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It has been proved that full-rate complex orthogonal space-time block codes do not exist for systems with more than two transmit antennas. In this paper, we present a space-time block coding scheme based on cyclic design. The proposed codes provide full rate and full diversity for quaternary phase shift keying (QPSK) symbols in systems with three or four transmit antennas.  相似文献   

Space-time block codes based on coordinate symmetric orthogonal designs are proposed. Compared with space-time block codes from complex orthogonal design when the code rate is the same and the transmission rate is fixed, space-time block codes from coordinate symmetric orthogonal design with more transmit antennas can reduce the bit error rate and symbol error rate. Also these new codes have the same low decoding complexity as space-time block codes from complex orthogonal designs.  相似文献   

卢鑫  赵曙光  胡智勇 《信息技术》2003,27(7):6-8,11
MIMO通过多天线发射多数据流并由多天线接收实现最佳处理,可实现很高的容量和频谱利用率,这种最佳处理是通过空时码实现的。本文依照一个实际信道模型,假定Rayleigh或Rice准静态平坦非相关和部分相关信道,分析了STBC的信道容量,并进行Monte-Carlo模拟仿真。结果表明STBC的容量远低于其理论限,特别是对于大的N和M。  相似文献   

Based on a zero-forcing with successive interference cancellation (ZFSIC) method, we construct variable-rate space-time block codes (STBCs) for two, three, and four transmit antennas in Rayleigh fading channels. Considering the error-propagation effect in the ZFSIC scheme, we analyze the bit-error rate (BER) and optimize the transmit power so that the average BER is minimized. Unlike the approach based on zero-forcing (ZF), the method adopted in this paper can construct variable-rate STBCs even when the receive antennas are fewer than the transmit antennas. In addition, to improve the BERs further, we propose space-time power optimization. Numerical results show that the codes presented in this paper provide much lower BERs, compared with the codes developed by Kim and Tarokh.  相似文献   

Following a brief historical perspective on channel coding, an introduction to space-time block codes is given. The various space-time codes considered are then concatenated with a range of channel codecs, such as convolutional and block-based turbo codes as well as conventional and turbo trellis codes. The associated estimated complexity issues and memory requirements are also considered. These discussions are followed by a performance study of various space-time and channel-coded transceivers. Our aim is first to identify a space-time code/channel code combination constituting a good engineering tradeoff in terms of its effective throughput, bit-error-rate performance, and estimated complexity. Specifically, the issue of bit-to-symbol mapping is addressed in the context of convolutional codes (CCs) and convolutional coding as well as Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem coding-based turbo codes in conjunction with an attractive unity-rate space-time code and multilevel modulation is detailed. It is concluded that over the nondispersive or narrow-band fading channels, the best performance versus complexity tradeoff is constituted by Alamouti's twin-antenna block space-time code concatenated with turbo convolutional codes. Further comparisons with space-time trellis codes result in similar conclusions  相似文献   

This correspondence presents a new signal mapper that maps the maximal rank distance codes to space-time (ST) codes with amplitude modulation phase-shift keying (AM-PSK) constellations. It is shown that this new mapper is rank-distance preserving. Comparing to the multiradii construction proposed by Hammons, this new mapper has linear increase in the radii and the resulting signal constellations have larger minimum distance and lower peak-to-average power ratio. Variations of this new mapper are also given to provide ST codes with rotated AM-PSK constellations  相似文献   

Near-optimum decoding of product codes: block turbo codes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes an iterative decoding algorithm for any product code built using linear block codes. It is based on soft-input/soft-output decoders for decoding the component codes so that near-optimum performance is obtained at each iteration. This soft-input/soft-output decoder is a Chase decoder which delivers soft outputs instead of binary decisions. The soft output of the decoder is an estimation of the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) of the binary decisions given by the Chase decoder. The theoretical justifications of this algorithm are developed and the method used for computing the soft output is fully described. The iterative decoding of product codes is also known as the block turbo code (BTC) because the concept is quite similar to turbo codes based on iterative decoding of concatenated recursive convolutional codes. The performance of different Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH)-BTCs are given for the Gaussian and the Rayleigh channel. Performance on the Gaussian channel indicates that data transmission at 0.8 dB of Shannon's limit or more than 98% (R/C>0.98) of channel capacity can be achieved with high-code-rate BTC using only four iterations. For the Rayleigh channel, the slope of the bit-error rate (BER) curve is as steep as for the Gaussian channel without using channel state information  相似文献   

We document the performance of space-time block codes, which provide a new paradigm for transmission over Rayleigh fading channels using multiple transmit antennas. Data is encoded using a space-time block code, and the encoded data is split into n streams which are simultaneously transmitted using n transmit antennas. The received signal at each receive antenna is a linear superposition of the n transmitted signals perturbed by noise. Maximum likelihood decoding is achieved in a simple way through decoupling of the signals transmitted from different antennas rather than joint detection. This uses the orthogonal structure of the space-time block code and gives a maximum likelihood decoding algorithm which is based only on linear processing at the receiver. We review the encoding and decoding algorithms for various codes and provide simulation results demonstrating their performance. It is shown that using multiple transmit antennas and space-time block coding provides remarkable performance at the expense of almost no extra processing  相似文献   

Space-time trellis codes with transmit antenna selection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A scheme combining transmit antenna selection (TAS) and space-time trellis code (STTC), which is referred to as the TAS/STTC scheme, is considered. In this scheme, two transmit antennas, which maximise the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver, are chosen to transmit the baseline STTCs designed for two transmit antennas. It is shown by simulation that, similar to two other transmit antenna selection schemes investigated previously by the authors, this scheme also achieves a full diversity order as if all the transmit antennas were used. In addition, this scheme has a fixed low decoding complexity no matter how high the diversity order. Unlike the traditional STTC, this scheme does not have the requirement for minimum memory order to achieve a full diversity order.  相似文献   

Like turbo codes, repeat-accumulate codes have remarkably good performance when r/spl ges/3, where r is the number of repetition times. We present space-time codes with full antenna diversity using "weighted" nonbinary repeat-accumulate codes. Compared with the space-time turbo codes of Y. Liu et al. (see IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol.19, p.969-80, 2001) and of H. Su and E. Geraniotis (see ibid., vol.49, p.47-57, 2001), the main advantage of this new scheme is to construct space-time codes with full diversity for any m/spl les/r and any length of frame without searching for interleavers, where m is the number of transmit antennas. These space-time codes have rate m/r and, so, have full rate when m=r. Furthermore, they have an efficient decoding based on the message passing algorithm.  相似文献   

In attempting to find a spectrally and power efficient channel code which is able to exploit maximum diversity from a wireless channel whenever available, we investigate the possibility of constructing a full antenna diversity space-time turbo code. As a result, both three-antenna and two-antenna (punctured) constructions are shown to be possible and very easy to find. To check the decodability and performance of the proposed codes, we derive non-binary soft-decoding algorithms. The performance of these codes are then simulated and compared with two existing space-time convolutional codes (one has minimum worst-case symbol-error probability; the other has maximal minimum free distance) having similar decoding complexity. As the simulation results show, the proposed space-time turbo codes give similar or slightly better performance than the convolutional codes under extremely slow fading. When fading is fast, the better distance spectra of the turbo codes help seize the temporal diversity. Thus, the performance advantage of the turbo codes becomes evident. In particular, 10-5 bit-error rate and 10-3 frame-error rate can be achieved at less than 6-dB Eb/N0 with 1 b/s/Hz and binary phase-shift keying modulation. The practical issue of obtaining the critical channel state information (CSI) is also considered by applying an iteratively filtered pilot symbol-assisted modulation technique. The penalty when the CSI is not given a priori is about 2-3 dB  相似文献   

The combination of space-time block coding (STBC) and direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) has the potential to increase the performance of multiple users in a cellular network. However, if not carefully designed, the resulting transmission scheme suffers from increased multiuser interference (MUI), which dramatically deteriorates the performance. To tackle this MUI problem in the downlink, we combine two specific DS-CDMA and STBC techniques, namely single-carrier block transmission (SCBT) DS-CDMA and time-reversal STBC. The resulting transmission scheme allows for deterministic maximum-likelihood (ML) user separation through low-complexity code-matched filtering, as well as deterministic ML transmit stream separation through linear processing. Moreover, it can achieve maximum diversity gains of N/sub T/N/sub R/(L+1) for every user in the system, irrespective of the system load, where N/sub T/ is the number of transmit antennas, N/sub R/ the number of receive antennas, and L the order of the underlying multipath channels. In addition, it turns out that a low-complexity linear receiver based on frequency-domain equalization comes close to extracting the full diversity in reduced, as well as full load settings. In this perspective, we also develop two (recursive) least squares methods for direct equalizer design. Simulation results demonstrate the outstanding performance of the proposed transceiver compared to competing alternatives.  相似文献   

Pire  P. 《Electronics letters》1974,10(18):391-392
By combining irreducible cyclic codes, we obtain good quasicyclic or extended quasicyclic codes. Some of these improve on the lower bound of Helgert and Stinaff.  相似文献   

DC-free codes and error-control (EC) codes are widely used in digital transmission and storage systems. To improve system performance in terms of code rate, bit-error rate (BER), and low-frequency suppression, and to provide a flexible tradeoff between these parameters, this paper introduces a new class of codes with both dc-control and EC capability. The new codes integrate dc-free encoding and EC encoding, and are decoded by first applying standard EC decoding techniques prior to dc-free decoding, thereby avoiding the drawbacks that arise when dc-free decoding precedes EC decoding. The dc-free code property is introduced into standard EC codes through multimode coding techniques, at the cost of minor loss in BER performance on the additive white Gaussian noise channel, and some increase in implementation complexity, particularly at the encoder. This paper demonstrates that a wide variety of EC block codes can be integrated into this dc-free coding structure, including binary cyclic codes, binary primitive BCH codes, Reed-Solomon codes, Reed-Muller codes, and some capacity-approaching EC block codes, such as low-density parity-check codes and product codes with iterative decoding. Performance of the new dc-free EC block codes is presented.  相似文献   

A new class of block codes with low state complexity of their conventional trellis representations called double zero-tail terminated convolutional codes (DZT codes) is introduced. It is shown that there exist DZT-codes meeting the Varshamov-Gilbert bound on the minimum distance and having asymptotically optimal state complexity. Two ways of constructing DZT-codes are considered. Examples of DZT-codes meeting a lower bound on the state complexity are given.  相似文献   

The mobility and ubiquitous access afforded by wireless local area networks (WLANs) and high-performance portable products promise to revolutionize the way we live, work, and play. However, sustained improvements in the throughput of WLANs, while also supporting robust long-range operation, requires the use of multiple antennas at both the mobile terminal and the access point. This article reviews the various space-time coding and decoding technologies employed for capitalizing on the increased capacity of the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio channel. Also described is a channel sounding campaign performed in the office environments used to scope the expected performance of these space-time codes in realistic deployments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the weight enumerator and the numerical performance of a class of binary linear block codes formed from a family of rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) codes. Also, we present useful numerical results for a well-known family of RCPC codes.  相似文献   

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