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Direct synthesis of aromatics from carbon dioxide hydrogenation was investigated in a single stage reactor using hybrid catalysts composed of iron catalysts and HZSM-5 zeolite. Carbon dioxide was first converted to CO by the reverse water gas shift reaction, followed by the hydrogenation of CO to hydrocarbons on iron catalyst, and finally the hydrocarbons were converted to aromatics in HZSM-5. Under the operating conditions of 350°C, 2100 kPa, and CO2/H5 = 1/2, the maximum aromatic selectivity obtained was 22% with a CO2 conversion of 38% using fused iron catalyst combined with the zeolite. Together with the kinetic studies, thermodynamic analysis of the CO2 hydrogenation was also conducted. It was found that unlike Fischer Tropsch synthesis, the formation of hydrocarbons from CO2 may not be thermodynamically favored at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The role of two catalysts Pt/Al2O3 and Ru/NaY on the oxidation of carbon by NO2 was investigated in the temperature range 300–400 °C. In the case of Pt/Al2O3 no significant catalytic effect on the carbon oxidation rate is observed although decomposition of NO2 takes place on the noble metal and leads to the formation of NO. This result suggests that the amount of the oxygen atoms transferred from the metallic surface sites to the carbon surface to form C(O) complex is negligible. In contrast, in presence of Ru/NaY the oxidation rate of carbon by NO2 is markedly increased. Hence, a significant part of the formed O through catalytic decomposition of NO2 on Ru surface sites is transferred to the carbon surface leading to a larger amount of C(O) complexes on the carbon surface. Thus, the ruthenium surface is a generator of active oxygen species that are spilled over on the carbon surface at 350 °C.  相似文献   

The effects of potassium on the catalytic behavior in CO hydrogenation over K-promoted Fe/carbon catalysts having low K/Fe ratios were investigated. Even though the doses of potassium were low the promotional effects were pronounced, especially on the olefin-to-paraffin ratio, and theC 3 toC 4 olefin selectivities of the K-promoted catalysts were as high as 51 to 66 mol%. Over the catalysts having no or low potassium content the olefin-to-paraffin ratio and the ratio of the CO2 formation rate to the rate of CO conversion to hydrocarbons remained roughly the same regardless of temperature, while over the K-promoted catalysts having higher potassium content they increased with temperature. Formation of significant amounts of filamentous carbon was observed in the K-promoted catalysts; however, the carbon deposition did not appear to affect the inherent activity and selectivity of the K-promoted catalysts.  相似文献   

通过CO脉冲化学吸附以及对吸附态CO和co+H_2反应进行程序升温表面反应(TPSR),发现1%Ru/siO_2和1%Ru/AL_2O_3催化剂的CO吸附量随焙烧温度的升高而降低。且根据513K和室温吸附co的TPSR不同,认为存在两类不同活性中心。Ⅰ类中心:金属钌与载体的相互作用弱,易吸附CO;Ⅱ类中心:金属与载体的相互作用强,较难吸附CO。随焙烧温度升高,金属与载体作用增强,Ⅱ类中心增多。在微型流动反应器上CO中压加氢发现经673K焙烧的样品的活性及长链烃的生成量和烯/烷比均大于120℃烘干的样品,因此认为,Ⅰ类中心为加氢中心,Ⅱ类中心为链增长中心。  相似文献   

The effect of Pd on a Cu/ZnO/A12O3 catalyst for methanol synthesis from CO2/H2 has been investigated. Activities of impregnated catalysts and physical mixtures were studied in an internal recycle reactor under 5 MPa, 250°C and a range of conversions. In all cases, the promotion of methanol production was greater at higher flow rates (lower conversions). The promotion achieved by use of Pd/A12O3+ Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 physical mixtures was found to increase with Pd content. Greater promotion was observed over the Pd impregnated Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts, although this was insensitive to the particular Pd loadings used. The results are consistent with the proposal that hydrogen spillover is responsible for the observed promotion. The effectiveness of Pd as a promoter for the reduction of CuO in the catalysts was studied by TPR and was found to be related to the level of promotion in methanol production.  相似文献   

Hydrogenation of dimethyl succinate over monolithic copper and nickel catalysts was studied using a semibatch reactor in which liquid was circulated, while hydrogen was continuously passed through the mixture. Flow rates of both phases were adjusted, so the system operated in the Taylor flow regime. The process was investigated at 150–240°C and 3–7 MPa. A nickel catalyst was active, but was insufficiently selective. Higher loaded copper catalysts were active and selective with respect to γ-butyrolactone at relatively low conversions. Catalyst activity (initial rates) was similar to that for the liquid phase hydrogenation of maleic anhydride over conventional catalysts previously reported. The catalysts deactivated, but unlike the nickel catalyst, activity of copper catalyst was easily restored by high temperature treatment in hydrogen.  相似文献   

The hydrogenation of CO2 was studied over composite catalysts obtained by mixing Cu-based methanol synthesis catalyst and HY zeolite. A mechanism associating methanol synthesis and MTG (methanol to gasoline) reaction allowed the formation of C1-C4 hydrocarbons. It was found that the catalytic behaviors of the composite catalysts were favorably influenced by the characteristics of the methanol synthesis catalysts. The Cu-La2Zr2O7 catalyst we recently developed associated with HY zeolite exhibited interesting performances in hydrocarbon synthesis. The addition of ZrO2 to Cu---La2Zr2O7/HY enhanced the ability to produce hydrocarbons. Comparing composite catalyst systems prepared with different Cu-based methanol synthesis catalysts, the effect of Na contamination on methanol and hydrocarbon formation over composite catalysts were also discussed.  相似文献   

Xin Zhang  Hui Shi  Bo-Qing Xu   《Catalysis Today》2007,122(3-4):330-337
This work investigates the effects of Au3+/Au0 ratio or distribution of gold oxidation states in Au/ZrO2 catalysts of different gold loadings (0.01–0.76% Au) on CO oxidation and 1,3-butadiene hydrogenation by regulating the temperature of catalyst calcination (393–673 K) and pre-reduction with hydrogen (473–523 K). The catalysts were prepared by deposition–precipitation and were characterized with elemental analysis, nitrogen adsorption/desorption, TEM, XPS and TPR. The catalytic data showed that the exposed metallic Au0 atoms at the surface of Au particles were not the only catalytic sites for the two reactions, isolated Au3+ ions at the surface of ZrO2, such as those in the catalysts containing no more than 0.08% Au were more active by TOF. For 0.76% Au/ZrO2 catalysts having coexisting Au3+ and Au0, the catalytic activity changed differently with varying the Au3+/Au0 ratio in the two reactions. The highest activity for the CO oxidation reaction was observed over the catalyst of Au3+/Au0 = 0.33. However, catalyst with a higher Au3+/Au0 ratio showed always a higher activity for the hydrogenation reaction; co-existance of Au0 with Au3+ ions lowered the catalyst activity. Moreover, the coexisting Au particles changed the product selectivity of 1,3-butadiene hydrogenation to favor the formation of more trans-2-butene and butane. It is thus suggested that for better control of the catalytic performance of Au catalyst the effect of Au3+/Au0 ratio on catalytic reactions should be investigated in combination with the particle size effect of Au.  相似文献   

Development and evaluation of novel catalysts capable of activating CO2 especially in CO2 hydrogenation have been investigated. Several catalysts have been prepared, and characterized by CO2 TPD. Their performance has been evaluated at 300 °C and 10 bar. All catalysts were active in CO2 hydrogenation reaction with conversions of approximately 15–30% at 24 h time on stream. Potassium was found to enhance chain growth and to decrease the formation of methane. Ru promoter did not provide any benefit in activity or selectivity. Zr-promoted catalyst materials exhibited enhanced CO2 adsorption and improved hydrocarbon yields.  相似文献   

TiO_2 modified Al_2O_3 binary oxide was prepared by a wet-impregnation method and used as the support for ruthenium catalyst. The catalytic performance of Ru/TiO_2–Al_2O_3catalyst in CO_2 methanation reaction was investigated. Compared with Ru/Al_2O_3 catalyst, the Ru/TiO_2–Al_2O_3catalytic system exhibited a much higher activity in CO_2 methanation reaction. The reaction rate over Ru/TiO_2–Al_2O_3 was 0.59 mol CO_2·(g Ru)1·h-1, 3.1 times higher than that on Ru/Al_2O_3[0.19 mol CO_2·(gRu)-1·h-1]. The effect of TiO_2 content and TiO_2–Al_2O_3calcination temperature on catalytic performance was addressed. The corresponding structures of each catalyst were characterized by means of H_2-TPR, XRD, and TEM. Results indicated that the averaged particle size of the Ru on TiO_2–Al_2O_3support is 2.8 nm, smaller than that on Al_2O_3 support of 4.3 nm. Therefore, we conclude that the improved activity over Ru/TiO_2–Al_2O_3catalyst is originated from the smaller particle size of ruthenium resulting from a strong interaction between Ru and the rutile-TiO_2 support, which hindered the aggregation of Ru nanoparticles.  相似文献   

The hydrogenation of C, CO, and CO2 has been studied on polycrystalline cobalt foils using a combination of UHV studies and atmospheric pressure reactions in temperature range from 475 to 575 K at 101 kPa total pressure. The reactions produce mainly methane but with selectivities of 98, 80, and 99 wt% at 525 K for C, CO, and CO2, respectively. In the C and CO2 hydrogenation the rest is ethane, whereas in CO hydrogenation hydrocarbons up to C4 were detected. The activation energies of methane formation are 57, 86, and 158 kJ/mol from C, CO, and CO2, respectively. The partial pressure dependencies of the CO and CO2 hydrogenation indicate roughly first order dependence on hydrogen pressure (1.5 and 0.9), negative first order on CO (–0.75) and zero order on CO2 (–0.05). Post reaction spectroscopy revealed carbon deposition from CO and oxygen deposition from CO2 on the surface above 540 K. The reduction of cobalt oxide formed after dissociation of C-O bonds on the surface is proposed to be the rate limiting step in CO and CO2 hydrogenation.  相似文献   

CO2加氢合成甲醇催化剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着大气中CO2浓度的增加,温室效应导致的全球变暖问题日益严重。CO2加氢合成甲醇是CO2循环利用的有效途径,在环保、能源等领域具有重要意义,其中高效催化剂的研制是实现该过程工业化的关键。本文从催化剂组成、制备方法及反应机理等方面对CO2加氢催化剂的研究进展进行了评述。分析了催化剂中活性中心的状态,归纳了载体和助剂的作用,比较了制备方法的优劣,并对催化反应机理进行了讨论。针对当前存在的问题,指出反应机理的深入探讨和催化剂制备方法的革新是今后的研究重点和主要方向。  相似文献   

To remove high concentrations of CO2 from the off‐gas of coal‐driven power plants, a new process was proposed. The catalytic hydrogenation of the CO2 leads to the production of C2 – C4 (petrochemical feedstock) and liquid C5+ hydrocarbons (fuel). Thus, environmentally harmful CO2 may be converted sustainably to useful products. On the basis of a process flow sheet, the costs for processing the CO2 are estimated for different plant sizes. The price of hydrogen contributes significantly to the overall production costs. Further price reductions may be achieved by final engineering optimization of the process as a whole and specific unit operations.  相似文献   

T. Inui 《Catalysis Today》1996,29(1-4):329-337
The highly effective catalytic conversion of CO2 into valuable compounds was investigated by multi-functional catalysts composed of base-metal oxides as the main components promoted by a low concentration of precious metals and gallium oxide. The desired reduced state of catalyst metal oxides for exhibiting the optimum catalytic performance could be controlled by both the hydrogen spillover on the precious metal parts and the inverse-spillover from the Ga parts. By applying those principal concepts in the catalyst structure-design, the rapid CO2 reforming of methane, the rapid CO2 methanation, the effective synthesis of methanol and/or ethanol from CO2 and H2, and selective syntheses of high quality gasoline and/or light olefins by means of one-pass conversion of CO2-H2 mixture via methanol as the intermediate product, were respectively realized. Those novel catalytic reactions would have a high potential to moderate the accumulation of CO2 come from fossil fuel combustion, while compensating the cost of hydrogen as the reducing reagent.  相似文献   

丁辛醇加氢催化技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱燕 《上海化工》2008,33(1):25-30
介绍了丁辛醇工业流程中加氢部分的工艺及国外催化剂研制情况,同时对加氢催化剂的国产化进程作了重点介绍,认为丙烯氢甲酰化研究与开发项目中加氢部分的催化剂的选择完全可以立足国内.  相似文献   

The electrochemical hydrogenation of soybean oil with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC‐CO2) has been studied to seek ways for substantial reduction of the trans fatty acids (TFA). The solubility of CO2 in electrolytes and the conductivity of electrolytes were investigated using a self‐made electrochemical hydrogenation reactor. The optimum hydrogenation parameters were assessed. Both the solubility of CO2 in electrolytes and the conductivity of electrolytes increased with increasing CO2 pressure. When the pressure reached a critical point of CO2, the solubility of CO2 expressed as a mole fraction was 0.42 in cathode electrolyte and 0.1 in anode electrolyte. At 8 MPa, the conductivity of electrolytes was 1.5 times higher than that at 2 MPa. When the pressure was higher than the critical point of CO2, the solubility of CO2 in electrolytes and the conductivity of electrolytes reached a stable value. The optimum condition for electrochemical hydrogenation of soybean oil in SC‐CO2 were reaction pressure (8 MPa), reaction temperature (48 °C), current (125 mA), agitation speed (300 rpm), and reaction time (8 h). Fatty acid profile, iodine value, and TFA content were evaluated at the optimum parameters. This investigation showed that the electrochemical hydrogenation of soybean oil in SC‐CO2 was improved. The reaction time was shortened by 4 h, and TFA content was reduced by 35.8% compared to traditional hydrogenation process.  相似文献   

Selective methanation of CO over supported Ru catalysts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The catalytic performance of supported ruthenium catalysts for the selective methanation of CO in the presence of excess CO2 has been investigated with respect to the loading (0.5–5.0 wt.%) and mean crystallite size (1.3–13.6 nm) of the metallic phase as well as with respect to the nature of the support (Al2O3, TiO2, YSZ, CeO2 and SiO2). Experiments were conducted in the temperature range of 170–470 °C using a feed composition consisting of 1%CO, 50% H2 15% CO2 and 0–30% H2O (balance He). It has been found that, for all catalysts investigated, conversion of CO2 is completely suppressed until conversion of CO reaches its maximum value. Selectivity toward methane, which is typically higher than 70%, increases with increasing temperature and becomes 100% when the CO2 methanation reaction is initiated. Increasing metal loading results in a significant shift of the CO conversion curve toward lower temperatures, where the undesired reverse water–gas shift reaction becomes less significant. Results of kinetic measurements show that CO/CO2 hydrogenation reactions over Ru catalysts are structure sensitive, i.e., the reaction rate per surface metal atom (turnover frequency, TOF) depends on metal crystallite size. In particular, for Ru/TiO2 catalysts, TOFs of both CO (at 215 °C) and CO2 (at 330 °C) increase by a factor of 40 and 25, respectively, with increasing mean crystallite size of Ru from 2.1 to 4.5 nm, which is accompanied by an increase of selectivity to methane. Qualitatively similar results were obtained from Ru catalysts supported on Al2O3. Experiments conducted with the use of Ru catalyst of the same metal loading (5 wt.%) and comparable crystallite size show that the nature of the metal oxide support affects significantly catalytic performance. In particular, the turnover frequency of CO is 1–2 orders of magnitude higher when Ru is supported on TiO2, compared to YSZ or SiO2, whereas CeO2- and Al2O3-supported catalysts exhibit intermediate performance. Optimal results were obtained over the 5%Ru/TiO2 catalyst, which is able to completely and selectively convert CO at temperatures around 230 °C. Addition of water vapor in the feed does not affect CO hydrogenation but shifts the CO2 conversion curve toward higher temperatures, thereby further improving the performance of this catalyst for the title reaction. In addition, long-term stability tests conducted under realistic reaction conditions show that the 5%Ru/TiO2 catalyst is very stable and, therefore, is a promising candidate for use in the selective methanation of CO for fuel cell applications.  相似文献   

The addition of MgO to a ruthenium catalyst dispersed on an inert activated carbon is found to improve the catalyst selectivity and stability in the dry reforming of methane to syngas. Steady-state and isotopic transient kinetic experiments carried out in a TAP reactor have revealed a cooperative interaction between the metal and the basic oxide in the CO2/CH4 reaction via a bifunctional mechanism. This specific effect is proposed to explain the discovered promoting effect. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of pyridine over activated carbon-supported Mo and NiMo sulfided catalysts was studied. Without H2S in the feed the catalysts showed a high conversion of pyridine and of piperidine to C5 hydrocarbons at the beginning of reaction, followed by a strong deactivation. A large increase in the conversion of pyridine was observed when H2S was added to the feed at H2S/H20.006. The conversion of piperidine to C5 hydrocarbons was enhanced by H2S and it increased as the H2S pressure increases up to H2S/H20.006. The promotion effect of Ni was operative only when H2S was present and it increased with the H2S/H2 ratio. Without H2S, the degree of surface oxidation of the support affected the deactivation of the catalysts. When H2S was added to the feed, the conversion of pyridine was stable and independent of the acid treatment of the support. A more oxidized support enhanced the C-N bond breaking reaction.  相似文献   

The CO-H2 reaction over CeO2 catalysts at around 623 K and 67 kPa forms isoprene with about 20% and 70% selectivities in total and C5 hydrocarbons, respectively. The formation of dienes may be due to the low and high activity of CeO2 for alkene and CO hydrogenation, respectively.  相似文献   

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