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The absolute values of the efficiency of detection of Cs+ and Cl- ions with energies of 1600 eV have been measured with a ВЭУ-7-2 microchannel electron multiplier. The relative detection efficiencies as functions of the potential of the input surface of the microchannel plate have been assessed. It has been revealed that the absolute values of the efficiency of detection of Cl- and Cs+ ions differ significantly and amount to 36 and 6%, respectively, at input ion currents of ≤2 × 10?14 A.  相似文献   

The neutron-activation analysis is used to determine the energy spectra of neutrons escaping from light and heavy fragments from nuclear fission of 235U by thermal neutrons and spontaneous fission of 252Cf nuclei. It is shown that the difference of the spectra obtained is slight, ∼90.6 keV. The 28-group energy spectra of instantaneous neutrons from fission of 235U and 252Cf nuclei, which were reconstructed using four-component a priori spectra, are presented.  相似文献   

The article presents the construction of a plasma erosion opening switch, capable of creating the discharge with electrical current of several tens kiloamperes and a growth rate up to 1012 A/s in the circuit with the inductive load up to 100 nH. The results of test experiments with imitator of load are presented. The discharge circuit under consideration will be used for the experiments for creation of shock waves in plasma.  相似文献   

Distortion of the spectrum of the D1-line of 85Rb in optical cells with an antirelaxation coating on the inner walls of the cell is studied. The spectrum shape is found to be significantly dependent on the velocity and direction of changes in the laser frequency. A physical explanation is provided for these features, which are confirmed by numerical simulations. The effect of the magnetic field on the spectrum shape is discussed.  相似文献   

The luminescent properties of gradient-activated crystals of lithium niobate with concentration profiles of optical centers, ytterbium and erbium ions, are studied. It is shown that the spectral-luminescent properties of the gradient crystals are correlated with the concentration profiles of optical centers — donors Yb3+ and acceptors Er3+.  相似文献   

The filtering of projections in tomography algorithms, which is based on the regularization of distribution 1/z 2, is investigated. Numerical simulations validate that changing the filter support will substantially improve the tomograms. Comparison of the results of reconstruction by the 1/z 2-filtering algorithm and the Shepp-Logan algorithm shows that the reconstruction accuracy of the latter is worse when the number of angles of observation is small or a high noise is present in the projection data.  相似文献   

A method for producing 10Be isotope from spent rods of the emergency protection and compensation systems of a fast neutron reactor is described. This isotope has found application in targets and radioactive beams for experiments at modern heavy-ion accelerators. The mass of 10Be obtained using this technique is 2.7 mg, which is five times the mass of this isotope produced throughout the world to date. A method for determining the 10Be concentration in the source material and intermediate fractions of its processing has been developed. This method is based on analysis of γ and β spectra of samples, measured by HPGe and Si(Li) detectors. A prototype of the 10Be oxide target has been manufactured. The parameters of the target prototype have been determined, and its vacuum testing has been performed.  相似文献   

A setup has been developed for studying ultralow 14C concentrations in liquid scintillator samples for a large neutrino detector. The setup is located at the low-background underground laboratory of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences) at a depth of 4900 m of water equivalent. The 14C concentrations in a liquid scintillator based on linear alkyl benzene, the background counting rates, and the spectra of particle energies deposited in the technological scintillator sample have been measured. The ratio 14C/12C = (1.41 ± 0.12) × 10–16 has been obtained. A model of the γ-ray background has been developed, with which it is possible to extract the energy spectrum of 14C and reduce the systematic uncertainty of measurements.  相似文献   

Three methods for calibrating the forward calorimeter (HF) of the CMS detector using a 60Co radioactive source with an activity of 5 mCi are discussed. These methods are shown to provide a calibration accuracy of ~5% with respect to the calibration on a 100-GeV electron beam.  相似文献   

Collection of light in a counter with mirror reflection from relief (nonflat) surfaces and with a high transparency of the liquid scintillator was investigated. Based on results of measurements and simulation of light collection, the dependence of light collection coefficient K on the relief of reflecting surfaces and the scintillator transparency was obtained using the Monte Carlo method. The light collection coefficient was K=(30.9+1.1)×10s-3, and the resolution of the distribution function for the K value over the counter volume was η ≈12%.  相似文献   

An optical scheme and design of a YAG:Nd3+ frequency laser with a two-pass amplifier and a mirror with the phase conjugation by the stimulated Brillouin scattering in an optical fiber is described. The maximal radiation energy is 1000 mJ at a 1.064-μm fundamental wavelength and 500, 200, and 20 mJ at the second, fourth, and fifth harmonics, respectively, when the divergence is ∼5 × 10−4 rad and the pulse duration is 4.5 ns.  相似文献   

The optical scheme and the design of a high-power YAG:Nd3+ laser, which generates radiation pulses of nanosecond duration at wavelengths of 1064 nm (0.8 J), 532 nm (160 mJ), and 266 nm (40 mJ) with destroyed coherence in a fiber and a smoothed intensity distribution in the beam cross section, are described. The processes that affect the generation efficiency of decoherenized radiation are considered.  相似文献   

57-69A pulse shape analysis algorithm and a method for suppressing the noise component of signals from a large copper proportional counter in the experiment aimed at searching for 2K capture of 78Kr are described. These signals correspond to a compound event with different numbers of charge clusters from primary ionization. A technique for separating single-and multipoint events and determining the charge in individual clusters is presented. Using the Daubechies wavelets in multiresolutional signal analysis, it is possible to increase the sensitivity and the resolution in extraction of multipoint events in the detector by a factor of 3–4.  相似文献   

An apparatus for measuring luminescence lifetimes using the femtosecond up-conversion method is presented. A laser system based on a chromium–forsterite crystal with a lasing wavelength of 1250 nm is used to generate ultrashort pulses. Luminescence is excited in a sample by optical harmonics that are generated in nonlinear optical crystals. The width of the instrument function of the system is 200 fs. Methods for optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio in measurements are discussed. The results of measurements of the fluorescence- decay dynamics and the anisotropy of aqueous solutions of an inclusion complex of the 4-DASPI styrene dye in cucurbit[6]uril on short (5 ps) and long (500 ps) time scales are presented.  相似文献   

The ratios have been measured of the prompt neutron yields in the symmetric and asymmetric fission of 235U nuclei induced by thermal neutrons and fast neutrons of pulsed nuclear reactors, as well as in the 238U fission induced by 14.7-MeV neutrons. The well-known measured integrated cross sections of the system of dosimetric nuclear reactions are compared to the cross sections calculated using the differential cross sections from the data libraries known worldwide, the three-component representation of fission neutron spectra from 235U and 252Cf nuclei, and the KASKAD spectrum reconstruction program.  相似文献   

This work investigates the electric field effect on gas temperature, radiative heat flux and flame speed of premixed CH4/O2/N2 flames in order to gain a better insight into the mechanism of controlling the combustion process by electrophysical means. Experiments were performed on laminar Bunsen flames (Re<2200) of lean to rich mixture composition (φ =0.8–1.2) with slight oxygen enrichment (Ω=0.21-0.30). The Schlieren flame angle technique was used to determine the flame speed, and thermocouple measurements at the post flame gas were conducted. The radiative heat flux was measured by using a heat flux meter. At high field strengths, coincident with the appearance and enhancement of flame surface curvatures, an apparent change in flame speed and gas temperature was observed. However, the application of an electric field had no significant effect on flame speed and temperature when the flame geometry was unaltered. This was supported by radiative heat flux showing negligible electric field effects. The modification in flame temperature and flame speed under electric field was attributed to the field-induced flame stretch due to the body forces produced by the ionic winds. This additional flame stretch, coupled with the influence of non-unity Lewis number, accounts for such changes. This reinforces the idea that the action of an electric field on flames with a geometry that remains practically undeformed produces very minimal effect on flame speed, temperature and radiative heat flux. A possible mechanism of combustion control by the application of flame stretch using electric field was introduced.  相似文献   

The neutron-energy spectra at a distance of 30 mm from the surfaces of metal and water spheres that contain a 252Cf neutron source at their centers were measured and calculated. Measurements were performed using hydrogen counters and activation and fission detectors.  相似文献   

This paper describes the study of the surface morphology of BaF2 epitaxial films grown by means of molecular beam epitaxy in various growth regimes on a CaF2/Si(100) surface, which is performed by means of atomic force microscopy. The CaF2 layers were obtained on a Si(100) substrate in a low-temperature growth regime (T s = 500 °C). The technological regimes of growth of BaF2 continuous films with a smooth surface on CaF2/Si(100), suitable as buffer layers for the subsequent growth of PbSnTe layers or other semiconductors, such as A4B6, and solid solutions based on them.  相似文献   

The temporal behavior of light collection in the 1.5-m3-volume mirror-reflecting counter filled with a highly transmitting liquid scintillator has been investigated. Using the Monte Carlo method and assuming that the luminescence decay time of the liquid scintillator is zero (τLS = 0), it has been ascertained that, in the case of a short flash in a counter, the exponential phase of light collection is characterized by time τcol = 15.0 ± 1.7 ns, which is does not depend on scattering of light in the medium. The measured exponent index τact = 37 ± 3 ns of an actual pulse due to a muon is determined both by light collection time τcol ≈ 15 ns and luminescence decay time τLS ≈ 20 ns of the scintillator in the large-volume counter.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo lattice model is proposed to describe the formation of semiconductor nanostructures by the vapor–liquid–solid growth mechanism. This model is used to simulate the growth of GaAs nanostructures by the droplet epitaxy technique in the temperature range from 500 to 600 K in As2 fluxes with intensity of 0.005–0.04 ML/s. The morphology of the formed structures is demonstrated to depend on the growth parameters. Etching of the GaAs substrate by a gallium droplet is studied. The ranges of temperature and As flux rates necessary for the formation of GaAs nanorings are determined. The conditions of the formation of single and double concentric rings are analyzed.  相似文献   

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