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发酵肠的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
张红城  倪晨 《食品科学》1997,18(4):23-26
研究发酵肠在发酵,成熟期间包括水分含量,水分活度,pH值业硝基色素转化率,非蛋白氮,挥发性盐基态氮和微生物菌数的各种变化,发现pH值对亚硝基色素转化率有很大影响,提出发酵肠的生产工艺参数。  相似文献   

JPI为芬兰雅哥贝利国际公司的简称,安微轻工化学厂与其合作建成的JPI酒精生产工程的主要特点是低温液化;连续发酵,成熟醪含酒精达12%,由5个发酵罐和1个缓冲罐组成,总发酵时间最多55小时,双塔差压蒸馏,产品达到食用酒精标准,有的指标达优级酒精标准。  相似文献   

温度对窖池酒醅发酵过程有着极为重要的影响,酒醅在发酵过程中的温度变化主要是环境温度、酒醅入窖温度及窖池微生物生长代谢三者共同作用的结果。该试验利用窖池温度检测系统对成都某酒厂采用浓香型白酒双轮底工艺的三口窖池酒醅温度进行实时精确检测,并绘制出其温度变化曲线。结果发现:采用双轮底工艺时,酒醅温度变化基本符合“前缓、中挺、后缓落”的传统经验,相比于普通工艺,双轮底酒醅温度变化更为平缓。  相似文献   

介绍了剑杆织机剑带及相关零件在使用过程中产生热量而造成磨损,影响其使用寿命,针对冷却装置的磨损,对冷却装置材料及表面涂层的几个设计方案作了对比分析。结果表明,冷却装置以铝合金为材料,表面采用陶瓷涂层,设计成可拆卸结构,可使冷却装置的使用寿命延长。最后对新型纳米涂层在纺机零部件中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

介绍2L气升式反应器二级串连连续发酵生产食醋的工艺。为确定最初发酵条件,试验先用两个2L气升式反应器以6.3%食用酒精、4%黄浆水和水的混合物为发酵培养基在温度30℃条件下半连续发酵,充满系数0.77。当酸度达到要求时都改为连续发酵,同时对进料流量、通气速率进行了研究。得出在进料流量55mL/h、入口处食用酒精6.5%、黄浆水4.3%、通气速率0.188min^-1(vvm)、残留酒精浓度0.35g/100mL时酸度为4.87g/100mL、产酸速率为0.87g/L·h,产酸率76.6%(g/g)。  相似文献   

王志海  王继涛 《酿酒》2012,39(1):47-50
辽宁西北地区的风大干燥、水质欠佳及冬夏温差太大等自然条件,不利于酿酒微生物的生长繁殖,致使浓香型白酒的品质存在某些欠缺。试验中,利用多粮发酵巧妙地添加大麦芽;借用酱香型白酒窖外高温堆积工艺;提高双轮底发酵温度等措施,克服了自然不利条件,使北方浓香型酒复合香气更加浓郁,品质大幅提升。  相似文献   

Beer has been produced very rapidly, with residence time of less than 1 hour, by passing wort continuously through a plug formed from a yeast/kieselguhr mixture. Using malt wort the total output from the fermentor is limited by gradual blockage of the plug; nevertheless output is high per unit of yeast used. Prolonged operation is possible using nitrogen-free sugar solutions. The properties of beer produced from normal wort vary over the period of operation of the fermentor and blending is required to give a constant product. The average pH and nitrogen content of the beer is high if conventional wort is used but can be reduced to normal levels by control of wort composition. Details of a procedure for controlling the content of diacetyl and 2,3-pentane-dione in the beer are described and the potential value of a yeast-plug unit for beer conditioning is discussed.  相似文献   

Microbiological contamination of immobilized yeast bioreactors for lagering of beer was studied. Four common brewery contaminants and two contaminants isolated from the continuous processing system were tested for their ability to survive and grow in the packed bed DEAE-cellulose bioreactors. Bacterial contaminants were washed out within less than six weeks without causing any alterations in the flavour composition of the beer. The initial contamination levels were 104–106 cells ml?1. Gram positive lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus brevis and Pediococcus damnosus, were more persistent than a Gram negative wort bacterium, Enterobacter agglomerans. The wild yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ex. diastaticus) and Candida krusei were the most persistent contaminants and the only ones able to grow in the reactors. Another wild yeast, Rhodotorula rubra, did not survive in competition with brewer's yeast and was washed out within a few weeks. C. krusei and R. rubra were previously isolated from a spontaneously contaminated system. None of the contaminants caused formation of phenolic or other off-flavour compounds in detectable levels.  相似文献   

Strains of yeast that are lethal to brewery ale and lager yeasts have been isolated from production-scale two-stage stirred continuous fermentors. These strains release a “killer” factor which is highly active in the pH range 3.8–4.2. When the level of infection reaches 2% the concentration of killer factor is sufficient to give a selective advantage in continuous fermentation, whereupon the proportion of killer yeasts rises and the brewery yeast is rapidly killed. The beer acquires a characteristic off-flavour which has been described as “herbal/phenolic”. Both flocculent and non-flocculent killer strains have been found and these show the characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae but appear to ferment additional wort sugar(s), have an abormally small cell-size and are pleomorphic in mixed culture.  相似文献   

The ability to produce dimethyl sulphide (DMS) during fermentation of wort is apparently a general characteristic of Saccheromyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces uvarum. Washed suspensions of these yeasts reduce dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) but there is no correlation between DMS formation in fermentation and DMSO reduction in whole cells. Although different strains vary widely in their ability to reduce DMSO they all contain similar levels of NADPH—dependent DMSO reductase. This enzyme is a multi-protein system which closely resembles methionine sulphoxide reductase. Spoilage bacteria including Enterobacter cloacae can reduce DMSO more efficiently than can yeast probably because a different enzyme system is involved.  相似文献   

该研究探讨CO2背压发酵中乙酰辅酶A(acetyl-CoA)与酿酒酵母生长和酯类生成的相关性。结果表明:常压和CO2背压发酵条件下,acetyl-CoA含量在发酵初期(0~20 h)急速增长,并在20 h时达到峰值,在100 h之后均趋于稳定一致;酵母细胞数量分别在100 h、140 h时达到峰值,在180 h之后趋于一致;总酯含量分别在100 h、180 h时达到峰值,在180 h之后趋于稳定,常压发酵条件下总酯含量始终高于CO2背压发酵。常压条件下,啤酒发酵中acetyl-CoA含量与酵母数量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与总酯含量呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),相关系数R分别为0.937 17、-0.833 96;CO2背压条件下,啤酒发酵中acetyl-CoA含量与酵母数量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与总酯含量呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),相关系数R分别为0.905 66、-0.750 42。  相似文献   

本文介绍了作者设计的一种手电两用包装机,并通过对其主压板行程的工作原理和运动分析等研究,为6面体挤压型包装机的设计提供了新的理论和方法。  相似文献   

乙二醇贮罐的设计和制造既有一般化工油罐的普遍性,又有其特殊性.要在保证满足生产工艺要求的前提下,力求安全、经济.本文就乙二醇贮罐设计及制造加以总结概述.  相似文献   

散粮堆底部压力颗粒流数值模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在前期散粮堆底部压力现场试验研究的基础上,利用PFC3D软件建立了相应的颗粒流数值模型,对散粮堆底部压力进行数值模拟分析。根据数值模拟得到的数据,利用MATLAB绘制了散粮堆底部压力分布三维网格图,直观地反映散粮堆底部压力分布形态。数值模拟结果表明,散粮堆底部压力分布是非均匀的,与现行的粮食平房仓设计规范以及传统的连续介质力学理论有所不同。数值模拟结果与前期现场试验结果基本吻合,进一步证实了散粮堆底部压力非均匀分布的特性,加深了对散体力学特性的认识和理解。  相似文献   

取上轮发酵正常的底槽1.8m^2左右,不蒸馏,加入大曲粉20kg左右,酒尾6~8kg,拌匀入窖发酵。控制水分64%~65%,入窖酸度2.8~3.5,入窖温度春冬16~18℃,夏秋平地温或低于地温,淀粉含量9%~10%,可加入10kg左右糖化料调整淀粉含量。双轮底入窖底后踩紧,上覆盖5cm厚的优质窖泥,再覆糟醅发酵48天左右出窖蒸馏。试验结果表明,夹泥发酵双轮底酒中的已酸乙酯含量达398~442.5mg/100ml,窖香明显,酯香突出。  相似文献   

高粱啤酒作为一种营养丰富、口感独特的无麸质酒精饮料,具有广阔的发展前景。为研制品质优良的高粱啤酒,本研究以高粱芽为原料,分别对糖化工艺对高粱汁中总还原糖和α-氨基氮量的影响;发酵工艺对高级醇含量的影响以及发酵后不同澄清剂对高粱啤酒的澄清效果和色度的影响进行了研究。结果表明:高粱汁制备的最佳糖化方法为倾出糖化法,糖化条件为:浸酶温度35℃,浸酶时间20 min,糊化温度90℃,糊化时间30 min,糖化温度65℃,糖化时间1 h,糖化后高粱芽汁的总还原糖含量为83.23 g/L,α-氨基氮含量适中,为180.8 mg/L。高粱啤酒的最佳发酵条件为:高粱芽汁浓度12°P、酵母菌接种量2.0×107个/m L、发酵温度16℃,发酵后啤酒中的高级醇含量为109.09 mg/L,该条件可有效降低高级醇含量。最佳的澄清剂为皂土,当添加比例为0.9%时,透光率达到90%,高粱啤酒的澄清效果最佳。在此工艺条件下,酿造出的上面发酵高粱啤酒澄清透明、色泽鲜亮、口感独特,高级醇含量适宜,是一种风味独特的新型酒精饮品。  相似文献   

Recent fundamental research conducted on immobilised cells with a focus on continuous primary beer fermentation is presented in this review. The knowledge of whole-cell immobilisation, continuous fermentation, yeast biochemistry associated with beer flavour production, and bioreactor engineering design is required to apply immobilised yeast cells for industrial scale beer production. Understanding how immobilisation and continuous bioreactor operation affect yeast cell metabolism and viability will provide the groundwork for optimising beer quality. The latest studies on immobilised cell carriers, viability, vitality, mass transfer characteristics and bioreactor design indicate that an industrial scale immobilised cell system for primary beer fermentation may soon be a reality in the modern brewery .  相似文献   

探讨了设计包装机主执行机构的选型原则;应用机构学理论,采用罗列比较法,并结合新产品设计,开发了一个主执行机构的选型方案,并对机构运动进行了分析,为产品设计提供了一种新的设计理论和方法。  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) produced by yeast during fermentation is formed from dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) rather than from S-methyl methionine (HADMS). All the yeasts and one of the two spoilage organisms examined formed DMS from DMSO. In fermentations at 8°C only 13–21% of the DMSO is reduced to DMS by yeast and the extent of conversion is greatly decreased by raising the fermentation temperature. The amount of DMS formed increases as the gravity of the wort is raised but is also dependent on the fermentable sugar employed. There is therefore no simple correlation between DMSO content of the wort and DMS formation.  相似文献   

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