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The development of ovulation-inducing drugs has enabled clinicians to more effectively treat the hypothalamic, pituitary, and ovarian abnormalities resulting in infertility. Pregnancy rates have been improved with the use of agents such as clomiphene citrate (CC), human menopausal gonadotropin [hMG or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) preparations], with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and its analogs, stimulating the development of multiple ovarian follicles and increasing the number of fertilizable oocytes. The use of these drugs is not without certain detrimental or "toxic" consequences. The negative effects from superovulation can occur during follicle development, decreasing the number of healthy oocytes and embryos capable of leading to viable pregnancy. Ovulation induction can lead not only to higher incidences of spontaneous abortions, and multiple and ectopic pregnancies, but also to poor pregnancy rates, due, in part, to asynchrony between embryonic development and the uterine environment. Diseases such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), resulting in the secretion of supraphysiologic levels of estradiol, can lend to severe health complications, possibly requiring hospitalization. Most drugs used for ovulation induction can lead to OHSS. Although incidences of OHSS following CC use are less frequent, CC has been associated with hot flushes, multiple gestations, visual disturbances, cervical mucus abnormalities, and luteal phase deficiency. Finally, there are reports that link any or all of the ovulation-inducing drugs with a higher incidence of ovarian and breast cancer, however, a cause-effect relationship has yet to be proven.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We examined the effects of aprotinin on graft patency, prevalence of myocardial infarction, and blood loss in patients undergoing primary coronary surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. METHODS: Patients from 13 international sites were randomized to receive intraoperative aprotinin (n = 436) or placebo (n = 434). Graft angiography was obtained a mean of 10.8 days after the operation. Electrocardiograms, cardiac enzymes, and blood loss and replacement were evaluated. RESULTS: In 796 assessable patients, aprotinin reduced thoracic drainage volume by 43% (P < .0001) and requirement for red blood cell administration by 49% (P < .0001). Among 703 patients with assessable saphenous vein grafts, occlusions occurred in 15.4% of aprotinin-treated patients and 10.9% of patients receiving placebo (P = .03). After we had adjusted for risk factors associated with vein graft occlusion, the aprotinin versus placebo risk ratio decreased from 1.7 to 1.05 (90% confidence interval, 0.6 to 1.8). These factors included female gender, lack of prior aspirin therapy, small and poor distal vessel quality, and possibly use of aprotinin-treated blood as excised vein perfusate. At United States sites, patients had characteristics more favorable for graft patency, and occlusions occurred in 9.4% of the aprotinin group and 9.5% of the placebo group (P = .72). At Danish and Israeli sites, where patients had more adverse characteristics, occlusions occurred in 23.0% of aprotinin- and 12.4% of placebo-treated patients (P = .01). Aprotinin did not affect the occurrence of myocardial infarction (aprotinin: 2.9%; placebo: 3.8%) or mortality (aprotinin: 1.4%; placebo: 1.6%). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the probability of early vein graft occlusion was increased by aprotinin, but this outcome was promoted by multiple risk factors for graft occlusion.  相似文献   

The author analyses the results obtained in clinical impedancemetry for 2,799 ears: tympanometry and study of the acoustico-facial reflex. He proposes a trial of classification of the results. The author states the terminology to be used in impedancemetry according to the different probe tone frequencies of the clinical impedancemeters and the different acoustic stimulations systems in order to obtain the acoustico-facial reflex.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Patients with neural tube defects (myelomeningocele) have severe growth retardation, and treatment with recombinant human growth hormone (rHGH) for 6 months accelerates growth velocity. We examined patients treated for longer periods to determine whether accelerated growth persists, and whether patients demonstrated to be growth hormone deficient have a greater response to rHGH therapy. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated the growth rate and length standard deviation score (SDS) of 22 patients in response to treatment with 0.3 mg/kg per week of rHGH for 7 to 72 months. Nine of 22 patients were growth hormone deficient (nocturnal and provocative growth hormone responses < 7 ng/ml). Treatment success was defined as an increase of length SDS of > 0.2 SD per year. RESULTS: Fourteen patients (64%) had treatment successes, and eight had treatment failures. Length SDS improved from a pretreatment value of -2.9 (+/- 1.2) to the most recent length SDS of -1.9 (+/- 1.4) (p < 0.001). The growth rate was significantly increased through year 4 of treatment. The annualized growth rate after 6 months of rHGH treatment was significantly different for the success and failure groups (11.0 +/- 2.6 cm/yr vs 5.1 +/- 3 cm/yr, p < 0.001). The annualized 6-month growth rate during treatment was related to the probability of treatment success. CONCLUSION: Treatment with rHGH significantly improves the growth rate and length SDS of children with neural tube defects. The 6-month annualized growth velocity during treatment was predictive of long-term treatment response. The effect on adult stature is unknown.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A study was set up to validate the safety and feasibility of intravascular ultrasound-guided stenting without subsequent anticoagulation, and its impact on the 6 months restenosis rate. METHODS: The study was designed to be multicentred, prospective, and observational. RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-one patients with stable angina and a de novo coronary artery lesion were enrolled. In four patients, the implantation of a Palmaz-Schatz (with spiral bridge) stent had failed. One of these four patients died 3 days following bypass surgery. In two other patients, intravascular ultrasound assessment was not performed. One hundred and twenty-five of the remaining 155 patients (81%) were treated with aspirin (100 mg x day(-1)), because all three criteria for optimized stent expansion were met. Twenty-two of the remaining 38 patients (25%), in whom at least one criterion was not met were treated with aspirin and acenocoumarol (3 months, INR 2.5-3.5), while 16 patients only received aspirin. Stent thrombosis was documented in two patients (1.3%) for which repeat angioplasty was performed. During the hospital stay, there were no deaths or Q-wave myocardial infarctions. Five patients (3.2%) sustained a non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. During the follow-up period (198+/-38 days, complete for all patients, except one), one patient (0.6%) sustained a Q-wave myocardial infarction, one (0.6%) underwent bypass surgery, and repeat angioplasty was performed in nine patients (5.7%). In two of the nine patients, repeat angioplasty involved another lesion. Therefore, the target lesion revascularization rate during follow-up was 4.5% (seven patients). At quantitative coronary angiography, the minimal lumen diameter (mean+/-SD) increased from 1.12+/-0.34 mm before to 2.89+/-0.35 mm after stenting. Repeat angiography at 6 months was performed in 144 patients (92%). The minimal lumen diameter at follow-up was 2.12+/-0.67 mm. Restenosis (diameter stenosis of 50% or more) was documented in 12 patients or 8.3%. When the two patients with documented stent thrombosis are included, the restenosis rate amounts to 97%. CONCLUSIONS: These data confirm that, in selected patients, stents can safely be implanted without the use of systemic anticoagulation, provided optimal stent expansion is achieved. The exact role of intravascular ultrasound in the achievement of these results needs to be established by appropriately designed studies. In the meantime, intravascular ultrasound coupled with the Palmaz-Schatz stent incorporating a spiral bridge, may have contributed considerably to the immediate angiographic outcome, which in turn may explain the favourable clinical and angiographic outcome at 6 months.  相似文献   

Eight type 1 diabetic patients, ages 29-41 years, with mean diabetes duration of 23 years (range 18-29 years) received islet transplants from 1 to 5 donors. Seven patients had stable kidney allografts 1-11 years before the islet transplant, and one patient had a simultaneous islet-kidney allograft. Patients' blood glucose control was poor as reflected by the mean +/- SD HbA1c of 9.1 +/- 1.7% before transplant. Of the first three patients, two (1 and 3) achieved insulin independence for 36 and 38 days, respectively. Two recipients rejected their islet grafts within 1 month (2 and 8) and therefore were excluded from analysis. The HbA1c and insulin requirement of the six remaining patients who had persistent islet function for more than 60 days was significantly reduced from 9.3 +/- 1.9 to 6.4 +/- 1.0% (P = 0.002) and from 0.75 +/- 0.15 to 0.35 +/- 0.12 U x kg(-1) x day(-1) (P < 0.001), respectively. The two patients with the longest graft survival (4 and 6) achieved a normalization or near-normalization of their HbA1c levels during 6 years in the absence of severe episodes of hypoglycemia. As demonstrated by a decline in C-peptide response during Sustacal challenge tests over a 6-year period, there was a diminution of islet allograft function over time, despite persistence of normal or near normal HbA1c. We concluded that transplantation of allogeneic islets with an islet mass comparable with whole or segmental pancreas transplants in type 1 diabetic patients can result in long-term islet allograft function; further, we concluded that, in conjunction with small dosages of exogenous insulin, a functioning islet allograft can result in near-normalization of blood glucose levels and significant improvement in HbA1c. The occurrence of severe hypoglycemic episodes observed for patients in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial was not observed in recipients with functioning islet transplants, despite the continuous need for exogenous insulin therapy to sustain normal HbA1c over the 6-year follow-up. The significant improvement in metabolic control observed for the patients described in this study, and the potential to significantly decrease or halt the progression of diabetic complications, support the continued application of islet allotransplantation as a treatment modality for type 1 diabetic patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Evaluation of multifocal IOL (three optical zones). METHODS: Twenty patients were implanted. Main outcome measures were: uncorrected and best corrected distance and near acuity, brigthness acuity test, contrast acuity with differents methods: Pelli-Robson Chart, Gradual System, and spatial visual integration (SVI). RESULTS: Uncorrected visual acuity was restored in 94% of cases. Contrast sensitivity was preserved with the Pelli-Robson chart test but a loss of contrast sensitivity was found with the multifocal IOL with the Gradual system and the SVI in comparison with monofocal IOL. CONCLUSION: Multifocal IOL (three optical zones) allows a good restoration of both near and far visual acuity but a decrease in contrast sensitivity was detected.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a new surgical technique for the treatment of an alveolar ridge deficiency in 11 patients. Twenty-two implants were placed, 15 of which presented with a combination of supracrestal and dehiscence kinds of defects, and seven presented only supracrestal bone loss. Surgical procedures were performed utilizing a combination of the resorbable space-making material calcium carbonate stabilized with a fibrin-fibronectin sealing system and the immediate placement of titanium dental implants. After implant placement, the mean height for supracrestal and dehiscence defects measured 2.57 +/- 1.41 mm and 2.47 +/- 1.54 mm, respectively. The defects were filled with calcium carbonate and a fibrin-fibronectin sealing system, and the flaps were sutured, avoiding any compression of the treated area. Healing was uneventful in all instances. At second-stage surgery at 6 months, a hard bone-like tissue was detectable at the defect sites. Histologic examination of four defects confirmed the presence of newly formed bone and revealed residual particles of calcium carbonate. There was a mean gain of 2.05 +/- 1.47 mm in the supracrestal defects and of 2.23 +/- 1.62 mm in the dehiscences. The results indicated that calcium carbonate, combined with a fibrin-fibronectin sealing system, is a viable alternative in the treatment of supracrestal and dehiscence bony defects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to evaluate the impact of home uterine activity monitoring on pregnancy outcomes among women at high risk for preterm labor and delivery. STUDY DESIGN: Women at high risk for preterm labor at three centers were randomly assigned to receive high-risk prenatal care alone (not monitored) or to receive the same care with twice-daily home uterine activity monitoring without increased nursing support (monitored). There were 339 women with singleton gestations randomized with caregivers blinded to group assignment. The two groups were medically and demographically similar at entry into the study. RESULTS: Women in the monitored group had prolonged pregnancy survival (p = 0.02) and were less likely to experience a preterm delivery (relative risk 0.59; p = 0.04). Infants born to monitored women with singleton gestations were less likely to be of low birth weight (< 2500 gm; relative risk 0.47, p = 0.003), and were less likely to be admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (relative risk 0.5, p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: These data show, among women with singleton gestations at high risk for preterm delivery, that the use of home uterine activity monitoring alone, without additional intensive nursing care, results in improved pregnancy outcomes, including prolonged gestation, decreased risk for preterm delivery, larger-birth-weight infants, and a decreased need for neonatal intensive care.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: A randomized clinical trial. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of motorized continuous traction for low back pain. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The available studies on the efficacy of lumbar traction do not allow clear conclusions because of severe methodologic flaws. The current trial aimed to overcome these shortcomings. METHODS: Patients with at least 6 weeks of nonspecific low back pain were selected. High-dose traction was compared with sham (or low-dose) traction. Sham traction was given with a specially developed brace that becomes tighter in the back during traction. This was experienced as if real traction were exerted. The patients and the outcome assessor were unaware of treatment allocation. Outcome measures were: patient's global perceived effect, severity of main complaints, functional status, pain, range of motion, work absence, and medical treatment. Results for the outcome measures at 12 weeks and 6 months after randomization are presented. RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-one patients were randomly allocated to one of the two treatment methods. Intention-to-treat analysis of the 12-week and 6-month results showed no statistically significant differences between the groups on all outcome measures: all 95% confidence intervals included the value zero. The number of patients lost to follow-up study was very low. Other analyses showed the same results. CONCLUSIONS: Most common flaws of earlier studies on traction therapy could be overcome. This trial did not support the claim that traction is efficacious for patients with low back pain.  相似文献   

Alumina implants have been shown to possess high biocompatibility. The authors present the case of an aluminium oxide ceramic implant removed because of fracture of the abutment after a 30-month loading period. It was possible to observe microscopically that the implant was covered by highly mineralized mature compact lamellar bone; no connective tissue or inflammatory cells were present at the interface. Osteocytes were observed very close to the bone-implant interface. These features indicate the good biocompatibility of the implant.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Free radical-mediated oxidative damage to lipids is thought to be an important process in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Although previous studies have demonstrated a beneficial impact of antioxidant vitamin supplements on lipid peroxidation, the effect of dietary patterns on lipid peroxidation is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: During the 3-week run-in period of a randomized trial, 123 healthy individuals were fed a control diet, low in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, with 37% of calories from fat. Participants were then randomized to consume for 8 weeks: (1) the control diet, (2) a diet rich in fruits and vegetables but otherwise similar to the control diet, and (3) a combination diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and reduced in fat. Serum oxygen radical-absorbing capacity, malondialdehyde (an in vitro measure of lipid peroxidation), and breath ethane (an in vivo measure of lipid peroxidation) were measured at the end of run-in and intervention periods. Between run-in and intervention, mean (95% CI) change in oxygen radical-absorbing capacity (U/mL) was -35 (-93, 13) in the control diet, 26 (-15, 67) in the fruits and vegetables diet (P=0.06 compared with control), and 19 (-22, 54) in the combination diet (P=0.10 compared with control). Median (interquartile range) change in ethane was 0.84 (0.10, 1.59) in the control diet, 0.02 (-0.61, 0.83) in the fruits and vegetables diet (P=0.04 compared with control), and -1.00 (-1.97, 0.25) in the combination diet (P=0.005 compared with control). Change in malondialdehyde did not differ between diets. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that modification of diet can favorably affect serum antioxidant capacity and protect against lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The introduction of techniques with on-line (OL) production of replacement fluid by filtration of dialysis fluid raises concerns about exposure of dialysis patients to pyrogenic substances. This work was undertaken to evaluate safety and feasibility of OL preparation of replacement fluid for haemodiafiltration (HDF). METHODS: OL HDF was carried out with commercially available monitors without any adjustment in the operational organization of our Centre. Bicarbonate dialysis fluid was filtered twice before being reinjected into the patients. The effects of acute load of OL fluid were assessed by very sensitive in vitro and in vivo tests; the chronic effects were assessed by monitoring the patients for the appearance of any untoward clinical manifestations and by measuring their cytokine response. RESULTS: In a pilot study the membrane filter culture technique of replacement fluid yielded no bacteria or mycetes growth, while LAL test was < 0.01 EU/ml. The normal human monocyte production of TNF alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-1Ra was not significantly different when cells were incubated with OL or commercial replacement fluid. The patients' body temperature profile (continuous recording during treatments and the following 24 h) overlapped with that of the control procedure. Over 6 years we performed 4284 OL treatments (total amount reinjected fluid 102,900 litres) on 13 patients treated for 26 +/- 9 months. In none of these treatments did we observe pyrogenic reactions. In comparison with the previous period on standard bicarbonate haemodialysis, OL HDF afforded significantly better cardiovascular tolerance to fluid removal and higher Kt/V values. The nutritional status did not deteriorate, while the acute-phase reactants and serum beta 2M levels did not increase. Moreover, no translucent cysts or destructive arthropathy were observed on bone X-rays. The patients' plasma cytokine levels and monocytes cytokines production, measured either before or after a single OL HDF, were comparable with the values obtained in controls treated with standard HDF. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that OL-prepared replacement fluid is as safe as that of the commercial bags with regard to sterility and non-pyrogenicity. OL HDF can be readily implemented in any dialysis centre without bringing any further burden on the staff.  相似文献   

132 consecutive patients were reexamined 1-6.5 years (m = 2.8) after total fasting in hospital. 37 patients had continued to lose weight, 20 patients had maintained their fasting result (+/-2 kg) and 7 patients had slightly regained (less than 1/3 of their weight loss during fast). These 3 groups, totalling 64 patients (48%), were considered successful. Their mean overweight was diminished from 57 to 29%, corresponding to a 60% reduction of mortality in certain age groups. On the other hand, 63 patients (48%) had regained more than 1/3 of their original weight loss. Five patients (4%) were lost to follow-up. Selection of patients and long-term follow-up appeared to have a decisive bearing on long-term results of fasting, whereas factors such as age, sex, degree of overweight, onset of overweight in childhood and sports were without significant effect. From the long-term results presented, it is concluded that under certain conditions fasting in hospital is warranted. Behaviour therapy is a possible alternative in the treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

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