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压电复合材料具有独特的机电耦合性、比强度高、比刚度大和抗疲劳性能好等优点,越来越广泛地被应用于航空航天等工程领域中。根据Reddy的三阶剪切变形层合板理论,研究了受面内横向外激励力、面内纵向参数激励和面外参数激励以及压电参数激励联合作用下四边简支矩形复合材料层合板在1:2:4内共振情况下的六维平均方程。考虑平均方程存在一对双零特征值和两对纯虚特征值的情况,利用规范形理论进行化简,得到与原方程拓扑等价的最简规范形,然后在此基础上利用能量相位法从理论上分析得到系统会产生同宿的多脉冲跳跃现象;同时,基于平均方程,通过数值仿真,发现系统会产生混沌运动,具有跳跃现象。 相似文献
针对复合材料层合板结构,建立了冰雹冲击复合材料层合板的有限元模型,在充分考虑冲击过程中冰雹的流体特性下,给出了冰雹和复合材料层合板的材料模型和损伤准则,利用显式有限元分析工具LS-DYNA研究了不同冰雹冲击速度下复合材料层合板的临界破坏速度和破坏形式。结果表明,文中给出的冰雹、复合材料层合板的材料模型和损伤准则能够合理地再现冰雹冲击复合材料板的过程;复合材料层合板(AS4/8552)在冰雹高速冲击下首先发生的是基体开裂,当冰雹速度到达125m/s时,层合板上表面纤维发生断裂,但在整个冰雹冲击过程中层合板没有发生压缩失效 相似文献
针对飞机空中受冰雹撞击会造成复合材料结构分层或损伤问题,用有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对复合材料的抗冰雹冲击行为进行分析。采用光滑质点流体动力学方法(Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic,SPH)模拟冰雹冲击刚性平板的高度非线性力学行为。通过对比模拟结果与实验数据知两者吻合较好,验证冰雹模型的准确性。将该模型引入冰雹冲击复合材料结构模型,采用粘聚区模型(Cohesive Zone Model,CZM)预测复合材料结构的分层损伤,获得合理计算结果;并分析冰雹撞击层合板损伤情况及不同参数对层合板损伤影响。 相似文献
本文基于高阶变形理论和修正型Hahn-Tsai非线性本构模型,提出一种复合材料层合板非线性热屈曲分析方法.针对四边简支反对称角铺设复合材料层合板,导出了非线性热屈曲临界温度封闭解.数值结果表明:材料非线性能显著降低层合板临界温度. 相似文献
为研究湍流脉动噪声激励下复合材料层合板的传声特性,首先基于一般层合板理论将复合材料层合板等效为单层各向异性板,进而采用FE-SEA混合方法研究其传声损失。同时开展复合材料层合板传声损失试验,并将FE-SEA结果和统计能量法(SEA)结果以及实验值进行对比分析。研究结果表明:FE-SEA结果和实验值整体上分布趋势一致,而且误差也相对较小,其中3 000 Hz~10 000 Hz误差在2 dB以内,但由于刚度等效导致2 000 Hz附近结果误差相对较大。相较于SEA方法, FE-SEA混合方法综合考虑了复合材料层合板边界条件和详细得几何特征,不仅可以准确地计算复合材料层合板的固有特性,而且使得传声损失结果在全频带内与试验值吻合得更好。因此建立的二维等效FE-SEA混合模型可以准确预示复合材料层合板在湍流脉动噪声激励下的传声损失。 相似文献
采用Reddy 的板高阶剪切变形简化理论研究了含分层损伤复合材料层合板的非线性动力稳定性问题。建立了分层模型, 推导了考虑几何非线性和阻尼效应的Methieu 方程, 给出了该方程的解析解表达式; 研究了参数振动解的稳定性; 然后通过典型数例讨论了分层损伤对层合板固有频率、屈曲临界力以及动力稳定区域的影响; 研究了保守与非保守体系的外载荷的激励频率对层合板第一参数振动的振幅的影响, 以及线性、非线性阻尼对非保守体系的最大牵引深度的影响。由典型算例讨论可知, 随着复合材料层合板分层损伤的扩大, 其动力稳定性能逐渐减弱, 特别是损伤接近层合板的中面时, 分层损伤对其动力稳定性能的影响最大。 相似文献
反对称角铺设复合材料层合板热后屈曲和模态跃迁分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为有效分析反对称角铺设复合材料层压板热后屈曲性能,由渐近修正几何非线性理论推导双耦合四阶偏微分方程(即协调方程和动态控制方程),通过双Fourier级数将耦合非线性控制偏微分方程转换为系列非线性常微分方程,从而获得相对简单的求解方法。使用广义Galerkin方法求解与角交铺设复合层合板相关的边界值问题,研究了模态跃迁前后不同复杂程度的后屈曲模式。通过四边简支、面内不可移边界下复合层合板的数值计算表明:该解析法与有限元方法在主后屈曲区域的计算结果有很好的吻合性;有限元方法在解靠近二次分岔点时失去收敛性,而解析法仍具有深入探索后屈曲区域和准确捕捉模态跃迁现象的能力。 相似文献
针对复合材料悬臂板系统的非线性动力学行为进行了分析。模型考虑高阶横向剪切效应、几何大变形和横向阻尼的影响,基于Reddy的高阶剪切变形理von Karman的大变形理论,利用Hamilton原理,Galerkin离散和多尺度法得到系统横向位移的平均方程。应用广义Melnikov方法研究了复合材料悬臂板的非线性混沌动力学行为。分析了在共振带附近,复合材料悬臂板系统存在的Shilnikov类型多脉冲跳跃同宿轨道。最后结合数值模拟,进一步揭示系统存在多脉冲跳跃现象。 相似文献
An algorithm based on the finite element method (FEM) has been developed to study the dynamic response of composite laminated beams subjected to the moving oscillator. The first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is assumed for the beam model. The algorithm accounts for the complete dynamic interaction between the components of system. The proposed method can also be applied to the general moving mass and the simplified moving force problems. After deriving the governing equations of motion of beam and oscillator, the corresponding equations of motion are integrated by applying the Newmark’s time integration procedures to obtain the system responses in each time step. The numerical results of free vibration and moving force problems analysis of isotropic and composite laminated beams are presented and, whenever possible, compared to the available analytical solution and other numerical results in order to demonstrate the accuracy of the present method. In addition, parametric analysis is carried out over a wide range of velocities and mass, frequency and damping ratios of system components. 相似文献
Thermal buckling behavior of composite laminated plates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Thermal buckling behavior of composite laminated plates was studied by making the use of finite element method. The thermal buckling mode shapes of cross-ply and angle-ply laminates with various E1/E2 ratios, aspect ratios, fiber angle, stacking sequence and boundary condition were studied in detail. The results indicate that the high E1/E2 and α2/α1 ratios of AS4/3501-6 and T 300/5208 laminates produce higher bending rigidity along the fiber direction and higher in-plane compressive force in a direction perpendicular to the fiber direction. Therefore, the higher thermal buckling mode shapes are formed. The thermal buckling mode that composite laminated plate will buckle into is mainly dependent on the E1/E2 ratio, α2/α1 ratio, fiber orientation and aspect ratio of the plate. 相似文献
Based on new modified couple stress theory a model for composite laminated Reddy plate is developed in first time. In this theory a new curvature tensor is defined for establishing the constitutive relations of laminated plate. The characterization of anisotropy is incorporated into higher-order laminated plate theories based on the modified couple stress theory by Yang et al. in 2002. The form of new curvature tensor is asymmetric, however it can result in same as the symmetric curvature tensor in the isotropic elasticity. The present model of thick plate can be viewed as a simplified couple stress theory in engineering mechanics. Moreover, a more simplified model for cross-ply composite laminated Reddy plate of couple stress theory with one material’s length constant is used to demonstrate the scale effects. Numerical results show that the present plate model can capture the scale effects of microstructure. Additionally, the present model of thick plate model can be degenerated to the model of composite cross-ply laminated Kirchhoff plate and Mindlin plate of couple stress theory. 相似文献
Based on the higher-order global–local theories, a finite element model is proposed to study the bending behavior of stiffened laminated plates. The proposed model treats the embedded stiffeners as the part of laminated plate, so that the compatibility of displacements and stresses between the plate and the stiffeners can be automatically satisfied. Distributions of the displacements and stresses through the thickness of laminates were also given for the first time, which can serve as references for future investigations as such information is lacking in the published literature. In addition, the impact of the stiffeners on the bending response of the stiffened laminated plates is also studied in terms of the quantity, the collocation and the geometry of stiffeners. Numerical results showed that the higher-order global–local theories are more suitable for predicting the bending response of thick and moderately thick stiffened laminated plates compared to the first order theory commonly used in engineering. By varying the quantity, the collocation and the geometry of stiffeners, the stiffness and the strength of stiffened laminated plates can be remarkably improved. 相似文献
Adnan Golubović Ismet Demirdžić Samir Muzaferija 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2017,109(11):1607-1620
A numerical procedure for analysis of general laminated plates under transverse load is developed utilizing the Mindlin plate theory, the finite volume discretization, and a segregated solution algorithm. The force and moment balance equations with the laminate constitutive relations are written in the form of a generic transport equation. In order to obtain discrete counterparts of the governing equations, the plate is subdivided into N control volumes by a Cartesian numerical mesh. As a result, five sets of N linear equations with N unknowns are obtained and solved using the conjugate gradient method with preconditioning. For the method validation, a number of test cases are designed to cover thick and thin laminated plates with aspect ratio (width to thickness) from 4 to 100. Simply supported orthotropic, symmetric cross‐ply, and angle‐ply laminated plates under uniform and sinusoidal pressure loads are solved, and results are compared with available analytical solutions. The shear correction factor of 5/6 is utilized throughout the procedure, which is consistent with test cases used in the reviewed literature. Comparisons of the finite volume method results for maximum deflections at the center of the plate and the Navier solutions obtained for aspect ratios 10, 20, and 100 shows a very good agreement. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
摘要 研究在温度场、机械场与电磁弹性耦合作用下四边固定支撑矩形薄板的分岔与混沌运动问题。考虑温度场的影响,推导出在横向稳恒磁场和载荷共同作用下的四边固支矩形薄板的非线性磁弹性耦合振动方程。运用Melnikov函数方法,求出该问题在Smale马蹄映射下发生混沌运动的条件解。并对其进行了数值仿真,给出了该系统的分岔图、Lyapunov指数图、位移波形图、相平面轨迹图以及Poincare截面图,讨论了温度及电磁场强度对系统运动状态的影响。由仿真结果可知,通过变化温度场和电磁参数可以使系统进入混沌运动状态,或者避免混沌运动,以实现对系统振动特性的控制。
The strip element method (SEM) is extended to include rotatory inertia for analysing the dynamic response of laminated composite plates. The transient responses of rectangular symmetric laminated plates are computed for various loading using the newly developed SEM program. The effect of the rotatory inertia is investigated for plates of different thickness. It is found that the rotatory inertia has less effect on thin plates whose thickness–length ratio is less than 1/20, but significant effect on thicker plates. The effects of other parameters such as elastic constants, material density and fiber orientation on the responses of plate are also studied and discussed in detail. 相似文献