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在3D打印技术的不断发展成熟下,3D打印技术被广泛的应用在个性化创意设计领域,能够在快速时间内将二维信息转化为三维立体信息,对促进个性化创意设计发展意义重大.为此,文章在阐述3D打印技术在个性化创意设计应有优势的基础上,以吉祥物"乒乓"为例,具体分析3D打印技术在个性化创意设计中的应用.  相似文献   

3D打印机技术在国外已经得到广泛应用,但在中国还没有得到推广,3D打印技术与传统的打印产品最大区别就是,3D打印可以得到三维立体的产品实物,而不是仅仅局限在一个平面上,一个二维的图像.并且实现一定的功能性,可以说3D打印对传统印刷产业形成冲击,以3D打印技术为纽带,会带动一系列的行业发展,形成产业链.本文主要介绍3D打印技术的应用以及未来趋势,希望通过本文,可以使读者对3D打印有初步的了解,而科研工作者可以获得相关资讯,以便对此项技术有更多的了解.  相似文献   

【正】http://weibo.com/NIE微博互动官方微博:@0755新产经【3D打印】@Edith_Cai:于个人,个性化世界将不再是梦想,非常期待Sculpteo和3D Systems的合作能普及;于国家,传统制造产业将受到巨大冲击,3D打印把人从生产线赶走。虽然3D打印将极大改变人类生活,可是一旦可持续能源问...  相似文献   

2014年初Pw C(普华永道)公司进行的相关调查预示着3D打印革命的到来,参加调查的100多家制造企业中,有11%已经大规模采用3D打印技术生产配件或产品。根据盖特纳(Gartner)公司的分析,当一种技术的采用比例达到20%的时候,它就已经成为主流。现在可打印材料除了基本的塑料和感光树脂,还有陶土、水泥、玻璃、多种金属以及合金,乃至加入了碳纳米管和纤维的新型热塑性复合材料。虽然运用新的3D打印方法和新材料往往使得商品直接成本升高,但是增材制造技术带来的高度灵活性可以让总成本降低,加上具有优势的应用模式,成本将进一步的降低。目前,3D打印技术最大的优势就是个性化打印,满足个性化需求,但是随着材料范围的拓宽以及打印速度的加快,3D打印技术将会成井喷方式的发展,尤其是在制造行业和一些服务型行业,本文就在电力行业引入3D打印的应用场景以及可能性,详细从成本、性能、效率三个方面探究,并提出需要注意的事项。  相似文献   

知识产权视角下的3D打印技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3D打印技术的出现,改变了长久以来人们制造产品的模式,对各行各业都带来了或多或少的冲击.这种冲击不仅仅体现在产品的生产方面,同时也体现在对传统知识产权的挑战方面.首先从专利层面对3D打印技术进行了梳理,分析了国内相关专利的分布情况;然后着眼于3D打印技术与知识产权制度的冲突问题,探讨了如何在保护知识产权的前提下发展3D打印技术.  相似文献   

国外很多产品是定制化、个性化的,产量不是很大,可以直接使用3D打印设备进行生产。而中国市场则更喜欢大规模制造生产出来的物美价廉的产品,对定制化、个性化产品的接受程度有限,这在一定程度上制约了3D打印在国内的应用和发展。2013年,武汉滨湖机电技术产业有限公司(以华中科技大学快速制造中心为依托单位)共卖出了30台工业级3D打印机,其中有两台分别出口到了巴西和新加坡。2013年公司营收5000多万元,利润率约10%,均比2012年增长50%左右。不过,对于这样的成绩,该公司的副总经理周刚并不满足。“由于应用市场有限,  相似文献   

3D打印技术发展已经成为全球时代发展的焦点。根据3D打印发展情况来看,3D打印的个性化及定制化的需求将被大大激发,未来3D打印产业发展中,关于模型设计、智能化制造、以及新材料的研发都将成为影响3D打印产业发展的重要因素,但起到关键性因素的,还是整合3D打印产业链的资源,将上下游企业涵盖其中,为大家提供一个优质的产业服务平台,合理配置资源。本文通过分析3D打印产业链的环节来设计一个3D智能制造云平台所具备的功能模块以及运营模式。  相似文献   

<正>3D打印实际上是数字化、网络化、定制化、个性化的制造技术。3D打印的学术名称叫增材制造,英文Additive Manufacturing。广义的3D打印是增材制造的统称,狭义的3D打印是指三维喷射工艺。目前,广义上的3D打印工艺分为:立体光刻、分层制造、熔化沉积制模、三维印刷、激光立体成型、激光选区烧结、激光选区熔化等。3D打印金属零件华南理工大学主要研究的领域是激光选区熔化,即用激光选区熔化制作精  相似文献   

3D打印将变革制造所有产品的方式,被誉为“第三次工业革命”。3D打印实质为增材制造技术,即逐层叠加的方法直接制造零件原型。本文对3D打印技术流程概述,对打印原理做了详细说明,介绍了3D打印在航空航天、体育、医疗和教育方面的具体应用。  相似文献   

  最近几年,3D打印的曝光度越来越高,3D打印房屋、3D打印汽车等3D打印产品的横空出现,不仅引起民众的广泛关注,更是使得3D打印成为投资资金的新宠,银邦股份、中航重机、华中数控等3D打印概念股表现大好。实际上,3D打印并非新鲜事物,早在20世纪80年代就有专门的研究机构和企业从事3D打印设备、材料、产品的研发与生产制造。经过几十年的发展,3D打印已在工业造型、机械制造、军事、建筑、影视、家电轻工、医学、考古、文化艺术、雕刻、首饰等领域取得技术突破并得到初步应用。虽然目前全球3D打印市场份额只占整个制造业的0.02%,但是随着3D打印技术和材料的发展,其应用领域必将不断拓展,应用规模将不断扩大。2012年,全球3D打印设备市场规模为22.04亿美元,同比增长28.6%,预计到2017年将达到50亿美元,到2020年将达到108亿美元。  相似文献   

3D printing and nanotechnology have been two important tools in the development of therapeutic approaches for personalized medicine. More recently, their alliance has been improved in an effort to build innovative, versatile, multifunctional, and/or smart medical and pharmaceutical products. Therefore, an extensive review about scientific studies that ally 3D printing and nanomaterials in the development of new approaches for pharmaceutical and medical applications for the treatment and prevention of diseases is presented here. The articles are classified into five categories according to their main application: Cell growth and tissue engineering, antimicrobial, drug delivery, stimulus-response, and theranostics. Semisolid extrusion, inorganic nanoparticles, and cell growth and tissue engineering are the most reported 3D printing technique, type of nanomaterial, and application, respectively. The increase in papers dedicated to these areas is also notable, especially in the 2019 and 2020, when semisolid extrusion became the most used technique, overcoming fused deposition modelling. In fact, this review highlights that the possibility of an alliance between 3D printing and nanotechnology for the production of multiscale materials is undoubtedly a great opportunity for knowledge and innovation in the pharmaceutical and medical area.  相似文献   

3D printing technologies allow control over the alignment of building blocks in synthetic materials, but compositional changes often require complex multimaterial printing steps. Here, 3D printable materials showing locally tunable mechanical properties are produced in a single printing step of Direct Ink Writing. These new inks consist of a polymer matrix bearing biocompatible photoreactive cinnamate derivatives and up to 30 wt% of anisotropic cellulose nanocrystals. The printed materials are mechanically versatile and can undergo further crosslinking upon illumination. When illuminating the material and controlling the irradiation doses, the Young's moduli can be adjusted between 15 and 75 MPa. Moreover, spatially controlled illumination allows patterning stiff geometries, resulting in 3D printed structures with segments of different mechanical properties tailoring the mechanical behavior under compression. The high design freedom implemented by 3D printing and photopatternability opens the venue to rapid manufacturing of devices for applications such as prosthetics or soft robotics where the 3D shapes and mechanical properties must be tailored for personalized load cases.  相似文献   

3D打印通过流体材料或粉体材料的层片叠加,将CAD设计转化为三维实体零件,无需模具或机加工,凭借极大的设计自由度和生产效率,近年来逐渐用于工业产品的直接制造,在配件减重、模型验证、复杂结构一体化成型、零部件受损修复方面具有极大的优势。本文介绍了3D打印技术及其分类,举例分析该技术在航天器微波部件的应用情况,探讨其对射频器件制备的影响。最后,对3D打印在空间部件制造的关键问题和发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional (3D) selfie services, one of the major 3D printing services, print 3D models of an individual's face via scanning. However, most of these services require expensive full‐color supporting 3D printers. The high cost of such printers poses a challenge in launching a variety of 3D printing application services. This paper presents a stencil‐based 3D facial relief creation method employing a low‐cost RGBD sensor and a 3D printer. Stencil‐based 3D facial relief is an artwork in which some parts are holes, similar to that in a stencil, and other parts stand out, as in a relief. The proposed method creates a new type of relief by combining the existing stencil techniques and relief techniques. As a result, the 3D printed product resembles a two‐colored object rather than a one‐colored object even when a monochrome 3D printer is used. Unlike existing personalization‐based 3D printing services, the proposed method enables the printing and delivery of products to customers in a short period of time. Experimental results reveal that, compared to existing 3D selfie products printed by monochrome 3D printers, our products have a higher degree of similarity and are more profitable.  相似文献   

Neural regeneration devices interface with the nervous system and can provide flexibility in material choice, implantation without the need for additional surgeries, and the ability to serve as guides augmented with physical, biological (e.g., cellular), and biochemical functionalities. Given the complexity and challenges associated with neural regeneration, a 3D printing approach to the design and manufacturing of neural devices can provide next‐generation opportunities for advanced neural regeneration via the production of anatomically accurate geometries, spatial distributions of cellular components, and incorporation of therapeutic biomolecules. A 3D printing‐based approach offers compatibility with 3D scanning, computer modeling, choice of input material, and increasing control over hierarchical integration. Therefore, a 3D printed implantable platform can ultimately be used to prepare novel biomimetic scaffolds and model complex tissue architectures for clinical implants in order to treat neurological diseases and injuries. Further, the flexibility and specificity offered by 3D printed in vitro platforms have the potential to be a significant foundational breakthrough with broad research implications in cell signaling and drug screening for personalized healthcare. This progress report examines recent advances in 3D printing strategies for neural regeneration as well as insight into how these approaches can be improved in future studies.  相似文献   

Considering the variations in burns depending on the circumstances that caused them, the need for personalized medicine and care for burn victims is vital to ensure that optimal treatment is provided. With the level of accuracy and customization that 3D printing brings as a technology, there is potential in its use to fabricate wound dressings that can provide better treatment for burn patients, provided that the material of choice has good printability and can be customized while facilitating wound healing. In this study, the versatility of chitosan methacrylate as said material to be used to fabricate customizable wound dressings via 3D printing is investigated. Synthesized chitosan methacrylate is evaluated to be printable, biodegradable, and biocompatible during wound healing. Various drugs relevant to the treatment of burns are then loaded and different multimaterial wound dressing designs containing different dosages are fabricated via 3D printing. The incorporation of said drugs does not significantly affect the printability of chitosan methacrylate, and the incorporation of antimicrobial agents significantly improves its antimicrobial capabilities. Through in vivo models, these variations in wound dressing designs have good wound healing properties and do not cause any adverse effects in the process.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing, i.e., 3D printing, is being increasingly utilized to fabricate a variety of complex‐shaped electronics and energy devices (e.g., batteries, supercapacitors, and solar cells) due to its excellent process flexibility, good geometry controllability, as well as cost and material waste reduction. In this review, the recent advances in 3D printing of emerging batteries are emphasized and discussed. The recent progress in fabricating 3D‐printed batteries through the major 3D‐printing methods, including lithography‐based 3D printing, template‐assisted electrodeposition‐based 3D printing, inkjet printing, direct ink writing, fused deposition modeling, and aerosol jet printing, are first summarized. Then, the significant achievements made in the development and printing of battery electrodes and electrolytes are highlighted. Finally, major challenges are discussed and potential research frontiers in developing 3D‐printed batteries are proposed. It is expected that with the continuous development of printing techniques and materials, 3D‐printed batteries with long‐term durability, favorable safety as well as high energy and power density will eventually be widely used in many fields.  相似文献   

周宇 《激光杂志》2013,(6):58-59
动画图案在服饰中的应用越来越广泛,动画图案以其生动、活泼的特点受到不同年龄阶段的人们的喜爱。现代社会,人们的衣着打扮越来越追求个性化,穿着印有不同风格的动画图案的服饰成为一种时尚。但传统的例如水浆、胶浆、厚板浆、油墨、尼龙浆等服装印花工艺方法比较适合大规模的生产加工,难以满足个性化服饰印花的市场需求。激光服饰印花技术作为一项传统工艺与现代高新技术结合的工艺方法具有加工方便、能最大限度满足顾客个性化需要的优势。牛仔面料服饰又是市场上广受用户欢迎的服饰之一,穿上印花的牛仔服饰是很多年轻人追求的时尚。文章在不同牛仔面料t以动画图案为素材进行了激光印花试验,并对试验结果进行分析,对促进动画图案牛仔面料印花工艺有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

3D打印是最近几年开始流行的一种快速成形技术,它以数字模型文件为基础,通过逐层打印的方式来构造物体。被认为推动了第三次工业革命进程的3D打印技术,涉及信息技术、材料科学、精密机械等多个方面。投入民用工业是近年来的事,多用于大型制造业。本文以工艺亭子为载体,介绍3D打印技术,并通过UP打印机完成工艺亭子的3D打印。通过3D打印过程分析得出目前3D打印技术的优势和不足。  相似文献   

网络在线打印平台的出现迎合了人们快节奏的生活,也在一定程度上改变了人们的打印习惯.网络在线打印平台在中国已经经历了几年的发展,但是由于盈利模式单一,网站经营模式创新性不足,遭遇到了发展的瓶颈.网络在线打印平台开始寻求新的发展契机,不断深耕市场,探求不同细分领域的打印模式.本文依托天津市大学生创新创业项目资金,完成了针对高校校园的打印系统的设计,并对其中三个突出问题分别进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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