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BACKGROUND: To progress the clinical treatment of neonates, especially in the management of respiration, we have to be able to measure their pulmonary function appropriately. Various methods have been developed, but little is known about the pulmonary function of very low birthweight infants (VLBWI) because of the difficulty in taking their measurements with existing equipment. We have developed a very low dead space pneumotachograph to measure lung function in VLBWI. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used our pneumotachograph on 30 infants each weighing less than 1500 g at birth. The infants were intubated with endotracheal tubes of 2.5 or 2.0 mm diameter to measure tidal volume and minute ventilation in the prone and supine position. The tidal volume in the supine position was 6.99 +/- 0.42 mL/kg and 7.58 +/- 0.38 mL/kg in the prone position (mean +/- SE). The tidal volume was significantly larger in the prone than the supine position (P < 0.05). However, no significant difference was observed in minute ventilation and respiratory rates. CONCLUSION: The tidal volume significantly increased in the prone position in VBLWI, confirming the previous observation of larger healthy infants is also applicable to the very low birthweight infants.  相似文献   

Rescreening of Pap smears using automated devices offers the ability to re-examine Paps initially interpreted as within normal limits and to use cell-sorting technology to increase the detection of missed abnormal smears. Only recently has the development of high-resolution imaging techniques and advances in computer sciences and cell classifiers enabled investigators to achieve sensitivity and specificity levels in automated screening and quality control devices.  相似文献   

To further define the chemical structure of human endogenous digoxinlike immunoreactive factors (DLIF) we used human pleural effusions as a source of the substance. Digoxinlike immunoreactive factor activity was detected by radioimmunoassay in the pleural fluid of each of four patients; average concentration was 0.35 ng/mL. The chemical profile of DLIF was determined by initial extraction and concentration of DLIF by ion exchange chromatography followed by reverse phase-high-pressure liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) separation and purification. Using high-pressure liquid chromatography cochromatography of DLIF, together with several radioactively marked glycosides, we observed a single peak of DLIF activity that was chromatographically identical to digoxin. The present study further supports the recent finding that DLIF is related structurally to the cardiac glycosides, and for the first time it has been proven that DLIF is present in pleural fluids.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology (ABC) has proven to be a valuable tool for diagnosis of metastatic and primary melanoma. The ABC of 28 cases was studied and the findings tabulated. Melanin can be verified by Fontana-Masson stain. Additional salient features include cell isolation, anisocytosis, multinucleation, eosinophilic nucleoli, and intranuclear inclusions. Use of all of these cytomorphologic findings will result in accurate diagnosis of melanoma by ABC.  相似文献   

The authors report on their experience about urinary cytology in 1991. They studied 100 patients with cytology and histology, carried by cystoscopy and cold-mapping biopsy, trying to have notice about cytological value and proficiency.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study aimed to describe the ocular surface disorder in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD). DESIGN: A prospective case-controlled study. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 44 patients with active AD seen at Kobe University School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, during 1994 through 1996 and 22 normal control subjects were studied. INTERVENTION: The subjects underwent routine ophthalmic examinations, tear film break-up time (BUT), Schirmer test, and conjunctival impression cytology. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Patients and control subjects were compared for tear function parameters, goblet cell density, and conjunctival squamous metaplasia grade. The relation of duration and recurrences of AD to the ocular surface disorder also was looked for. RESULTS: The duration of atopic disease ranged from 18 to 32 years (mean, 22.8 years). The average for exacerbations was 4.5 times. Chronic allergic conjunctivitis with superficial punctate keratitis was the most frequent clinical presentation. The BUT and Schirmer test values were significantly lower in patients with AD compared with those of the control subjects. Impression cytology showed goblet cell loss and conjunctival squamous metaplasia, both of which related to the number of recurrences of AD rather than the duration of disease. Facial atopy and allergic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC) related to the metaplasia of the ocular surface (P < 0.001). Patients with reduced goblet cell density also showed low BUT levels (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Ocular surface disorder of AD characterized by goblet cell loss and conjunctival squamous metaplasia seemed to evolve independently of the duration of disease but worsen with increased number of flare-ups. Direct epithelial damage by the allergic reaction, disorder of tear quality, and quantity may be important in the genesis of the atopic ocular surface disease.  相似文献   

Models for the surface of cuticle cells in hair fibers consist of a monolayer of fatty acids covalently bound to the underlying protein membrane by thioester linkages. The most prominent of these fatty acids is 18-methyleicosanoic acid (C21a), the synthesis of which requires the oxidative decarboxylation of isoleucine. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is caused by an inherited deficiency in the enzyme branched chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase, which leads to the accumulation of branched chain alpha-keto-acids derived from the amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Transmission electron microscopy studies of developing hair fibers show a structural defect in the fiber shaft in hair from patients with MSUD. This defect is confined to the cuticle of the fiber, where the cuticle membrane directly apposes the intercellular material. Thus, the defect indicates that C21a is located exclusively on the upper surface of fiber cuticle cells. Lipid analysis of MSUD hairs has demonstrated significant changes in the relative abundance of the covalently bound fatty acids and an almost complete absence of C21a, whereas there was little difference in the amino acid composition compared with normal hair. These results provide further evidence for the existence of the surface lipid monolayer and its crucial role in cellular adhesion.  相似文献   

The points of this presentation are reform of the theory relating to "Dysplasia and Carcinogenesis" and the cytological methods. In 1976, Meisels and Fortin reported that dysplasia is the disease caused by Human papilloma virus (HPV), and surprisingly, intermediate cells infected by HPV possessed the ability of proliferation and mitosis, resulting in binucleation and multinucleation. In cytology, dysplasia is thought to be delivered from basal cells and abnormal cells are differentiated from lower layer to upper layer, the grade of dysplasia is judged from the level of cell-differentiation. In histology, however, differentiated cells are thought to be normal cells from the histological definition. Therefore, the histological theory cannot explain the fact that the appearance of the abnormal cells from the all layers in cytology of the mild dysplasia. This discrepancy can be understood well if we think it is caused by HPV infection. HPV (ds-DNA) can only proliferate using cellular factors. And as keratinocytes is important with relating to this proliferation, HPV affects human intermediate layer and upper layer. In HPV-infected cells, HPV-E6 protein and E7 protein can bind the products of p53 and pRB, suppressor genes, respectively. These lead to degradation of these proteins' function, acceleration of cell proliferation, and abnormality of cell-cycle time. Our fundamental theory of dyskaryosis is based on these findings. Mild dysplasia is transferred from intermediate layer to upper layer and vanish after cell maturation. Immortalization, transformation, and gene alteration are important factors for carcinogenesis. The deletion of chromosome 3p is one of the most important genetic changes during carcinogenesis. On the basis of carcinogenesis theory described above, the cytological findings of HPV-infected cells are classified into three steps.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Over a period of two years, Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) was performed on 33 patients presenting with a parotid lump. Five patients were excluded as they were treated medically after FNAC report. The FNAC results of 28 cases were compared with histopathological diagnoses of surgically resected specimens. There were 8 true positive, 17 true negative, 1 false positive and 2 false negative cases. Sensitivity was 80%, specificity 94.4% and diagnostic accuracy 89.3%. FNAC is a simple quick, accurate and virtually complications free investigative modality. It is also helpful adjunct to assess preoperatively the suitability and extent of the surgical treatment.  相似文献   

This article covers the fine needle aspiration biopsy cytomorphology of papillary carcinomas of different organs, differential diagnoses, and clinical correlation. Diagnostic problems and helpful cytologic features are emphasized. The purpose is to have a concise source of information that helps the pathologist to evaluate these neoplasms.  相似文献   

Cytologic methods for detection of early cancers of the uterine cervix, lung and various other organs are discussed. The scraping smear method using a spatula is more effective than the cotton swab or vaginal pool smear method for detection of preinvasive intraepithelial lesions, such as, carcinoma in situ and dysplasias of various degrees of the uterine cervix. The use of sputum specimens pooled for three to five days is recommended for cytologic examination in population screening of lung cancer. Good cytopreparatory techniques, suitable screening and cytodiagnostic classifications of malignancy are also described and emphasized, especially, the importance of properly fixed cytologic material for correct cytopathological diagnosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review our experience with fine needle aspiration of orbital lesions. STUDY DESIGN: Over an eight-year period, 24 orbital fine needle aspiration (FNA) samples were recorded, 22 of them adequate for interpretation. RESULTS: There were two benign tumors. There were 14 malignant tumors, 5 primary, 8 metastatic and 1 malignant and originating in the nasal cavity, invading the orbit. In two cases the original tissue diagnosis was incorrect and was revised by the fine needle aspirate. There were six nonneoplastic cases. In one case an infectious agent was identified, and another showed atypical lymphoid cells. Of the two nondiagnostic cases, one was compatible clinically with an orbital pseudotumor, and the other had no available follow-up. A specific diagnosis was achieved in 18 of 24 instances, or 75% of the cases. CONCLUSION: FNA is useful in the workup of an orbital lesion, leading to prompt diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

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