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<正>申报单位:重庆东原房地产开发有限公司项目技术经济指标(实际竣工指标)总用地面积:1.89公顷总建筑面积:11.3万m2容积率:4.9建筑密度:27.5%绿地率:34.5%总户数:983户停车位:地上0辆;地下898辆  相似文献   

波恩文化中心是一个文化建筑项目,它位于翻新的波恩市场的外壳之下.波恩市场是巴塞罗那的标志性建筑,于19世纪由建筑大师乔瑟夫·冯特塞勒设计.市场翻修过程中让毁于1714年西班牙王位继承战争中的中世纪遗址重见天日.随着遗址被完整挖掘,使其恢复了原貌并展示在公众眼前.原来市场进行内部改造,成为了新的公共空间和文化中心.这两项工程都尊重了市场本来的巨型、独立、壳状的建筑形态、建筑体系和原有的建筑材料.附近街区的景观给波恩文化中心的改建提出了限制,但同时也赋予它无限可能.  相似文献   

苏强 《城乡建设》2015,(11):46-47
我国旧城改造主要是对城市内棚户区、文保区等进行优化改造.北京市内有着大量的文化历史保护区和棚户区,对其改造,需要进行两个升级,即产业升级和建筑形态升级,通过改造优化,顺应城市经济的发展,为城市经济发展创造良好的条件.一、规划设计的实施模式历史保护区的特点就是文保单位多,其不仅处于城市中心位置,并且对城市的空间具有重大影响.所以其规划的编制具有自身的特点和规律.  相似文献   

圣卡特琳娜市场改造更新是由EMBT建筑事务所发起的巴塞罗那旧城东区城市特别改造计划(P.E.R.I.)的一部分.圣卡琳娜市场作为一个十分重要的公共活动区域,是整个改造计划的轴心项目.规划巴塞罗那旧城是典型的中世纪城市的延续,街道狭窄,建筑密度非常高,公共空间匮乏,各街区之间、重要的建筑物之间无法畅通到达,让生活在其中的居民感到压抑.把蓝天、阳光和色彩注入这个暂时失去活力的区域是建筑师要达到的目标.老城中心的圣卡特琳娜市场恰恰处在阻塞的关节之处,建筑师将市场改造成开放的空间,成为区域的功能性连廊.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步发展、国内外文化艺术的不断交往与繁荣,人们对城市建设也有了全新的要求,城市空间的夜环境不断被重视、利用起来,城市的夜景照明不但可以美化城市、提高城市的文化品位,而且还可以提升人居质量、丰富群众的文化生活,同时促进旅游业的发  相似文献   

每年10月的北京国际设计周期间,我都很享受去大栅栏一带参观的过程。这些迷宫一样的街巷有着诸如茶儿胡同、碳儿胡同、笤帚胡同和杨梅竹斜街胡同等好听且耐人寻味的名字,舒适惬意的步行尺度,看似杂乱却充满烟火气息的杂院和平淡而亲切的市井生活。与这些形成鲜明对比的,是分布在胡同内不经意间会遇见的各类展览,和隐藏在不起眼的门扇背后的设计感十足的改造院落。  相似文献   

<正>小木屋群位于挪威韦斯特福尔区的奥斯陆峡湾口。一排排斜顶小木屋坐落在一大片如诗如画的草坪边缘,附近是树林和一座铺满了光秃秃的岩石的小山,距离海边仅几步之遥。该项目的客户想要一幢供全家人度假的别墅,同时又要求每间住宅是分离式的,这样他和家人既享受聚在一起的时光,也可以拥有自己独立的房间,保护自己的隐私。最后的解决方案是以三个构筑物组成一个建筑群,每个构筑物可以独立使用。每个构筑物都是一个层次分明的几何体,以整体形式排列在户外。三个构筑物都面朝西南方向,中间构筑物的三角墙全以玻璃  相似文献   

I. Licsk 《Water research》1976,10(2):143-147
A series of experiments is described, in which the optimal pH range in clarification, as well as the conditions affecting the interactions between the flocs and the dispergated colloidal particles were investigated. These experiments were carried out using a natural colloidal dispersion: the water of the River Danube. In the experiments the Zeta-potential and turbidity were measured, accompanied on occasion by microscopic observations. Aluminium sulphate was invariably used as the coagulant.From the experimental results the following conclusions have been arrived at: (1) optimal conditions for clarification were found to exist within a definite pH range, in which the Zeta-potential was virtually unaffected even by large changes in the concentration of the coagulant, whereby a saving in coagulant becomes possible: (2) in studying the interactions between the flocs and dispersed colloid particles, the freshly formed aluminium hydroxide sols were found to become adsorbed on the discrete colloid particles. The large “aged” flocs are no more capable of impairing substantially the stability of the colloidal dispersion.  相似文献   

燃气热电(冷)联产是合理、有效利用天然气资源的手段、解决能源紧缺的良方之一,适用于民用、商业、工业等各种领域。虽然一次投资较高,但是经济效益好、能较快地收回投资;社会效益好,有利于环保。文章用实例分析来说明热电联产的前景与其巨大潜力。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2001,41(6):147-152
This paper presents a review of the stress dependence for soil stiffness at very small strains. Previously published data for sands and clays are presented, and it is shown that in all cases, provided voids ratio is kept approximately constant, then the very small strain stiffness of soils is found to vary with mean effective stress p as p1/2. The p1/2 dependence of stiffness has long been established for more idealised aggregates comprising regular arrays of spherical particles, and published micro mechanical explanations for this behaviour are presented. A simple mean field approach based on Hertzian contact theory predicts that the dependence should be p1/3, but highlights two possible reasons for the apparent discrepancy comparing with available data: (i) contacts may not be Hertzian and (ii) the number of contacts may increase with increasing stress level at approximately constant voids ratio. Two alternative previously published explanations for the p1/2 dependence relate to conical contacts between particles and particle chain buckling mechanisms. These mechanisms are presented and discussed, and the paper shows that the p1/2 dependence could arise due to one or other of these mechanisms, but not both simultaneously. It seems possible that in densely compacted or overconsolidated soils where voids ratio is approximately constant until yield occurs, contacts may be aspherical and the number of contacts may simultaneously increase with increasing confining stress. In this case the conical contact and particle chain buckling mechanisms are not viable: a more rigorous analysis based on the contact of rough particles is required. It is proposed that such an analysis should allow for the simultaneous elastic squeeze down of surface asperities and increase in the number of asperity contacts under increasing confining stress.  相似文献   

王亦 《中国电梯》2011,(4):68-69
不知不觉之间,我们的时代进入了一个“微创新”时代,如火如荼的程度,让整个世界为之着迷。作为行业中人,今天我也想浅谈一下电梯轿厢的“微创新”。  相似文献   

徐鑫鸣 《山西建筑》2007,33(29):41-43
指出中国传统建筑的精髓之一在于将建筑的美学价值与实用价值完美结合,功能和建造的高度统一。结合中国传统建筑中斗拱、门窗、雀替的构造,剖析了中国传统建筑营造的艺匠,即优雅的构筑,并给中国当代建筑设计提供一定启示。  相似文献   

城市社区配套设施微区位布局研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
徐晓燕 《规划师》2011,27(12):62-66
生活服务设施与居住人口相互对应是现行“配套”模式的基本思想,这种将设施与居住“捆绑”的方式固然具有操作简便的特点,但是空间布局的局限性使其在实施中表现出诸多不合理性.应进行配套设施空间布局的微区位分析,按照距离最小化和功效最大化等原则,将社区商业服务设施空间布局从“配套”的捆绑中解放出来,形成“居住单元”与“环境(服务...  相似文献   

介绍了微电脑钢筋定长切断机的总体构成及工作原理。以变频电机作为驱动机构,钢筋在变速运动中切断,确保钢筋切断长度的准确性,以微电脑单片机进行电气控制,提高了整机的技术性能。  相似文献   

根据大气湍流观测和相关的大气气溶胶研究结果,分析了城市街谷内微环境的主要特征.兼顾城市规划和改善街谷环境的要求,对街谷微环境的改善提出了某些便于实施的基本途径.  相似文献   

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