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Performance of conventional cooperative communication networks using amplify-and-forward relay over independent and identically distributed Rayleigh fading channels is investigated in this paper. An expression for probability density function by using moment generating function is obtained. Further closed-form expressions of the outage probability and the average channel capacity are derived. The derived analytical results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations to confirm correctness of the derived expressions. 相似文献
In this paper, opportunistic cooperative amplify-and-forward networks in conjunction with three different adaptive policies, namely optimal simultaneous power and rate adaptation (OPRA), constant power with optimal rate adaptation (OPA) and truncated channel inversion with fixed rate (TIFR), are investigated and compared in terms of Rayleigh channel capacity where the source adapts its rate and/or power level according to channel conditions while the best relay simply amplifies and then forwards the received signals. Furthermore, the effect of diversity combining on the network is studied by investigating two cases of maximal ratio combining (MRC) and selection combining (SC) equipped at the destination. To this end, the mathematically tractable form of the upper and lower bound of the end-to-end effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is provided and then used to derive the closed-form expression of the Shannon capacity. Our results are verified through comparison with Monte Carlo simulations in some representative scenarios where we also illustrate that, among them, for an arbitrary number of cooperative relays, OPRA slightly outperforms ORA, which, in turn, outperforms TIFR. 相似文献
In this letter, we address the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain achievable by dual-hop relaying over the single-hop transmission in single-input single-output (SISO) flat Rayleigh fading channels. We deal with both nonregenerative and regenerative relaying schemes. To quantify the SNR gain, a closed-form expression of the probability of SNR gain is developed. The probability of SNR gain results in an explicit function of an average power ratio of the per-hop channel in dual-hop relaying to the channel in the single-hop transmission. We investigate impacts of the average power ratio as well as the relaying location on the SNR gain. 相似文献
In this letter, outage probability of dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) relaying scheme is analyzed over mixed Rayleigh and generalized Gamma fading channels. Cooperation model considered in this work consists of a source, a relay and a destination. It is assumed that source-relay and relay-destination channels experience Rayleigh fading and generalized Gamma fading, respectively. Exact outage probability expression is derived and outage performance is illustrated for both direct transmission and DF relaying scheme. 相似文献
研究存在残余自干扰(residual self-interference, RSI)条件下全双工解码转发中继的中断概率性能。在Nakagami-m信道下,推导了多跳解码转发(multi-hop decode-and-forward,MH-DF)策略和选择解码转发(selected decode-and-forward,SDF)策略的端到端中断概率闭合表达式和渐近表达式,分析了两种策略的可达分集度。结果显示,MH-DF策略的可达分集度为0,SDF策略的可达分集度由信道成型因子和中继功率伸缩方案决定。相比于MH-DF策略,SDF策略具有更优的中断概率性能和抗自干扰能力。 相似文献
Aleksandra M. Cvetković Dejan N. Milić Aleksandar S. Cvetković Mihajlo Stefanović 《Wireless Personal Communications》2013,70(4):1993-2006
This paper studies the outage performance of a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) relay fading channel in an interference-limited environment. The relay and destination nodes are corrupted by multiple co-channel Rayleigh interferences. New exact closed-form expressions for the outage probability for channel-state-information (CSI)—assisted relay, in which gain is dependent on previous hop CSI and interference, are derived. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify the obtained theoretical results. For the cases where the number of interferers at the relay and the destination node is equal, we derive novel expressions for outage probability upper and lower bounds. 相似文献
The outage probability and ergodic capacity analysis for decode-and-forward two-way relaying system is investigated in this paper. First, the exact expressions (or bounds) of outage probability, ergodic capacity and average bidirectional ergodic capacity (ABEC) for max–min relay selection, random relay selection and direct transmission protocols are derived through theoretic analysis, and performance comparisons among different relay selection protocols are developed. Then a novel maximum average bidirectional mutual information (MABM) relay selection protocol is proposed and analyzed. Simulation results demonstrate that the derived analytical results fit well with Monte-Carlo simulations. The proposed MABM protocol can always achieve larger ABEC than other protocols while keeping low outage probability, and the MABM and max–min protocols in this paper can always achieve better performance than the max–min selection and max-sum selection in Krikidis (IEEE Trans Veh Technol 59(9):4620–4628, 2010). In addition, outage probability, ergodic capacity and ABEC performance of the proposed protocol become worse while distance becomes larger. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》2008,54(11):4887-4907
In this paper, we study the effect of the scattering environment on the capacity of a single carrier linear modulation used in a multipath, multiple antenna channel. The work incorporates detailed 3D geometric channel models to assess the effect of spatial correlation. The analysis techniques, based on the pioneering work of Hirt and Massey (1988), provide a method to evaluate outage capacity. Channels that are derivatives of the ETSI standard hilly terrain and typical urban are considered in detail. The results quantify the loss of capacity produced by higher spatial correlation. When comparing signals of different bandwidth, wideband systems produce more diversity due to better temporal resolution. Surprisingly, narrowband systems gain some diversity back by being less susceptible to loss of diversity from spatial correlation 相似文献
On the Capacity of Secondary Networks Over Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Rayleigh Fading Channels
Mohammed Abdel-Hafez Khaled Shuaib Omkalthoum El-Bashir Hamed 《Wireless Personal Communications》2014,78(4):1981-1994
In this paper the effect of the opportunistic spectrum access on the spectrum utilization is studied in terms of the secondary network capacity measured at the secondary receiver. A mathematical model is developed to represent the secondary network capacity in Rayleigh fading channel. An exact analytical solution for the capacity is derived for both sensing and accessing fading channels. A numerical evaluation of the channel capacity is presented for different channel sensing and accessing schemes. The effects of detection and accessing channel parameters on the capacity are investigated. The analytical results that are validated by substantial simulations showed how the utilization of the network can be increased significantly by the suggested opportunistic spectrum accessing technique. It was found that when having a good sensing system with a high secondary user signal to noise ratio, accessing the licensed band increases and drives the spectrum utilization to its maximum. In addition, this work shows how the capacity can be positively affected by three factors: the secondary accessing channel, the primary user interference and the desired quality of service (QoS) of primary user. The awareness of a proper sensing scheme can maximize the spectrum utilization without degrading the QoS of primary users. 相似文献
We address the outage performance for the opportunistic amplify‐and‐forward relaying strategies under Nakagami‐m fading channels. A closed‐form expression for the outage probability is derived. Simulation results verify our theoretical solutions. 相似文献
Dawei Zhao Honglin Zhao Min Jia 《International Journal of Wireless Information Networks》2014,21(3):238-247
This paper enhances the conventional scaled selection combiner (SSC) for decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks using adaptive M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) to improve the spectral efficiency. Compared with the conventional SSC designed for the combining of identically distributed diversity branches using the same modulation level, the improved SSC allows all diversity branches to choose different modulation levels according to the dissimilar channel conditions. Different scale factors are used for all diversity branches to reflect not only the performance degradation caused by possible erroneous relaying but also different error-resistance abilities of different levels QAM. We derive the bit-error-rate (BER) expressions for DF relay networks using SSC in a recursive way, with all channels conforming to independently and non-identically distributed (i.ni.d.) Rayleigh fading. Newton’s method is employed to obtain the numerical solutions of the optimal scale factors minimizing the BER, and the approximations of the optimal scale factors are derived in closed form for high SNRs. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the improved SSC can effectively combine diversity branches with different modulation levels, and for a DF cooperative network with N relay nodes, SSC achieves the full diversity gain of N+1 if for each branch its source-to-relay SNR is proportional to the (N+1)th power of its relay-to-destination SNR. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate the end-to-end performance of dual-hop relaying systems with beamforming over Nakagami-m fading channels. Our analysis considers semiblind (fixed-gain) relays with single antennas, and source and destination nodes equipped with multiple antennas. Closed-form expressions for the outage probability (OP), moment generating function (MGF), and generalized moments of the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are derived. The proposed expressions apply to general operating scenarios with distinct Nakagamim fading parameters and average SNRs between the hops. The influence of the power imbalance, fading parameters, and antenna configurations on the overall system performance are analyzed and discussed through representative numerical examples. Furthermore, the exactness of our formulations is validated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. 相似文献
In recent years, diversity techniques have evolved into highly attractive technology for wireless communications in different forms. For instance, the channel fluctuations of the users in a network are exploited as multiuser diversity by scheduling the user with the best signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). When fading is slow, beamforming at a multiple antenna transmitter is used to induce artificial channel fluctuations to ensure multiuser diversity in the network. Such a beamforming scheme is called opportunistic beamforming since the transmitter uses random beamforming to artificially induce opportunism in the network [1]. Opportunism requires a large number of users in the system in order to reach the performance of the true beamforming that uses perfect channel state information (CSI). In this paper we investigate the benefit of having partial CSI at an opportunistic transmitter. In the investigation, we focus on the maximum normalized SNR scheduling where user?s feedback consists of SNR relative to its channel gain. We show that opportunism can be beneficially used to increase the average throughput of the system. Simulations support the analytical average throughput results obtained as the amount of CSI and the number of users vary. 相似文献
瑞利快衰落信道下STBC的译码器设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Alamouti提出的空时分组码(STBC)发射分集技术,其优良性能及低复杂性的译码方案是限制在准静态衰落信道的情况下的,通过研究发现此系统在时变快衰落信道时性能会有严重的损失。为了改善系统在快衰落信道下的性能,提出一种最小均方误差(MMSE)线性译码器,该译码器能够同时抑制噪声和干扰。理论及计算机仿真证明,MMSE译码器用于空时分组码发射分集系统中可以有效地改善无线信道的时变快衰落对系统性能的影响。 相似文献
CHENG Xing-qing~ SU Shu-chun~ LI Dao-ben~ .Beijing University of Posts Telecommunications Beijing P.R. China .Beijing Electronic Science Technology Institute Beijing P.R. China 《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》2004,11(Z1)
1 Introduction Itiswellknownthatthesystemcapacitycanbeincreasedifweexploittherandomnessofmultipathpropagationappropriately .ThecapacityofMultiple InputMultiple Output (MIMO )isdiscussedinRef.[1 ].Ingeneral,theaveragechannelcapacitydependsonthecharacteristicsoffadingchannelsmostly .Andmostpaperonlyconsiderstheindepen dentandidenticallydistributedGaussianchannelvariable ,underthisassumption[2~3] ,havederived ,respectively ,theaverageandlimitingchannelcapac ity . Theaimofthispaperistodet… 相似文献
On SNR Estimation Techniques for Turbo Decoding Over Uncorrelated Rayleigh Fading Channels With Unknown Fading Parameters 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》2009,58(9):4955-4961