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Consensus engineering has been used to increase the stability of a number of different proteins, either by creating consensus proteins from scratch or by modifying existing proteins so that their sequences more closely match a consensus sequence. In this paper we describe the first application of consensus engineering to the ab initio creation of a novel fluorescent protein. This was based on the alignment of 31 fluorescent proteins with >62% homology to monomeric Azami green (mAG) protein, and used the sequence of mAG to guide amino acid selection at positions of ambiguity. This consensus green protein is extremely well expressed, monomeric and fluorescent with red shifted absorption and emission characteristics compared to mAG. Although slightly less stable than mAG, it is better expressed and brighter under the excitation conditions typically used in single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy or confocal microscopy. This study illustrates the power of consensus engineering to create stable proteins using the subtle information embedded in the alignment of similar proteins and shows that the benefits of this approach may extend beyond stability.  相似文献   

A very efficient system for subcloning and studying proteinsequences, combining previously established elements for hyperexpression,replication and screening, was used to hyperproduce and characterizeseven different products. It expedited the cloning of genes,in a multipurpose recombinant DNA construct, for all the requirementsto study and engineer proteins with a strain of Escherichiacoli. Genes encoding six heme proteins and a flavoprotein havebeen subcloned and expressed to 13–30% of the total cellprotein, greatly facilitating purification and analyses. Threeof the heme proteins and the flavoprotein incorporated prostheticgroups in E.coli, and exhibited the expected activities. Fourof the enzymes have been purified to homogeneity and two ofthese crystallized for X-ray diffraction analysis. A rapid muta-genesisprotocol, based on polymerase chain reactions, was successfullyapplied to clone derivatives of one of these enzymes, cytochromec peroxidase. Thus, this system fulfills all criteria for engineeringproteins in an efficient and concerted manner.  相似文献   

Monocyte chemoattractant proteins (MCPs) are cytokines that direct immune cells bearing appropriate receptors to sites of inflammation or injury and are therefore attractive therapeutic targets for inhibitory molecules. 11K2 is a blocking mouse monoclonal antibody active against several human and murine MCPs. A 2.5 A structure of the Fab fragment of this antibody in complex with human MCP-1 has been solved. The Fab blocks CCR2 receptor binding to MCP-1 through an adjacent but distinct binding site. The orientation of the Fab indicates that a single MCP-1 dimer will bind two 11K2 antibodies. Several key residues on the antibody and on human MCPs were predicted to be involved in antibody selectivity. Mutational analysis of these residues confirms their involvement in the antibody-chemokine interaction. In addition to mutations that decreased or disrupted binding, one antibody mutation resulted in a 70-fold increase in affinity for human MCP-2. A key residue missing in human MCP-3, a chemokine not recognized by the antibody, was identified and engineering the preferred residue into the chemokine conferred binding to the antibody.  相似文献   

Engineered turns of a recombinant antibody improve its in vivo folding   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Using recombinant antibodies functionally expressed by secretionto the periplasm in Escherichia coli as a model system, we identifiedmutations located in turns of the protein which reduce the formationof aggregates during in vivo folding or which influence cellstability during expression. Unexpectedly, the two effects arebased on different mutations and could be separated, but bothmutations act synergistically in vivo. Neither mutation increasesthe thermodynamic stability in vitro. However, the in vivo foldingmutation correlates with the yield of oxidative folding in vitro,which is limited by the side reaction of aggregation. The invivo folding data also correlate with the rate and activationentropy of thermally induced aggregation. This analysis showsthat it is possible to engineer improved frameworks for semi-syntheticantibody libraries which may be important in maintaining librarydiversity. Moreover, limitations in recombinant protein expressioncan be overcome by single amino acid substitutions.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulins bind antigens and express individual antigenicspecificities mainly through residues located in hypervariableloops of their N-terminal domains. Hyper-variable loops arekept in place by a molecular scaffold organized in a sandwich-likestructure with two ß-sheets stabilized by a disulfidebridge (the immunoglobulin fold). This structural feature, togetherwith the possibility of obtaining high level expression, extracellularsecretion, easy purification and stability of the protein product,render immunoglobulin an ideal ‘molecular vehicle’for the expression of exogenous peptides. Here we report onthe engineering of an immunoglobulin expressing an exogenousepitope, the repetitive tetrapeptide Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro (NANP)3.By recombinant DNA techniques, we inserted three copies of thetetrapeptide (NANP)3 in the third hypervariable loop (D region)of an immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain. We show thatthe engineered antibody was properly assembled and secreted.A panel of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, including anti-syntheticpeptides and anti-(NANP)n antibodies, were used to study themolecular configuration of the engineered domain's surface.The results indicate that (i) the exogenous sequence did notappreciably alter the overall fold of the variable domain; and(ii) the inserted epitope folded with a configuration immuno-logicallysimilar to the one assumed in the native protein, suggestingthat short- and medium- rather than long-range interactionsstabilized the structure of the (NANP)3 peptide in the foldedprotein. We propose this system for the expression of peptidicsequences, and their structural and functional analysis.  相似文献   

Natural or engineered sites for chemical cleavage can be usedto generate complementary fragments of well characterized proteins.The peptide fragments represent a unique tool for studying earlyevents in protein folding, since these are usually the mostinaccessible to the experimentalist. Analysis of the isolatedfragments in nondenaturing conditions together with the determinationof the structure of the folded non-covalent complexes and, mostimportantly, the kinetic analysis of the resulting second-orderassociation/folding reaction can give a more complete pictureof a folding pathway. The contribution of fragments to the understandingof some well characterized protein folding pathways is discussed.  相似文献   

The structures of the interfaces of nine dimeric and nine tetramericproteins have been analyzed and have been seen to follow generalprinciples. These interfaces are combinations of four structuralmotifs, which resemble features of monomeric proteins. Theseare: (i) extended beta sheet; (ii) helix–helix packing;(iii) sheet–sheet packing; and (iv) loop interactions.Other common structural features in the interfaces studied aretwo-fold symmetry, charged hydrogen bonds and channel formation(found only in tetramers). Monomer–monomer interfacesare intermediate in hydrophobicity and charge between the interfacesbetween secondary structures of monomeric proteins and the exteriorsof monomeric proteins. A typical interface has one of the firstthree of the structural motifs at its centre and loop interactionsaround the outside, where most of the charge resides.  相似文献   

Although Escherichia coli is in wide use for preparative protein expression, problems with the folding of the recombinant gene product and protein aggregation are frequently encountered. Apart from cytoplasmic expression, this is also true for secretion into the bacterial periplasm, the method of choice for the production of proteins that carry structural disulfide bonds. Here we report the construction of the helper plasmid pTUM4, which effects overexpression of four established periplasmic chaperones and folding catalysts: the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases DsbA and DsbC that catalyze the formation and isomerization of disulfide bridges and the peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans-isomerases with chaperone activity, FkpA and SurA. pTUM4 carries a p15a origin of replication and a chloramphenicol resistance gene and, thus, it is compatible with many conventional expression vectors that use the ColEI origin and an ampicillin resistance. Its positive effects on the yield of soluble recombinant protein and the homogeneity of disulfide pattern are illustrated here using the human plasma retinol-binding protein as well as the extracellular carbohydrate recognition domain of the dendritic cell membrane receptor DC-SIGN. Hence, pTUM4 represents a novel helper vector which complements existing cytosolic chaperone coexpression plasmids and should be useful for the functional secretion of various recombinant proteins with hampered folding efficiency.  相似文献   

Recent models suggest that the mechanism of protein folding is determined by the balance between the stability of secondary structural elements and the hydrophobicity of the sequence. Here we determine the role of these factors in the folding kinetics of Im9* by altering the secondary structure propensity or hydrophobicity of helices I, II or IV by the substitution of residues at solvent exposed sites. The folding kinetics of each variant were measured at pH 7.0 and 10 degrees C, under which conditions wild-type Im9* folds with two-state kinetics. We show that increasing the helicity of these sequences in regions known to be structured in the folding intermediate of Im7*, switches the folding of Im9* from a two- to three-state mechanism. By contrast, increasing the hydrophobicity of helices I or IV has no effect on the kinetic folding mechanism. Interestingly, however, increasing the hydrophobicity of solvent-exposed residues in helix II stabilizes the folding intermediate and the rate-limiting transition state, consistent with the view that this helix makes significant non-native interactions during folding. The results highlight the generic importance of intermediates in folding and show that such species can be populated by increasing helical propensity or by stabilizing inter-helix contacts through non-native interactions.  相似文献   

We describe an algorithm to predict tertiary structures of smallproteins. In contrast to most current folding algorithms, ituses very few energy parameters. Given the secondary structuralelements in the sequence—-helices and ß-strands—thealgorithm searches -the remaining conformational space of asimplified real-space representation of chains to find a minimumenergy of an exceedingly simple potential function. The potentialis based only on a single type of favorable interaction betweenhydrophobic residues, an unfavorable excluded volume term ofspatial overlaps and, for sheet proteins, an interstrand hydrogenbond interaction. Where appropriate, the known disulfide bondsare constrained by a square-law potential. Conformations aresearched by a genetic algorithm. The model predicts reasonablywell the known tertiary folds of seven out of the 10 small proteinswe consider. We draw two conclusions. First, for the proteinswe tested, this exceedingly simple potential function is noworse than others having hundreds of energy parameters in findingthe right general tertiary structures. Second, despite its simplicity,the potential function is not the weak link in this algorithm.Differences between our predicted structures and the correcttargets can be ascribed to shortcomings in our search strategy.This potential function may be useful for testing other conformationalsearch strategies.  相似文献   

Genetic algorithms are very efficient search mechanisms whichmutate, recombine and select amongst tentative solutions toa problem until a near optimal one is achieved. We introducethem as a new tool to study proteins. The identification andmotivation for different fitness functions is discussed. Theevolution of the zinc finger sequence motif from a random startis modelled. User specified changes of the repressor structurewere simulated and critical sites and exchanges for mutagenesisidentified. Vast conformational spaces are efficiently searchedas illustrated by the ab initio folding of a model protein ofa four ß strand bundle. The genetic algorithm simulationwhich mimicked important folding constraints as overall hydrophobicpackaging and a propensity of the betaphilic residues for transpositions achieved a unique fold. Cooperativity in the ßstrand regions and a length of 3–5 for the interconnectingloops was critical. Specific interaction sites were considerablyless effective in driving the fold.  相似文献   

A T4 lysozyme-coding DNA sequence of 495 bp was chemically synthesizedand cloned by ligation of 26 deoxyribooligo-nucleotide fragmentsin two steps with a linearized plasmid followed by transformation.On selection by colony hybridization and DNA sequence analysis,clone pTLY.10 was identified to contain a complete T4 lysozymesynthetic DNA. On expression under lac-promoter, unfused T4lysozyme was obtained in {small tilde}4–6% yield. Thedesign and synthesis of two putative folding mutants, flexible(Gly-Gly-Gly) and rigid (Asn-Asp-Gly) at position 73-74-75,were based on hierarchical principles. Both mutants lost enzymaticactivity of the wildtype. These results are readily understandableif the hierarchical organization of the structure is taken intoaccount. A possible explanation is that the catalytic sitesare blocked in both mutants.  相似文献   

The role of domains in defining the equilibrium and kinetic folding properties of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from Escherichia coli was probed by examining the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of a set of variants in which the chain connectivity in the discontinuous loop domain (DLD) and the adenosine-binding domain (ABD) was altered by permutation. To test the concept that chain cleavage can selectively destabilize the domain in which the N- and C-termini are resident, permutations were introduced at one position within the ABD, one within the DLD and one at a boundary between the domains. The results demonstrated that a continuous ABD is required for a stable thermal intermediate and a continuous DLD is required for a stable urea intermediate. The permutation at the domain interface had both a thermal and urea intermediate. Strikingly, the observable kinetic folding responses of all three permuted proteins were very similar to the wild-type protein. These results demonstrate a crucial role for stable domains in defining the energy surface for the equilibrium folding reaction of DHFR. If domain connectivity affects the kinetic mechanism, the effects must occur in the sub-millisecond time range.  相似文献   

Synthetic genes (A, AB and AHB) constructed and cloned intopKK233-2 vector were recloned from the parent plasmid into thenew procaryotic expression vectors pGFY221N and pBIO52. GeneAFB (coding for all amino acids besides phenylalanine)was obtained by ‘cassette mutagenesis’ from geneAB. The plasmid pGFY221N was constructed from pGFY218L by replacingthe PstI by an NcoI site; plasmid pBIO52 was derived from pGFY221Nthrough replacing the 221-bp EoRl/NcoI fragment with a syntheticDNA segment of 52 bp representing the Escherichia coli atpEgene translational initiation region. The genes A, AB, AHB andAFB in the vector pGFY221N were expressed with a six-amino-acid-longleader sequence; in pBIO52 the genes were expressed directly.in vitro expression experiments were successful with all thegenes except with the AHB gene integrated into pGFY221N. Inthe E. coli minicell system expression was demonstrated withthe A gene in pGFY221N and the AFB and AHB genes in pBIO52.Complete translation of the expressed genes AB, AFB andAHB in either the in vitro or in vivo systems could be shownby using 35S-labelled N-terminal methionine and C-terminal cysteine.Both amino acids occur only once in the peptide sequences.  相似文献   

Synthetic genes coding for artificial proteins with predeflnedand nutritionally valuable amino acid compositions have beenconstructed and cloned In bacterial plasmid vector pKK233-2.The genes were constructed from three easily interchangeable‘cassettes’ encoding either essential, non-essentialor branched-chain amino acid residues. A potential hairpin loopstructure in the mRNA around the region of the ribosome bindingsite was probably the reason for blockage of translation fromthis vector. Two selected genes, AHB (containing one copy ofeach cassette) and A (consisting of six copies concatemerizedA6cassette) were cloned into pUR300, a (ß-Gal fusionvector and expressed as fusion proteins (ß-Gal-AHBand (ß-Gal-A6.  相似文献   

A carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) was fused to the N-termini of mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (EndoF1) and peptide N-glycosidase F (PNGaseF), two glycosidases from Chryseobacterium meningosepticum that are used to remove N-linked glycans from glycoproteins. The fusion proteins CBM-EndoF1 and CBM-PNGaseF also carry a hexahistidine tag for purification by immobilized metal affinity chromatography after production by Escherichia coli. CBM-EndoF1 is as effective as native EndoF1 at deglycosylating RNaseB; the glycans released by both enzymes are identical. Like native PNGaseF, CBM-PNGaseF is active on denatured but not on native RNaseB. Both fusion proteins are as active on RNaseB when immobilized on cellulose as they are in solution. They retain activity in the immobilized state for at least 1 month at 4 degrees C. The hexahistidine tag can be removed with thrombin, leaving the CBM as the only affinity tag. The CBM can be removed with factor Xa if required.  相似文献   

The prediction and characterization of metal binding sites in proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rational engineering of novel functions into proteins canonly be attempted when the underlying structural scaffold onwhich the new function is displayed and the structure of thetarget protein are both well understood. To introduce functionsmediated by metals it is therefore necessary to identify theprincipal liganding residues for the chosen metal, the requiredarchitecture of the metal-ligand complex and sites within thetarget protein that could accommodate such sites. Here we presenta method that applies structural information from the proteindata bank to the ab initio design and characterization of novelmetal binding sites. The prediction method has been tested on28 metalloprotein structures from the Brookhaven Protein DataBank. It successfully identified >90% of the metal bindingsites. In addition, we have used the method to design and characterizezinc binding sites in two antibody structures. Metal bindingstudies on one of these putative metalloantibodies showed metalbinding, confirming the predictive power of the method.  相似文献   

Redesigning a sweet protein: increased stability and renaturability   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Monellin is one of two natural proteins from African berrieswith potent sweet taste. Monellin is the smaller of the two,and consists of two peptides. The protein loses sweetness whenheated above 50°C under acidic pH. Based on the crystalstructure of monellin we have fused the two chains into a singlechain using several different linkers copied and ‘transplanted’from the same molecule. One of the newly designed proteins isas potently sweet as the natural one, is more stable upon temperatureor pH changes, and renatures easily even after heating to 100°Cat low pH.  相似文献   

Finding a new vaccine in the ricin protein fold   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Previous attempts to produce a vaccine for ricin toxin have been hampered by safety concerns arising from residual toxicity and the undesirable aggregation or precipitation caused by exposure of hydrophobic surfaces on the ricin A-chain (RTA) in the absence of its natural B-chain partner. We undertook a structure-based solution to this problem by reversing evolutionary selection on the 'ribosome inactivating protein' fold of RTA to arrive at a non-functional, compacted single-domain scaffold (sequence RTA1-198) for presentation of a specific protective epitope (RTA loop 95-110). An optimized protein based upon our modeling design (RTA1-33/44-198) showed greater resistance to thermal denaturation, less precipitation under physiological conditions and a reduction in toxic activity of at least three orders of magnitude compared with RTA. Most importantly, RTA1-198 or RTA1-33/44-198 protected 100% of vaccinated animals against supra-lethal challenge with aerosolized ricin. We conclude that comparative protein analysis and engineering yielded a superior vaccine by exploiting a component of the toxin that is inherently more stable than is the parent RTA molecule.  相似文献   

In the tobamovirus coat protein family, amino acid residuesat some spatially close positions are found to be substitutedin a coordinated manner [Altschuh et al. (1987) J. Mol. Biol.,193,693]. Therefore, these positions show an identical patternof amino acid substitutions when amino acid sequences of thesehomologous proteins are aligned. Based on this principle, coordinatedsubstitutions have been searched for in three additional proteinfamilies: serine proteases, cysteine proteases and the haemoglobins.Coordinated changes have been found in all three protein familiesmostly within structurally constrained regions. This methodworks with a varying degree of success depending on the functionof the proteins, the range of sequence similarities and thenumber of sequences considered. By relaxing the criteria forresidue selection, the method was adapted to cover a broaderrange of protein families and to study regions of the proteinshaving weaker structural constraints. The information derivedby these methods provides a general guide for engineering ofa large variety of proteins to analyse structure–functionrelationships.  相似文献   

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