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The urine of rats administered rosmarinic acid (7) orally contained seven metabolites, which were identified as trans-caffeic acid 4-O-sulfate (1), trans-m-coumaric acid 3-O-sulfate (2), trans-ferulic acid 4-O-sulfate (3), trans-caffeic acid (4), m-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid (5), trans-m-coumaric acid (6), and unchanged rosmarinic acid (7) by spectroscopic and chemical data. The total cumulative amount of 1-7 excreted in the urine 48 h after the oral administration of rosmarinic acid was approximately 31.8% of the dose administered. On the other hand, the metabolites attributed to rosmarinic acid could not be found in the bile. Orally administered rosmarinic acid may thus be concluded to be excreted in the urine rather than in the bile, with cleavage of ester bonds, selective para-dehydroxylation, methylation, and sulfate-conjugation. Metabolites 2, 3, 5, and 6 were also detected in the plasma.  相似文献   

The metabolism of labelled progesterone was studied in vitro in uterine tissue of non-pregnant rats with particular emphasis on the influence of substrate concentration. Neither a qualitative nor quantitative difference was found for a steroid tissue ratio between 15 X 10(-6) and 4.2 X 10(-9) to 1 g (substrate amounts between 57.73 and 0.02 nmol); with both concentrations 42 to 44 per cent of progesterone was metabolized to about 35 per cent monohydroxymonoketonic steroids and 4-6 per cent dihydroxylated C21O2-compounds. In both sets of incubations we have isolated and identified the following steroids: 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one, 3beta-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one, 3alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one, 20alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, 5alpha-pregnane-3alpha,20alpha-diol and 4-pregnene-3alpha,20alpha-diol. The most abundant metabolite formed in these incubations was 3alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one which corresponds to about 30 per cent of the total activity recovered. It is the first time that the presence of 20alpha-hydroxysteroid-oxidoreductase activity is definitely established in this type of tissue. The identification of three allylic alcohols as progesterone metabolites in the rat uterus confirms that delta4-3-hydroxysteroids are important intermediates in the in vitro uterine metabolism of steroids.  相似文献   

Metabolism studies of 1,4,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), a relatively nontoxic dioxin congener, were undertaken to gain a better understanding of mammalian metabolism of dioxins without the problems associated with the use of the most toxic congener, 2,3,7,8-TCDD. 14C-1,4,7,8-TCDD was dosed to conventional and bile-cannulated rats at a level of 8 mg/kg. The 14C was excreted almost entirely in 72 hours with the major routes of excretion feces and bile. Metabolites were identified from the feces, bile, and urine by GC-MS or negative ion FAB MS and 1H NMR. The two major fecal metabolites were hydroxylated tetra- and triCDDs. Glucuronide and sulfate conjugates of these hydroxyl metabolites were found in the urine and bile. Minor metabolites included dichlorocatechol, dihydroxylated tetra- and triCDDs, and conjugates of these compounds.  相似文献   

The metabolism of three cyclic nitrosamines has been studied in Sprague-Dawley rats. The compounds were nitrosopyrrolidine, nitrosohexamethyleneimine, and nitrosohepatamethyleneimine and were labeled at the alpha carbon with 14C. At low doses (2 to 4 mg/animal) the compounds were metabolized to 14CO2 to the extent of 77, 43, and 27%, respectively, after 24 hr. At doses closer to the 50% lethal dose of the compounds (70 to 160 mg/animal) the metabolism values were only 14, 4, and 8%, respectively, after 24 hr. The significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

The excretion and biotransformation of carvedilol [1-[carbazolyl-(4)-oxy]-3-[(2-methoxyphenoxyethyl)amino]-2-p ropanol], a new, multiple-action, neurohormonal antagonist that exhibits the combined pharmacological activities of beta-adrenoreceptor antagonism, vasodilation, and antioxidation, were investigated in dogs, rats, and mice. Carvedilol was absorbed well, and biliary secretion was predominant in each species. Carvedilol was metabolized extensively in each species, and elimination of unchanged compound was minor in bile duct-catheterized rats and dogs. In dogs, glucuronidation of the parent compound and hydroxylation of the carbazolyl ring, with subsequent glucuronidation, were the major metabolic pathways. Rats showed the simplest metabolite profile; the primary metabolites were formed by hydroxylation of the carbazolyl ring, with subsequent glucuronidation. Mice displayed the most complicated metabolite profile; glucuronidation of the parent compound and hydroxylation of either the carbazolyl or phenyl ring, with subsequent glucuronidation, were the major metabolic routes. O-Dealkylation was a minor pathway in all species examined.  相似文献   

Growing male rats were fed purified diets that contained either 0.6% or 0.1% calcium to investigate the relationship of calcium intake to the uptake, tissue distribution, and excretion of 109Cd. An equal number of rats were fed either the 0.6 or 0.1% calcium diets for 4 wk before they were used for experiments. In the first experiment 11 rats from each dietary group were administered 5 muCi 109Cd by stomach tube and were then maintained in metabolism cages for 72 hr. Animals fed the low-calcium diet took up more 109Cd, as significantly higher levels of radioactivity were found in the intestinal mucosa, serum, lungs, liver, kidneys, and urine and a significantly lower level was found in the feces. Higher levels of 109Cd, associated with low-molecular-weight proteins that may be related to the absorption process, were found in the intestinal mucosa of the low-calcium group. In the second experiment 10 rats from each dietary group were administered 5 muCi 109Cd by subcutaneous injection and then maintained in a metabolism cage for 72 hr. No significant differences were found in the distribution or excretion of 109Cd except for the lungs where radioactivity was greater in the low-calcium group. The results of the study indicate that the enhanced cadmium toxicity observed in calcium-deficient animals exposed to the heavy metal is the result of an increased uptake from the small intestine.  相似文献   

The modifications produced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on the analgesic and toxic effects of morphine have been studied in mice and cats. After intracerebral injections of 6-OHDA, mice had a lower threshold for morphine-induced convulsions. Morphine analgesia assayed by the phenylquinone test was apparently antagonized in the 6-OHDA pretreated mice, but the 6-OHDA mice showed more reactivity to the phenylquinone. Intraventricular injection of 6-OHDA in cats produced an acute syndrome with mydriasis, bradycardia, bradypnea, hypothermia and EEG slowing, which subsided after several days, 6-OHDA was successful in blocking the morphine mania, but the animals died within 24 h.  相似文献   

This study assessed the in vitro percutaneous absorption and metabolism of 3-indolylacetic acid after topical dosing to human skin from four sources. The metabolism of the compound during percutaneous absorption was assessed. The absorbed and metabolized chemicals were analyzed by radioactive scintillation counting and thin-layer chromatography: 1.2% +/- 0.04%, 1.4% +/- 0.07%, 3.0% +/- 1.0%, and 0.1% +/- 0.02% of the applied doses permeated through human skin samples from sources A to D, respectively, whereas 3.4% +/- 0.5% to 20.0% +/- 0.2% of the applied doses were retained by the skin. Of the absorbed dose, 2.1% +/- 1.0% to 12.1% +/- 3.5% was present as metabolites in the receptor fluid, and 2.2% +/- 0.5% to 5.2% +/- 0.1% was present as metabolites retained in the skin. Microsomal fractions were prepared from the skin samples, and the actions of these preparations on 3-indolylacetic acid were estimated. 5'-Hydroxyl-3-indolylacetic acid, 5',6'-dihydroxy-3-indolylacetic acid, and 5,6-dihydroxyindole were formed both during percutaneous absorption and by skin microsomal preparations. In addition, the skin samples biotransformed the acid to metabolic indican (3-indoxylsulfuric acid) and to the glucuronide conjugate of indole. The possible functional significance of the metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

Trichloroacetate (TCA), dichloroacetate (DCA), and bromodichloroacetate (BDCA) are byproducts of the chlorination of drinking water. TCA acts primarily as a peroxisome proliferator, but DCA produces tumors at doses less than required for peroxisome proliferation. BDCA does not induce peroxisome proliferation even at high doses. This study attempts to determine whether differences in the metabolism of the trihaloacetates (THAs) may contribute to their differing toxicological properties. Studies were performed in male B6C3F1 mice given [14C1,2]TCA, [14C1]BDCA, and [14C1,2]DCA by gavage. The replacement of a Cl by a Br greatly enhances THA metabolism. Much less radiolabel from BDCA is retained in the carcass after 24 hr than from TCA. Radiolabel from BDCA is largely found in the urine, with oxalate being the major metabolite. TCA is largely eliminated unchanged in the urine. There are dose-related changes in the rate of CO2 production from BDCA. The initial rate of CO2 production is reduced from 4.1 +/- 0.3 hr-1 at 5 and 20 mg/kg to 2.7 +/- 0.6 hr-1 at 100 mg/kg, but the net conversion to CO2 in 24 hr is greater at the highest dose. As would be predicted, substitution Br for Cl on TCA greatly increased its metabolism.  相似文献   

The metabolism and distribution of a single oral dose of 25 mumol 14C-labelled 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (14C-TCB) were investigated in pregnant female Wistar rats and their fetuses. TCB was administered on day 13 of gestation and the elimination was followed for 7 days. Non-pregnant rats were treated similarly for comparison. Fecal elimination of 14C-TCB derived radioactivity was significantly lower in pregnant rats than in non-pregnant rats. The major metabolite found in adult liver and plasma, placental tissue, whole fetuses and fetal plasma was 3,3',4',5-tetrachloro-4-biphenylol (4-OH-TCB). Tissue levels (liver, abdominal fat, skin, skeletal muscle, kidney and plasma) of 14C-TCB-derived radioactivity declined by 65-85% over a 7-day period following administration in the adult animals. However, 14C-TCB-derived radioactivity accumulated more than 100-fold in the fetuses over the same time period, and GC/MS analysis revealed that the fetal accumulation in radioactivity was due primarily to 4-OH-TCB, and not the parent compound. On day 20 of gestation, concentrations of 4-OH-TCB were 14 times greater in fetal plasma than maternal plasma. Treatment with 14C-TCB significantly reduced plasma thyroxine levels by at least 28% up to 7 days after administration in non-pregnant animals and up to 4 days after administration in pregnant rats (31% decrease). By 7 days after administration plasma thyroxine levels had returned to control levels in the TCB-treated pregnant rats. However, fetal plasma thyroxine levels were significantly decreased by 35% in fetuses from 14C-TCB-treated dams 7 days after TCB administration. Hepatic microsomal ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity was significantly induced in TCB-treated dams relative to controls at 4 and 7 days after administration, while no EROD activity was detected in hepatic microsomes from control or TCB treated fetal rats at day 20 of gestation. These data suggest that hydroxylated metabolites of polychlorinated biphenyls may play a role in the development toxicity of these compounds.  相似文献   

A method is described enabling blood concentrations and urinary and biliary excretion of bupivacaine to be estimated in unanaesthetized rats. After enteral application of bupivacaine, the urine volumes of 40 rats are collected, cleared off and analysed by gas chromatography. 5 fractions are obtained, of which the structures are identified by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance. The following five metabolites could be identified: (1) Desbutyl-bupivacaine, (2) 3'-Hydroxy-bupivacaine, (3) N-Butylpipecolyl-2-amide, (4, 5) mono-hydroxylated isomeres on the piperidine ring.  相似文献   

The content and turnover of norepinephrine (NE) in the hypothalamus, midbrain, pons-medulla, mesenteric artery, aorta and left ventricle were studied in the normal rabbit. Turnover rate of NE was determined by measuring the rate of decline in NE content of the tissue after blockade of synthesis with alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine. The NE content of the hypothalamus (1.44+/-0.03 microgram/g) was significantly higher than those of the midbrain (0.25+/-0.01 microgram/g) and the pons-medulla (0.36+/-0.01 microgram/g) (p less than 0.001), whereas the rate constant of NE turnover for the pons-medulla (0.213+/-0.009 hr-1) was significantly greater than those for the hypothalamus (0.164+/-0.008 hr-1, p less than 0.001) and the midbrain (0.180+/-0.008 hr-1, p less than 0.01). In the cardiovascular tissues examined, the NE content was highest in the mesenteric artery (6.33+/-0.19 microgram/g), moderate in the left ventricle (2.08+/-0.10 microgram/g) and lowest in the aorta (0.70+/-0.06 microgram/g). The differences among them were significant (p less than 0.001). However, the rate constant of NE turnover for the aorta (0.119+/-0.014 hr-1) was significantly greater than those for the mesenteric artery (0.059+/-0.008 hr-1, p less than 0.001) and the left ventricle (0.069+/-0.006 hr-1, p less than 0.005). The turnover rate of NE in the mesenteric artery was high, 0.372 microgram/g-hr, which suggests the very active NE synthesis. These results indicate that there are regional differences in content and turnover of NE of the cardiovascular tissues as well as of the brain.  相似文献   

In rats 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid effectively counteracts the lipemic and atherosclerotic response of massive doses of vitamin D2. It regressed the formation of atheromatous arterial lesions. Furthermore the significant decrease in serum beta-lipoprotein levels on HMG treatment could be due to decrease in VLDL triglyceride and cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

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