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基于有限元的轮胎自激振动时频分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究汽车轮胎减少磨损,延长使用寿命的问题,轮胎多边形磨损与胎面质量块的侧向自激振动密切相关.了解产生自激振动的速度区间以及胎面与地面的摩擦状态就显得十分重要.因此建立了轮胎一地面系统的理论模型,引入符合轮胎橡胶摩擦规律的摩擦曲线.运用有限元软件,建立子轮胎与地面有限元模型,导入上述摩擦曲线,分析了位移时间历程和位移速度相平面图,发现了容易产生自激振动的速度区间.选择三种特征车速进行仿真.结果证明通过研究可以减少轮胎的磨损量,延长寿命,为今后轮胎多边形磨损正确建模有参考价值. 相似文献
多边形分解在计算机图形学、CAD软件和路径规划等领域中得到广泛应用.其自相交多边形因存在交点导致后续计算和绘图操作中的错误和不准确性.自相交多边形分解算法是CAD应用中常见的难题之一,传统的自相交多边形分解算法主要基于三角剖分的方法,然而这种方法分解出的三角形数量较为庞大,增加了计算和存储的复杂度.针对自相交多边形的分解问题,提出了一种基于区域划分的分解算法.首先寻找多边形的所有交点;然后采用寻路方式遍历自相交多边形,将其划分为无重叠且无自相交的区域;最后通过判断每个区域是否属于多边形内部,并保留内部区域,舍弃外部区域,将自相交多边形分解成无重叠区域的简单多边形.在多个大型集成电路板上将文中算法和GluTess方法进行数值实验对比,实验结果表明,该算法相较于GluTess方法在时间效率上提高了约60%,同时在空间占用上也减少了约20%. 相似文献
在桥梁建造和维护过程中,需要对桥梁的振动模态进行在线、实时的分析,急需一种不需要人工激励进行快速模态分析的算法。通过研究自然激励技术NExT( Natural Excitation Technique)与自回归滑动平均模型ARMA( Auto ̄Regressive and Moving Average Model),在常规的自然环境模态分析算法的基础上构造出一种快速求解NExT ̄ARMA模型的算法进行桥梁模态识别。相比于传统的环境激励模态参数计算方法,该算法不但降低了传统算法的复杂度,而且采用了反馈的方式提高了计算精度。采用ANSYS建立有限元模型并搭建简易实验系统分别对该算法进行仿真验证和实验验证,验证结果表明,该算法能够有效地在自然激励下提取出桥梁结构的各阶模态,其中对前三阶固有频率的识别相对误差降到1%左右。 相似文献
本文基于平面多边形方向的唯一性,通过引入矢性数的概念,将平面任意 多边形划分为单纯多边形和奇异多边形两种,拓展了平面多边形的研究领域,并且给出了一套简洁高效的单纯多边形形裁剪通用算法。 相似文献
近年来,自编码器和神经网络技术已被广泛研究并应用于轴承振动等工业数据的异常检测问题上,但仍存在着训练数据量大、网络参数初始化、训练效率较低、异常检测效果较差等问题。为解决上述问题,提出了一种结合马氏距离和自编码网络的异常检测方法。利用轴承振动数据特征之间具有一定相关性的特点,通过数据的马氏距离快速检测出部分异常数据,减少了自编码网络的训练数据量;用自编码器结合分类器构建自编码网络,解决了网络参数初始化问题并且显著提高了训练效率;将数据的马氏距离作为特征加入训练中提升了自编码网络的异常检测效果;在自编码器中加入稀疏性限制并构造先升维再编码的结构,增强了自编码器的特征学习能力和收敛性。实验结果表明,针对低维轴承振动数据,提出的方法较其他异常检测方法具有较好的检测效果且具有一定的稳定性和泛化能力。 相似文献
刘鑫 《电脑编程技巧与维护》2016,(10):88-89
多边形建模是3DS Max的强项,3DS Max更是拥有相当强大的多边形建模能力,在多边形建模领域,3DS Max占据着不可动摇的地位.从理论层面和技术层面,阐述了3DS Max高级建模的分类、多边形建模的原理与特点、多边形建模的实践技巧等. 相似文献
在Matlab/Simulink中建立了电动助力转向系统动力学模型,根据路感信息与不平路面引起的振动干扰在频率上的区别,经过高通滤波检测出路面不平整产生的转向系统干扰力矩,通过助力电机提供相反大小的力矩对其进行补偿;针对路感信息与路面振动干扰在频率上区分界限的不固定性,设计了一种在线可调节滤波器截止频率的控制方法,避免对车辆路感信息正常传递的影响;仿真结果表明,所设计的补偿控制策略能够有效衰减不平路面干扰力矩到方向盘的传递. 相似文献
多细节层次(LOD)是实时图形生成的一项重要技术。介绍了几种典型的多细节层次模型的自动生成算法,在此基础上提出了一种基于边折叠的多边形网格模型简化算法。实验表明,这种网格模型简化算法能在损失很少的屏幕像素误差的前提下提高图形绘制速度,是一种简单且有效的LOD自动生成算法。 相似文献
As-rigid-as-possible (ARAP) surface modelling is widely used for interactive deformation of triangle meshes. We show that ARAP can be interpreted as minimizing a discretization of an elastic energy based on non-conforming elements defined over dual orthogonal cells of the mesh. Using the intrinsic Voronoi cells rather than an orthogonal dual of the extrinsic mesh guarantees that the energy is non-negative over each cell. We represent the intrinsic Delaunay edges extrinsically as polylines over the mesh, encoded in barycentric coordinates relative to the mesh vertices. This modification of the original ARAP energy, which we term iARAP, remedies problems stemming from non-Delaunay edges in the original approach. Unlike the spokes-and-rims version of the ARAP approach it is less susceptible to the triangulation of the surface. We provide examples of deformations generated with iARAP and contrast them with other versions of ARAP. We also discuss the properties of the Laplace-Beltrami operator implicitly introduced with the new discretization. 相似文献
Giulio Magli 《Nexus Network Journal》2007,9(1):71-92
Several ancient towns of central Italy are characterized by imposing circuits of walls constructed with the so-called polygonal
or “cyclopean” megalithic technique. The date of foundation of these cities is highly uncertain; indeed, although they all
became Roman colonies in the early Republican centuries (between the fifth and third centuries B.C.) their first occupation
predates the Roman conquest. It is the aim of the present paper to show – using four case-studies – that these towns still
show clear traces of an archaic, probably pre-Roman urbanistic design, which was not based on the orthogonal “rule”, i.e., the town-planning rule followed by the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans. Rather, the layouts
appear to have been originally planned on the basis of a triangular, or even star-like, geometry, which therefore has a center of symmetry and leads to radial, rather than orthogonal, organization
of the urban space. Interestingly enough, hints – so far unexplained – pointing to this kind of town planning are present
in the works by ancient writers as important as Plato and Aristophanes, as well as in the comment to the ?neid by Marius Servius. 相似文献
K-积分模意义下折线模糊神经网络的泛逼近性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为克服模糊数运算的复杂性引入折线模糊数的定义,利用折线模糊数的优良性质获得了两个重要不等式,并给出实例说明折线模糊数的逼近能力有效.其次,引进K-拟可加积分和K-积分模概念,在折线模糊数空间满足可分性的基础上,借助于模糊值简单函数和模糊值Bernstein多项式研究了若干函数空间的稠密性问题,获得了可积有界模糊值函数类依K-积分模构成完备可分的度量空间.最后,在K-积分模意义下讨论了四层正则折线模糊神经网络对模糊值简单函数的泛逼近性,进而得到该网络对可积有界函数类也具有泛逼近性.该结果表明正则折线模糊神经网络对连续模糊系统的逼近能力可以推广为对一般可积系统的逼近能力. 相似文献
This paper describes a relaxation algorithm without a parameter for shape matching of partially occluded two-dimensional objects. This technique is based on a relaxation labelling process of Rosenfeld et al. for reducing or eliminating the ambiguity. The shapes are represented by polygonal approximation. The proposed relaxation method is used to find acceptable line segment pairs of polygons. 相似文献
A. Carmona-Poyato Author Vitae R. Medina-Carnicer Author VitaeAuthor Vitae R. Muñoz-Salinas Author VitaeAuthor Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2011,44(1):45-54
This paper presents a novel method for assessing the accuracy of unsupervised polygonal approximation algorithms. This measurement relies on a polygonal approximation called the “reference approximation”. The reference approximation is obtained using the method of Perez and Vidal [11] by an iterative method that optimizes an objective function. Then, the proposed measurement is calculated by comparing the reference approximation with the approximation to be evaluated, taking into account the similarity between the polygonal approximation and the original contour, and penalizing polygonal approximations with an excessive number of points. A comparative experiment by using polygonal approximations obtained with commonly used algorithms showed that the proposed measurement is more efficient than other proposed measurements at comparing polygonal approximations with different number of points. 相似文献