于一定值后,电磁波屏蔽效能主要受镀层致密性和金属成分影响。化学镀织物的吸声性能与原织物基本相同,但在高频波段,吸声系数略大于原织物。化学镀织物的拉伸曲线同时具有金属和纤维的拉伸特性,主要受金属镀层厚度的影响。  相似文献   

利用纯天然仙人掌液还原制备了纳米银溶液,采用仙人掌纳米银溶液对真丝织物进行了功能性整理,并研究了织物的抗菌性能,讨论了仙人掌纳米银溶液在不同质量浓度、不同温度、不同时间条件下对真丝织物服用件能及抗菌性能的影响,得到了最佳的整理工艺.  相似文献   

采用化学染色法对化学镀银涤纶织物进行着色处理,获得了具有红色,黑色,桃红色等色彩的镀银织物,借助SEM分析了镀层的表面形貌,并测试了着色织物的色牢度.结果表明,着色织物的刷洗色牢度和摩擦色牢度基本能够满足使用要求.焙烘温度120℃,时间15min时,着色效果较好.  相似文献   

针对棉织物与纳米银之间缺乏亲和性,主要依靠物理吸附结合,水洗牢度差等问题,总结了基于共价结合的纳米银抗菌棉织物的最新研究进展,探讨了席夫碱反应和酯化反应这2种共价结合机制。以纳米银与棉织物之间的共价交联剂(超支化聚合物、树状大分子、丝素、丝胶、半胱氨酸、蛋氨酸、巯基乙酸、壳聚糖衍生物、聚苯乙烯-b-聚丙烯酸、丁烷四羧酸)种类进行分类介绍,结合抑菌率和银含量的数据讨论了基于共价结合的纳米银抗菌棉织物的制备工艺、抗菌性能和抗菌耐洗性能。最后对基于共价结合的纳米银抗菌棉织物领域存在的不足和未来需要深入关注的地方进行了探讨。研究指出,共价交联法大幅提高了纳米银的抗菌耐洗性能,为开发环境友好和长效抗菌的纳米银纺织品提供了新思路和新途径。  相似文献   

Vinay G. Nadiger 《纺织学会志》2013,104(12):1543-1553
Silk is hygroscopic and is affected by microorganisms easily. Hence, treatment with antimicrobial agents can facilitate to make silk resistant to microbes. Silver nanoparticles have been attempted by researchers and applied as antimicrobial chemical finish on textiles. Silk has also been applied with silver nanoparticles through exhaust method to obtain antimicrobial properties. However, use of cross-linking agents such as 1,2,3,4 butane tetra carboxylic acid (BTCA) for entrapping silver nanoparticles in the interstitials of the silk molecular chain has not been attempted. The present study is focused on the application of BTCA on silk in the presence of sodium hypophosphite (SHP) simultaneously using silver nanoparticles has been done by pad-dry-cure (2dip/2nip) method. Application of 6% BTCA with 3% SHP and 250 ppm of silver nanoparticles gave satisfactory antimicrobial properties. Infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) studies showed good cross-linking of BTCA. X-ray diffraction studies depict that the crystal structure and crystallinity % of treated silk did not change due to the treatment. SEM studies showed the impregnation of silver nanoparticles on to the fibre matrix. Different physical properties of silk fabric did not change due to the treatment. Based on the studies, it is inferred that BTCA cross-links with silk fibroin at the carboxyl and amine groups, create a lattice void and trap silver nanoparticles giving durable antimicrobial finish.  相似文献   

In recent years nano‐sized particles have been focused on bacteriostasis. We investigated antimicrobial activities by applying two types of silver nanoparticles on cotton fabric. These are MesoSilver particles and silver chloride compounds (Silpure). Silver chloride, used in aqueous dispersion, is mixed with a monomer prior to the application on the fabric. MesoSilver is pure silver sub‐nanometer sized particles suspended in deionized water. Silpure solutions were padded and cured on cotton fabric. MesoSilver was padded onto the fabric followed by air drying. SEM images of Silpure‐ and MesoSilver‐treated fabric samples showed good particle dispersion on the fabric. EDX analysis was conducted to confirm the presence of silver particles on the fabric surface. Biological studies exhibited that no growth took place with zones of inhibition on both the treated samples; while the untreated samples did show bacterial growth. The Silpure sample exhibited excellent wash durability; however, the MesoSilver specimen did not.  相似文献   

空心微珠化学镀银及其织物涂层整理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用化学镀方法自制金属银包覆空心微珠,并将其应用于织物涂层整理.通过SEM、XRD、导电及电磁屏蔽性能测试得出,化学镀银空心微珠涂层织物具备一定的导电和电磁屏蔽效能,镀银微珠在涂层中起到导电填料的作用,当微珠的填充量达一定密度时,其电阻率值与电磁屏蔽效能值与相同工艺条件下银粉涂层织物接近.  相似文献   

Silk is one of the important textile fibres used in apparel application. Since it is hygroscopic proteinous fibre, it is affected by microbes during usage and storage. Hence, antimicrobial treatment is desired to contain with this problem. Antimicrobial treatment is done using natural and synthetic agents. Nanoparticles have been added as antimicrobial agent for the application. In the present work, composite treatment of silk with Aloe Vera– a natural product and silver nanoparticles is done through crosslinking of 1,2,3,4-butane tetra carboxylic acid (BTCA) with silk in the presence of sodium hypophosphite (SHP). Effect of varying the concentration of BTCA, Aloe Vera and silver nanoparticles has been investigated. Untreated and treated silk fabrics have been characterized by FTIR, SEM and XRD to elucidate the effect of the treatment in terms of binding of Aloe Vera and silver nanoparticles, morphological changes and degree of crystallinity. Mechanical properties have been evaluated and analysed to illustrate the effect of the treatment. Further, the antimicrobial properties of the treated samples were evaluated against S. aureus (gram positive) and K. pneumoniae (gram negative) bacteria and the antimicrobial activity is found to be excellent. In order to assess the durability of the treatment, dry-cleaning has been done and subsequently antimicrobial properties have been assessed. Treated silk fabric samples after dry-cleaning upto 5 cycles exhibited satisfactory antimicrobial activity indicating that the treatment is durable in all the recipes. It is inferred that Aloe Vera chemically binds with silk through BTCA crosslinking while silver nanoparticles get adhesively bound or entrapped in the fibre matrix resulting in durable antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

亚麻的低温等离子体接枝   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舒蕊李淳  夏志明 《印染》2005,31(19):8-10
采用空气等离子体技术对亚麻纤维以两种不同的接枝方式处理,即先浸渍接枝液,再以等离子体处理,或先以等离子体处理,再浸渍接枝液.以扫描电镜和红外光谱对这两种方法处理的纤维表面形态和接枝效果,以及上染速率和染色牢度进行了比较.结果表明,采用后者的处理效果,明显好于前者,使亚麻纤维的上染速率和染色牢度显著提高.其中初染速率提高2倍,平衡上染百分率达到64 %,染色牢度提高2级.  相似文献   

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