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The boundary-integral equation (BIE) method for 3D elastic fracture mechanics has been extended to the elastoplastic problem. The formulation makes use of a special elastic Green's function for the crack, thereby eliminating the need to model the crack itself. Application of the general formulation is made to problems of localized or limited plasticity. Such problems occur through the local yield of stress concentrations, together with the plastic field of the crack tip. In these problems, the elastic stress intensity factor still provides a useful characterization for cyclic-crack-growth predictions. This paper reports on an accurate and efficient calculation procedure for crack-tip stress intensity factors for cracks in welds and prestressed bolt holes, where uncracked plastic strains are important. The use of the new algorithm for crack-tip plasticity modeling is explored for small- and large-scale plasticity conditions.  相似文献   

The boundary-integral equation formulation for two-dimensional, planar fracture mechanics based on the use of a special Green's function forms the basis of this analytical paper. The Green's function method is extended to problems of anelastic strain distributions (e.g. elastoplasticity, thermal gradients, residual strains) through a volume (area) integral. The role of the elastic Green's function for the crack problem on the distribution of elastoplastic strains is reviewed. Further, new analytical results for elastic stress intensity factor models for the residual strain and thermal gradient problems are presented. Part 2 of this paper outlines the numerical solution strategy and results for several test problems.  相似文献   

A model of 2D SH ultrasonic nondestructive testing for interior strip-like cracks near a non-planar back surface in a thick-walled elastic solid is presented. The model employs a Green's function to reformulate the 2D antiplane wave scattering problem as two coupled boundary integral equations (BIE): a displacement BIE for the back surface displacement and a hypersingular traction BIE for the crack opening displacement (COD). The integral equations are solved by performing a boundary element discretization of the back surface and expanding the COD in a series of Chebyshev functions which incorporate the correct behaviour at the crack edges. The transmitting ultrasonic probe is modelled by prescribing the traction underneath it, enabling the consequent calculation of the incident field. An electromechanical reciprocity relation is used to model the action of the receiving probe. A few numerical examples which illustrate the influence of the non-planar back surface are given.  相似文献   

In this paper the extension of the dual boundary element method (DBEM) to the analysis of elastoplastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) problems is presented. The dual equations of the method are the displacement and the traction boundary integral equations. When the displacement equation is applied on one of the crack surfaces and the traction equation on the other, general mixed-mode crack problems can be solved with a single-region formulation. In order to avoid collocation at crack tips, crack kinks and crack-edge corners, both crack surfaces are discretized with discontinuous quadratic boundary elements. The elastoplastic behaviour is modelled through the use of an approximation for the plastic component of the strain tensor on the region expected to yield. This region is discretized with internal quadratic, quadrilateral and/or triangular cells. This formulation was implemented for two-dimensional domains only, although there is no theoretical or numerical limitation to its application to three-dimensional ones. A centre-cracked plate and a slant edge-cracked plate subjected to tensile load are analysed and the results are compared with others available in the literature. J-type integrals are calculated.  相似文献   

In this paper, the conventional boundary integral equation (BIE) formulation for piezoelectric solids is revisited and the related issues are examined. The key relations employed in deriving the piezoelectric BIE, such as the generalized Green's identity (reciprocal work theorem) and integral identities for the piezoelectric fundamental solution, are established rigorously. A weakly singular form of the piezoelectric BIE is derived for the first time using the identities for the fundamental solution, which eliminates the calculation of any singular integrals in the piezoelectric boundary element method (BEM). The crucial question of whether or not the piezoelectric BIE will degenerate when applied to crack and thin shell-like problems is addressed. It is shown analytically that the conventional BIE for piezoelectricity does degenerate for crack problems, but does not degenerate for thin piezoelectric shells. The latter has significant implications in applications of the piezoelectric BIE to the analysis of thin piezoelectric films used widely as sensors and actuators. Numerical tests to show the degeneracy of the piezoelectric BIE for crack problems are presented and one remedy to this degeneracy by using the multi-domain BEM is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The paper describes a hybrid experimental-numerical technique for elastoplastic crack analysis. It consists of the experimental surface spectrum measurement of plastic strains ahead the crack tip and the boundary element method (BEM). The light scattering method is used to measure the power density spectrum from which the values of plastic strains are obtained by comparison with a calibration experiment on the same material. Plastic strains obtained experimentally are conveniently used for the calculation of unknown boundary displacement or traction vectors by the boundary element method. Instead of an iterative solution of the boundary integral equations in pure numerical solution, the boundary unknowns are computed once for a required loading level. Also asymptotic distribution of strains or stresses is not needed in the evaluation of the domain integral for the BEM formulation in the vicinity of the crack tip. Significant CPU time saving is achieved in comparison with the pure BEM solution. The method presented is illustrated by the example for a three point bending specimen with an edge crack.  相似文献   

A computational model based on the numerical Green's function (NGF) and the dual reciprocity boundary element method (DR-BEM) is presented for the study of elastodynamic fracture mechanics problems. The numerical Green's function, corresponding to an embedded crack within the infinite medium, is introduced into a boundary element formulation, as the fundamental solution, to calculate the unknown external boundary displacements and tractions and in post-processing determine the crack opening displacements (COD). The domain inertial integral present in the elastodynamic equation is transformed into a boundary integral one by the use of the dual reciprocity technique. The dynamic stress intensity factors (SIF), computed through crack opening displacement values, are obtained for several numerical examples, indicating a good agreement with existing solutions.  相似文献   

The most accurate boundary element formulation to deal with fracture mechanics problems is obtained with the implementation of the associated Green's function acting as the fundamental solution. Consequently, the range of applications of this formulation is dependent on the availability of the appropriate Green's function for actual crack geometry. Analytical Green's functions have been presented for a few single crack configurations in 2-D applications and require complex variable theory. This work extends the applicability of the formulation through the introduction of efficient numerical means of computing the Green's function components for single or multiple crack problems, of general geometry, including the implementation to 3-D problems as a future development. Also, the approach uses real variables only and well-established boundary integral equations.  相似文献   

This work contains an analytical study of the asymptotic near‐crack contour behaviour of stresses obtained from the self‐regular traction‐boundary integral equation (BIE), both in two and in three dimensions, and for various crack displacement modes. The flat crack case is chosen for detailed analysis of the singular stress for points approaching the crack contour. By imposing a condition of bounded stresses on the crack surface, the work shows that the boundary stresses on the crack are in fact zero for an unloaded crack, and the interior stresses reproduce the known inverse square root behaviour when the distance from the interior point to the crack contour approaches zero. The correct order of the stress singularity is obtained after the integrals for the self‐regular traction‐BIE formulation are evaluated analytically for the assumed displacement discontinuity model. Based on the analytic results, a new near‐crack contour self‐regular traction‐BIE is proposed for collocation points near the crack contour. In this new formulation, the asymptotic log‐singular stresses are identified and extracted from the BIE. Log‐singular stress terms are revealed for the free integrals written as contour integrals and for the self‐regularized integral with the integration region divided into sub‐regions. These terms are shown to cancel each other exactly when combined and can therefore be eliminated from the final BIE formulation. This work separates mathematical and physical singularities in a unique manner. Mathematical singularities are identified, and the singular information is all contained in the region near the crack contour. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The boundary element method (BEM) is presented for elastoplastic analysis of cracks between two dissimilar materials. The boundary integral equations and integral representation of stress rates are written in such a form that all integrals can be evaluated by the regular Gaussian quadrature rule. An advanced multidomain BEM formulation is suggested for the solution of analysed problems where the substantial reduction of stiffness matrix is observed. The elastoplastic behaviour is modelled through the use of an approximation for the plastic component of the stresses. The boundary and the yielding zone are discretized by elements with quadratic approximations. In numerical examples the path independence of the J- and L-integrals for a straight interface crack and a circular arc-shaped interface crack are investigated, respectively. The influence of the different values of Young's modulus on the J-integral, shape and size of plastic zones is treated too.  相似文献   

A simple idea is proposed to solve boundary value problems for elastoplastic solids via boundary elements, namely, to use the Green's functions corresponding to both the loading and unloading branches of the tangent constitutive operator to solve for plastic and elastic regions, respectively. In this way, domain integrals are completely avoided in the boundary integral equations. Though a discretization of the region where plastic flow occurs still remains necessary to account for the inhomogeneity of plastic deformation, the elastoplastic analysis reduces, in essence, to a straightforward adaptation of techniques valid for anisotropic linear elastic constitutive equations (the loading branch of the elastoplastic constitutive operator may be viewed formally as a type of anisotropic elastic law). Numerical examples, using J2‐flow theory with linear hardening, demonstrate that the proposed method retains all the advantages related to boundary element formulations, is stable and performs well. The method presented is for simplicity developed for the associative flow rule; however, a full derivation of Green's function and boundary integral equations is also given for the general case of non‐associative flow rule. It is shown that in the non‐associative case, a domain integral unavoidably arises in the formulation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thermomagnetoelectroelastic problems for various defects embedded in an infinite matrix are considered in this paper. Using Stroh's formalism, conformal mapping, and perturbation technique, Green's functions are obtained in closed form for a defect in an infinite magnetoelectroelastic solid induced by the thermal analog of a line temperature discontinuity and a line heat source. The defect may be of an elliptic hole or a Griffith crack, a half-plane boundary, a bimaterial interface, or a rigid inclusion. These Green's functions satisfy the relevant boundary or interface conditions. The proposed Green's functions can be used to establish boundary element formulation and to analyzing fracture behaviour due to the defects mentioned above.  相似文献   

A dual boundary integral equation (BIE) formulation is presented for the analysis of general 3‐D electrostatic problems, especially those involving thin structures. This dual BIE formulation uses a linear combination of the conventional BIE and hypersingular BIE on the entire boundary of a problem domain. Similar to crack problems in elasticity, the conventional BIE degenerates when the field outside a thin body is investigated, such as the electrostatic field around a thin conducting plate. The dual BIE formulation, however, does not degenerate in such cases. Most importantly, the dual BIE is found to have better conditioning for the equations using the boundary element method (BEM) compared with the conventional BIE, even for domains with regular shapes. Thus the dual BIE is well suited for implementation with the fast multipole BEM. The fast multipole BEM for the dual BIE formulation is developed based on an adaptive fast multiple approach for the conventional BIE. Several examples are studied with the fast multipole BEM code, including finite and infinite domain problems, bulky and thin plate structures, and simplified comb‐drive models having more than 440 thin beams with the total number of equations above 1.45 million and solved on a PC. The numerical results clearly demonstrate that the dual BIE is very effective in solving general 3‐D electrostatic problems, as well as special cases involving thin perfect conducting structures, and that the adaptive fast multipole BEM with the dual BIE formulation is very efficient and promising in solving large‐scale electrostatic problems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we give the theoretical foundation for a dislocation and point-force-based approach to the special Green's function boundary element method and formulate, as an example, the special Green's function boundary element method for elliptic hole and crack problems. The crack is treated as a particular case of the elliptic hole. We adopt a physical interpretation of Somigliana's identity and formulate the boundary element method in terms of distributions of point forces and dislocation dipoles in the infinite domain with an elliptic hole. There is no need to model the hole by the boundary elements since the traction free boundary condition there for the point force and the dislocation dipole is automatically satisfied. The Green's functions are derived following the Muskhelishvili complex variable formalism and the boundary element method is formulated using complex variables. All the boundary integrals, including the formula for the stress intensity factor for the crack, are evaluated analytically to give a simple yet accurate special Green's function boundary element method. The numerical results obtained for the stress concentration and intensity factors are extremely accurate. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An unconditionally stable algorithm for the numerical integration of elastoplastic pressure-dependent constitutive relations is analysed in detail in this paper. The application of the method to plane stress problems, in which the out-of-plane strain component is not defined kinematically, is discussed. The tangent moduli resulting from this integration algorithm are obtained by consistent linearization of the elastoplastic constitutive equations. The algorithm is applied to Gurson's constitutive model, some one-dimensional problems are solved, and comparisons with exact solutions are made. The paper closes with a numerical study of the necking of an axi-symmetric specimen using Gurson's plasticity model to describe the constitutive behaviour of the material.  相似文献   

In this paper a boundary element method for two-dimensional elastoplastic stress analysis of frictional contact problems is presented. The bodies in contact are treated as separate regions. The contact conditions are used to join the different system of equations for different regions of contacted bodies and, hence, an overall system of equation is obtained. An incremental and iterative procedure can be used to find the contact load, or the contact extent and the proper contact conditions. To include the plastic deformation in the analysis, the initial strain algorithm is employed. Elastic-perfectly plastic or work-hardening material behaviour can be assumed. For the numerical analysis, an isoparametric three-noded line elements are used to represent the boundary and eight-noded quadrilateral or six-noded triangular elements are used for the interior of the domain. The displacement rates and traction rates are assumed to vary quadratically and the shape functions for the interior strain rates are also of quadratic type. As an example, the behaviour of an elastic and elastoplastic body with a smooth, circular inclusion under the increasing load is presented.  相似文献   

A plastic strain distribution in a cracked body is found from a solution of a complex, non-linear, integro-differential equation by successive approximation. The solution is repeatedly corrected to account for the boundary conditions except on the flanks of the crack where the traction-free condition is incorporated analytically in the formulation. In this numerical procedure, the continuum plastic deformation is simulated by an array of discrete screw dislocation dipoles. The dislocations perturb the stress and strain field so as to satisfy the governing equations for deformation plasticity. Results compare favorably with the corresponding analytical solutions.  相似文献   

A new patch based stress recovery procedure for elastoplastic analysis is presented in this paper. The formulation derives from the extension to the elastic-perfectly plastic case of the Recovery by Compatibility in Patches procedure recently proposed by the authors. The present procedure is designed to simultaneously reconstruct both a new stress field and a new plastic strain field, so to ensure that elastoplastic consistency is satisfied. The numerical results on two common benchmark problems show the effectiveness of the new procedure.  相似文献   

An elastoplastic finite element analysis has been carried out on a thin centre cracked panel using plane eight noded quadratic quadrilateral isoparametric elements with nonsingular displacement formulation. The linearised total strain method has been employed for the solution and the material data including those pertaining to postyield behaviour were used for the evaluation of the crack-tip stress field. The shape and size of the plastic zones at the crack tip corresponding to four stress levels have been obtained, which compare favourably with those obtained by other researchers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a crack growth prediction analysis based on the numerical Green's function (NGF) procedure and on the minimum strain energy density criterion for crack extension, also known as S-criterion. In the NGF procedure, the hypersingular boundary integral equation is used to numerically obtain the Green's function which automatically includes the crack into the fundamental infinite medium. When solving a linear elastic fracture mechanisms (LEFM) problem, once the NGF is obtained, the classical boundary element method can be used to determine the external boundary unknowns and, consequently, the stress intensity factors needed to predict the direction and increment of crack growth. With the change in crack geometry, another numerical analysis is carried out without need to rebuilding the entire element discretization, since only the crack built in the NGF needs update. Numerical examples, contemplating crack extensions for two-dimensional LEFM problems, are presented to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   

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