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为解决离散的混流装配线作业排序问题,提出一种基于人工蜂群优化算法的改进算法。采用NEH启发式方法优化初始种群质量;在雇佣蜂算法中建立了变邻域区域搜索机制并嵌入模拟退火算法,提高了算法的搜索精度与广度;提出一种最优控制策略,通过限制最优解群体的成长速度,有效降低了种群相似度,提高了算法的全局搜索性能。实验方面,算法参数通过标准算例仿真对比设定,并采用Benchmark标准算例对所提算法与标准人工蜂群优化算法、遗传算法、混合遗传算法、改进粒子群优化等算法进行了对比。通过一个混流排序实例的仿真,对比证明了算法在求解混流装配线排序问题上的有效性。  相似文献   

Duan  Xiaokun  Wu  Bo  Hu  Youmin  Liu  Jie  Xiong  Jing 《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering》2019,14(2):241-253

Two-sided assembly line is usually used for the assembly of large products such as cars, buses, and trucks. With the development of technical progress, the assembly line needs to be reconfigured and the cycle time of the line should be optimized to satisfy the new assembly process. Two-sided assembly line balancing with the objective of minimizing the cycle time is called TALBP-2. This paper proposes an improved artificial bee colony (IABC) algorithm with the MaxTF heuristic rule. In the heuristic initialization process, the MaxTF rule defines a new task’s priority weight. On the basis of priority weight, the assignment of tasks is reasonable and the quality of an initial solution is high. In the IABC algorithm, two neighborhood strategies are embedded to balance the exploitation and exploration abilities of the algorithm. The employed bees and onlooker bees produce neighboring solutions in different promising regions to accelerate the convergence rate. Furthermore, a well-designed random strategy of scout bees is developed to escape local optima. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MaxTF rule performs better than other heuristic rules, as it can find the best solution for all the 10 test cases. A comparison of the IABC algorithm and other algorithms proves the effectiveness of the proposed IABC algorithm. The results also denote that the IABC algorithm is efficient and stable in minimizing the cycle time for the TALBP-2, and it can find 20 new best solutions among 25 large-sized problem cases.


In real-world assembly lines, that the size of the product is large (e.g., automotive industry), usually there are multi-manned workstations where a group of workers simultaneously perform different operations on the same individual product. This paper presents a mixed integer programming model to solve the balancing problem of the multi-manned assembly lines optimally. This model minimizes the total number of workers on the line as the first objective and the number of opened multi-manned workstations as the second one. Since this problem is well known as NP (nondeterministic polynomial-time)-hard, a heuristic approach based on the ant colony optimization approach is developed to solve the medium- and large-size scales of this problem. In the proposed algorithm, each ant tries to allocate given tasks to multi-manned workstations in order to build a balancing solution for the assembly line balancing problems by considering the precedence relations, multi-manned assembly line configuration, task times, and cycle time constraints. Through computational experiments, the performance of the proposed ACO is compared with some existing heuristic on various problem instances. The experimental results validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

在订单生产环境下的多品种混合装配线排序问题的基础上,建立了三种目标函数:最小化生产周期时间、最小化工作站闲置与超载时间以及最大化平均负荷率.引入了一种基于模糊决策模型的改进后的混合遗传禁忌搜索算法.在求解过程中,计算出所有个体的各个目标特征值的影响度、影响度因子以及相对隶属度,将目标特征值矩阵转化为相对隶属度矩阵,应用模糊层次分析法,计算多目标排序问题中各指标的权重值,用综合评判线性加权平均模型进行评价,构造出相对适应度函数.  相似文献   

在考虑产品需求速率的前提下,提出了调整加工成本的新方法,建立了混流装配线平衡问题的多目标优化模型。设计了基于自然数序列和拓扑排序的改进遗传算法对模型进行求解,改进交叉、变异操作来保护优秀基因,提出了种群扩张机制。对经典问题的计算试验结果表明,改进遗传算法在降低生产节拍的同时能优化产品加工成本,在求解效率和求解质量方面有显著的成效。  相似文献   

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - Mixed model production is the practice of assembling different and distinct models in a line without changeovers responding to...  相似文献   

求解装配线平衡问题的一种改进蚁群算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为求解给定节拍最小化工作站数的第Ⅰ类装配线平衡问题,提出了一种改进的蚁群算法.在该算法中,针对装配线平衡问题的具体特点,给出了蚂蚁分配方案的生成策略.通过在任务和任务分配序列的位置之间释放信息素,并采用信息素总合规则进行更有效的信息素累积.为提高搜索效率,以综合考虑装配任务作业时间和后续任务数的分级位置权重为蚁群算法的启发式信息.最后,通过对大量测试问题集的验证,说明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于混合遗传算法的装配线平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈永卿  潘刚  李平 《机电工程》2008,25(4):60-62
针对装配线平衡问题的难点(NP-hard),提出了一种基于作业次序编码的混合遗传算法,设计出了特殊的遗传操作算子(单点次序交叉和移位插入变异),成功避免了进化过程中非法个体的产生.并结合Lamarckian进化原理,嵌入局部爬山过程以提供算法搜索能力.仿真算例验证了该算法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

A branch-and-bound algorithm for two-sided assembly line balancing   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Two-sided (left- and right-side) assembly lines are often used in assembly of large-sized products, such as buses and trucks. A large number of exact algorithms and heuristics have been proposed to balance the well-known classical one-sided assembly lines. However, little attention has been paid to balancing the two-sided lines. Moreover, according to our best knowledge, there is no published work in balancing the two-sided assembly line exactly. In this study, a branch-and-bound algorithm is proposed to solve the balancing problem optimally. Experiments are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method and the results are promising.  相似文献   

In scheduling problem with uncertainty, flexible preventive maintenance (PM) and multiple objectives are seldom investigated. In this study, interval job shop scheduling problem with non-resumable jobs and flexible maintenance is considered and an effective multi-objective artificial bee colony (MOABC) is proposed, in which an effective decoding procedure is used to build the schedule and handle PM operation. The objective is to minimize interval makespan and a newly defined objective called total interval tardiness. In each cycle, a dominance-based greedy principle is adopted, a dominance-based tournament is utilized to choose solution for onlooker bee, and the non-dominated ranking is applied to update the non-dominated set. A solution with the highest rank is replaced with a non-dominated solution every certain cycle. Computational results show the good performance of MOABC on the considered problem.  相似文献   

针对混流装配线操作人数已知、生产节拍待定情况下的平衡问题,研究了混流装配线第二类平衡问题的优化方法,以均衡各工作站的加权平均负荷、最小化生产节拍为优化目标,建立了求解加权平均负荷与生产节拍加权和的数学模型,并运用遗传算法对其进行求解.各优化目标数量级的统一,简化了算法求解过程,在保证解的有效性的同时提高了算法求解效率.算例分析验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了提高非同步混流装配线的生产效率,提出了一种负荷平衡和投产排序的集成优化方法.首先通过综合优先图,将多品种装配线平衡问题转变成单品种平衡问题;通过设计组合优先启发式方法,以最小化生产节拍为目标,生成平衡方案;在平衡方案基础上,按照生产需求,采用考虑有限缓冲区容量的NEH(Nawaz-Enscore-Ham)算法,获得...  相似文献   

An improved ant colony optimization (ACO), namely, station ant colony optimization (SACO), is proposed to solve the type 2 assembly line balancing problem (ALBP-2). In the algorithm, ACO is employed to search different better combinations of tasks (component solutions) for each station; an iteration compress mechanism is proposed to reduce the searching space of feasible solutions of ALBP-2. Three heuristic factors [i.e., (1) task time, (2) number of successors, and (3) number of releasable successors], two pheromones, and a task assignment mechanism are proposed to search better component solutions for every station. Finally, the effectiveness and stability of SACO are confirmed through comparison with literatures in 23 instances included in nine examples.  相似文献   

双边装配线在汽车、工程机械等大中型装配作业中广为应用.实际装配线布局往往受复杂区域约束,针对带区域约束的双边装配线平衡第一类问题建立数学模型.进而提出求解该问题的一种改进蚁群算法,该算法针对双边装配线问题特点建立构造解方式,综合采用禁忌集合、优先集合与蚁群搜索规则相结合的方法构造出满足区域约束条件的可行解,并采用改进的蚁群综合搜索规则搜寻任务.最后,经大量算例测试对比,验证了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

应用人工蜂群算法的动态波达方向跟踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目标信号源波达方向(DOA)的实时变化,将人工蜂群算法应用于最大似然函数的优化,实现了动态目标DOA的实时跟踪。首先,提出了一种可变遗忘因子的自适应样本协方差矩阵更新方法,该方法可根据目标信号源DOA变化的快慢自适应调整历史数据和当前采样数据在协方差矩阵中所占的权重,从而保证在获得较小稳态误差的同时又可获得较快的跟踪速度。然后,直接应用了性能优越的最大似然估计方法,避免了子空间跟踪类算法需要不断重复特征值或奇异值分解等问题。最后,采用人工蜂群仿生智能算法对似然函数的求解进行优化,从而极大地减少了算法的计算量,保证了算法的快速性和实时性。实验结果表明:在单快拍采样的情况下,信噪比为0dB时,跟踪两个目标信号源的均方根误差为0.995 2°,基本达到了阵列信号处理中目标跟踪方法的设计要求。  相似文献   

An effective artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is proposed in this paper for solving the flexible job-shop scheduling problem with the criterion to minimize the maximum completion time (makespan). The ABC algorithm stresses the balance between global exploration and local exploitation. First, multiple strategies are utilized in a combination to generate the initial solutions with certain quality and diversity as the food sources. Second, crossover and mutation operators are well designed for machine assignment and operation sequence to generate the new neighbor food sources for the employed bees. Third, a local search strategy based on critical path is proposed and embedded in the searching framework to enhance the local intensification capability for the onlooker bees. Meanwhile, an updating mechanism of population by generating the scout bees with the initialing strategy is proposed to enrich the searching behavior and avoid the premature convergence of the algorithm. In addition, a well-designed left-shift decoding scheme is employed to transform a solution to an active schedule. Numerical simulation results based on well-known benchmarks and comparisons with some existing algorithms demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed ABC algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents an improved artificial bee colony (IABC) algorithm for solving the blocking flowshop problem with the objective of minimizing makespan. The proposed IABC algorithm utilizes discrete job permutations to represent solutions and applies insert and swap operators to generate new solutions for the employed and onlooker bees. The differential evolution algorithm is employed to obtain solutions for the scout bees. An initialization scheme based on the problem-specific heuristics is presented to generate an initial population with a certain level of quality and diversity. A local search based on the insert neighborhood is embedded to improve the algorithm's local exploitation ability. The IABC is compared with the existing hybrid discrete differential evolution and discrete artificial bee colony algorithms based on the well-known flowshop benchmark of Taillard. The computational results and comparison demonstrate the superiority of the proposed IABC algorithm for the blocking flowshop scheduling problems with makespan criterion.  相似文献   

Unlike a traditional flowshop problem where a job is assumed to be indivisible, in the lot-streaming flowshop problem, a job is allowed to overlap its operations between successive machines by splitting it into a number of smaller sub-lots and moving the completed portion of the sub-lots to downstream machine. In this way, the production is accelerated. This paper presents a discrete artificial bee colony (DABC) algorithm for a lot-streaming flowshop scheduling problem with total flowtime criterion. Unlike the basic ABC algorithm, the proposed DABC algorithm represents a solution as a discrete job permutation. An efficient initialization scheme based on the extended Nawaz-Enscore-Ham heuristic is utilized to produce an initial population with a certain level of quality and diversity. Employed and onlooker bees generate new solutions in their neighborhood, whereas scout bees generate new solutions by performing insert operator and swap operator to the best solution found so far. Moreover, a simple but effective local search is embedded in the algorithm to enhance local exploitation capability. A comparative experiment is carried out with the existing discrete particle swarm optimization, hybrid genetic algorithm, threshold accepting, simulated annealing and ant colony optimization algorithms based on a total of 160 randomly generated instances. The experimental results show that the proposed DABC algorithm is quite effective for the lot-streaming flowshop with total flowtime criterion in terms of searching quality, robustness and effectiveness. This research provides the references to the optimization research on lot-streaming flowshop.  相似文献   

基于改进遗传算法的双边装配线平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前研究较少的双边装配线平衡问题,研究了双边装配线的特点及其对平衡的特殊要求,建立了双边装配线平衡问题的数学模型.根据双边装配中任务具有操作方位约束,以及工位上分配任务的操作顺序与平衡结果直接相关等特点,提出了相应的符合问题特性的遗传算法.该算法采用基于序列、任务及其分配方位组合的编码方法,运用可行的交叉与变异算子,使搜索过程仅在可行解空间内进行,提高了效率.算例结果验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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