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中国地处北半球欧亚大陆的东部,主要处于温带和亚热带,具有比较丰富的太阳能资源。根据全国700多个气象台站长期观测积累的资料表明,中国各地的太阳辐射年总量大致在3.35×10^3MJ/m^2~8.40×10^3MJ/m^2之间,其平均值约为5.86×10^3MJ/m^2。  相似文献   

利用中国40个地面台站观测资料对ERA5再分析资料太阳能资源要素进行误差评估,结果表明:ERA5资料与台站资料的地表月水平面总辐射回归方程可决系数为0.999。ERA5资料与各台站资料均方根误差最大值为8.7 MJ/m2,平均值为4.9 MJ/m2;相对均方根误差最大值为2.4%,平均值为1.0%。ERA5资料与各台站资料年际变化误差最大值为19 MJ/m2,平均值为3 MJ/m2;百分比年际变化误差最大值为0.5%,平均值为0.1%。ERA5资料与台站资料稳定度误差最大值为0.013,平均值为0.003;百分比误差最大值为2.9%,平均值为0.8%。ERA5资料与台站资料具有较好的一致性,应用于中国太阳能资源评估是可行的。  相似文献   


利用修正后的Angstr(a|¨)n-Prescott模型,结合内蒙古各气象站观测的日照资料,绘制了全区太阳辐射分布图,对其资源分布特性进行了分析,并对后续开发和利用进行了区划。针对光伏发电的规划和开发给出合理化建议,为当地的可再生能源的发展提供研究基础。  相似文献   

云南省是中国太阳能资源最丰富的地区之一,光伏发电已成为该省实现能源转型的中坚力量和减少碳排放的重要举措。基于Meteomorm和SolarGIS数据库,对在云南省曲靖市会泽县拟建的娜姑光伏电站所在区域的太阳能资源时空分布特征进行了分析;并通过计算能够反映太阳能资源丰富程度、稳定度和太阳直接辐射状况的量化指标,评估了该光伏电站建设地的气候适宜性;然后利用光伏发电系统设计软件,结合电站所在地的实际地形,对该电站光伏阵列的布置方式进行了优化,并预测了电站的发电量。分析结果表明:1)基于Meteomorm和SolarGIS数据库分别计算得到的月均水平面太阳辐射量及月均水平面太阳散射辐射量的变化趋势和数值基本接近;2)根据SolarGIS数据库计算得到的娜姑光伏电站建设区域的年总水平面太阳辐射量、月均法向太阳直接辐射量和年总水平面太阳散射辐射量分别为1655.9、1361.8和755.0 kWh/m2;3)娜姑光伏电站装机容量为151.2 MW时,预计其25年的总发电量为5499833.0 MWh,年均发电量为219993.3 MWh,年均等效利用小时数为1454.9 h。该研究可为娜姑光伏电站...  相似文献   

利用1961—2017年全区119个气象站的辐射量和气象要素,按气象行业标准《太阳能资源评估方法》(QX/T 89—2018)将全区分为3个分区,分别为:太阳能资源丰富区、太阳能资源丰富区、太阳能资源丰富区;选取分区代表站,分别统计分析各分区太阳辐射的时间和空间变化以及影响因子.结果表明:太阳辐射分布是自西向东,自南向...  相似文献   

Average monthly global radiation in Jamaica was calculated for the years between 1978 and 1987 from values measured at 12 stations and from Angstrom-coefficient derived values. From these values daily global radiation was estimated for various periods at grid points separated by approximately 10 km on a square. Three dimensional plots and contour maps for the various periods were produced. The interpolation was based on kriging adopted by Hay (1986). A relationship between global and diffuse radiation based on the Liu and Jordan (1960) relationship was obtained. The errors in the interpolated annual values were less than 10%. The maps were made available to the public with suggested usages of solar energy. Diffuse radiation formed less than 50% of the total radiation.  相似文献   

A.A. Sfeir   《Solar Energy》1981,26(6):497-502
Solar radiation data for two sites in Lebanon are analyzed and presented in a form suitable for their use by practicing engineers. Correlations of the Angström-Page type for daily and monthly data are developed. Probability density functions for daily values of global radiation for each month are compared with the results of Liu and Jordan. The atmospheric model developed by Cole and extended by Barbaro et al. is found to predict monthly average global radiation with acceptable accuracy and is therefore recommended for extending the data at other sites of the country.  相似文献   

The nonlinear behaviour of many solar energy systems requires consideration of the fluctuating nature of solar radiation. Utilizability curves constructed for this purpose consider the radiation fluctuation on the basis of hourly or daily insolation values. Solar collectors, however, do not see radiation fluctuations in terms of hourly or daily insolation values, but respond to instantaneous radiation fluctuations caused by clouds. The fluctuation of instantaneous and short-time integrated radiation has been shown to differ significantly from that of daily insolation. This paper presents utilizability curves constructed from the cumulative probability distribution of instantaneous terrestrial insolation values. It is shown that hourly and daily utilizability curves give a conservative estimate of long-term performance. Experimental measurements of the collector performance further suggest the use of instantaneous utilizability curves in place of daily curves. The effect of the collector time constant on utilizability is discussed.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》2001,69(3):191-224
Solar radiation models for predicting the average daily and hourly global radiation, beam radiation and diffuse radiation are reviewed in this paper. Seven models using the Ångström–Prescott equation to predict the average daily global radiation with hours of sunshine are considered. The average daily global radiation for Hong Kong (22.3°N latitude, 114.3°E longitude) is predicted. Estimations of monthly average hourly global radiation are discussed. Two parametric models are reviewed and used to predict the hourly irradiance of Hong Kong. Comparisons among model predictions with measured data are made.  相似文献   

The estimates of global solar radiation (Q) for principal towns in Malaysia are deduced from their sunshine data (S) using the simplest linear relationship between Q and S as developed by Anstrom. The coefficients of this relationship are obtained by linear regression method using daily radiation and sunshine data measured in three major towns. The computation shows that for a month during which extreme high and low daily sunshine durations occurred frequently, linear correlation tends to be poorer. The estimates for towns nearest to Thailand and Singapore show close agreement to the data for these countries.  相似文献   

This work is a first attempt to propose a map of the solar radiation climate in Africa. Such a map is very useful for preliminary assessment and modeling of solar energy systems. Following the approach adopted for Europe, a data set of monthly means of the daily clearness index has been assembled for 62 sites. A cluster analysis was applied to create 20 classes that were reported on a map of Africa. These classes were geographically extended, thus creating a solar radiation climate map, comprising 20 climates. Known features and other atlases, global or local, were used in this mapping. This map and its companion tables permit to perform elementary energy calculations. Further improvements are discussed.  相似文献   

A. Madhlopa   《Solar Energy》2006,80(8):1055-1057
Recently, Diabaté et al. [Diabaté, L., Blanc, Ph., Wald, L., 2004. Solar climate in Africa. Solar Energy 76, 733–744] created a map of solar radiation climate in Africa using clearness index for 62 sites. They established a solar climate class II located in Malawi and Madagascar. However, their analysis did not include any irradiation data from a site in Malawi. In this study, the solar radiation climate of Malawi has been studied using long-term global radiation data from a local site. The mean monthly (Ktm) and seasonal (Kts) daily clearness indices for the site were computed. It is observed that Ktm has two maxima in a year (Ktm = 0.58 in May and Ktm = 0.64 in September), in close conformity with findings of Diabaté et al. (2004). Other results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed information on solar radiation characteristics on Mars are necessary for effective design of future planned solar energy systems operating on the surface of Mars. In this paper we present a procedure and solar radiation related data from which the diurnally, hourly and daily variation of the global, direct beam and diffuse insolation on Mars are calculated. The radiation data are based on measured optical depth of the Martian atmosphere derived from images taken of the sun with a special diode on the Viking cameras; and computation based on multiple wavelength and multiple scattering of the solar radiation.  相似文献   

It is shown that in the paraboloid-lens system the limiting solar radiation concentrations at the output and at the medium-air interface do not exceed their thermodynamic limit in the air. At the same time the lens as a secondary concentrator (SC) has advantages over the mirror SC because of more complete utilization of the flux from the paraboloid.  相似文献   

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