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黑刺粉虱通过吸食汁液对葡萄进行为害,叶片、枝梢和果实均可受害,且其排泄物还可诱发煤烟病,影响树体生长发育和果实品质。本文描述了黑刺粉虱在葡萄上的为害特点,并对其发生原因进行了分析,同时提出了对该虫的综合防治技术,为黑刺粉虱在葡萄上的有效防控提供一定的技术支撑。  相似文献   

为了减轻列当对烟草的危害,利用自主分离纯化并繁殖的生防镰刀菌(Fusarium sp.)进行了烟田列当防治试验.结果表明,烟田土壤先用硫磺调节酸碱度后再穴施生防菌,然后在列当寄生前期分3次向土壤中喷施生防菌的效果最好,可推迟列当出土时间3d,生防菌对列当的寄生率为31.20%,对烟田列当的防治效果达62.44%,同时烟田其他病害发生情况最轻,烟叶产量为4895 kg/hm2,上中等烟比例达89.89%,比对照提高33.95%.  相似文献   

采用新型常压室温等离子体射流诱变拟无枝酸菌CCTCC M2011265(Amycolatopsis sp.),在等离子体对菌株致死率为61.71%的条件下,以香兰素产量为指标的正突变率达到17.6%,其中复筛得到遗传稳定性的高产突变株LQ-6,香兰素产量达到6.78 g/L,对前体阿魏酸的摩尔产率为72.14%,比出发菌株提高了21.29%,同时其香兰素合成代谢途径中的关键酶脱乙酰酶活性提高了43.2%,香兰素氧化酶活性降低了38.7%。  相似文献   

近年来我们在本站部分葡萄植株上发现一种粉蚧,经鉴定属同翅目,粉蚧科Pseudococcidae,粉蚧属Pseudococcus。目前在国内尚未见到此虫在葡萄上的有关报导。据观察,葡萄粉蚧主要在枝蔓的老皮下,刺吸汁液进行为害,被害处形成大小不等的瘤,为害严重时树势衰弱,树体发育不良以致造成减产。偶尔也为害果穗,被害后的果梗、  相似文献   

1990—1993年引入11个欧亚种葡萄品种(v.Vinifera L.)在避雨覆盖的条件下观察其生长结果习性及避雨栽培效应,结果认为:绯红品种早熟,丰产,粒大,色艳,质优,可作设施栽培优良品种推广,避雨栽培可显著减轻病害侵袭,提高座果,提高品质。本文分析了避雨栽培欧亚种葡萄的经济和社会效益,提出了南方葡萄避雨要点。  相似文献   

In this work two potential new species for forest plantation projects in Northern Brazil were evaluated for their suitability in particleboard production. The main evaluated parameters of the laboratory boards were pH value and buffer capacity of the particles, compaction ratio, thickness swelling, modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR) and internal bond (IB). The results showed that both species are highly suitable for particleboard production as they presented low densities (400–430 kg/m³), light color, good compressibility and no apparent adverse reactions after UF-resination.  相似文献   

1 茶黑刺粉虱与茶小绿叶蝉的危害状况 茶黑刺粉虱以危害春茶为主,其幼虫伏于叶背吸取叶片汁液,它的分泌物可导致茶树煤病发生。茶小绿叶蝉以危害夏秋茶为主,特殊年景也会危害春茶。它以针状口器刺入新梢幼嫩芽叶吸取汁液,致使芽叶萎缩、  相似文献   

研究超微天麻(Gastrodia elata Bl.)粉(D50 23.77μm)的吸收及对小鼠睡眠的改善作用。HPLC法测定超微天麻粉中天麻素的含量,通过灌胃超微天麻粉(4 g/kg)和静脉注射天麻素(25 mg/kg)考察微粉中天麻素的生物利用度,按照《保健食品检验与评价技术规范》(2003版)中方法每天经口灌胃给予此样品(40、400和1 200 mg/kg·BW),观察其改善睡眠的功能。结果表明,超微天麻粉中天麻素含量为0.24%,天麻素的绝对生物利用度达60.77%;受试天麻超微粉可协同戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量催眠作用(P0.05)和缩短巴比妥钠睡眠潜伏期(P0.01),无直接睡眠作用,表明40 mg/kg BW此超微天麻粉具有改善睡眠的功能。  相似文献   

研究了圆酵母(Torula sp.)B84512以不同碳源发酵产赤藓糖醇过程中副产物甘油的生成与消耗情况。发现该菌株在以任何碳源为底物发酵过程中均会产生甘油,且在发酵中后期甘油逐渐被消耗。以甘油为唯一碳源时该菌株合成赤藓糖醇的速率及产率均低于葡萄糖。葡萄糖为圆酵母B84512发酵产赤藓糖醇的最佳碳源。采用分批补料的方式提高赤藓糖醇的产率并期望能抑制甘油的生成,实验结果表明补料至总糖浓度为50%时赤藓糖醇产量最高为253 g/L,产率为1.03 g/(L.h)。但甘油产量与葡萄糖的浓度呈正相关,分批补料并不能有效抑制甘油的生成,反而导致发酵周期大大延长,对于工业化生产极其不利。通过对甘油的生成及消耗过程中关键酶胞浆3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶(ctGPD)、3-磷酸甘油酯酶(GPP)、线粒体3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶(mtGPD)酶活测定,确定胞浆3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶为甘油合成途径的关键酶,为以后对圆酵母B84512中甘油代谢途径的基因工程改造选育奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In mountaineous regions of Germany Norway Spruce (Picea abies Karst.) the most common and the most important tree species is severely affected by forest decline. At Göttingen University an integrated research project is conducted to analyse qualitative and quantitative relations between site quality, pollution (immision) and physiology and vitality of the affected trees. Within that context it is of particular interest to know if the conductive structure of the tree’s xylem can become a limitation for transport of water between the roots (as uptaking parts) and the crown/needles (as evaporating parts) of the hydraulic system. A total of 108 trees out of 5 young stands (appr. 40 yrs.) and 2 old stands (appr. 120 yrs.) situated in the Harz mountains and nearby have been intensively analysed. Two of the stands are severely affected by forest decline, and showed heavy needle-loss in the crowns, the other trees were obviously in normal, vital conditions. On cross cuts of 4 different levels (heights) of the trees, the following variables had been measured Absolute sapwood-area, density (ovendry), relative moisture content, water content of the xylem and cross-sectional area of conductive tissue in the sapwood. The results show clearly, that
  • - the sapwood-area in the affected trees is lower than in the vital trees. The relative sapwood area increased from the bottom to the top of all trees, independent from their vitality.
  • - the density raised from the pit to the bark of the stem, subvital trees showed higher densities.
  • - the moisture content of the sapwood of the vital trees was higher than that of the subvital trees.
  • - there is a clear distinction in moisture content between heartwood, inner sapwood and outer sapwood. This supports the hypothesis, that the latter is primarily responsible for the water conduction.
  • - there was an inverse correlation between the area of the lumina of tracheids (“pores”) and the density, the subvital trees showed a lower area of pores compared with the vital trees.
  • - the sapwood area showed high correlation with the ovendry weight of the total needles of the tree, this correlation can be even improved if the proportion of pores within the sapwood area and its water content are calculated as additional variables.

2012年5月首次在新疆北疆地区霍城县红地球葡萄上发现真葡萄粉蚧,通过3年的调查发现,该虫造成红地球葡萄新梢不成熟,无法越冬;为害果穗和果粒,其上有一层黏质物污染果穗,影响果实品质并造成腐烂;严重时,整株树势衰弱死亡。真葡萄粉蚧在伊犁河谷1年发生3代,田间防控适期有4次,第1次4月下旬~5月上旬葡萄出土上架时;第2次6月底~7月上旬第1代若虫爬出活动期;第3次8月中下旬第2代若虫爬出活动期;第4次10月下旬~11月上旬葡萄树埋土前。采取葡萄出土上架时喷施5波美度石硫合剂、秋季修剪剪出虫枝、刮去老树皮和挖掉有虫葡萄树,并结合化学防治喷施新型高效低毒低残留农药(22%阿立卡ZC),可有效防治真葡萄粉蚧的发生与危害蔓延。  相似文献   

粟于中国北方俗称"谷子",脱壳后称"小米",南方则通称"小米",在古代粮食作物中的地位举足轻重.近世学者对粟的史前考古发现、起源与传播、稷的粟黍之争、生产与文化等方面行了研究,并且已经取得了很多成果,但在某些方面的探索还非常不够,如史前人类生活中粟作的地位与演变;古粟的栽培、储藏、加工与利用技术;历史上粟的生产布局、价格与产量的变动;粟与古代经济、政治、文化的关系等.今后应加强在这些方面的投入,不断拓展粟研究的深度和广度.  相似文献   

利用敌敌畏和酒精的芳香及挥发性、食用糖的甜味等特性,将敌敌畏、酒精、食用糖、清洁水按0.5:0.5:0.3:10混合配比,制成20cm×15cm×3cm形状的药包,通过药液浸泡40min,在粮面上均匀布点,诱杀书虱和粉螨,试验证明该方法诱杀时间短、效果好、成本低、无残留、易操作,诱杀率达100%.  相似文献   

本研究采用拌粮法研究了不同浓度和粒径的硅藻土、沸石粉、蒙脱石和高岭土等四种惰性粉对嗜卷书虱的作用效果。研究结果表明,与其他3种惰性粉相比,沸石粉对嗜卷书虱的作用最好,处理时间为7 d时,在处理浓度为1 000 mg/kg条件下,校正死亡率即达到了76.32%。而在所研究的粒径范围内,不同粒径对嗜卷书虱的作用除在处理7 d时,100目高岭土的作用效果显著优于400目的外,其他处理并没有显著差异。利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET)3种检测手段研究4种惰性粉的组成、形貌和吸附特性,以分析不同惰性粉对嗜卷书虱作用效果存在差异的原因,为后期选择或改性出杀虫效果更好的惰性粉提供参考。  相似文献   

为探讨葡萄泡腾片中果粉、柠檬酸和碳酸氢钠的不同配比对葡萄泡腾片质量的影响,采用混料设计中的极端顶点设计,控制3种物料的总质量分数(80%),固定其余辅料的质量分数。根据果粉(20%~40%)、柠檬酸(20%~30%)、碳酸氢钠(20%~30%)的限定水平条件,组合不同的配方,以崩解时限和硬度作为评价指标,采用Minitab 17软件进行数据分析及优化,获得的优化组合配方为果粉38%、柠檬酸22%、碳酸氢钠20%。经试验验证,优化配方的崩解时限小于1 min,硬度为50 N,符合2015版《药典》规范。  相似文献   

The modulus of elasticity of weakly thermally modified as well as native twin samples of spruce was determined at different air humidity levels. Within the range of 0 and 93% of relative humidity a higher modulus of elasticity could be proven for thermally modified samples than for native comparison samples. The functional interrelation between modulus of elasticity and wood moisture admitted for native woods could be confirmed for modified twin samples.  相似文献   

Jeong  Hee-Rok  Jeong  Chang-Ho  Kwak  Ji Hyun  Kim  Ji Hye  Lee  Uk  Choi  Gwi Nam  Choi  Sung-Gil  Heo  Ho Jin 《Food science and biotechnology》2011,20(3):845-850
The antioxidant and neuronal cell protective effects of silica-gel open column chromatographic fractions, obtained from Chinese lizard’s tail (Saururus chinensis) methanolic extract, were investigated. The ABTS radical scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays indicated that the SC4 fraction (eluted with chloroform/methanol by 4:1, v/v) obtained from Chinese lizard’s tail was more potent radical scavengers and reducing agents than that of other 5 fractions. The SC4 fraction also presented protective effects against H2O2-induced neurotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, our study suggested that the SC4 fraction has strong antioxidant and neuronal protective effects which are correlated with its high level of phenolics, particularly quercitrin and quercetin.  相似文献   

Low quality beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were densified with viscoelastic thermal compression (VTC) process to two different degrees of densification, and lamellas were used to manufacture different types of 3-layer VTC composites. Bending properties of 3-layer VTC composites bonded with phenol formaldehyde (PF) adhesive and liquefied wood (LW) were determined and compared to 3-layer composites produced with undensified beech or spruce wood lamellas. Morphology of VTC spruce wood of higher density was analysed with fluorescent microscopic technique. All composites produced with densified beech lamellas and bonded with PF adhesive had significantly higher values of modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) than composites produced with undensified lamellas. Densified spruce lamellas contributed to better bending performance of 3-layer VTC composites bonded with PF adhesive to some extent. Furthermore, composites bonded with LW had significantly lower MOR and MOE values compared to composites bonded with PF adhesive. Study of VTC spruce wood microstructure showed that densification caused non-uniform deformation of cell wall structure, in which cell wall fractures were observed.  相似文献   

原味纯鸡粉在鸡精(粉)中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
对原味纯鸡粉、酶解鸡肉粉、鸡油、鸡肉精油等产生鸡风味的原料进行了分析,认为原味纯鸡粉天然、营养丰富、鸡味足、真实、使用方便,其生产工艺先进、质量稳定,是生产鸡精的最佳的原料。  相似文献   

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