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为预防实际实仓储藏时因季节交替引起粮堆结露而造成储粮损失。试验通过模拟仓内对偏高水分玉米(14.8%±0.5%)在温差40℃(冷热源为0℃, 40℃)和高水分玉米(15.5%±0.5%)在温差25℃(冷热源为5℃, 30℃)两种方式下进行密闭储藏,实时监测粮堆水分迁移情况及温度变化规律,确定玉米结露时的时间和位置。结果表明:偏高水分玉米在40℃温差下在48 h内冷壁面附近粮食的上层发生结露,露点温度为6.3℃;高水分玉米在25℃温差下在第5天冷壁面附近粮食的上层发生结露,露点温度为4.6℃。  相似文献   

以初始温度为26℃,边长为1 m并设有冷、热壁面的方形玉米粮堆仓为研究对象,利用数值模拟软件COMSOL,对仓内粮堆温度场进行数值模拟分析,并基于验证的模型研究粮堆内外存在温差时,其内部温度随时间的变化规律。结果表明:靠近冷、热壁面的粮堆温度变化较快;仓内粮堆温度在冷热壁面间形成梯度,出现分层现象;不同初始粮温条件下,壁面与粮堆温差影响仓内粮堆温度分布,储藏96 h后,初始粮温为22℃的粮堆温度变化幅度最大,为24.9℃;粮堆与壁面温差较大的条件下,热量传递较快,仓内粮堆温度逐渐趋于稳定;初始粮温一致,不同种类粮食条件下,在储藏192 h后,大豆、小麦、玉米、稻谷和油菜籽仓内粮堆最终温升分别为2.21、2.18、2.17、2.64和2.40℃;密度和孔隙率差异共同影响仓内粮堆温度的分布,孔隙率较大的玉米粮堆,温度更加均匀。  相似文献   

目的 研究地下粮食筒仓中,高水分玉米粮堆在谷冷通风后温湿度变化。方法 采用TOPRIE-TP700 多路数据记录仪和 TOPRIE-TP2305 温湿度传感器对谷冷通风后,试验仓内高水分玉米粮堆的温湿度进行监测;同时利用数值模拟软件COMSOL,对相同尺寸的模型仓进行了同工况下数值模拟分析。结果 试验仓内上层粮堆易受到外部环境变化的影响,谷冷通风后的静态储藏期间,第四层粮温由初始的6.8 ℃降至3.5 ℃,下降3.3 ℃;第三层粮堆先由初始6.5 ℃升至8.1 ℃后,又下降至6.2 ℃;第一层和第二层粮温表现出一致的变化性,由初始的3.6 ℃和4.8 ℃最终升至8.7 ℃和9.6 ℃,温升分别为5.1 ℃和4.8 ℃;第一层和第二层相对湿度由初始88.5%和88.3%经小幅上升至89.8%和89.3%之后,最终相对湿度稳定在89.6%附近;第三层和第四层相对湿度从初始90.5%和91.7%上升至93.9%和95%后,最终降低至93.7%和92.7%。靠近仓壁处粮堆温度增幅较大,最大增幅为11 ℃;第四层近壁处出现结露现象。结论 高水分粮在短时间谷冷通风后,依然具有较大的结露风险。  相似文献   

春粮结露是影响粮食安全储藏的主要因素之一。综述了引起粮食结露的原因是仓内外粮堆温差及粮堆温度外热内冷。通过采用勤翻动粮面和对过冬储藏的粮堆进行通风调节两种方法来消除温差,方法简便可行,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

为了探讨稻谷在储藏期间的品质变化规律并建立品质变化的预测模型,本文在多场耦合理论的基础上,利用自主设计的温湿度控制的模拟仓储存稻谷120 d,研究其不同储藏时间的水分含量、脂肪酸值以及过氧化氢酶活动度等品质指标的变化,根据模拟仓内温湿度耦合的规律与稻谷储藏品质的相关指标变化之间的关系,建立了稻谷储藏品质变化预测模型。结果表明:在稻谷储藏期间,温湿度均出现了耦合的现象,在粮堆中形成了温湿气的强弱耦合区域,在储藏第60d时,模拟仓内均出现了上层粮堆呈现一个“U”型高温高湿聚合区。60d后停止对冷热壁的制冷和加热温湿度的场强效应减弱,粮堆内没有无强弱耦合区的出现。温度和湿度的耦合作用对稻谷的水分含量的影响显著。稻谷储藏120 d时高温湿耦合区域稻谷的脂肪酸值达到接近重度不宜存的状态。而低温湿耦合区域和中间区域稻谷的脂肪酸值差异不显著。温湿度是影响稻谷过氧化氢酶活动度的主要因素,温湿度过高导致其活力下降。在温湿度耦合效应下稻谷脂肪酸值(Y1)和过氧化氢酶活动度(Y2)与温湿度和稻谷水分相关关系的模型分别为:Y1= -6.758 + 0.320X1- 0.081X2- 0.026X3 + 0.020X4 + 1.501X5,Y2 = 119.952-0.901X1 + 0.313X2 + 0.061 X3 - 0.044X4 - 4.088X5(X1:粮堆温度;X2:粮堆湿度;X3:粮堆深度;X4:储藏时间;X5:水分含量)。研究结果对于丰富多场耦合理论,指导智能化粮食储藏具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

为了解决自然冷源蓄冷热管储粮中管壁周围粮层结露的问题,研究提出了在热管组结构中添加电磁阀,通过热管周围粮堆孔隙空气的露点温差来控制电磁阀的开启,进而控制热管中制冷剂的运行,避免结露;设计制作了微型粮仓温湿度测定装置,研究了粮堆孔隙空气相对湿度和露点温差随温度的变化,揭示了电磁阀温控与结露的关系。结果表明:在5~20℃储粮温度范围内,粮食籽粒含水量越高,粮堆孔隙空气的露点温度越高,露点温差越小;自然冷源低温热管储粮仓(小麦仓)热管组结构中电磁阀温控设定计算公式为:y=-0.214 9x3+7.439 x2-86.384 x+343.43(其中y为电磁阀温控设定值;x为小麦籽粒含水率)。为热管技术在粮库中的应用提供依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

为了解浅圆仓玉米储藏全年的粮堆温度变化规律,采用实仓调查的方法分析了广东地区一浅圆仓玉米入仓后第一年粮温在垂直方向和水平剖面上的变化,并通过温差和露点评估了粮堆表层的结露风险。结果表明:在垂直方向上,粮面下5 m范围内粮食受夏秋季太阳热辐射影响,温度超过20℃的时间在2个月以上,空调控温工艺能将仓温和表层粮温有效降低至25℃及以下,但在秋季空调关闭后,粮面下9 m范围的粮温有不同程度反弹升高;在水平剖面上,内外圈温差明显,温差大小受粮层深度和季节影响,同时受仓体周围遮挡物影响,阳光直射多的方向粮温高于其他方向;粮堆表层内圈范围在空调控温前结露风险较高。  相似文献   

温差和露点是储粮结露的两个重要因素,根据成品粮大米接卸期间的大气温湿度、仓内温湿度、粮食温度条件以及大米的水分等情况,梳理成品粮大米结露的原因,利用粮堆露点近似值检查表、粮食绝对湿度曲线图和大气绝对湿度曲线图等相关图表,总结出预测粮堆结露的主要方法,并提供可行有效的处理措施,对安全储存成品粮具有积极意义。  相似文献   

在模拟仓内对偏高水分玉米(14.8%±0.5%)在温差40℃(冷热源为0、40℃)和高水分玉米(15.5%±0.5%)在温差25℃(冷热源为5、30℃)2种方式下进行密闭储藏,研究了玉米储藏结露过程中的品质变化。结果表明,偏高水分玉米和高水分玉米在储藏第2天和第5天分别发生结露现象,继续储藏3 d和8 d监测玉米品质变化,发现结露会导致玉米品质发生明显劣变,结露引起的水分上升是导致品质变化的根本原因,结露过程中水分上升幅度超过5%,发芽率下降超过40%,带菌量上升为初始的4倍,脂肪酸值变化较小,这是由于脂肪分解成游离脂肪酸需要一定的时间,时间相对于水分对脂肪酸值影响更大。  相似文献   

针对北方地区夏季稻谷储藏期间存在仓温高、上层粮温上升快易发热、品质陈化速度快等突出问题,在平房仓内采用空调进行控温储粮工艺研究,分析粮堆上层稻谷的温度、水分以及品质指标变化规律。结果表明:随着储藏时间的延长,实验仓和对照仓粮堆上层稻谷的水分、发芽率、品尝评分值均逐渐降低,与储藏时间呈线性负相关关系。脂肪酸值逐渐增高,与储藏时间呈线性正相关关系,直链淀粉与储藏时间呈现先上升后下降的趋势。整个储藏期内,实验仓的粮堆上层稻谷各品质指标的变化幅度均明显小于对照仓,储藏至第19个月时,实验仓稻谷品质好于对照仓。实仓应用后,上层粮温始终保持在20℃以下,无储粮害虫发生,且减少了储粮水分损失,并有效延缓了夏季粮食劣变速度,实现了稻谷准低温绿色安全储藏,具有明显的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Since grapevine ( Vitis spp .) rootstock material is being traded increasingly as disbudded woody material a lack of distinctive morphological features on such material necessitates an alternative and reliable means of identification. Methods described here were developed for rapid and efficient extraction of DNA from woody samples rich in phenolic compounds and polysaccharides, and for subsequent identification of varieties by RAPD PCR. Using these methods, and with the application of only one selected RAPD primer, we were able to differentiate sixteen rootstock varieties, including the seven varieties most commonly used in Germany. Problems commonly encountered with reproducibility of RAPD patterns were avoided by choosing primers with a dinucleotide sequence and a high G/C content that allowed a rather high annealing temperature of 45°C. Methods described here should also be useful for other horticultural crops, especially those with woody tissues rich in phenolic compounds and polysaccharides.  相似文献   

An internet website (http://cpf.jrc.it/smt/) has been produced as a means of dissemination of methods of analysis and supporting spectroscopic information on monomers and additives used for food contact materials (principally packaging). The site which is aimed primarily at assisting food control laboratories in the European Union contains analytical information on monomers, starting substances and additives used in the manufacture of plastics materials. A searchable index is provided giving PM and CAS numbers for each of 255 substances. For each substance a data sheet gives regulatory information, chemical structures, physico-chemical information and background information on the use of the substance in particular plastics, and the food packaging applications. For monomers and starting substances (155 compounds) the infra-red and mass spectra are provided, and for additives (100 compounds); additionally proton NMR are available for about 50% of the entries. Where analytical methods have been developed for determining these substances as residual amounts in plastics or as trace amounts in food simulants these methods are also on the website. All information is provided in portable document file (PDF) format which means that high quality copies can be readily printed, using freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader software. The website will in future be maintained and up-dated by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) as new substances are authorized for use by the European Commission (DG-ENTR formerly DGIII). Where analytical laboratories (food control or other) require reference substances these can be obtained free-ofcharge from a reference collection housed at the JRC and maintained in conjunction with this website compendium.  相似文献   

A 9% whey protein (WP) isolate solution at pH 7.0 was heat-denatured at 80°C for 30 min. Size-exclusion HPLC showed that native WP formed soluble aggregates after heat-treatment. Additions of CaCl2 (10–40 mM), NaCl (50–400 mM) or glucono-delta-lactone (GDL, 0.4–2.0%, w/v) or hydrolysis by a protease from Bacillus licheniformis caused gelation of the denatured solution at 45°C. Textural parameters, hardness, adhesiveness, and cohesiveness of the gels so formed changed markedly with concentration of added salts or pH by added GDL. Maximum gel hardness occurred at 200 mM NaCl or pH 4.7. Increasing CaCl2 concentration continuously increased gel hardness. Generally, GDL-induced gels were harder than salt-induced gels, and much harder than the protease-induced gel.  相似文献   

The characterization of the aromatic profile of several apricot cultivars with molecular tracers in order to obtain objective data concerning the aromatic quality of this fruit was undertaken using headspace–solid phase microextraction (HS–SPME). Six apricot cultivars were selected according to their organoleptic characteristics: Iranien, Orangered, Goldrich, Hargrand, Rouge du Roussillon and A4025. The aromatic intensity of these varieties measured by HS–SPME–Olfactometry were defined and classified according to the presence and the intensity of grassy, fruity and apricot like notes. In the six varieties, 23 common volatile compounds were identified by HS–SPME–GC–MS. Finally, 10 compounds, ethyl acetate, hexyl acetate, limonene, β-cyclocitral, γ-decalactone, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, linalool, β-ionone, menthone and (E)-hexen-2-al were recognized by HS–SPME–GC–O as responsible of the aromatic notes involved in apricot aroma and considered as molecular tracers of apricot aromatic quality which could be utilized to discriminate apricot varieties.  相似文献   

The advent of the functional barrier concept in food packaging has brought with it a requirement for fast tests of permeation through potential barrier materials. In such tests it would be convenient for both foodstuffs and materials below the functional barrier (sub-barrier materials) to be represented by standard simulants. By means of inverse gas chromatography, liquid paraffin spiked with appropriate permeants was considered as a potential simulant of sub-barrier materials based on polypropylene (PP) or similar polyolefins. Experiments were performed to characterize the kinetics of the permeation of low molecular weight model permeants (octene, toluene and isopropanol) from liquid paraffin, through a surrogate potential functional barrier (25 μm-thick oriented PP) into the food simulants olive oil and 3% (w/v) acetic acid. These permeation results were interpreted in terms of three permeation kinetic models regarding the solubility of a particular model permeant in the post-barrier medium (i.e. the food simulant). The results obtained justify the development and evaluation of liquid sub-barrier simulants that would allow flexible yet rigorous testing of new laminated multilayer packaging materials.  相似文献   

The levels of bisphenol-F-diglycidyl ether (BFDGE) were quantified as part of a European survey on the migration of residues of epoxy resins into oil from canned fish. The contents of BFDGE in cans, lids and fish collected from all 15 Member States of the European Union and Switzerland were analysed in 382 samples. Cans and lids were separately extracted with acetonitrile. The extraction from fish was carried out with hexane followed by re-extraction with acetonitrile. The analysis was performed by reverse phase HPL C with fluorescence detection. BFDGE could be detected in 12% of the fish, 24% of the cans and 18% of the lids. Only 3% of the fish contained BFDGE in concentrations considerably above 1mg/kg. In addition to the presented data, a comparison was made with the levels of BADGE (bisphenol-A-diglycidyl ether)analysed in the same products in the context of a previous study.  相似文献   

The European Commission's, Quality of Life Research Programme, Key Action 1—Health, Food & Nutrition is mission-oriented and aims, amongst other things, at providing a healthy, safe and high-quality food supply leading to reinforced consumer confidence in the safety of European food. Its objectives also include the enhancing of the competitiveness of the European food supply. Key Action 1 is currently supporting a number of different types of European collaborative projects in the area of risk analysis. The objectives of these projects range from the development and validation of prevention strategies including the reduction of consumers risks; development and validation of new modelling approaches; harmonization of risk assessment principles, methodologies, and terminology; standardization of methods and systems used for the safety evaluation of transgenic food; providing of tools for the evaluation of human viral contamination of shellfish and quality control; new methodologies for assessing the potential of unintended effects of genetically modified (genetically modified) foods; development of a risk assessment model for Cryptosporidium parvum related to the food and water industries; to the development of a communication platform for genetically modified organism, producers, retailers, regulatory authorities and consumer groups to improve safety assessment procedures, risk management strategies and risk communication; development and validation of new methods for safety testing of transgenic food; evaluation of the safety and efficacy of iron supplementation in pregnant women; evaluation of the potential cancer-preventing activity of pro- and pre-biotic ('synbiotic') combinations in human volunteers. An overview of these projects is presented here.  相似文献   

为研究低温带皮菜籽粕微粉的不同粒级部分的功能特性,以经低温脱脂的带皮菜籽粕为原料,经微粉碎后筛分成212~425μm、150~212μm和106~150μm的3个不同粒级的微粉样品,检测这些样品的吸水性、吸油性、乳化性和乳化稳定性、蛋白质体外消化率。结果表明:1 3个不同粒级的微粉样品之间的粗纤维含量存在显著差异,表明三者的结构组成成分有一定差异。23个微粉样品的乳化活性和乳化稳定性随粒度级别的减小而显著增加(P0.01)。33个微粉样品的蛋白质体外消化率随粒度级别的减小而显著增加(P0.01)。4不同粒级带皮菜籽粕微粉样品的吸水性与吸油性受其结构组成物质不同和粒度的双重影响,与粒度的相关性不明显。  相似文献   

Microbiology of food taints   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fresh and processed foods are often spoilt by the presence of undesirable flavours and odours caused by microbial action. The aim of this paper is to review the current knowledge of microbiologically induced taints that occur in a wide range of foodstuffs, including meats, poultry, fish, crustaceans, milk, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals and cereal products. Examples have been chosen where the compounds responsible for the taint have been identified and sufficient data obtained to demonstrate the involvement of microorganisms. However, in some cases the full identity of the causative organism may not have been elucidated. The types of microorganisms covered by this review include bacteria, fungi, yeasts, actinomycetes and cyanobacteria. Although cyanobacteria do not in general infect foods, their presence in aqueous systems and water supplies can lead to off-flavours in aquatic organisms and processed foodstuffs. Several examples of each of these processes are discussed. Wherever possible, the likely biosynthetic pathway used by the microorganism to produce the offending compound in a foodstuff is indicated.  相似文献   

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